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August 14, 1990
Minutes of regular meeting held in the city municipal building,
August 14, 1990.
Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., Council members Leroy S. Quick,
David A. Landon, W. Dean Wood, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes,
Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C.
Conlin. Councilman Steven H. England was excused.
Meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Mayor John O. Cotant.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor John O. Cotant asked for corrections
or additions to minutes of July 24, 1990.
Councilman Landon moved to approve minutes of July 24,
as read. Councilman Wood seconded. All council members
present voted in favor of motion.
PUBLIC HEARING - ORDINANCE ~339 - An ordinance of the City of
Chubbuck amending Section 16,12.040 of the Chubbuck Code to
conform with the sight triangle provision of Chubbuck Code
Section 18,17,020 (a) as amended by Ordinance ~328,
Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open, asking for
comments for or against the proposed ordinance.
Mayor Cotant read Ordinance #339 in full for the first
There were no comments from the public. Mayor Cotant declared
the public hearing closed, asking comments from the Council.
PWD Smart said this ordinance modifies our current Ordinance
~328 to conform with State Code.
After discussion, Councilman Landon moved to dispense with the
rule of reading Ordinance ~339 on three separate days.
Councilman Wood seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England,
absent; Landon, yes; Wood; yes.
Councilman Landon moved to adopt Ordinance #339 as read.
Councilman Quick seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes;
England, absent; Landon, yes; Wood, yes.
Wrigley, First Security Bank was present and presented Mayor
Cotant with three sealed bids to be opened.
(Cont.) 145
D.A. Davidson & Co. and
Isaak Bank Investments
First Security Bank
Piper, daffray & Hopwood
All bidders presented a $25,000.00 Good faith check with bid.
After checking the bids for accuracy, Jim Wrigley suggested
the Council accept D. A. Davidson & Co.'s low bid of
ORDINANCE ~340 - An ordinance authorizing the issuance and
confirming the sale of $500,000. General Obligation Fire
Protection Bonds, Series 1990, of the City of Chubbuck,
Bannock County, Idaho, fixing the interest rates to be borne
thereby, providing for the levy of taxes to pay principal of
and interest on said bonds, providing for the use of the
proceeds thereof, providing for a system of registration
therefor, making certain findings and covenants in connection
therewith, ratifying actions heretofore taken, making certain
representations and certifications concerning the proceeds
thereof, making certain representations and covenants
concerning maintenance of the tax-exempt status of interest
thereon under the federal tax laws, and providing for related
Jim Wrigley stated the.bond sale will close August 30, 1990.
City has a choice of where the closing will be. City Council
decided to conduct the bond closing at Chubbuck Council
Attorney Tom Holmes read through the proceedings outlined by
Bond Counsel.
Councilman Dean Wood introduced Ordinance ~340.
Mayor Cotant read Ordinance $340 by title only.
Councilman Quick moved to dispense with the rule of reading
Ordinance $340 on three separate days. Councilman Wood
seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, absent; Landon,
yes; Wood, yes.
Mayor Cotant read Ordinance #340 by title only, for second
ORDINANCE #340 - (cont.)
Councilman Wood moved to adopt Ordinance #340 as read,
Councilman Landon seconded, Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes;
England, absent; Landon, yes; Wood, yes,
Jim Wrigley asked the council to give some though to where the
City will want the $500,000.00 invested at time of closing.
Jim Wrigley stated he will need a schedule of how and when
monies will be drawn on. These requests can be given to him
at time of closing.
FIRE DEPARTMENT AWARDS - Fire Chief Cary Campbell stated three
members of the Fire Department have retired or moved. Among
the three members, there are approx. 55 years service to the
Chubbuck Fire Department.
FC Campbell presented plaques to Kent Parrish, Jeff Barber and
Councilman Dean Wood and thanked them for their service.
Kent Parrish
Jeff Barber
Dean Wood
1968 - 1990
1974 - 1990
1974 - 1990
CLAIMS - Computer print-out and hand check claims presented to
Mayor Cotant and Council.
Councilman Quick moved to approve computer print-out and hand
check claims as read. Councilman Landon seconded. All council
members present voted in favor of motion.
- 1991 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET - City Clerk Ron Conlin presented
a proposed tentative budget and reminded Mayor Cotant and
Council the 1990-1991 Tentative Budget should be adopted
tonight and a time set for the public hearing.
Discussion about raising registration fees for baseball, t-
ball and girls softball. City Clerk Conlin was directed to add
$10,000.00 to registration revenues for the 1990-1991 budget
After discussion, Councilman Landon moved to adopt the 1990~
91 Fiscal Year Tentative Budget as read with the addition of
$10,000.00 to baseball registration revenues. Councilman Wood
seconded. All council members present voted in favor of
4646 Teton was present to complain about baseballs hitting his
car and house. The balls are coming from the south-east
baseball diamond at Cotant Park.
Hr. Meyers stated for the last several years they have
suffered property damage. In the past they have absorbed the
damage and said nothing, but now feel they cannot and should
not have to suffer the damage.
Hr. Meyers stated when he approached coaches and kids hitting
the balls, some were very good, others were lust the opposite.
Mr. Meyer made two suggestions to eliminate the problem: 1)
Eliminate the diamond, and use the diamond for another use.
2) Place a tall fence, with signs stating the diamond is to
be used for Mustang Teams only, (9 and 10 year olds).
Mr. Meyers said most of the balls came over during this last
tournament. Some adults go over after hours and use the
Councilman Landon stated, next year the south-east diamond
will not be used for practicing under any circumstances.
Mayor Cotant suggested we make the south-east diamond a
Mustang Field on]y, along with installing 2 or 3 signs
stating, no one over the age of twelve years old, is allowed
to play on the south-east diamond. The signs wi]] be instal]ed
this week.
DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY - Attorney Holmes drafted the following
Declaration of Emergency.
I, John O. Cotant, Jr., Mayor of the City of Chubbuck, Idaho,
pursuant to Idaho Code 50-341, do herewith make the following
A. The City of Chubbuck operates two garbage pickup trucks
with one used as a back up.
B. Last week one of the trucks suffered severe engine damage
necessitating its replacement.
C. In its prolected budget for the next fiscal year, the city
has proposed the purchase of a new garbag9 truck at a total
budgeted cost of approximately $85,000.00.
D. The City has checked with various manufacturers and
believes if a competitive bidding process is used to obtain
a replacement garbage truck, delivery of the truck would not
take place for approx, six months.
E. The City has further investigated other sources and has
located a supplier that has a current inventory of garbage
trucks with delivery in 30 days.
F. This source has advised it cannot guarantee the inventory
will remain in existence.
G. The City believes it is necessary to have two operating
trucks in order to adequately provide for timely, safe and
sanitary pickup of garbage within the City of Chubbuck.
H. The City further believes following the competitive bidding
process of Idaho Code 50-341 will result in the City having
only one truck with no backup available for an extended time
I. The City further believes it to be in the best interest of
the citizens of Chubbuck and to safeguard the health of its
citizens by providing for timely and adequate garbage pickup,
that an emergency be declared and that a replacement garbage
truck be immediately ordered from the above-referenced
I, John O. Cotant, Jr., Mayor of the City of Chubbuck, do
herewith declare, pursuant to Idaho Code 50-341, that an
emergency exists and that the immediate expenditure of public
money is demanded by necessity to safeguard the life, health
and property of the citizens of Chubbuck.
I further, pursuant to said declaration, authorize the
required sum of money to be expended in this emergency
situation for purchase of a replacement garbage truck without
compliance with Idaho Code 50-341.
Public Works Director Smart presented the following choices:
Leach #2R-2, 25 cyl. packer, constructed to the same
specs, as our other two - $32,180.00.
Ford CT-8000 cabover chassis equipped to our specs. -
Ford LNT-8000 reg. chassis - $51,500.00.
Navistar 4900 reg. cab chassis
PWD Smart stated because of the shorter turning radius of the
cabover CT-8000, he recommended the CT-8000.
Sanitation Worker Tom Mylar was present, and stated $183 Sani-
truck is making strange noises, which could be the start of
a problem.
Councilman Quick moved to approve the Declaration of
Emergency. Councilman Landon seconded. All council members
present voted in favor of motion. ~,
SANITATION TRUCK PURCHASE - Councilman Landon moved to apFjrove
purchase of Leach #2R-2 Packer - $32,180.00 and CT-8000
Ford cabover chassis - $53,700.00. Councilman Wood seconded.
. All council members present voted in favor of motion.
Sue Parrish, 249 Parrish expressed concern about how much
more the City of Chubbuck charges for sewer and water. Hrs.
Parrish stated Chubbuck charges twice as much for sewer and
At 9:35 p.m.,
with full
Councilman Wood moved, Councilman Landon
council approval to adjourn meeting.
-~o~hn~O. Cotant, Mayor
Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk
August i~, 1990
Ma?-or Cotant and City Council,
Last week, we experienced apren, etuFe failure of our older
garbage truck. The engine pistons melted down. ~e are at a
point ~hat the truck not only serves as a backup, but is used on
e daily basis {o increase the efficiency of our crews. Beino
~'ithout it. especially at this time of year, increases the time
oP pickup some and also pu~s us in }eopariy i~ {he primary unit
were to also go down for maintenance or repair.
After discussing the situation with Mayor Cotant, i have
approached the vendor supplying the Leach 2R packers we use. I
find that Leach (the nlanufacturer> has developed a strong
relationship with ma3or dealer in its surrounding region such
that a number of truck cab/chassis's are available ~or quick
delivery. We can obtain within 30 days our choice of the
ch 2R- 25 c'; packe~, constructed to ~he
slke_cificati~P~s as our other two -
d C~-SO cabover chassis equipped to our specifications
Ford LNT-SO00 regular cab chassis, ditto, - about S51.500.00
Navistar 4900 reg. cab chassis, ditto, -
Because of the shorter turning radius of the cabover CT-
~ recommer~d that we pursue it.