HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 24 1990 CM135 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES July 24, 1990 Minutes of regular meeting held in the city municipal building, July 24, 1990. Present: President of Council Steven M. England, Council members Leroy S. Quick, David A. Landon, W. Dean Wood, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes; Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin. Mayor John O, Cotant, Jr. was excused. Meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m. by President of Council Steven M, England, APPROVAL OF MINUTES - President of Council England asked for corrections or additions to minutes of July 10, 1990. Councilman Landon moved to approve minutes of July 10, as read. Councilman Wood seconded. All council members present voted in favor of motion. 1990 ORDINANCE ~338 - An ordinance of the City of Chubbuck, enacting a new Chapter 13.18, of the Chubbuck Municipal Code titled "Septage Waste Haulers", providing definitions; prohibiting discharge of domestic septage waste without a permit; prohibiting the discharge of industrial or commercial septage into the publicly-operated treatment works (POTW); prohibiting discharge of other listed substances, including hazardous material; establishing specific locations for domestic septage discharge; establishing procedures and fees for application for permitted discharges. Councilman Wood moved to dispense with the rule requiring Ordinance $338 be read on three separate days. Councilman Quick seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Landon, yes; Wood, yes. Councilman Landon moved to adopt Ordinance $338 as read. Councilman Wood seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Landon, yes; Wood, yes. REPORT ON CHUBBUCK-TYHEE CELEBRATION - Councilman Wood said he felt good about this years Chubbuck-Tyhee Days Celebration. Councilman Wood stated the dinner Friday night, the breakfast Saturday Morning and the Parade were all good. Councilman Wood reported Therrol Dye, Chairman for 1990 Chubbuck-Tyhee Days Celebration, would like to take the assignment again for next year. REPORT ON CHUBBUCK-TYHEE CELEBRATION - (Cont.) 137 Councilman England suggested a Co-Chairman be assigned to help Therrol Dye next year. Council was in agreement to recommend to Mayor Cotant, 1) Appointing Therrol Dye as Chubbuck-Tyhee Celebration Chairman for the 1991 Celebration, 2) Appointing a Co-Chairman to help Therrol Dye. TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT - Public Works Director Smart said it has come to his attention that the meal allowance specified in the personnel policy is not adequate to cover meal expenses traveling employees are now experiencing, especially if the employee is out of state. PWD Smart submitted the following amounts for consideration: $20.00 per day or, breakfast - $5.00, lunch - $6.00, dinner - $9.00. Since out of state expenses are higher, we recommend a total flat rate of $25.00 per day for out of state travel. Councilman England asked if receipts are returned, along with remaining monies, Receipts are returned about 50% of the time. After discussion, Councilman Wood moved to approve the increase to: 1) $20.00 per day in state. 2) $25.00 per day out of state, subject to return of receipts with remaining monies if not used. Councilman Wood seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. BIDS FOR SELL OF FOUR POLICE VEHICLES - City Clerk Ron Conlin stated the following bids have been received for the sell of four police cars: Jerry Rowland Larry Kohntopp Arnold Stone Jim Phelps Mike Wallace lro's Cars S. Perreault 1981 1981 1976 1975 Malibu Malibu Nova Luv PU 451048 451038 $100.00 $150.00 $ 53.00 $252,00 $400.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $350.00 $400.00 After discussion, Councilman London moved to accept the high bid of Tro's Cars 1981 Malibu-451048-$300.O0, 1976 Nova- $300.00, 1975 Luv-$350.O0, with Mike Wallace and Shirley Perreault flipping a coin on the 1981 Malibu-451038 because of a tie bid of $400.00. Councilman Wood seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. 139 CLAIMS - Computer print-out and hand check claims presented to the council. After review, Councilman Landon moved to approve the computer print-out and hand check claims as read. Councilman Wood seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. GENERAL DISCUSSION - PWD Smart gave a report on the "Adopt a Highway Program" The council said they would like to participate with City Employees in the program. There will be a letter included in payroll envelope. Sectional Baseball Tournament Breakfast, Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Mayor Cotant and Council invited. Northwest Regional Baseball Tournament will start, August 2, 1990, 3, Councilman Quick asked if the City of Chubbuck is interested in adopting the Model Conservation Code. Councilman England said he received concern from a resident on Elizabeth about weeds backing their home. Their concern is fire, because of what happen on the West Bench last week. Councilman England received a complaint about speeding on Adams· PWD Smart said we would discuss at Staff Meeting. Might need more enforcement. 6. Dean Renfrow, 226 Mingo Lane was present to complain about junk yard across from his home. At 8:15 p.m., with full Ron C. Conlin, Councilman Wood moved, Councilman Landor seconded council approval re/adjourn meeting. ' / Pr~esident of Council, ~ / Steven M. England ~ City Clerk