HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 24 1990 CM COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 24, 1990 Minutes of regular meeting held in the city municipal April 24, 1990. 95 building, Present: Mayor Jcnn O Cot. ant, Jr. , ,~,-.u,S~l ! members Leroy S. ~!usc~... Stayer bi. Engiano, David A. Landon, '¢,'. Dean '."~,,,boa'. Attorney. Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director. .~t~,,e~, C:ity Clerk Ron C. Conlin. Meeting was called to order at ' INVOCATION was ti'carl by Pastor Don Bishop of the Chubbuok Baptist ,qPPROVAL OF i,!INUTEa - hlayor Cotant asked for corrections or ~dditions tc, April !0, 1990 Council Heeti;~g Minutes. L~ndO, meved to, approve minutes :or ~.~, , 1'J, 1~.9._. as read "~ '*~=' , - ,¢~ul,,~, wari Wood seoanded ^~* .~ ,,* ¢~ · · · ~, ~ou,,c:, members voted in favor of mcgien. R-o..,=UTZ,~N ¢o 9,~ Authorizing ~la)~, Cot.~n% applicatfions, agreements .amendments. and relating to waste ~.¢ater facilities ;lanni~sg and cons%rust.~ on ,- dccumen%s Councilman Landor, m.o,,,'ed %o adopt R:s,.~,tu.:~r, ¢~-OL, as read. ,~o.un~lman Englana seco~;dec. Ail -'~ ~- ' favor of mo%ion. Huni,slpai 8cde ~reviding for the ,main'ceea,-~ce o¢ property within thie ,Sit}, cf Chubbuck. Bounci lman We, od said the f eo~ ,-'.~,*e 'ne received' trom' residents he,_ talked to, ',~'ae ir'., l:a'vor of an .~,-¢xU~,na,,~u*~ ~t~.. keeps the 3i~y looking clean. C, rdinance ¢S33 has beer, read by' title on two~ ~.=~=~ Mayor Ootar,'c read Ordinance ~oc,;' '~° by' title Tur¢* ti~e t'-,~rd., , readi ng. C:ouncflman Wood moved to dispense 'with the rule of reading Ordinance ¢333 in full. Councilman Quick secor~ded. Roll Call Vete: Quick, '/es; ~n~,~t:l~, )'es; ~a.,~.~:,, }.'es; ~,'/ood, yes. 97 ORDTNANCE ~oo, - (cont.) Councilman Quick meved to adopt Ordinance ~3'33 as read. Councilman England seconded. Roll Cai1 Vote: ,",~u,cP:, ~ yes; England, yes; Landor, yes; Wood, 'yes. PROCLAMATION - ~' - ¢ ,H_ BLIND HOIiTH Hayor ~ A I~NAL FEDERATZOX C:F T ~ ,, Cotant read rise proclamation 4~,,, =,.-,, ~1 ,. C.ouncilman London moved tc, direct. ~ayorr=~ota,,~ ~ to prociaim ' ~+ hat,oral Federation CT the April 2.o~. to May ~,,°4 1990, as " ' - Blind kionth" P , ~ · ~ourl~ilman Quick seconded. A11 council members voted in favor c.f motion. PROCLAMATICN - "¢' P--z .... ,~ DAY OF . proclamation in full. 3ouncilman Wood moved to direct ,qaz~,' ...... -~¢~ant¢'~+ topi ..... ~,a:.,," sm ~'ta'./ 4, 1990, as "a Dab.' of Pra}'er .... '' ,~ ouncl ,ma,, England seconded All count,, members voted In ?a'./o~ .3¢ ~.~4¢.~ CLAIMS - Computer print-out and hand check claims presented to Mayor Cotant and Council. ,¢~unc~iman England moved to approve cempu'ser pri,.-i%,-out and hand checks .slaims as presented. Councilman London seconded. All council members voted in favor .Df m~t;on.¢, ' FINANCIAL REPORT for month c.f March, '990 presented to Ma¥'oi ~ -+ and Council. GENERAL DZS~S=O,a i. Ordinance for proposed Fire Station ~J,~¢~'a,~, 'rill be presented at Mav. ~,a lq9£~ Council Meeting. Councilman Wood said Chubbuck-Tyhee Days Committee mst, there was concern about the parade crossing the Interstate. was decided with be~r p arming, ~ --,I ~ *c the control, %he problem ct %raf'¢ic ba.~ .....~ up on _.. Interstate could be control]ed. The .......... ~ .... parade ,~,,~, , come north on Yei1 ....... ~-~ ' years. .¢e,~t~nn]a, Celebration meeting Ch~bbu¢:!{ Ceunci] Charr~bers. be enotller ~hub~u.~,,-,.,ne~ on, May z, I o,zr at " ¢~U, the 99 At 8:00 p.m. Councilman Landon moved, Counciiman England ~ ~ with fu31 councE3 approval to adjourn meeting. ?,or~ O , ,~'- ~lin, City Clerk ~~ayor'