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04 10 1990 CM
87 COUNCZL MEETING MIN~JTES April 10, 1990 Minutes of regular meeting held in the city municipal building, April 10, 1990. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., ,3ouncil members Leroy S. Quick, Steven M. England, David A. Landor, W. Dean Wood, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin. Meeting was called bo order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Ootant. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or additions to Special Meeting Minutes of March 27, 1990, Regular Meeting Minutes of March 27, 1990 and Special Meetin9 Minutes of April 3, 1993. Councilman Wood mo'.,'ed to approve Special Meeting Minutes March 27, lqgD as read. '~ ;' ~- .'-~ , - C.~unc,lman Quick s~ond~. A1 ~ council members voted in favor of motion. of Councilman England moved to approve Regular ideeting ktinutes of March 27, 1990 as read. Councilman Lando:$ seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. Councilman Lan.don moved to approve Special Meeting Minutes of April 3, 1990 as read. Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted fin favor of moticn. PROCLAMATION "CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT PREVENTION AND TREATMENT A'NARENESS MO,4TH - Mayor Cotant read bhe proclamation ~r. full. Councilman Quick moved to direct Mayor Cotant to proclaim the month of April, 1990, as "Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Treatment Awareness Month". Councilman Wood seconded. Alt council members voted in favor of motion. BEER, WINE AND LIQUOR APPLICATION Jchn Gardic, i, CJs' Water'n Hole, 4333 Yellowstone Ave. has applied for a beer, wine and liquor license, for the balance of 1990. (Formerly Oxbow Lounge', Police Department has approved the application for license. State and County licenses are in ,order. After discussion, Councilman Landor moved to grant a license to John Gardicl, CJs' Water'n Hole, to sell beer, wine and liquor at 4333 Yellowstone Ave. Councilman England seconded. All counc~l members voted in favor of motion. 89 ORDINANCE ~332 - An ordinance, providing for change of Land Use Dietrich with respect to certain lands within the boundaries of the City of Chubbuok located in the Bonniebrae acres addition ~o Section 10, Township 6 South, Range 34 E,B.M., from Limited Residential (R-2), to General Commercial (C-2); declaring that the City Council finds that such change in Land Use District is compatible with the Land Use Pattern, prescribed by the City's Comprehensive Plan. (201 West Linden Ave.). Attorney Holmes read Ordinance ¢332 in full. Councilman England moved to dispense with the rule of reading Ordinance ¢332 on three separate occasions. Councilman ©uick seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Landor, yes; Wood, yes. Councilman Wood moved to adopt Ordinance ¢332 as read. Councilman Quick seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Landor, yes; Wood. HOMELESS VETERAN TRANSITIONAL FACILITY PROJECT Gerald Becket, Southeast Idaho Freedom Bird, Inc.- Vietnam Veterans, passed to Mayor Cotant and Council a report on the Homeless Veteran Transitional Facility Project. Mr. Becket gave a report on project benefits, background and goals of the Homeless Veteran Transitional Fsciiity Project. Mr. Becket said the program 'includes vietnam veterans, aimng with all veterans, Mr. Becket said a grant has been applied for, will be a pilot program to start out with. The be the St. Anthony Place. the facility !oca%ion will Mr. Becket said they are asking a one time donation from the City of Chubbuck, (for start-up administrative, grant development, and solicitation costs). If the City cam~ot give a donation at this mime, Mr. Becket asked for City support in referring veterans who are home]ess, to the St. Anthony Place. Councilman England moved to contribute $250.00 to the Home]ess Veteran Transitional Facility Projecb. Councilman Landor seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. FINAL PLAT - HERITAGE WEST SUBDIVISION - PWD Smart said Gerd Dixon has been working with American Heritage and feels everything is ready for approval of the final Plat. 91 FINAL PLAT - HERITASE WEST SUBDIVISION - (cent.) PWD Smart said there are two items that was dfiseussed at the utility meeting that should be discussed. !. Tim Shurtliff will make sure, the e×tei~sien of telephone easement gets ,on the Final Plat. Post Office needs an easement in order ts place cluster mail boxes in the subdi'vision. Tim Shurtliff suggested the cluster mail boxes go in the 10' utility easement. Councilman Quick moved to approve the Heritage West Subdivision Final Plat, subjecs to the cluster mail boxes being placed in the 10' utility easement. Councilman Landon seconded. All council members voted in favor of mo%ion. PROCLAMATION - EARTH DAY & ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS WEEK - Lisa Chandler gave a repc, rt on the proclamation. Dana Landon gave a report and, presented Mayor Cotant and Council a petition in favor of the proclamation. Chris Moore presented Mayor Cotant and Council posters. Mayor Cotant read the proclamation in full. Councilman Quick moved to direct Mayor Ootant to proclaim April 22, 1990, "Earth Day" and April 22-29th., "Environme!~tal Awareness Week". Councilman England seconded, Ail council members voted in favor of motion. PROPOSED FIRE STATION Bo.,D - PWD Smart and Atterne'/ Holmes wi ~i together and prcceed on the Proposed Fire Station Bond. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE ORDINANCE ,An ordinance ~d,=~,,w :whapter E:.24 %o the Chubbuck Municipal Code ero'¢iding for the mainter, ence of property within the ,¢,4.,~,~y of ~q~hub~u~,,,., ~ ~'-' Mayor Cotant read Property Maintenance Ordi~ance by title ,only' for first r-eadin~, AttoFney Helmes ouggeoted, if the council waeCs te adopt, this concept, they' adopt the ,ordinance in its entirety, taking parts of the ~,~ ' ~¢ ' ,¢,, d~n~n~ and cubti~g ~n t,,~ City nuisance 93 PROPERT7 MAINTENANCE ORDTNANCE - (cont.) After considerable discussion, the Property Ordinance was tabled, until the April 24, 199.3 Councl] Meeting. CLAIMS Computer print-out and hand check claims have been presented to Mayor Cotant and Council. ~un~][man E~gland moved to approve computer hand cheek claims as read· Councilman Wood council members voted in favor of motion. eeoc: ~e~. Al 1 GENERAL DISCUSSIOH - Mayor Cotant said we received a letter from the Bannock County Centennia] Committee, asking City Employees to contribute to the Bannock County Historical Museum. Mayer Cotant said the request will be discussed at Staff Meeting. Mayor Cotarlt said he talked with Dean Travis, J. R. Simpler Manager in regards to the proposed slurry line through the City. Mr. Travis said Simp]ets are paying $10.00 a foot for easement, plus Simplots is willing to contribute $10,O00.OO to the park band shel~, shelter project. Counci]man Quick expressed concern that J. Simplots return to normal any read, etc. the way it was before the slurry line installation. ~ ' ~huo~uc,,. might me involved Mayor ~otan% said the City cf * '~. :- in table decerations the banquet night of the Associ&tio,~ of Idaho ~es.~:~: ~ounc ~ ]maP, Landor gave a report on and Boys Baseball. Hoping to have all games at Ce'cant Park. Trying to keep away from Friday games. Councilman Wood gave a report on 1990 Chubbuck Days Celebration. Councilman Wood said Therrci Dye accepted responsibility of Chairman of Chuhouck Days~Celebration, with help from Alice Cotant. There will be a meeting on the 19th. of April. Chubbuck Bays Celebration is 2Sth., 29th, & 30th. of June. Mayor Cotant said the celebration might be called the Cinubbuck-Tyhee Centennia] Celebration. ,At S:50 p,m Counci 3man England c ' '. full cu~n~il apppp'¢a] to adjourn Freeing. Ror, C. Coniin, City Clem[:, / JO~P O. sotant, _~ Mayorx-