HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 22 1991 CMCOUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 22, 1991 Minutes of regular meeting held in the city municipal building, January 22, 1991. Preseht: Mayor John O. Cotant, Council members Leroy S. Quick, Steven M. England, David A. Landor, W. Dean Wood, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin. Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Cotant. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or ~dditions to the minutes of January 8, 1991. Councilman Wood moved to approve minutes of January 8, 1991. ds read, Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted h ~n favor of motion. SEWERiADJUSTMENT REQUEST FROM "D" KAR WASH - PWD Smart sai,? ~fter ~he sewer rates were raised, Duane Kearns who owns D Kar ~ash, brought in a request for a reduction in his sewer bill. ~WD Smart said he based his request on information found in ome of his trade journals. Project Erg. Gerd Dixon was asked ~o research the information, and concluded that the ~nformat]on Mr. Kearns presented, can be substantiated. ~WD Smart said he thought this is a reasonable request. The results of the studies Mr. Kearns presented, indicates there,,is, from between 25% and 30% of water "out of nozzle dater that never reaches the floor drain. There is concern of setting a precedence by reducing the sewer hates for car and truck wash businesses. There might be other 6usinesses or residents, that can prove the same points. fter discussion, Councilman England moved to approve a 25% eduction on monthly sewer rate to D-Kar Wash and B.J.'s Truck Wash. Councilman Wood seconded, All council members ~oted in favor of motion. BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION - Glen W. Duncan 529 Lomax, Idaho ~alls, Idaho has applied for license to sell vacuum cleaners door to door in the City of Chubbuck. Councilman Landon moved to approve a business license to Glen ~. Duncan, 529 Lomax, Idaho Falls to sell vacuums door to door In the City. Councilman England seconded. All council members ~oted in favor of motion. PROCLAMATION - "BIRTH DEFECT PREVENTION WEEK" >roclamation in full. 3ounoil was in agreement to direct Mayor 11 Mayor Cotant read Cotant to proclaim Canuary 27, 1991 through February 2, 1991 as, Birth Defect prevention Week. COMPRbHENSlVE PLAN FOR POCATELLO, CHUBBUCK AND BANNOCK COUNTY - Donald Galligan, Transportation Manager, NOBAMPO and Scott mcDonald, SlCOG were present to present in detail costs of a ~omprehensive planning effort. Mr. Galligan said NOBAMPO can use Federal funds for any portion of the plan dealing directly or indirectly with ~ransportatlon. Mr. Galligan stated these costs are just for the NOBAMPO I planning area, these costs do not incorporate the entire ~ounty. pWD Smart stated the City received an estimate to update the Qomprehensive Plan about a year and a half ago from Mr. ~el]is, the estimate was approx. $10,000.00. Mayor Cotant ~uggested we contact Mr. Nel]is, to get a current quote on the project. ~he City of Chubbuck cost estimates for the Pocatello, Chubbuck and Bannock County plan is $25,600.00, the cost ~stimates including Idaho State University is ~25,300.00. ~fter discussion, the Council decided to table the proposal ~ntil the February 12, 1991 Council Meeting. ORDINANCE - An ordinance adding Chapter 15.32 to the Chubbuck Municipal Code providing for new commercial uses of property ~o comply with existing ordinance, regarding curb, gutter, ¢idewalk, streets and landscaping; amending Section 18.14.040 mo bring it into harmony with Chapter 15.32. ~ttorney Holmes read ordinance in full. Council expressed concern the ordinance might discourage ~ommercial development in the City. Councilman England moved to table the ordinance. Councilman ~ood seconded, All council members voted in favor of motion, CLAIMS - Computer print-out and hand check claims presented to 4ayor Cotant and Council. 113 CLAIM~ - (cont.) touncilman Wood moved to approve computer print-out and hand beck claims as read. Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. WATERIAND SANITATION RATES TO SUPPORT 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET - PWD Smart presented Mayor Cotant and Council with water and ~anitation utility spreadsheets for review. ~ayor Cotant stated we are contemplating, installing ~hlorinating units in the city water system this summer. We ay not have to use this now, but, if we will have when, and f needed. We might have to install holding tanks also. ~ayor Cotant said this proposed rate increase is mainly to ke~p up with costs we are incurring. pWD Smart said the 1990-91 Budget includes about $40,000.00 ~ year in improvements to the water system. ~fter discussion, PWD Smart was directed to present a resolution at the February 12, 1991 Council Meeting, establishing water, sewer and sanitation rates to support t990-91 Fiscal Year Budget. At 9:~7 p.m., Councilman England moved, Councilman Wood seconded, full council approval to adjourn meeting. Ron cL Conlin, City Clerk