HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 09 1992 CMCOUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 131 June 9, 1992 Minutes of regular meeting held in the city municipal building, June 9, 1992. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Council members Leroy S. Quick, Steven M. England, David A. Landon, W. Dean Wood, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlln. Meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Mayor Cotant. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or additions to the special meeting minutes of May 26, 1992, and regular meeting minutes of May 26, 1992. Councilman Wood moved to approve regular meeting minutes of May 26, 1992 as read. Councilman Landon seconded. All council members present voted in favor of motion. Councilman England moved to approve special meeting minutes of Nay 26, 1992 as read. Councilman Landon seconded. All council members present voted in favor of motion. PRELIMINARY PLAT - TYHEE ESTATES - An application by R. A. Albers, 10250 Oakshire Drive, Carmel, California for a review of a preliminary plat of Tyhee Estates, a subdivision located north of Tyhee Road, between Moonglow and Hiline Roads. At last council meeting, Council tabled the Tyhee Estates Preliminary Plat until they had a chance to discuss with Bannock County Commissioners, a possible sewer district, being created Jn the area. Mayor Cotant stated he would like to see what is going to happen with discussions about sewer district in the area, prior to a decision being made. R. A. Albers, 10250 Oakshire Drive, Carmel, California stated he received this property in a bankruptcy settlement, the 80 acres involved here, is his lives work. Mr. Albers explained how his applying for the Tyhee Estates Preliminary Estates came about. Mr. Albers said he thought he did everything required of him, no problems were brought to his attention, so he thought the preliminary plat would be approved. Mr. Albers said he has invested time, effort and money in the project. Mr. Albers said he has been to all the planning agencies, they all approved, and feels the application should be approved by the C~ty of Chubbuck. Mr. Albers felt most of the problems with the septic tanks in the area are related to residents not following proper maintenance procedure. Mr. Albers said he had the area properly tested by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service and the State Health 133 TYHEE ESTATES PRELIHZNARY PLAT - (cont.) Department, the conclusions were the soils in the area are acceptable, the department gave their approval to install individual sewer systems in the subdivision. Mr. AlDers stated it would be too costly to tie into the City sewer system, the cost of hooking to the City sewer system will make the lots unaffordab]e. Mr. Albers said he will size the septic tanks to the worse possible scenario. Mr. AlDers said, if the Council denies the application, the decision will break him financially. Richard Nelson, 13032 Hoonglow Lane said a lot of the residents in the area put too small of septic systems in when they installed them, Mr. Nelson said, these are the residents that are having problems. Mr. Ne]son spoke in favor of the Tyhee Subdivision Preliminary Plat approval. Mr. Nelson stated, if the right size septic system is installed and proper maintenance performed on the system, there should be no proD]em with the failing of the systems. Gene Hancock, Gate City Real Estate said there is a demand for this type of ranch style home at this time. Mr. Hancock discussed several questionnaires sent to residents in the area. Mr, Hancock said most residents were very positive about the septic systems installed. Steve Pew, District Health Department said the main issue of concern on the preliminary plat Js the soils issue, are they acceptable for subsurface sewage disposal. Mr. Pew said the District Health Department approved the soil for subsurface sewage disposal. Mr. Pew said the Health Department will require all drain fills, be sized larger than they normally would be. There will be no driveways over the drain fill. Mr. Pew said there are other issues that need to be addressed before the prellminary plat is approved by District Health Department: 1. Will not allow flood irrigation over a drain fill. 2. Solid waste issue - District Health Department wants a letter from the County stating the residents sanitation in the subdivision can be handled. 3. Cost study on the extension of the City sewer to the subdivisfion, compared to the cost of ~nstalling septic systems. Mr. Nelson suggested the sewer be installed to come out the side of the home. Installing it this way will help hooking onto the City sewer line, when, and if, the City line gets to the subdivision. 135 TYHEE ESTATES PRELZNINARY PLAT - (cont. - Attorney Kline stated Mr. Albers would prefer the preliminary plat not be tabled again, and discussed reasons why. Councilman England expressed concern, one of these days, there might be a problem with one or more of the septic tanks, leaking into the aquifer, causing bad water, if this happens, residents will ask the council, why did they approve the subdqvision without looking at alternatives. Councilman England stated, this council is on record of trying to get the applicants to look at alternatives other than septic tanks. Councilman England said it might be cost prohibitive to install the C~ty sewer system in this subdivision at this time, but, it is not going to get any less costly in the future. PWD Smart stated, if everyone in the area participated in bringing the City sewer system to the subdivision, the cost would be approx. $6,300.00 per resident. Councilman Landon said this council is in favor of any growth in the area, but, when reviewing an application, the council is responsible to look at all alternatives. Councilman Landon said he is in favor of approving the preliminary plat application, stating the District Health Department approved the sewer. Councilman Quick stated he will vote to approve the preliminary plat subject to, Bannock County and District Health Department approval of the septic system. Tim Shurtliff, Shurtliff Engineering presented septic system costs, as compared to extending the City sewer system to the subdivision. Considerable discussion about fire protection water. Councilman England moved to approve the application of R. A. Albers for a preliminary plat of Tyhee Subdivision located north of Tyhee and H~line Rds., sub3ect to the following: 1) No curb, gutter and sidewalks required. 2) No fire hydrants, but provision be provided for future protection. 3} Roadway be built to Bannock County Standards. 4) Investigate a common water system ~n the area. 5) City of Chubbuck is not approving the septic sewer system, but, is deferring to Bannock County and the District Health Department for their approval. Councilman Landon seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. 137 ANNEXATION ORDINANCE - An ordinance annexing certain lands to be included within the boundaries and jurisdictional limits of the City of Chubbuck, specifying the zoning classification which shall be applied to said lands newly annexed to the City, directing the Chubbuck City Clerk to comply with the filing requirements contained in Idaho Code Section 63-2215. Alec Alenskis, 5205 Whitaker Road stated we went through this same process two years ago. At that time, because of the hardship of Mr. Alenskis having to hook to the city sewer, the city agreed not annex the Alenskis property until either, Franklin Brisoe hooked to the sewer, or Mr. Alenskls'S septic tank went out. Mr. Alenskis stated his septic sewer system is working fine at this time. Mr. Alenskis's property is not completely surrounded by city, Franklin Briscoe across the street is not in the city. After discussion, the council decided against annexing the Alec Alenskis property, 5205 Whitaker Road until, 1) Franklin Briscoe property is annexed to city, which will make the Alec Alenskis property surrounded by city. 2) Alec Alenskis septic sewer system fails and Mr. Alenskis requests to be annexed, NEIDER SUBDIVISION STREET REPAIR Dale Nield, 4914 Spraker expressed concern about the way the city is repa3ring the streets in Neider Subdivision. PWD Smart gave a report on why and how the streets are repaired. FIREWORKS PERMIT - Greg & Sherri Madsen, 4641 Tahoe Place have applied for a permit to sell fireworks at 4805 Yellowstone Ave. After review, there was no fireworks permit application for Greg & Sherri Madsen on the agenda. City Clerk Conl3n thought the application might be in the office somewhere. Councilman Landon moved to approve a fireworks permit to Greg and Sherri Madsen to sell fireworks at 4805 Yellowstone Ave,, subject to: 1) FC Cary Campbell approval of application. 2) Insurance requ3rements met, 3) Attending meeting at Chubbuck Fire Station, Wednesday, June 17, 1992 at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Wood seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. CHUBBUCK PRIDE COMMITTEE - Mary Harker was present representing the Chubbuck Pride Committee, Mrs, Harker gave a report on Chubbuck Pride Awards. 139 SEICAA REPORT - Mary Harker was present to report on a change by Governor Andrus, in the Community Action Agency Child Care Program. Mayor Cotant told Mrs. Harker, the city will follow up with the suggestions. ORDINANCE #376 - An ordinance adding Section 18.32.030 (0) to the Chubbuck Municipal Code to provide standards for vehicle sales sites. Mayor Cotant read Ordinance #376 by title only for the third reading, one ~n full. Councilman Landon moved to adopt Ordinance ¢376, eliminating paving requirement, (c) of (0) in Section 1. Councilman Wood seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Landon, yes; Wood, yes. FIREWORKS PERMIT APPLICATIONS - The follow3ng applicants have applied to sell fireworks in f~reworks stand at the following location: 1. Anita Patton, Pyrodyne American Corp to locate at: 4215 Yellowstone Ave. 2. Lily Tydeman to locate at 5008 Yellowstone Ave, 3. Richard Hansen to locate at 4845 Yellowstone Ave. FC Campbell recommended the manager for each fireworks stand be at the Chubbuck Fire Station on Wednesday, June 17, at 7:30 p.m. to d3scu$s the ordinances as they pertain to each operator. All insurance requirements have been met by the applicants. Councilman Landon moved to approve above fireworks permit applications as presented subject to 1) Fire Department inspecting, and approving fireworks stands prior to opening. 2) Applicants meeting at the Chubbuck Fire Station on Wednesday, June 17, at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the ordinances as they pertain to each operator. Councilman England seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. CHANDLER PROPERTY ANNEXATION ORDINANCE - An ordinance annexing certain lands to be included within the boundaries and jurisdictional limits of the City of Chubbuck. After discussion, the Council decided to table the Chandler Property Annexation Ordinance until the June 23, 1992 Council Meeting. 141 CLAIMS - Computer print-out claims presented to Mayor Cotant and Council, Councilman Landon moved to approved computer print-out claims as presented, Councilman Wood seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. GENERAL DISCUSSION - At 1. AIC Convention in Boise, June 17, 18 & 19th., 1992 Councilman Landon said Mike Bird, American Heritage asked when the city is going to install Kay Park, he said he would be willing to help. "Tell it to City Hall" letter was received from Chuck Hayden, 5178 Stuart Ave. advising the city there is a lot of speeding going on Stuart and James Ave, Zt was decided the Police Department needs to talk with childrens parents in the area, Discussion about denial of Charlie Frasure's conditional use permit by the Land Use and Development Commission for storage sheds on Alton Ave. Councilman England suggested, maybe there is something we can do to make some kind of compromise. Mayor Co%ant stated we talk about it at Staff Meeting in morning. 10:36 p.m., Councilman Wood moved, Councilman Quick seconded, with full council approval to adjourn meeting· Ron c. Conlin, City Clerk