February 25,1992
Minutes of regular meeting held in the city municipal building,
February 25, 1992.
Present: Mayor John O. Ootant, Council Members Leroy S. Quick,
Stayer M. England, David A. Landor, W. Dean Wood, Attorney
Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director Stayer M. Smart and
City Clerk Ron C. Conlin.
Meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by Mayor Cotant.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor Cotan~ asked for corrections or
additions to the Special Meeting Minutes of February 11, 1992,
Regular Meeting Minutes cf February 11, 1992 and Special
Meeting Minutes of February 1S, 1992.
Councilman Quick moved to approve Special Meeting Minutes of
February 11, 1992 as read. Councilman Landor seconded. All
council members voted in favor of motion.
Councilman Wood moved to approve Regular Meeting Minutes of
February 11, 1992 as read. Councilman Quick seconded. All
council members voted in favor of motion.
Councilman Landor moved to approve Special Meeting Minutes of
February !8, 1992 as read. Councilman England seconded. All
council members voted in favor of motion.
FINAL PLAT - Roy J. Lacey, final plat approval for Espie
Subdivision, a subdivision located on a tract of land on the
west side of Hawthorne Road. (5500 block)
Mayor Cotant read the requirements put on approval of tine
Final Plat: !) Eliminate a pedestrian walkway to the park. 2)
The street be stubbed out through Lot 9, instead of Lot S. 3)
Council was to review traffic and water line concerns on
Hawthorne Road.
PWD Smart reported he had Project Engineer Gerd Dixon do an
analysis of the water line including summer time flow and fire
line flow. In order to supply the entire subdivision as well
as have a good fire flow, a looped water line is required.
(two accesses from the Hawthorne water line).
Don Galligen, Planning Director of Bannock Planning was asked
to analysis the peak traffic created by the proposed
subdivision. PWD Smart stated the traffic created by this
subdivision will have very little impact on Hawthorne Road.
Mayor Cotant said after the February 11, 1992 Council Meeting,
the size of the house was changed to 1100 square feet minimum
on one floor, 900' on the ground floor of a two story house,
with a minimum of 1,500' square feet total for two stories,
also all residents must have an attached double car garage.
Mr. Lacey presented the Restrictive Covenants for Espie
Discussion about 25' sewer easement in the Espie Subdivision.
PWD Smart stated the developed Park Dedication Fee is $182.00
per lot,
Attorney Randy K11ne representing several people in the
impact area. Hr. Kline stated, reviewing the City of
Chubbuck's Comprehensive Plan, there are some very distinctive
problems with the Final Plat. Hr. Kline expressed concern a
due process violation in the matter, stating the individuals
within the 300' area were not mailed notice of the hearing 10
days prior to the hearing, Hr. Kline stated several cases deal
with the adjacent property owners fundamental right to
adequate notice to be able to participate in the planning
Attorney Holmes stated the notice was published in the paper
December 26, 1992 which is 15 days prior to the Land Use &
Development Commission Meeting, it is a combined notice
procedure, it gave notice the matter would come before the
Council in the !4th. of January, 1992. Attorney Holmes stated
State Code does not specifically say the proper%y owners
within 300' are to be notified by letter 15 days prior to the
hearing, stating the City notified property owners within
300', in the correct amount of time.
Attorney Holmes stated he will look at cases cited, then
advise the City Council, if he thinks there might be a
Attorney Kline expressed concern of minimum lot sizes, the
final plat proposes, in an R-1 zone. Mr. Kline said, adding
the two car garage, there will not be much room for a house.
Mr. Kline expressed concern the Restrictive Covenants were
not reviewed by residents within the 300' area, prier to
tonights meeting.
Mr. Kline stated the following concerns:
1. Sewer Line and location of street.
2. Buffer zone between high density and Iow density
3, Lots within the City still vacant, why are we allowing
high density subdivisions out of the city to add to
the problem.
4. Requirement need to establish off street parking in
residential areas. Two car garages will help this
5. Devaluation of current property owners homes.
6. Reference of Restrictive Covenants on the Final Plat.
7. Fence requirement, there was no mention of type of
fence. Residents would like a 6' solid fence.
8. Minimum dimensions of lots.
9. One access into the subdivision.
10. Requires builder to install sidewalks. Should be
installed a certain number of days after the home is
II, Water line capacity.
12. Sewer stub in let 9.
13. Not enough time for property owners within the 300'
requirement to prepare objections.
Mr. Kline suggested the Final Plat not be approved until the
City can review the above concerns.
The builder of the home installs the sidewalk.
Mayor Cotant stated there are several properties in the City
that should develop, but at $30,000.00 an acre, who can build
houses on the lots. We cannot force the owners to develop the
vacant properties.
Dan Wagner, 5359 Hawthorne Ave. said the homes being built in
the City now, are comparable, or better to the ones in their
Maggie England, 11953 N. Hawthorne Ave. stated all the homes
should have basements.
Attorney Holmes stated, requiring a developer to install
basements is beyond the responsibility of the City.
Attorney Holmes suggested the Council discuss and review the
Espie Subdivision Final Plat, then make a decision. Attorney
Holmes said if he feels there is a problem after his reviewing
the cases Attorney Kiine made reference to, he will advise
all concerned.
Councilman Quick expressed his main concern is one access into
the subdivision. The 22 homes are not a problem, but, as long
as Mr. Lacey knows when additional development is requested,
he may be required to have two accesses to the subdivision.
Attorney Kline requested the Restrictive Covenants be included
on the Final Plat.
Discussion about sewer line easement.
Larry Herrud, 5612 Hawthorne a realtor felt the homes, Mr.
Lacey is planning on building, will not devalue the
surrounding hemes.
Gay Yearsly, 568 Dell Rd. asked if current property owners
will be required to get rid of their animals. Mayor Cotant
said the current property owners will not be required to get
rid of their animals,
Lo Ree Nobles, 13243 W. Siphon stated she is against the
proposed Espie Subdivision Final Plat.
Mr. Hill stated, Mr. Lacey has compromised just fine on the
house size and garage, the other area that needs to be
compromised is the size of the lots.
Nancy Hill, 551 Dell Road expressed concern about the canal
bridge at Hawthorne Rd. and James St. Mayor Cotant said in the
future, the bridge will be replaced with a concrete walkway
Discussion about 'water line through the Espie Subdivision,
along with future development.
Mr. Orten expressed concern about the traffic impact on
Hawthorne Rd. PWD Smart said Siphon and Hawthorne Rd. are
designated arterial roads in the future.
Mayor Cotant stated, if there has been some sort of error with
the City not providing the necessary notice, we will have to
start over, most likely nothing will change, but we will have
to start at square one.
Maggie England suggested the city notify Kent Hill if %here
is a problem.
Councilman England stated he thought we made some compromise
between the residents concerns and Mr. Lacey's concerns in the
last meeting. Councilman England said the city is limited to
what we can legally deny Mr. Lacey.
Eugene Pickers, 5333 Hawthorne Rd. said
supposed to be installed on Hawthorne Ave.
the city will review the request.
a fire hydrant was
Mayor Cotant said
Mr. Lacey was reminded City Ordinance requires cluster
mailboxes in new subdivisions.
Councilman England moved to approve the First Phase of Espie
Subdivision Final Plat subject to 1) The Restrictive Covenants
be noted on the Final Plat. 2) Cash in lieu of Park Dedication
Fee of $181.~6 per lot be paid by Roy J. Lacey. Councilman
Wood seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
subdivision located on a tract of
Freedom and Independence Streets.
land at the north end of
Discussion about requirement of cluster mailboxes.
Councilman Landon moved to approve the Final Plat of Heritage
West No. 3 Subdivision as presented subject to, a cash in lieu
of park dedication fee of $181.~6 per lot. Councilman Wood
seconded. All councii members voted ~n favor of motion.
Mayor Cotant recommended approval of appointment of Mary
Harker, 783 Boyd to the Land Use and Development Commission,
term to expire, June 1, 1994.
Councilman Wood moved to approve the appointment of Mary
Harker, 783 Boyd a member of the Land Use & Development
Commission, with term to expire June 1, 1994. Councilman
Landon seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
the approval of appointment of Irene Schlader, 4926 Easy and
Ray Tolman, 5040 Dorian to the Pocatello/Chubbuck Cable
Councilman England moved to appoint Irene Schlader, 4926 Easy
and Ray Tolman, 5040 Dorian to the Pocatello/Chubbuck Cable
Commission. Councilman Wood seconded. All council members
voted in favor of motion.
AGREEMENT - TREE VALLEY ROAD - A request from Mac Losser to build
a house on a piece of property he owns on Tree Valley Road.
PWD Smart stated the City is not in any development business
and that we encourage the orderly development with all
property and land within the City, but, Tree Valley Road is
a unique situation and warrants
little different
Attorney Holmes had presented an agreement in lg89 for a
potential development,
Mayor Cotant and Council reviewed a drawing of the proposal,
After discussion, it was decided Attorney Holmes and Council
will review the agreement, Council will discuss at the March
10th., 1992 Council Meeting.
CLAIMS - Computer print-out claims presented to Mayor Cotant and
Councilman Quick moved to approve computer print-out claims
as read. Councilman Landor seconded. All council members voted
in favor of motion.
At 10:32 p.m., Councilman England moved, Councilman Quick seconded,
with full council approval to adjourn meeting.
Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk
~ohn O. Cotant, Mayor