HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 11 1994 CMCOUNCIL MEETING MI~ITES
October 11, 1994
Minutes of regular meeting held at city municipal buildlng~
October ii, 1994.
Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Council members Leroy S. Quick,
Steven M. England, W. Dean Wood, Marvin C. Gunter~ Attorney
Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and
City Clerk Ron C. Conlin,
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Cotant.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or
additions to Special Meeting Minutes of October il, 1994, and
regular meeting minutes of October ll, ~994.
Councilman Wood moved to approve Special Meeting Minutes of
October 11, 1994 as read. Councilman England seconded. All
council members voted in favor of motion.
Councilman Gunter moved to approve regular meeting minutes of
October 11, 1994 as read. Councilman Quick seconded. All
council members voted in favor of
PUBLIC HEARING - RESOLUTION #10-94 - A proposal by the City of
Chubbuck to consider adopting a resolution authorizing the
City to file a Petition for Judicial Confirmation with the
District Court of the Sixth Judicial District in and for the
County of Bannock. Said Petition for Judicial Confirmation,
if filed, would ask the court to approve, as an ordinary and
necessary expense of the City, an Installment Purchase and
Trust Agreement between the City of Chubbuck and First
Security Bank of Idaho, for construction and installation of
certain water system improvements, including new well~, pumps
and delivery systems.
Mayor Cotant read the resolution and declared the public
hearing open.
George Pieper, 152 Brlscoe asked what the raise in water rates
will pay for. Mr. Pleper was against the increase, stating we
should not comply with the EPA and DEQ.
Mayor Cotant explained the Judicial Confirmation pays for
three test wells, construction and installation of water
system improvements, including new wells, pumps and delivery
system. Mayor Cotant stated the test wells tested under
the EPA and DEQ levels.
RESOLUTION #t~-94 -(cont.
Considerable discussion about test wells.
Steve Walker, 5168 Pleasant View sl~ggested the City be more
informative in announcements they send out. Mr. Walker asked,
what is the City'~ long range plan. Mayor Cotant said the long
term plan is to provide clean, pure water under the EPA and
DEQ levels. Mayor Cotant stated the City is following the EPA
and DEQ procedures. Mr. Walker suggested the City of Chubbuck
and City of Pocatello get together sharing costs for cleaning
up the water in the area.
Councilman Wood stated, there are all different water
contaminates in the area, Pocatello's is different than ours,
as is Fort Hall's, so it probably wo1]ld not do much good to
coordinate much more than we already do.
Ray Coles, 227 Briscoe expressed concern about
this much, and what it does to fixed income
city. Mayor Cotant agreed.
raising rates
people in the
Mr. Walker suggested a task force be funded between City of
Pocatello, Bannock County and City of Chubbuck to determine
the nature of the source, and what can be done. It was stated,
the City of Chubbuck, Pocatello and Bannock County have been
working together.
Mr. Walker suggested the City of Chubbuck give a situational
assessment on where we are, and where we are going, either a
position paper or a verbal statement.
Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing closed.
Attorney Holmes read Resolution #10-94 in full.
Councilman England moved to adopt Resolution #1~-94 as read,
Councilman Wood seconded. All council members voted in favor
of motion.
shrub size,
five feet.
An ordinance amending Chapter 18.14 to define
require sprinkler systems and require shrubs every
Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open.
George Pleper, 152 Briscoe was told the ordinance applies to
commercial properties only.
Mayor Cotant read ordinance by title only for the first
reading. Council tabled the ordinance until the October 25,
1994 Council Meeting.
BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION - Victor Gonzalez, 321 E. Al~.co~
Blackfoot, Idaho has applied for license to sell fire wood
from a truck on property south of Smith's Food
Mr. Gonzalez was present and asked if he had permission from
property owner. Bart Parrish owns th~ property.
Councilman Wood moved to approve a business license to Victor
Gonzalez, 321 E. Alice, Blackfoot, Idaho, subject to Mr.
Gonzalez presenting written proof the property owner allows
Mr. Gonzalez to sell fire wood on his property, on lot sol]th
of Smith's Food King. Councilman Gunter seconded. All council
members voted in favor of mot~.on.
ORDINANCE - An ordinance adding Section 15.04.050, hours of
operation to the Chubbuck Municipal code setting foFth the
hours of construction and providing for exceptions.
Attorney Holmes read the ordinance by title for the mecond
reading, one by title, one in full.
Council tabled ordinance until the October 25, 1994 Co~]ncil
ORDINANCE - An ordinance changing the name of a portion of Stuart
Ave. to Arnold
Residents present were against any name change of Stuart Ave.
Mayor Cotant explained the concern about emergency veh~.cles
confusion in finding an address.
After considerable discussion, Co~lncil decided to not adopt
the ordinance.
RESOLUTION #11-94 A resolution of the City of Chubbuck, Idaho
amending the rates to be charged by the City for wateF
furnished through the Municipal Water System.
George Pieper, 227 Brlscoe expressed concern against the water
rate increase.
Mayor Cotant read Resolution #11-94 in full.
RESOLUTION #11-94 - (cont.)
Steve Walker, 5168 Pleasant View asked what could cause an
increase of $8.00 on the base. Mayor Cotant stated tho
increase will go to the test wells, construction and
installation of water system improvements, including new
wells, pumps and delivery system.
Steve Walker suggested the Council consider installing
state of the art chlorination equipment when installing
Bob Bloom, 4858 Sheppard suggested a break down telling where
the increase is golng be p~lt on the water bt.l!s,
Councilman Gunter moved to adopt
Councilman England seconded. Ail
favor of motion.
Resolution #11-94 as read.
council members voted in
Cotant and Council a comparison of private contract to City
Ray Coles, 227 Briscoe stated it is not fair he sets out one
bag per week, compared to the people that put out 10 bag9 per
week, but, we all pay the same rate.
Bob Bloom~ 4858 Sheppard suggested we check with City of
Pocatello about their automation system, City of Pocatello is
having lot a of vehicle and equipment mechanical problems.
Rich Marley, 5150 Stuart suggested, if we go to automated
pickup, the City will have to look at snow removal policy.
Mayor Cotant stated our residential sanitation pick up is at
its limit now, The Council should decide whether to contract
the automated pick up for residential or purchase equipment
and do ourselves.
Discussion about City operating a composting system in
conjunction with automated pi. ok
PWD Smart stated the containers, can be purchased with the
same monies the sanitation bags are being paid for.
Jim Evans, Snake River Sanitation stated, they have had very
little trouble with winter pick
Councilman England suggested the City proceed with prlvatlzing
residential, sanitation pick
After discussion, Council decided to table the decision until
the October 25, 1994 Council Meeting.
ORDINANCE - Enacting Chapter 10.24 truck routes; defining those
streets namely Yellowstone Ave. and Siphon Rd. within the City
upon which trucks may travel.
Attorney Holmes read ordinance by title for the first reading,
Council decided to table the ordinance until the October 25,
1994 Council Meeting.
BRUSH CHIPPER BID - PWD Smart presented two bids received on a
Brush Chipper, Tuesday, October 4,
Vermeer Sales and Service, Salt Lake City
Western Road Machinery, Pocatel!.o
PWD Smart stated both bid met the bid specs.
Councilman England moved to accept the bid of $16,000.00 from
Vermeer Sales and Service, Salt Lake City, Utah. Councilman
Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
applied for license to work at JFK (Just for Learning) Day
Care Center.
Police Department approved the application for license.
Councilman Wood moved to approve a Day Care Provider License
to Kimberly Miller, 4801 Whitaker Rd. Councilman Quick
seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion.
CLAIMS - Computer print-out claims presented to Mayor Cotant and
Councilman Wood moved to approve computer print-out claims as
presented. Councilman Quick seconded, All council members
voted in favor of motion.
At 9:45 p.m., Councilman Wood moved to go into executive ~esalon
meeting, to discuss personnel matters, as authorized by Idaho
Code #67-2345 (b). Councilman Q~lick seconded. Roll Call. Vote~
Quick, yes; England, yes; Wood, yes; Gunter, yes. 100% of
council members voted in favou of mott. on~
Discussion about increase in salaries for City Employees.
No action or final decision wa~ mado,
At 10:50 p.m., Councilman England moved, Councilman Gunter
seconded, with full council approval to adjourn to regulau
CITY EMPLOYEE PAY INCREASE Discussion about employee payroll
Councilman Quick suggested employees be given on a quarterly
statement explaining a breakdown of city benefits~
After discussion, Councilman Gunter moved to give city
employees a raise of 4%. Councilman Quick seconded. All
council members voted in favor of motion.
PERSONNEL MATTER - Councilman Quick moved to reimburse 50% of
Officer Brent Lusk expense on rehabilitation that occurred
four years ago, subject to Attorney Holmes preparing an
agreement, and Officer Brent Lusk signing the agreement.
Councilman England seconded. All council member~ voted in
favor of motion.
At 10:52 p.m., Councilman Quick moved, Councilman Wood seconded,
with full council approval to ad3o~l~n m~eting.
Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk
~ Cotant, Mayor