HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 17 1994 Special CM 109 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 17, 1994 Minutes of special meeting held in the citv municipal building, May 17, 1994. ~ Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Council members Leroy S. Quick~ Steven M. England, Marvin Gunter, Dean Wood; Public Works Director Steven M. Smart, Project Engineer Gerd Dixon and Deputy Clerk Myrna Crapo. Fleeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Cotant. PURPOSE of meeting is to discuss secondary Water System. Larry Perkins of Perkins-Thurgood Engineers presented to the council information on a secondary water system. The secondary irrigation system bottom line of cost estimate is 3 1/2 million which could be paid off in 25 years. Pressure irrigation would be an initial increase of $4.00 per month on the average using a secondary system. It is designed to take two of our present wells converted those and using them as a secondary water supply. They would use two of the existing storage reservoir upon the hill and converting them for culinary water. The Council Discussed: 1. People on flood irrigation and pressure irrigation may not'want to participate in this. 2. A comparison of costs for the different treatments. Jim Wrigley of 1st security bank talked about the interest rates. The city could go general obligation bond with a 2/3 majority; or a revenue bond that requires a simple majority. Judicial validation may be required. The safest thing to do in Idaho is to have an election. The 6% interest charge will probably inch slightly higher. The council discussed: 1. Holding informational meetings showing cost, advantages and disadvantages of each proposal. 2. The next election that can be held will be August 2nd. 3. The information meetings would be open forum with several stations where people could ask individual questions. Each station would handle one item and people could go from one station to another. It was decided to hold the public meetings on June 21st and 22nd. The one on the June 21st would be from noon until 9:00 pm and the one on the ZZnd from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The council needs to attend as much of these meetings as they can, Council Meeting May 17, 1994 Page 2 Larry Perkins informed the council that the time 1. Have a election in August and if is approved 2. Bids could opened in the spring 3. Construction could then begin in the summer 4. They could be on line a year from that spring. frame could be: The May 24th agenda needs to have an item "council to proceed with judicial validation on the wells." The June 28th agenda needs to bond in August." Myrna Crapo, Secretary have/~n i~em" wh~ther to/pursue John O. Cotant, Mayor a CALL OP SPECIAL MEETING CiTY OF CHUBBUCK Pursuant to idaho Code Sectlon 50-604, the undersigned Mayor of the City of Chubbuck, idaho, hereby calls a special meeti~lg of the City Council to be held at the Chubbuck Municipal Bulidlng, at the hour of 5:ee p.m., on Tuesday, the i7th. day of Hat,, 1994. The object of the special meeting shall be to discuss Seconday Water System. forth above. Leroy S/Q~_~i ck ieuncl imember Dean Wood, Counciimember NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO: MAYOR AND CC, U%[CiL OF THE CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO Pursuant to the call set forth above, notice is hereby given of a special meeting of the Chubbuck clty Council at the tlme and place, and for the object, recited in the call. Ron C. Conlln, City Clerk ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE The undersigned, Mayor and members of the Chubbuck City Council hereby acknowledge receipt of notice of the speclai meetlng .: e~n M. Engi~r/~ounciime~.~ har~t%r~ C. Gunter, Counciimember WATER TREATHENT COST ANALYSIS TREATCST.WQ1 RIR STR]PPER/R[SERVOIR 51,506,600.00 $131,D52.23 $121,160.00 5252,512.25 $102.13 SS.S1 RJR STRIPPER/WELLHEAD 5657,300.00 551,350.00 $40,120.00 597,470.00 539.43 $5.20 DRC Al RESERVOIR $2,983,500.00 $960,1LS.i3 $283,700.00 $543,815.13 $217.99 518.35 GAO RT W[LLHERO 51,S72,000.00 $163,209.47 $327,200.00 $490,409.4? $198.39 516.33 gREW OX AT RESERVOIR 51,VS?,500.O0 $1T0,6~3.77 5283,D00.00 5456,163,77 $184.53 $15.38 CHEH OX RT WELLHEAD 51,170,000,00 $102,005.95 $289,000.00 5341,005.93 $158.17 $13.18 HEW RROOUCTIOH WELLS $520,000.00 $43,333.97 $1LS,O00.O0 SECONORRV WATER SVS (7) SECONORRV WATER SV$ (?) 53,553,000.00 $277,939.53 S10,000.00 5287,939.33 $116.48 $9.11 +$4.0R/NO (25VEARSt HOT[S: 1. FRON CH2H HILL REPORT 2. ANNUAL CAPITAL DOST BASEO ON THE FOLLOWING TERN RND INTEREST: INTEREST RRTE: 6.00 PERCENT BOHO TRRH: 20.00 YERRS 3. FROM CH2N HILL REPOR] 4, SUN OF ANNUAL CAPITAL COST AND ANNUAL HID S, ANNUAL COST DIVIDED AHONG SINGLE FANILY EQUIVALEM?S (SFE) TOTAL SFE IN CITY: 2472 6. ANNUAL COST PER SFE D]V1DED BY 12 7, FROM PERNINS-THURGOOD ENGINEERS CITY OF CHUBBUCK PRESSURE IRRIGATION ESTIMATE OF PR~OBABLE COST 02-May-94 iTEM ..... SCRIPTION · ~ · UNIT QUANTPRIcEUNIT AMOUNY ~/O'P~p~ In Place If 46,900 3~0 1 ~JC Pipe, In Place If 10,370 4.00 41,480 ~/C Pipe, In Place If 41,650 5.00 208,250 VC Pipe, In Place If 45,930 6.60~ 303,138 VC Pipe, In Place If 13,225 8.60 113,735 'VC Pipe, In Place If 10,905 11.35 123,772 'VC Pipe. In Place If 11,945 14.151 169,022 'VC Pipe. In Place If 0 17.50 0 )1 Pipe. In Place If 3,500 25.00 87,500 )1 Pipe. In Place If 0 30.00 0 ~1 Pipe. In Place If 0 34.00 0 ~1 Pipe. In Place If 0 40.00 0 ~/alve and Box ea 47 200.00 9,380 Valve and Box ea 10 300.00 3,111 ~/alve and Box ea 42 400.00 16,660 ~/alve and Box ea 46 500.00 22,965 Valve and Box ea 13i 600.00 7,935 Valve and Box ea 11 800.00 8,724 ~lve and Box ea 12 900.00 10,751 ~lve amd Box ea 0 1,200.00 0 alve and Box ea 4. 1,800.00 6,300 alve and Box ea 0: 2,200.00 0 ~lve and Box ea 0 2,500.00 0 alve and Box ea 0: 2,800.00 0 um Valve Assembly ea 8 i 1,600.00 12,800 Pump Station ea 0i 20,000 0 lye Assembly ea 5 2,500.00 12,500 ~e Conn Assembly ea 2,300 350.00 805,000 ~e Corm Assembly ea 50 500.00 25,000 =avement Repair sf 295,080 1.50 442,620 houlder Restoration sf 295,080 0.50 147,540 Reservoir Is 0 0 0 C_r_os_s!_ng Is 1 100,000.00 1_00_,._0.00 U~,TiON 3grg, Legal, Constr Inspection, Fiscal, Etc. 25% 710,583 LE COST $3,552,915 NO ~'-'"~-indE- F-Vi 2 3-Inch PVC 3 4-Inch PVl 4 6-Inch PV( 5 8-Inch PVC 6 10-Inch 7 12-Inch 8 14-Inch 9 16-Inch 10 18-Inch 11 20-Inch 12 24-Inch 13 2" Gate 14 3" Gate 15 4" Gate 16 6" Gate 17 8" Gate 18 10" Gate 19 12" BF' 20 14" BF V 21 16" BF V 22 18" BF Valw 23 20" BF' 24 24" BF' 25 Air-Vacu 26 Booster P 27 Drain 28 1" Service 29 2" Servic~ 30 Asphalt 31 Gravel 32 Storag 33 Interstate TOTAL=~,(~T R~- Contingencies, En! TOTAL_PROBABI PERKINS-THURGOOD Consulting Engineers, Inc. CITY OF CHUBBUCK PROPOSED PRESSURE IRRIGATION PROJECT RECORD OF CURRENT WATER USAGE 1992 GAL USED PER CONN JAN 4,000 FEB 4,OOO MAR 4,000 APR 22,000 MAY 10,000 JUN 16,000 JUL 20,000 AUG 35,000 SEP 26,000 OCT 15,000 NOV 9,000 DEC 4,000 TOTAL 169,000 ESTIMATED AVERAGE COST OF WATER - 1992 BASIC WATER COST $108.00 AVERAGE OVERAGE USED 121,000 OVERAGE COST AT $0.50/1000 $60.50 TOTAL WATER COST $168.50 MONTHLY AVERAGE $14.04 ESTIMATED AVERAGE COST OF WATER WITH PRESSURE IRRIGATION INDOOR USE OVERAGE OVERAGE COST AT $0.50/1000 76,050 28,050 $14.03 TOTAL CULINARY COST BASE FEE OVERAGE TOTAL CULINARY COST $108.00 $14.03 $122.03 TOTAL PRESSURE IRRIGATION COST FLAT RATE TOTAL WATER COST MONTHLY AVERAGE $95.40 $217.43 $18.12 TOTAL INCREASE NEEDED TO PROVIDE A PRESSURE IRRIGATION SYSTEM PRESENT AVERAGE MONTHLY COST $14.04 AVERAGE MONTHLY COST WITH PI $18.12 AVERAGE MONTHLY INCREASE $4,08 PERKINS-THURGOOD Consulting Engineers, Inc. CITY OF CHUBBUCK PRESSURE IRRIGATION DEBT_ S._ER~!CE Loan Amount 3,600,000 02-May-94 2.00% $7.95 Interest Rate 6.00% Term 25 Yr CONN 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2,450 2,499 2,549 2,600 2,652 2,705 2,759 2,814 2,871 2,928 2,987 3,046 3,107 3,169 3,233 3,297 3,363 3,431 3,499 3,569 3,641 3,713 3,788 3,863 3,941 233,730 238,405 243,173 248,036 252,997 258,057 263,218 268,482 273,852 279,329 284,916 290,614 296,426 302,355 308,402 314,570 320,861 327,278 333,824 340,500 347,310 354,257 361,342 368,569 375,940 INTEREST PAYMENT 216,000 214,936 213,528 211,749 209,572 206,967 203,901 200,342 196,254 191,598 186,334 180,419 173,808 166,451 158,296 149,290 139,373 128,484 116,556 103,520 89,301 73,821 56,995 38,734 18,94~ Growth Rate Monthly Service Fee PRINCIPAL PAYMENT TOTAL PAYMENT 17,730 233,730 23,468 238,405 29,645 243,173 36,287 248,036 43,425 252,997 51,090 258,057 59,317 263,218 68,140 268,482 77,598 273,852 87,731 279,329 98,581 284,916 110,195 290,614 122,619 296,426 135,904 302,355 150,105 308,402 165,280 314,570 181,488 320,861 198,795 327,278 333,824 340,500 347,310 354,257 361,342 368,569 334,67; 217,268 236,980 258,009 280,436 304,347 329,835 315,726 PRINCiPAl.- BALANCE 3,582,270 3,558,802 3,529,157 3,492,870 3,449,446 3,398,356 3,339,039 3,270,899 3,193,301 3,105,570 3,006,989 2,896,794 2,774,176 2,638,271 2,488,166 2,322,886 2,141,398 1,942,604 1,725,336 1,488,355 1,230,346 949,910 645,563 315,72~ PERKINS-THURGOOD Consulting Engineers, Inc.