HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 26 1994 CM91 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 26, 1994 Minutes of regula[- meetlmg held at city municipal building, April 26, 1994. Present= Mayor 3ohn O. Cotant, Council members Leroy S. Quick, Steven M. England, W. Dean Wood, Marvin C. Gunter, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven H. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Coniin. Meeting was called to order at 7:3~ p.m. by Mayor Cotant. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or additions to regulau meeting minutes of April 12, 1994. Councilman Gunter moved to approve r'eguiar meeting minutes of April 12, 1994 as read. Councilman Quick seconded. Ail council members present at the meeting voted in favor of motion. SETBACK WAIVER REQUEST - ~ACK BETTY - CRAIG PERKINS Jack Betty and Cralg Perkins of West!and Builders asked the Council to look at:, end decide ifa 2~' set back from said property ilne at 731 Brundage wlii be allowed. Residents within a 35~' radius were notified and invited to comment on the request. Mr. Betty said that both the footings and foundation have been poured, the home was inspected and approved by City Building Inspector. Mr. Betty stated the home next door added a bay window, which made the setback in violation of City Code by approx, a foot. Mayor Cotant said the matter was discussed at length in Staff Meeting and there might be more than one home that is in violation of the code. Mayor Cotant suggested rather than making these builders tear out the foundations, the Council waive the setback requiuement on the homes in violation at this time. Discussion about bay windows being added to the home afte~ building permit is issued. Mayor Cotant suggested Council review the code, and maybe allow up to two feet for addition of a bay window. Darris Ellis asked what the City is going to expect from builders inregards to the setbacks. Fire Chief Campbell stated the code is clear, and will be required to be followed from now on. WAIVER OF SETBACK REQUIREMENT - JACK BETTY - (cont.) Councilman Wood moved to i) Grant a waiver of setback requirement to Westiaad Builders, Jack Betty at 73i Brundage, allowing them to build the home using a 25' setback, rather than 25'. 2) Aiiowlng foundations poured at thls time throughout the City, be allowed to proceed with adding a bay window without belng in exact compilance of 25' setback requirements. Councilman Quick seconded, Ail council members voted in favor of motion. ORDINANCE #411 - Amending Section i6.i2.e20 of Chubbuck Municipal Code to enlarge the required radius of the clrcuiar turn around in a cul-de-sac street to 55 feet. Mayor Cotant read Ordinance #411 in full for the second reading. Councilman England moved to dispense with the rule of reading Ordinance #411 on three separate days. Councilman Quick seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Wood, yes; Gunter, yes. Councilman Gunter moved to adopt ura:nance #411 as read. Councilman Qulck seconded. Roil Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Wood, yes; Gunter, yes. BEER LICENSE APPLICATION - R. James Kraning, K & B Kwik Stop, 4752 Yellowstone Ave. has applied for license to sell beer at K & s Kwik Stop, 4752 Yellowstone Ave., (formerly Mr. Petroi's Pantry). Police Department recommended approval of the appiicaticn. Councilman Wood moved to apprcve a Beer License to R. James Kraning, K & s Kwik Stop, 4752 Yellowstone Ave. {fo~meriy Petroi~s Pantry). Councliman England seconded. Ail council members voted in favor of motion. ORDINANCE Amending Section 18.28.~2e ~' '~ of the Chubb~_Ick Municipal Code to change the time written testimony must be filed before the Land Use Commission. Attorney Holmes read ordinance by title only for the second reading. After discussion, ordinance was tabled until May 10, 1994 Council Meeting. ORDINANCE - Amending Sectlon i7.i6.~4~ of the Chubbuck Mun!clpal Code, to delete the provision for interest belng charged on reserve strips. After discussion, ordinance was tabled until May i~, 1994 Councii Meeting, THIRD ANNUAL HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION DAY iNTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF POCATELLO, POWER COUNTY, BANNOCK COU-NTY AND CiTY OF CHUBBUCK - Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day, Saturday, May 14, 1994, at City of Pocateilo, Sanitation Shop, 1i21 South 2nd. Ave, Pocateiio. Councilman England read intergovernmental Agreement in full. PWD Smart ,~a~d the City will advertise Hazardous Waste Collection Day o1'~ city sign in front of City Offices. Councilman Wood moved to direct Mayor Cotant to enter into the Third Annual Hazardous Waste Collection Day Intergovernmental Agreement with City of Pocateiio and Bannock County. Councilman Gunter seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. ORDINANCE - Amending i5.08.~3~ to adopt a more recent version of the Uniform Fire Cede and to not adopt certain section~ dealing with fireworks, adding 15.08.025 providing for the adoption of future editions by resolution; amending Section i5.eS.e30 to provide for the clerk to maintain copies of future editions of the Fire Code so adopted. Attorney Holmes read ordinance in full for the first reading. After discussion, the ordinance was tabled until the May 1~, 1994. COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE FOR WATER QUALITY - DEQ - PW~ Smart stated DEQ is asking the City to enter into a Consent Order, so a specified time line can be established for compliance. PWD Smart gave a report on the Compliance Schedule presented. PW~ Smart stated the Consent Order says the City will have new production on line, by 1996, supplying water that is totally in compliance with standards established. Councilman England moved to adopt the Compliance Schedule for Water Quality as presented. Councilman Wood seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. PROCLAMATiOM- "LETTER CARRIERS POOD DRIVE DAY" - Mayor Cotant read prociamatlon in full. Councilman Quick moved to dlrect Mayor Cotant to proclaim May 14, 1994 ~Letter Carriers Food Drlve Day"~ Councilman Wood seconded. Ail council members voted in favor of motion, CLAIMS - Computer print-out claims presented to Mayor Cotant and Council. Councilman Quick moved to approve computer print-out claims as presented. Councilman England seconded. Ail council members voted in favor of motion. GENERAL DISCUSSION - Councilman Quick reported on Recognition for Volunteers for COPS and D.A.R.E. wrogram, held at Chubbuck Elementary School. 2 Councilman Quick reported on representing the City at the Special Olympics, at idaho State University. Councilman Wood suggested, if City is serious about requiring secondary water system throughout the Cltyi the Council should get more information for study. After discussion, it was decided the Council will meet at 6:~ p.m., May 10, i994 to discuss the secondary water system. PWD Smart stated he will invite Larry Perkins to the meeting. At 8:38 p.m., Councilman Wood moved, Councilman Gunter with full council approval to ad3ourn meeting. Ron C. Conlln, City Clerk seconded,