HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 23 1996 CM123 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES July 23, 1996 Minutes of regtllar meeting held at city munlcipai building, July 23, 1996. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Council members Leroy S. Quick, Steven M. England, W. Dean Wood, Marvin C. Gunhe~, Attc~ey Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Directo? Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Cotant. n?PROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or additions to minutes of July 9, 199S. Councilman Quick moved to approve regular meeting minutes of July 9, 1996. Councilman England seconded. Ail council members voted in favor of motion. PUBLIC HEARING - An application by Douglas Jayo, Scott Jenkins and Linda Hines, 3361 N. Jones Place, Boise, Idaho for a review of a preliminary plat for Ridgewind Subdivision. A subdivision located at 408~ Hawthorne Rd. Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open. Tlm Shurtliff, 426 W. Lewis was present stating, this preliminary plat was approved approx, a year ago, but the final plat was not completed, so this preliminary plat is presented again with no changes. There were no comments for or against the project. Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing closed. PWD Smart recommended approval of the Ridgewind Subdivision Preliminary Plat. Councilman Wood moved to approve the Ridgewind Subdivision Preliminary Plat. Councilman Gunter seconded. Ail council members voted in favor cf motion. FINAL PLAT - RIDGEWIND SUBDIVISION - Tim Shurtliff, 426 W. Lewis was present to present the Ridgewind Subdivision Final Plat. PWD Smart recommended approval of the Ridgewind Subdivision Final Plat. Councilman Gunter moved to approve the Ridgewind Subdivision Final Plat as presented. Councilman Wood seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. i25 PUBLIC HEARING - An application by Gary Carlsen, 720 Buffalo Road, Chubbuck, Idaho for a change in Land Use Dlstrict upon requested annexation to Slngle Famlly Residential, (R-i}, for property located east of Buffalo Road at Little Pocatello Creek. Property is presently zoned, Agricultural, Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open. Gary Carlsen stated, he intends on building a home for his son on the property. Mr. Carlsen stated he would like to request the Council approve a buildlng permit prior to the final plat being approved. There being no opposition, Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing closed. Councilman Quick moved to approve the application by Gary Ca~Isen, 720 Buffalo Rd. for a change in Land Use District, upon requested annexation~ to (R-i), Single Eamily Residential for property located east of Buffalo Rd., at Little Pocatello Creek. Councilman England seconded. Ail council members voted in faver of motion. PUBLIC HEARING - An application by Gary Carlsen, 720 Buffalo Rd., Chubbuck, idaho for review of a preliminary plat for Sage Hill Subdivision. A subdivision located at 51~ Buffalo Road. Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open, there being no comment, Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing closed. Council discussed the 25' easement. It should be noted on the plat showing an easement for future roadway. A cul-de-sac should be shown on the plat. Councilman Gunter moved to accept the recommendations of the Land Use & Development Commission approving the preliminary plat for Sage Hill Subdivision subject to; 1) Notation on the road easement that it become a dedicated right-of-way. 2) The cul-de-sac, or hammerhead be provided for future use of emergency vehicles. Councilman Gunter seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. REQUEST OF PARTIAL BUILDING PERMIT PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT - Gary Car!sen, 720 Buffalo Rd. requested a building permit prior to the approving of the Sage Hill Subdivision Flnal Plat. 127 REQU~.ST OP PARTIAL BUILDING PERMIT PRIOR TO APPROVAL OP FINAL PLAT - (cont.) Councilman B~gland moved to grant a building permit to Gary Carlsen, 720 Buffalo Rd., prior to approval of the Sage Hill Subdivision final Plat being approved, subject to Mr. Carlsen being aware he is responsible for any corrections that might have to be made. Councilman Gunter seconded. Ail council members voted in favor of motion. PUBLIC HEARING - An application by Homes West, Inc., P.O. Box 5691, Chubbuck, Idaho for a Planned Unit Development, (PUD), Conditional Use Permit and Preliminary Developraent Plan with its accompanying preliminary plat for Homes West Planned Unit Development, at Lots 1 & 2 of Block 4, Siebert Tract; north end of Ronald Rd. The property is presently zoned, Limited Residential, (R-2). Councilman Wood stepped down from council seat because of conflict of interest. Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open. Derrick Leslie, Homes West the current owner of Lots #1 & ~ Block 4, Seibert Tracts, proposes to build two, zero lot line twin homes. The zoning is R-2 Limited Residential. The street is paved and sewer and water lines end at the property lines, with this proposed development, Ronald Road will be widene~ to 80 ft. to provide for adequate turn around of emergency vehicles and other municipal service vehicles. Lots 1 & 2 of the current plat, Seibert tracts Subdivision will become Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Remes West PUD. The developer will follow Chubbuck's proposed Zero Lot Line twin Home Ordinance regarding all setbacks, constructions standards and all other specifications contained therein. Mr. Leslie states the addition of four new residences at the end of this dead end street will have little effect on the vehicle and pedestrian traffic on Ronald Road. The 80 ft. wide turn around at the end of the street will also allow fou better traffic flow as vehicles will be able to turn around without accessing individual driveways to do so. Mr. Leslie stated the development will accomplish the following: 1. Complete the development of the presently unfinished Ronald Rd. 2. Improve traffic flow and allow for emergency vehicle turn around. PUBLIC HEARING - HOMES WEST, INC. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - (cont.) 3. Promote infill on ground that was originally platted for development in the 194~'s. 4. Provide affordable, new housing which will allow an owner to build equity in a home that will appreciate in value over time. Dale Shook, 4020 Ronald Road presented a petition with several individual names on it, protesting the addition of multi- family units in their neighborhood. Mr. Shook expressed the following concerns; 1) The impact of four new residences constructed on these two small lots would be devastating to the four existing Ronald Rd. residences constructed on larger, more adequate sized lots. 2) The small neighborhood located on a dead end street would see a wt~opping 100% increase in area population density use. 3) The street which is only 470 feet long, would also see a 100% increase in density use. This street, with only one ingress/egress and limited street parking due to its short length, would become a bottleneck with no turnaround area, it could not support this kind of use increase. Mr. Shook opposed the proposal. The neighborhood land owners the Council require Homes West, Inc., before llsting the Twin Homes for sale, to comply with the following: 1) Install a privacy fence on all sides end rear yards, (not to encroach into the canal easement area). 2} Plant a privacy hedge along front yards. 3) Do all landscaping to all units. 4) Set the selling value of each unit to match the home values in the neighborhood. Merlin Delaney, 1~6 W. Qulnn Rd. expressed concern about small children moving in the twin homes. Mr. Delaney is opposed to the proposal. Councilman Quick expressed concern about density factor. Dee Hofine, 4058 Ronald Road expressed concern about the odd shaped lots. Councilman England moved to grant a conditional use permit to Derek Leslie, Homes West, Inc. for a Planned Unit Development for Lots 1 & 2 of Block 4, Siebert Tract, north end of Ronald Road, and approved a preliminary plat for Homes West, inc., Lots 1 & 2, of Block 4, Siebert Tract, Planned Unit Development, subject to Homes West, Inc. adding 1 additional parking space for each unit. Councilman Gunter seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, no; England, yes; Wood, Stepped down; Gunter, yes. Motion passes. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPEAL COMMISSION'S DECISION ON JULY 11, OF TWO TWIN HOMES BY HOMES WEST, LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT 1996 APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION INC. ON RONALD ROAD. Councilman Wood stepped down from his Council Seat, because of conflict of interest. Dale Shook, 4020 Ronald Rd. presented an appeal stating on behalf of all residents livlng within the affected 300' radius, he is appealing the Land Use & Development Commission's decision granting Homes West, Inc. a conditional use permit to construct two twin homes by Homes West, Inc. on Ronald Road. Councilman Gunter moved tc deny the appeal presented by Dale Shook, 4020 Ronald Road. Councilman England seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, no; England, yes; Wood, stepped down Gunter, yes. Motions passes. REQUEST WAIVER OF SIDEWALK REQUIREMENT - JIM WORTHEN, 730 E Chubbuck Rd. - PWD Smart stated City requires installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk. Jim Worthen did not understand sidewalks were required, so RaNae Worthen 730 E. Chubbuck Road is present to asked if the sidewalk requirement can be postponed one year. Mrs. Worthen said they would like to start now, but will not finish for approx, a year. Discussion about the City of Chubbuck enterlng into a development agreement with Jim and RaNae Worthen. Councilman England made motion to grant Jim and RaNae Worthen a year to install sidewalk, along with a Developmental Agreement being entered into so Jim and RaNae Worthen can recoup their costs. Councilman Gunter seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. PROCLAMATION - "AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT AWARENESS DAY~' Mayor Cotant read the proclamation in full. Councilman Wood moved to direct Mayor Cotant to proclaim, July 26, 1996 as "Americans With Disabilities Act Awareness Day". Councilman Wood seconded. Ail council members voted in favor of motion. ORDINANCE Amending Chapter 15.24, sign regulations, to provide for the regulation of permanent signs commonly known as billboards, defining billboards and prohibiting further billboards, within the City of Chubbuck, except for those associated with a business ad3acent to, or near the billboard. ORDINANCE - BILLBOARDS - {cont.) - Attorney Tom Holmes read ordinance in full, for the first reading. Councll decided to table the billboard ordinance until the August 13, 1996 Council Meeting. AUTOMATED WATER METER READING SYSTEMS COMPARIS©N PWD Smart presented to Mayor Cotant and Council automated water meter reading systems comparisons. Discussion about time it takes to read and enter meters. PWD Smart said we have the technology available now to read meters by radio frequency. PWD Smart explained the costs of new system. PWD Smart recommended the City purchase and go into Neptune and Schlumberger because of lower flow and lower cost. the Mayor Cotant suggested the City install the new meters in new areas and hard to read areas now, Councilman Wood mcved to direct PWD Smart to proceed with purchase of the Schlumberger and Neptune meters for new areas and inaccessible areas in the City. Councilman Gunter seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. CLAIMS - Computer print-out claims presented to Mayer Cotant and Council. Councilman Wood moved to approve computer print-out claims as presented. Councilman England seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. At 9:21 p.m., Councilman Gunter moved, Councilman England seconded, with full council approval. ~ohr[ 6, Co~[n~, Mayor Ron C. Conlln, City Clerk CITY OF CHUBBUCK Comparison of AUTOMATED WATER METER REA~DING SYSTEMS May 1996 ATTRIBUTE SENSUS BADGER SCHLUMBERGER MODEL (.75 in) SR-2 RCDL 35 Neptune T-10 MEASURING Oscillating Nutating Disk Nutating Disk CHAMBER Piston # ROTATIONS OR 32.5 31.6 32.3 Measuring NUTATIONS/GAL chambers machined AWWA LOW FLOW .5 gpm .375 gpm .25 gpm AWWA HIGH FLOW 30 gpm 25 gpm 30 gpm AWWA NORM3J~ FL 2-30 gpm .75-35 gpm .75-30 gpm METER WARRANTY Accuracy: AlMA Accuracy: NMA Accuracy:NMA 5 5 yrs /.75 5 yrs / .75 yrs / .75 million gal, million gal, million gal RMA +10 yrs. RMA 15 yrs / RMA 10 yrs / (15 yrs) / 2.5 mill~on 2.25 million 2.25 million gal. gal gal. Register 25 yr register: 10 y Register & Maincase 30 yr maincase: life main case: 25 Generator 15 y yrs. REGISTER Hermet sealed, Hermet sealed, Mag drive, mag drive, mag. drive, sealed glass.~ Remotes read Remotes use Remotes read position of signal position of odometer generator to odometer wheels. Same zncrease rem. wheels. Same register used reg. reading, register used for touch or Same reg. used for touch or radio remote, for touch or radio remote. radio Light mineral oil in register to prevent moisture. INTERROGATOR SSI TP~ACE or ITRON ADVANCE proprietary (aftermarket) proprietary handheld PC(IBM) based, handheld PC(IBM) based lmb holds 1200 PC (IBM) based STARS datab, accounts. Paradox datab. holds up to Weight 2.5 lbs removable data 3000 accounts, card. 2mb 28.1 hrs use card holds at 99% charge. 3000 accounts. Weight 3.5 lbs weight 2.0 lbs TOUCH READ touch pad thru Badger Dialog touch pad thru meter lid. or aftermarket meter lid probe attaches Touchpad probe attaches to interrogato accumulates with cable to with cable, pulses, interrogator touch pad on Reprogrammable probe will register also when also read available, disconnected Sensus will read from meter. other systems Battery 20 yr with Promaster life, replace II Touch Gun once. P~ADIO READ MXU meter TP~ACE or ITRON LR2000 meter interface. (aftermarket) interface. sends signal Sends signal Sends signal after alert after alert after alert tone from SSI. tone from int. tone from SSI. Placed within Antenna pad Placed within pit with no protrudes from pit with no outside meter lid. outside antenna pad. Battery life antenna pad. Signal thru 14 yrs Signal thru dense mat'ls, dense mat'ls. Battery field Analog signal. replaceable. Battery field digital signal replaceable. METER COST 117.65 51.50 107.00 TOUCH PAD COST 7.93/793.00 61.75/6175.00 incl. P~ADIO TX COST 135./13500.00 152.42/15242. 140./14000.00 HANDHELD 8907.06 7040.00 5674.00 COMPUTER COST RADIO RX COST incl. incl. incl. SOFTWARE COST 5143.50 4650.00 7140.00 H3LRDWARE COST 797.99 595.00 incl. TOTAL SYS COST 55726.55 47970.00 51514.00 CITY OF CHUBBUCK Comparison of AUTOMATED WATER METER READING SYSTEMS May 1996 ATTRIBUTE ~ SENSUS B/LDGER SCHLUMBERGER MODEL (1 inch SR-2 RCDL 70 Neptune T-10 MEASURING Oscillating Nutating Disk Nutating Disk CHAMBER Piston # ROTATIONS OR 15.3 11 7 NTJTATIONS/GAL ' 14.9 Measuring chambers machined AWWA LOW FLOW .75 gpm .75 gpm 3/8 gpm AWWA HIGH FLOW 50 gpm 50 gpm 50 gpm AWWA NORMAL FL 3-50 gpm 1.25-70 gpm 1-50 gpm METER WA~RRANTY Accuracy: NMA Accuracy: NMA Accuracy:Nq~A 5 5 yrs, RMA +10 3 yrs / 1.1 yrs / 1 yrs. (15 yrs) million gal, million gal register & RMA 15 yrs / RMA-10 yrs-~--3~ main case: 25 3.25 million million gal yrs. gal. register: 10 y Register 25 yr maincase: life Maincase 30 yr Generator 15 y REGISTER Hermet sealed, Hermet sealed, Mag drive, mag drive, mag. drive, sealed glass. Remotes read Remotes use Remotes read position of signal position of odometer generator to odometer wheels. Same increase rem. wheels. Same register used reg. reading, register used for touch or Same reg. used for touch or radio remote, for touch or radio remote. radio Light mineral oil in register to prevent moisture. INTERROGATOR SSI TP~ACE or ITRON ADVANCE proprietary (after market) proprietary handheld PC(IBM) based, handheld PC(IBM) based lmb holds 1200 PC (IBM) based STARS datab, accounts. Paradox datab. holds up to Weight 2.5 lbs removable data 3000 accounts, card. 2mb 28.1 hrs use card holds at 99% charge. 3000 accounts. weight 3.5 lb Weight 2.0 lbs TOUCH READ touch pad thru Badger Dialog touch pad thru meter lid. or aftermarket meter lid probe attaches Touchpad probe attaches to interrogato accumulates with cable to with cable, pulses, interrogator touch pad on Reprogrammable probe will register also when also read available, disconnected Sensus will read from meter. other systems Battery 20 yr with Promaster life, replace II touch gun once. RADIO RE~LD MXU meter TP~ACE or ITRON LR2000 meter interface. (aftermarket) interface. sends signal Sends signal Sends signal ...... after alert after alert after'a~r~ tone from SSI. tone from int. tone from SSI. Placed within A~ntenna pad Placed within pit with no protrudes from pit with no outside meter lid. outside antenna pad. Battery life antenna pad. Signal thru 14 yrs. Signal thru dense mat'ls, dense mat'ls. Battery field Analog signal. replaceable, battery field Digital signal replaceable. METER COST 148.20 91.18 140.00 TOUCH PA~D COST 7.93/793.00 61.75/6175.00 incl. P~ADIO TX COST 135./13500.00 152.42/15242. 140./14000.00 HANDHELD 8907.06 7040.00 5674.00 COMPUTER COST RADIO RX COST incl. incl. incl. SOFTWARE COST 5143.50 4650.00 7140.00 HARDWARE COST 797.99 595.00 incl. TOTAL SYS COST 55726.55 47970.00 51514.00