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05 28 1996 CM
91 ~(]I~NCTT, M~I,R~TlXlO~ MTi~I~TR~q Mmy 219,. 1996 MJm]tes of regl]lar meeting held at city mnni~lpal buildlng~ May 2~ lgq6_ Present: Mayor John ~. Cntant~ Cmmeil members T,eroy ~. Ql~ick~ ~teven M. Rnglmnd~ W. Dean Wend~ Marvin C. Qunter~ Attmrney City Clerk Rnn C. Conlln. Meeting war called tn order at 7:~0 p.m. by Mayer John PT,RDC~R AT,T,R~TANCR TO T~R TNV©CATT©~: Bishop William McT~ee~ Ohl]bb]}ck lat. Ward~ The Chnrch of JesHn Christ ~f Latter-day ~qaints. Cm]ncilman Wood moved tn approve regl]lsr meeting min~]te~ May 14~ 1996 aR read_ C~l]ncilm~n QHic~ ~ec~nded_ All or ©~DTNANCR - An ordinance maNlng technical corr~ction~ to Ordinance #446. Mayor Cotmnt resd ordinance hy title nnly for the first reading_ Parking vinlati~n fees~ nreatinn nf nn par~ing-fire l~ne areas lipon private property_ table ordinance ]mtil il]ne !1,. 1996 Col)nell Meeting. ~RCIIT,ATTNC RTT,T,R©A~DR Planning Assistant Larry Kohntopp stated regl:lating billboards iR one that bmns all billboards and r~q~ires the removal ~f any already in e~istenme. Larry .qaid a ban nn new billbeards iR a simple: pop, Ilar technigu~ that tn~.q worked in hundr~d~ ~f ~emm~m~ti~. TL will slowly r~dl]c~ th~ m]mh~r of ~lstlna bi l lhosrd~, h~ns~]~ shout to attrition through redevelopm~nt~ nsnnell~d l~sse~ Ate. billboards. eliminating Rlllhemrds ~h~utd he a conditional ]lRe~ net a p~rmltted F~illhoards nho~ild he chsroed an annual o~rmit fm~ nf at l~m~t Sg~.~ o~r nion ~tfn~tur~ tn nnv~r th~ nn~t nf hiring ~tsff t6 Anfn~ee th~ nrdinmne~_ q~ RD,~IILA~T~i~ RTLTmROARD,~ - (~.nnt. } No billboarda shall be permitted in mny Reaic]ential F}l.qtriet; lqlatoric. Di~triot ~r AgPim]ltl~r~l ~i~triot_ Nn billhmardg shall he permitted alnng an~ designated Nm ~il l~mar~ ~hall ~ erected Nithin ~ f~et of mn~ re~idenee~ ~r ~¢lthin 1~ fe~t mf ~n~ hl~torio di~trint~ ~rN~ ?~blie mr ~riv~t~ ~ehoel~ eh~reh hospital ~ eRmeter~ mnnvmntimn eenter~ ~i~grnund~ r~erm~tion eenter~ eit~ reore~timnml f~militi~ er government building_ Rpami nS. feet in nlm~. Nm hillhnnrd ~11 h~ illuminnted nt nigSt~ if in vieN nf R~i~ting hillhnnrd~ nr~ typically grnndf~thered; h~t onn nat he nltered~ ~uh~tnnti~ily r~nired~ nr r~lne~ted. ~ hi 1 lhnnrd mu~t he remmved and any nnt he rennn~tmleted if nn~ Dnrtinn mf the ~ign f~ne; fr~m~ nr ~u~nrting gevel gpmgnt Cnmmi ssi gm Mgmh~r~ r~vi ~w; and pr~ggnt Investigating thr~ aHtomat~d m~t~r r~mding systems. Th~ n~w for any w~rk thi~ ~a~n; ~ that ~e coHld pl]rch~ Smart presented e. ompariaon matriwEa ta the fieunnil. The proposals re?Jested ars str~]ctl]rEd a~-nllnd the ability to (1) Man]ially ~nter meter r~sding~ into m handhold ~ompHt~r_ (2) ~nter m~t~r r~adlng l~to the handhold ~ompt]ter 1]~ing a wand and "roi]ch pad". (A) Rnter th~ m~t~r reading into the PW~ Rmart Ewp]ainEd Each AftEr di.q~llsRion; ~Ol~n~il directed PWT3 ~qmert to proceed with with installing new ~enatn~otien %~,ith the new metera~ then O.T,ATMR - (!ompl]ter print-o~]t ~lmlms presented to Mayor Cotant and ~el}n~.i 1 _ 95 CT,ATM~ - Coum~.ilman Onic. k moved to approve c. om?liter print-o~t ~lmim,q voted In favor of motion. At R :3~ p.m.¢ ~oumeilm`an Onlmk moved to go int`a e~ecutive meR`alon voted in favor of motion. Di~cu,~mion about personnel problem in Poli~.e D~partment. ~iwmy Ave. final action or finml d~ei~ion wag mmde. At g:55 p.m.~ Councilman Rngtmnd moved, Coun~_ilman O_ni~k ge~onded~ with fllll COl]mCi] approval to adjourn m~eting. /lolnn ©. Cot,ant~ Mayor