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04 23 1996 CM
C©IINCTT. MRR?TN~ MTlgII?RS April 23~ 1gq6 Minatmn of r~g, lar m~eting held mt airy municipal t~ullding, Apri 1 23~ 1 75 Rtavan M. Rngland, W. ~an Wood, Marvin C_ Qlmtar, Attornmy City Clerk Ran C. Conlin. Malting wan called to ardor at 7,30 p.m. hy Mayor John O. natant. PT,~O~ AT,T,~GTA~C~ ?© ?g~ PT,AG: ~PP~OVAT, ©P MTNIIT~S Mayor natant ank~d for norrAotlonn or additions to ragular masting minntan of April g~ lgg~. Counollman Q1]lok movad to approva ragular moating mlm~tan of April 9: lgg6 aR road. Coun~_ilman C~unter n~.oondad. All nmmail m~mb~rn votad in favor of motion. RIIaTNRaS T,TCRNRR APPT,TCATTON Rratt and Tommy garrison, 4719 Shank, at 471q V~llo~ntona Ava_ Pollaa Chief Rowland and Rulldlng Tnapantor Campball r~comm~ndad approval of tho bunin~nn licann~ applimation. Counotlman Wood movad to grant a ~nntn~na llc~naa to ~r~tt and Tommy garrlnon to a~ll ahavad 1aa From Rna Shaak~ at 4719 mambarn votad in favor of motlon. ORDTNANC~ #455 - Changing tho addr~ma of 4qal Yallowatona to 210 Cirela Tnn ~traat~ For prop~rtlas on th~ north ald~ of Clrcl~ Tnn Str~at~ and 211 Cirola Tnn ~traat For proportion on tho mouth ~lda of Clrola Tnn Straat. Attornay Rolm~n rand Ordlnan~ #455 in full for tho n~aond raading, on~ by titla¢ cna in fall. City Clark Conlln wan dlrectad to notify II.a. Pomtal Sarvlo~ and ~margan~y Sarvl~am of th~ ahang~. CoHnotlman Quick moved to dtnp~nna with rula of r~adlng Ordlnan~ ~455 on thr~ aaparata days. Col]noilman Wood aacondad. ~ol] CAll Vot~ Gl]ntar~ yas. ' ' ' - · COlln~i 1man Wood movad to adoot ©rdinanm.~_ #455 aR rand. 77 C)RDTNAI~CR - An ordlnanc~ adding ~ectlon q.~R_24¢) te the Chuhhllr.~4 Municipal Cede to prohibit the welling of non-owned vehlc_les on private property. read i ns. Councilman Weed e~premsed concern the City getting involved towing vehtcle~ when property owners should After dismm~ien~ Council decided to table the ordinance lmtll the March 14~ 19c;~ Colmcil Meet.ins. PROCT,AMATT©M - "M©TORCVCI,~ AWAR~MBRS M~M~M" - Mayor Cotant remd the promlmm~tlon in full. Cmmctlman Wood moved to direct Mayor Cotant to proclalm~ May ~ 199~ Mntercycle AwarenesR M~nth. Cmmmilman Onnter ~mconded. All col~ncil member~ voted in favor of motion. F{TD - DURT,TC WORf{g 6)FWTCW, ADDTTTON - P~ Rmart presented bids for th~ DWD Offic~ Addition that w~r~ ~p~n~d on TlmRdsy~ April Rrennan Construction Alt. ~1 - Dryvlt Addition 21 ~RSO~_~O American Flerttage~ Thc_ Alt. #1 - f]ryvtt Addltlon Alt. ~2 - gmi~mor Trlim~/Vm]lt~d Alt. ~3 - ~loor Oov~ring Addition Contractors I,io~nm~ st the tim~ ~f m~bmitting th~ hid for th~ off lee addit inn_ PWD ~mart stated Tdah~ Code Rectlon 64-1901 definer a "Public Wer~s Contractor sm a contractor who~ in any capaclty~ p~hlic wor~ nr m~]hmitm a proposal to any City. PWD Smart recommended the Council reject the bids tnasm]~ch mR higher. 7q RT'D - PlIRT,T~ W~IqKS ©~'~TC.R AT~T')T"PTO'I'7 - (c.o'nt.) Col]n~.ilman Qui~k moved to re.ioof the hidn~ and dtremt PWD Smart to re-hid the pro_loot in antlmipation of receiving bids more in line with ol~r budget, and from an appropriately 1 i~.enaed P~hllc Workn Contractor. Cmln~ilman Rngland seconded. All counm, il memhern voted in favor of motion. PRC)POSRD LOCAL TMPROVRMRlgT DTSTRTCTS T~ROIiGFIOIIT CTTV - PWD Smart to be ina]Haled in a Local Tmprovememt Dintrict. Ward and Valenty Drive Part of Went T,lnden - Small a~ctlon of renldentt~l street Rvann Lane, lnclnding KlngRway and Rant gurnnlde around Qulnn Road from RonRlc] Rd_ to Rant end of ~reen Triangle property. Rant Linden from commercial area to end of Linden Road. Counntl wnn in favor of diremting PWD Smart to proceed creating local improvement dintrintn for rhone arean dinnuased. PW]7 Smart stated he in In promens of contacting engineers for prnponaln. ~T,ATMR - Computer print-out clalmn presented to Mayor Cotant and Councilman Gunter moved to approve computer print-out clalmn ~RNlqI, RAT, F~TSCIISSTONS - 1. ~ood ~omment~ on the newly 2_ PWT) Smart reported he Kent a letter off tn franure Constructton~ advising him nf problems with sewer line in PWT] Smart said he will find ollt why the fence wan removed_ C~nltn tm ~ttnnd. April ~0~ t99~ mt Tdah~ ~llR City q~ ~.m_ tm 4~ p.m. City Cl~r~ At ~,26 p.m.~ Onunnilman ~]mtnr m~vnd~ Col]nnilm~n W~nd ~n~ondnd, with fllll collnoil appravml tm adjourn m~gting. ~ Ran C.. Conlln~ City Clnr~ ~>