HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 09 1996 CMCOUNCIl, MEETING MINUTES April 9, 1996 Mlnutes of regular meeting held at city municipal bui]dlng~ April 9, 1996. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Council members Leroy S. Quick; Steven M. England~ W. Dean Wood; Marvin C. Gunter~ Attorney Thomas J. Holmes and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin. Public works director Steven M. Smart was excused. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor John O. Cotant. PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THR ELAG: APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or additions to regular meeting minutes of March 26~ lqq6~ and Special Meeting Minutes of March 28~ ].996. Councilman Gunter moved to approve regular meeting minutes of March 26, 1996 as read. Councilman England seconded. All councll members Voted in favor of motion. Councilman Wood moved to approve Special Meeting Minutes of March 28~ 1996 as read. Councilman Quick seconded. Ail council members voted in favor of motion. PUBLIC HEARING An application by Con Jensen~ 8294 W. Buckskin 9d.~ Pocatello for a change of Land Use District from, Resldentlal~ (R-2), to !ndustria]~ (I). Property ia located in the 4600 B!cck on Burley Drive~ between 4562 and 4684 Burley~ Chubbuek~ Idaho. Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open. Mr. Con Jenson stated at this time he would like to build s shop for Interwest Insulation~ along with som~ mini-storage units. At this time Mr. Jensen does not have a site plan. Mayor Cotant asked for comment, there being none, Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing closed. Councilman England moved to accept the Land Use and Development Commission's recommendations for a change in Land Use District from, Residential, (R-2), to Industrial, (I). on property located in the 4600 Block on B%]rley Drive between 45~2 and 4684 Burley Drive. Councilman Quick seconded. All councll members voted in favo~ of motion. 65 PROCLAMATION - "LETTER CARRIERS FOOD DRIVE DAY" - Mayor Cetant read proclamation in full. Councilman Wood moved to direct Mayor Cotant to proclaim~ May iii 1996~ to be "Letter Carriers Food Drive Day". Councilman Gunter seconded. All council members voted in favor of motlon. BOWEN PETROLEUM REQUEST FOR WAVIER OF PARKING REQUIREMENT, PAVING PARKING AREA REQUIREMENT AND PARTIAL WAIVER OF LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENT AT 4699 BURLEY DRIVE - Randall Johnsonx Bowen Petroleum building a maintenance repair Petroleum. stated they are looking at shop strictly for Bowen Mr. Johnson stated there are only two mechanics that wl!l work in the shop~ at any glven tlme there will be up to five trucks that will be parked there. Therefore, Bowen Petroleum is asking the parking space requirement be seven spaces next to the building, rather than the required sixteen. Mr. Johnson expressed concern of paving the full area as required~ rather than paving just where the vehicles park only. Mr. Johnson stated Bowen is wllllng to use dust abatement on all the graveled area. Mr. Johnson stated Bowen Oil would prefer to do the first 2~' in landscaplng~ rather than the full 404' as Landscaping Ordinance requires. Mr. Johnson stated Bowen Oll is willing to sign a developmental agreement on the 25' street~ landscaplng~ etc~ Mr. Johnson was asked to provide a copy of their title report~ then a determination on the easement can be made. Building Inspector Campbell stated he did not have a problem with only seven spaces being required. Mayor Cotant stated City Ordinance requires all commercial business have a paved area from the street right-of-way to the parking area, and including the parking area. Councilman Gunter spoke in favor of requiring the paving from right-of-way to the building. 67 PARKING REQUIREMENT~ PAVING AND LANDSCAPING WAIVMR FOR BOWEN PETROLEUM - 4699 BURLEY DRIVE (cont.) Councilman England moved to 1) Approve waiver of parking requirement from sixteen spaces to seven spaces~ including one handicap accessible. 2) Approve waiver of curb~ gutter and sidewalk until such time as a Local Improvement District is created. 3) Approve waiver of asphalt from street right-of- way to vehicle parking area. 4) Provide necessary dust abatement. 5) Developmental Agreement executed. Councilman Wood seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. BI Campbell can issue building permit after Developmental Agreement is executed. REQUEST FOR PARTIAL BUILDING PERMIT PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL BRET ROWE - REBECCA STREET - Brent Rowe, 1~58 Lexington was present to request the CouncJ. 1 approve a partial temporary building permit for his residence on Tree Valley Road. Mr. Rowe presented a site drawing of the residence. BI Campbell stated Mr. Rowe should understand that a complete building permit cannot be issued until the final p]at approved. Councilman Gunter moved to approve a partial building permit prior to approval of final plat~ to Bret Rowe, for residence on Tree Valley Road, subject to BI Campbell's approval. Co~ncllman Wood seconded. Al! councll members voted in favor of motion. PUBLIC HEARING - An application by Arave Construction, Inc., 1395 N.W., Blackfoot, Idaho for a change in Land Use District for the Dlamond Court Subdlvislon~ Lots 1~ 2~ and 3 of Block 4; to be zoned General Commercial, (C-2), and Lots 1 through 13 of Block 2, to be zoned Dense Residential, (R-4), all upon requested annexation. Property 1s located on the east side of Yellowstone Ave., between 5160 and 5328 Yellowstone Ave. Property is presently zoned, Industrial~ (I). Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open, there being no comment~ Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing closed. Councilman Wood moved to accept the recommendations of the Land Use and Development Commission for a change in the Land Use District~ upon annexation for the Diamond Court Subdivision; Lots 1,2~ and 3 of Block 4, to be zoned General Commercial, (C-2)~ and Lots 1-13 of Block 2~ to be zoned Dense Residential~ (R-4). Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. 69 ORDINANCE - Changing the address of 4901Ysllowstone~ to 211 Circle Inn. Jerry O'Dell, Circle Inn Mobile Home Park Manager was present, suggesting the north side of the mobile home park be numbered 2~; and the south side be 2~1. Mayor Cotant suggested the City Staff talk to the U.S. Postal Service before a decision is reached. After discussion, Council decided to table the ordinance until City Staff gets U.S. Postal Service input. POCATELLO/CHUBBUCK METROPOLITAN AREA LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN Bannock Plannlng Organization Policy Board recently approved the long range transportation plan. BPO desires that the City adopts this plan and uses it for transportation planning in the City. M. Bylngton, Bannock Plannlng Organization presented the plan. Councilman England moved to adnpt Resolution #1-96 as presented. Councilman Gunter seconded. Ali. councll members voted in favor of motion. NEIGHBORHOOD COMPLAINT Lois Bledsoe, 210 Mingo I, ane asked if there is anything that can be done about a re~ldent complaining about their dogs and cats. The individual has went so far as trapping the cats, and turned them over to the Po]ice Department. There are five or six residents with Lois Bledsoe complaining about the same individual. Police Chief Jerry Rowland stated: as of yet, there has been no charges officially filed with the Police Department. Lois Bledsoe asked if she can review City Ordinances. Chief Rowland suggested she come to the Police Department and get copies of the ordinance. Chief Rowland stated the disagreements are of civil nature~ there have been no charges filed as of yet. PROPOSED LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS THROUGHOUT THE CITY Mayor Cotant reported the tax increment monles will not be able to be used for bonding of the Local Improvement District. Councilman England stated there are areas in the Clty that an local improvement district needs to be pursued. 71 PROPOSED LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS THROUGHOUT T~E CITY - (cont.) Council discussion the following areas: Qulnn and Polellne Rd. Burley Drive - Linden Ave.- Evans Lane Valenty Rd. - Ward Drive - Klngsway Mayor Cotant stated a map, with costs and specifics will be prepared, and presented to the Council for review. CLAIMS - Computer print-out clalms presented to Mayor Cotant and Council. Councilman Wood moved to approve computer print-out claims as presented. Councilman Gunter seconded. Ail councll members voted in favor of motion. PROPOSED MOTOR GRADER PURCHASE - PWD Smart presented the Council with motor grader rental rates to compare with the purchase of a new road grader. After discusslon~ Councilman Wood moved to direct Mayor Cotant to enter into agreement for purchase of #14~H Road Grader. Councilman England seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. GENERAL DISCUSSION - Rich Marley asked why BPI has not emptied the dumpster at Stuart Park the last three months. Mayor Cotant told Mr. Marley he will check, and have BPI empty the dumpster as soon as possible. Rich Marley asked why lights have not been put in at Stuart Park. Mayor Cotant said he will check with Parks Department. Discussion about using Stuart and B1Centenial Parks for baseball games this year. City installed a sprinkler system at Cotant Park, and will not use Port Mall Irrigation at this time. Councilman Gunter suggested~ when we talk to BPI about emptying the dumpster at Stuart Park; we tell them the City is receiving a lot of complaints about their trucks losing hydraulic fluid along the streets. Also suggested advising BPI, their drivers are driving too fast, getting from one stop~ to another. After discusslon~ it was decided Clty will invlte BPI Representative to next City Council Meeting. 73 G~NRRAL DISCUSSION - (cont.) Rich Marley expressed concern about, when the water line was bid on Hawthorne Rd., why were the fire hydrant~ not put up to grade. City had to put extensions on them to bring them to grade. Bryan Hall Gave an explanation of what happen. At 9:20 p.m., Councilman Gunter moved, Councilman Wood seconded, with full council approval to adjourn meetlng. Eon C. Conlin, City Clerk · Cotant, Mayor SZTE- PLAFJ AI)Pt~<)~vZHAT_TO~ T~?F_E VALLFV R~I~[}