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03 26 1996 CM
COUNCIL M~ETYNC~ MINUTES March 2&; 1996 49 Minutes of regular meeting held at city municipal bui. ldlng~ March 26; 1996. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant~ Councll members Leroy S. Qulck~ Steven M. England~ W. Dean Wood, Marvin C. Gunter; Attorney Thomas J. Holmes~ Publlc Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ran C. Conlln. Meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Mayor John O. Cotant. PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG: APPROVAL ©P MINUTES Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or additions to reg~]].ar meeting minutes of March 12~ 1996~ and Special Meeting Minutes of March 19~ 1996. Councilman Wood moved to approve regular meeting minutes March 12, ]996 as read. Councilman Quick seconded. Ail council members voted In favor of motion. of Councilman Quick moved to approve Special Meeting Minutes of March 19~ 1996 a~ read. Councilman Wood seconded. Ali. council members present, voted in favor of motion. PUBLIC HEARING - An application by Harold L. Scalf~ 5~47 Elizabeth~ Chubbuck~ for a review of a preliminary plat for Vista Park 1st. Addition. A subdivision located immediately north of Vista Park and Rebecca Drive. This public hearing was scheduled for the March 12~ 1.996 Council Meeting: but because Mr. gchslf requasted, the public hearing was postponed until tonight's Council Meeting. Councilman Wood stepped down because of conflict of interest. Staff Report stated the Preliminary Plat conforms with requirements of Titles 16 & 17. City utilities are readily available in adjacent subdivision. This addition varies from the master plan, in that Tree Valley Rd. is shown to be abandoned. The master plan indicated that the road would be continued to Garden Drive. If approved, Developer will meed to make cash contribution in-lieu of park land dedication. Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open. ~arold Scalf, 5047 Elizabeth stated this plat is being presented without the recommendation of the Land Use & Development Committee. Mr. Kcalf said the concerns of the LU&D Commission were 1) The present proposal does not coincide with the original preliminary plat. 2) Fear that the proposed platted addition to Vista Park will cut off access by the landowners to the north. PUBLIC (cont . ) 51 HEARING VISTA PARK 1ST. ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT Mr. Scalf stated the major concern seemed to be that his intent was to cut off the access to homes that are established there. Mr. Scalf stated that it ls not his intent, he said he is however, very interested in limiting the traffic flow across this area, hoping this presentation will Justify that lntent~ and offer a solution to the concern. Mr. Scalf felt that a street along the site of the gravel roadway lsa poor permanent solution to the problem of access, but it seems to be th~ only one available to him at the moment} and seems adequate for a limited number of homes. Mr. Scalf felt a better solution for access to the homes would be accessing out to Buffalo and Hlllne Roads. Mr. Scalf felt if he created the street, and the City accepted, there would be an unlimited use and continuing drain of tax dollars. Mr. Stall discussed limiting the traffic flow in Vista Park Subdivision. The plat presented is marked to clarify the intent of the project design: Ten lots are added. Mary Drlve ends st the west boundary. Future access to Buffalo Rd. is possible. Land is provided for a small park. Surface water runoff is provided for. · A temporary grave/ed roadway provldes limited access to the north. Mr. Scalf proposed to provide an easement for a limited private access drlve to serve no more than five homes. Mr. Scalf expects to construct a graveled drive of quality acceptable to the City to provlde access for those homes to the north. This will be located wlthin the area to be dedicated to the City aa part of the access area for the park from Mary Drive. Mr. Scalf also anticipated that maintenance of the access will be the responsibility of the residents and will not be a burden on the City. Tim Shurtllff, 426 W. Lewis explained Mr. S ' calf s proposal for handling the runoff water. Mr. Bhurtllff stated. Mr. Scalf should be commended for the quality of homes he ~as built in Vista Park Subdivision. Mike Bunce, 5110 Tree Valley Road expressed concern of being land locked, If Mr. Scalf is not required to pave an access road, (Tree Valley Road). Mr. Bunce said Mr. Sca]f has not worked wlth residents in the area. Mr. Bunce felt the runoff problem will take care of its self whether there is a paved street there or not. ~ PUBLIC H~AHING VISTA PARK IRT. ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT (cont.) - Mr. Bunce stated the only two accesses for residents north of the proposal is either, Tree Valley Rd. or Garden Drive~ PWD Smart explained future plans show Garden Drive to evidentially be extended to out to Buffalo and Hlline Sds. Problem is Garden Drive will need an underground storm drainage in the street. Garden Drive will be real expensive to build. Clausle Furgeson~ Nampa, Idaho expressed concern about her easement. Mrs. ?urgeson felt Mr. Scalf is Ignoring her rights by not providing a way for her to get off her property. Mrs. Furgeson is against the proposal without requiring Mr~ Scalf to provide a paved access from her property. PWD Smart stated the Tree Valley Road easement is 5S' Mr. Scalf stated he feels he should not have to provide access for another development. Mr~ Scalf stated Garden Drive is not a good area for a street. Mayor Cetant declared the public hearing closed. Councilman England moved to table the Vlsta Park 1st. Addition Subdivision Preliminary Plat, until the Council can go and look st the subdivision. Councilman Quick seconded. Qulck~ yes~ England~ yes; Gunter~ yss~ Wood~ Stepped down because of conflict of interest. City Clerk Conlin was directed to Advertise Meeting, Thursday~ March 28, 1996 at 4:00 p.m. of Council review of Vista Park Subdivision. for a Special for the purpose PUBLIC HEARING - An application by Harold L. Scalf; 5047 Ellzabeth~ Chubbuck, Idaho for a change of Land Use District to Single Family, (R-i) for property located immediately north of Vista Park and Rebecca Drive. Property ls presently zoned Agricultural, (A). Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open asking for comment for; or against the proposal; there being no comment Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing closed_ Councilman Quick moved to accept the recommendations of the Land Use and Development Commission approving a change of Land Use District to Single Family Residentia]~ (R-I): to Harold L. Scalf for property located immediately north of Vista Park. Councilman ~ngland seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick~ yes: England, yes; Gunter~ yes~ Wood, Stepped down for conflict o~ interest~ 55 PROCLAMATION - "CIVITAN AWARENESS MONTH" Mayor Cotant read proclamation in full. Councilman England moved to dlrect Mayor Cotant to proclslm the month of Aprll~ 1996 as "Civltan Awareness Month" in the City of Chubbuck. Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. 1994-95 FISCAL YEAR AUDIT - City Audltor Scott Jones presented the 1994-95 Flscal Year Audit to Mayor Cotant and Council. Councilman England moved to accept the 1994-95 Fiscal Year Audit as presented by Cltv Auditor Scott Jones. Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. PARKING LOT RE-CONSTRUCTION BID OPENIN~ - PWD Smart gave a report on bids received for the City Parklng Lot Re-Construction bid opening: Concrete Work Pasley Construction Pro Builders Reinhart Construction L & A Concrete Wellard Construction Klggens Concrete Pavlng Work S 36;760.~0 S 2R~q~O.~ S 24,574.~0 8 23~57~.00 S $ 13~43~.~0 Bannock Paving $ 20,451.30 Hunzlker Construction $ 15~qsg.2g PWD Smart explained the bid on concrete work might be a little low. PWD Smart and Gerd Dixon wlll meet with contractor in mornlng to make sure everything is covered. Councilman Wood moved to dlrect Mayor Cotant to enter into contract with the lowest responsible bid. Councilman Quick seconded. Ail councll members voted in favor of motion. PROPOSED LOCAL IMPROVeMeNT DISTRICTS THROUGHOUT THE CITY Mayor Cotant suggested using tax increment monies to secure a loan to make improvements on E. Chubbuck Rd.; W. Chubbuck Rd., Burley Dr. and Hlline Rd. improving the roads to three lanes. Mayor Cotant suggested if the City can do thls~ the property owners should be responsible for curb and sidewalks; maybe with a local improvement district, or something. Valenty Rd. and Ward Drive are not in the district, so wlll probably have to go with a local improvement district' in these 57 PR©POSED LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS THR©UG~OUT THE CITY - (cont.) Councilman England moved to direct Public Works Director Smart to proceed getting proposals to secure an engineer for the project. Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. CLAIMS - Computer print-out claims presented to Mayor Cotant and Council. Councilman Qulck moved to approve computer print-out claims as presented. Councilman Wood seconded. All council members voted in favor nf motion. CONSIDER PROPOSAL TO UPGRADE MOTOR GRADER - PWD Smart stated maintenance and operations of the motor grader we have now is costing the City too much. Another problem is the motor grader is too large to handle on City streets. PWD Smart said the City has a chance to purchase a smal]er~ better Cataplller grader from Western States for approx. $158~000. There is concern the City does not use a grader this much. Councilman Quick suggested estimates be put together on how much the City would use a grader~ then a comparison be made, Mayor Cotant suggested we talk to Hun~lker Construction to see what it would cost to rent a grader. G~NERAL DISCUSSION - Bryan Hall will go to Denver to an auction with Boy Lacey. If he can find a good by on a dump trunk, we will purchase· At 1~:20 p.m.~ with full PWD Smart showed Council new water piping. Cost is less than ductile plpe~ but more than PVC. Councilman Wood moved: Councilman Quick seconded: council approval to adjourn meeting. Son C. Conlin, City Clerk