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October 14~ 1997
Minutes of regular meeting held at city municipal building,
October 14, 1997~
Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Councilmembers Leroy S. Quick~
Steven M. England, W. Dean Wood, Marvin A. Gunter, Attorney
Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and
City Clerk Ron C. Conlim.
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor John O. Cotant.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or
additions to Regular Meeting Minutes of September 23, 1997
Councilman Wood moved to approve Regular Meeting Minutes of
September 23, 1997 as read. Councilman Quick seconded. Ail
council members voted in favor of motion.
PUBLIC HEARING - An application by Steve Harris, Harris
Construction, ~5~5 Burley Drive for a preliminary plat for
Harris Suhdi~ision. Property is presently zoned, Industrial,
II). A subdivision Jocated at 4555 Burley Drive.
Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open, there being no
comment from public, Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing
Councilman Gunter moved to accept the Harris Subdivision Final
Plat as presented. Councilman Quick seconded. All council
members voted in favor of motion.
PUBLIC HEARING - An application by Grover~s Plumbing and Electrical
Supply~ 3103 Washington, Vancouver~ WA 98660 for a preliminary
plat for Grover Plumbing Subdivision. Property is presently
zoned General Commercial~ (C-2}. A subdivision located at 100
Block of East Chubbuck Road, south side; (Portions of Lots
& 3 of Bonnie Braie Acres located in the NE ~/4 of Section
Township 6 south, R34,
Staff has asked that the owners consider one ~0~ access
directly across from Valenty Road. Staff also recommended that
'the owners seek a shared access with the property to the west
of the site. Surface runoff will be disposed on site via a
surface drainage swale connected with on site drywells.
City Staff received a letter from Marquess & Associates, Inc.,
Grovers Consulting Engineers stating Grover~s Project fells
the 325~ roadway frontage warrants a two entrance access
because of the following reasons:
The commercial facility requires a substantial amonnt of
truck traffic. Two accesses would limit the truck traffic
through pedestrian traveled areas.
The maneuvering for truck traffic is very limited, the
loading dock area requires the westerly driveway for backup
3, The owner of the site is considering a future commercial
development behind the proposed Grover Structure. His
intent is to share the easterly entrance with this
development. The possible impact on this entrance should be
Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open.
Ray Gierloff, Grover~s General Manager, Barbara Clots,
Randy Cleveland, Consulting Engineers and Czvson Edgington,
Shepherd Engineering were present.
Attorney Ron Bush was present requesting Grover~s original
Preliminary Plat showing two accesses he approved. Mr. Bush
presented slides showing the proposed store and potential
traffic patterns problems'the one access request presents. Mr.
Bush explained there are no other accesses to the west, east
or south. Considerable discussion about Grover~s traffic
problems with the one access requirement.
Attorney Bush explained Grover~s, because they were nnaware of
when the meeting was, Grover~s were not present at the Land
Use and Development Meeting to express concerns about the
requests of one access and also the aligning up of an access
with Valenty Road.
Mr. Bush stated when the original plan was presented, nothing
was said by City Staff about 'the requirement of one single
access. Therefore, Grover's invested a lot of monies into the
two access original plan.
Attorney Bush explained Grover~s have not had good experiences
with shared accesses at some of the other stores.
Mayor Cotant explained the ownere of the property to the west
of Grover~s~ {on the se corner of Yellowstone A~.e. and
Chubbuck Rd.}, have no other access to the property, unless
there is some sort of an common access.
Discussion about Access Management Guidelines.
PWD Smart stated
Representative's have
the City Staff feels Grover~s
not attempted to make the one access
Attorney Holmes stated the plan looks like it would work
better if the trucks would circle around the building rather
%~an back in and ont. Mr. Gierloff stated~ Grover~s uses this
plan in several cities~ this plan works best for them.
Councilman Wood spoke in favor of the original two access
preliminary plat. Councilman Wood felt we should not require
Grover's to submit another plat.
~{ayor Cotant declared the public hearing closed.
Couneihnan England expressed concern the Council be
consistent in implementing the Access Management Guideline.
Councilman England suggested Grover Plumbing redesign the
preliminary plat to accommodate one access.
Discussion about possible future traffic signal at Valenty and
access to Grover Plumbing. Councilman Wood felt the Valenty
Road is to close to the Chubbuck and Yellowstone Road
Mayor Cotant asked Mr. Oierloff to present what the City is
asking to Jack Grover, owner of Grover~s Plumbing & ~lectric,
to see if there is any way Grover~s can make do 1) With the
one access, 2) Common access on Grover~s west property line.
Mr. Gierloff explained why Orover's does not want to share an
access to the west.
PWD Smart stated the Land Use & Development Commission
recommended approval of one access only.
Councilman Quick moved to table Grover~s Preliminary Plat
until. Mr. Gierloff can meet with Jack Grover to get approval
to share the access to the west of said property. Councilman
Gunter seconded. Ail council members voted in favor of motion.
PUBLIC HEARINGS - An application by the City of Chubbuek~ ~160
Yellowstone Ave. for a change in Land Use District, upon
requested annexation, 'to Single Family Residential., IR-l} for
property at 11888 N. Whitaker Rd (8500 Whitaker Rd.). Property
is presently zoned, Agricultural, {A}.
An application by 'the City of Chubbuck, 5160 Yellowstone Ave.
Chubbuck, Idaho, upon requested annexation, to Single Family
Residential~ {R-l), for property located at 11573, {5273 N.
Whitaker Road). Propert~ is presently zoned~ Agricultural,
An application by 'the City of Chubbuck, 5160 Yellowstone Ave.
for a change of Land Use District~ upon requested annexation
to Single Family Residential~ (R-l), for property at 11952 N.
Whitaker Rd., [5590 Whitaker Rd.), Lot 1, Hiline Acres
Subdivision. Property is presently zoned, Agricultural, (A).
An application by the City of Chubbuck, Idaho for a change in
Land Use District, upon requested annexation to Single Family
Residential, (R-11, for property at 11900 Block of Hiline Rd.,
(5555 Hiline Rd.); Lot 3, Miline Acres Subdivision. Property
is presently zoned, Agricultural,
An application by the Chubbuck, 5160 Yellowstone Ave.~
Chubbuck~ Idaho for a change in Land Use District, upon
requested annexation to Single Family Residential, (R-l), for
property located at 11942 Hiline Road, (5575 Hiline Road), Lot
2~ Hiline Acres Subdivision. Property is presently zoned,
Mayor Cotant declared the public hearings open, asking for
comment from the public, there being none, Mayor Cotant
declared the public hearing closed.
Councilman Wood moved to accept Land Use and Development
Commission's recommendations to change Land Use District, upon
re~uested annexation to Single Family Residential, [R-11, for
properties located at llRg8 N. Whitaker Rd., [5500 Whitaker
Rd.~, 11573 N. Whitaker Rd., (5273 Whitaker Rd.), 11952
Whitaker Rd, (5590 Whitaker Rd.), 11900 N. Whitaker Road,
(5555 Hiline Rd.) and 11942 N. Whitaker Road, (5575 Hiline
Rd.). Councilman Gunter seconded. Ail council members voted in
favor of motion.
ORDINANCE - Annexing certain lands to be included within the
boundaries and jurisdictional limits of the City of Chubbuck,
Tract A:
Tract B:
Tract C:
Alenskis 11573 N. Whitaker Road
Ellis School - 1].888 N. Whitaker Rd.
Hiline Acres Subdivision - Lots 1, 2 and 3
Hiline Acres Subdivision.
Attorney Holmes read ordinance in full for the first reading.
ORDINANCE - {cont.)
Council tabled ordinance until the October 28, 1997 Oouncil
FINAL PLAT - HARRIS SUBDIVISION -PWD Smart stated everything is in
order on the plat, and recommended the final plat be approved.
Councilman England moved to accept the Harris Subdivision
Final Plat as presented. Councilman Wood seconded. Ail council
members voted in favor of the motion.
ORDINANCE #473 - Amending Section 15.20.010 to delete the provision
that exempts s property owner from having any responsibility
for obtaining a building moving permit; amending Section
15.Z0.010 to make the property owner responsible for assuring
compliance with City Ordinance including those for production
building cluster arrangements; delete Section 15.20.110 which
exempts owner of a lot or park upon which a production
building is placed from any liability.
Mayor Cotant read Ordinance #473 by title only for the third
and final reading.
Mobile Court owners were notified by letter and phone. There
were no mobile court owners present at the meetings.
Councilman Gnnter moved to adopt Ordinance #473 as read.
Councilman Wood seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes~ England,
yes; Wood, yes; Gunter, yes.
ORDINANCE #474 - Amending certain lands to be included within the
boundaries and jurisdictional limits of the City of Chubbuek
- Victorian Village Subdivision.
Attorney Holmes read Ordinance #474 in full for the second
reading, one of which was in fmll.
Councilman England moved to dispense with rule of reading
Ordinance #474 on three separate days. Councilman Gunter
seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Gunter,
yes; Wood, yes,
Councilman Quick moved to adopt Ordinance #474 as read.
Councilman Wood seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England,
yes; Gunter, yes; Wood, yes.
RESOLUTION - 5-97 - General City Election.
Councilman England read Resolution #5-97 in full.
- ,,0-97 - (cont.)
1 '71
Councilman Gunter moved to adopt Resolution #5-97 as read.
Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor
of motion.
FINANCIAL REPORT for month ending, September 30, 1997.
CLAIMS - Computer print-out claims presented to Mayor Cotant and
Councilman Wood moved 'to approve computer print-out claims as
presented. Councilman Gunter seconded. Ail council members
voted in favor of motion.
Firefighters of the City of Chubbuck addressed some
concerns and proposed some changes. Council will review at
1998-99 Fiscal Year Budget reviews.
ANNOUNCEMENTS - Cities-County Meeting, October 21~ 1997 at Noon,
City of Pocatello Council Chambers.
At 11:23 p.m., Conncilman England moved, Councilman Quick seconded,
with full council approval to adjourn meeting.
~otant, Mayor
~ h 0 ~
Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk