HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 12 1997 CM125
August 12, 199'7
Minutes of regular meeting held at city municipal building,
August 12, 1997.
Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Council members Steven M. England,
W. Dean Wood, Marvin C. Gunter, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes,
Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C.
Conlin. Councilman Leroy S. Quick was excused.
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor John O. Cotant.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or
additions to Regular Meeting Minutes of July 22, 1997, and
Special Meeting Minutes of August 7, 1997.
Councilman Gunter moved to approve Regular Meeting Minutes
July 22, 1997 as read. Councilman Wood seconded. All
council members voted in favor of motion.
Councilman Wood moved to approve Special Meeting Minutes of
August 7, 1997 as read. Councilman England seconded. Ail
council members voted in favor of motion.
PUBLIC HEARING Amending 1996-97 Fiscal Year Budget by
appropriating following additional monies received.
Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open.
Proposed expenditures:
Federal Grant - Anti-Drng Abuse $ 34,641.o5
Purchase of 204 Hiway Ave. Property $ 74,230.20
Total $108,877.75
Proposed Revenues:
Anti-Drug Abuse
Sewer Reserve Bond Transfer to
be paid back by Water~ Sewer &
$ 34,647.55
$ 74,230.20
Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing closed.
Councilman England moved to approve amending the 1996-97
Fiscal Year Budget as presented. Councilman Gunter seconded.
All council members present voted in favor of motion.
BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION - Pedro Brambila, Taqueria Jalisco has
applied for license to sell food from a vending truck at the
Green Triangle Parking Lot.
Po]ice Department recommended approval of the application.
Councilman Wood moved to grant a business license 'to Pedro
Brambila, Taqueria Jalisco to sell food from a vending truck
at the Green Triangle Parking Lot. Councilman England
seconded. All council members present voted in favor of
DAY CARE LICENSE APPLICATION - Joni Kay Hanson, Tender Hearts Pre-
School 4595 Sawtooth has applied for a day care license
license to operate a Pre-School at 4595 Sawtooth.
Councilman Gunter stepped down from his seat because of a
conflict of interest.
Building and Police Departments recommend approval of the day
care application.
Councilman England moved to grant Joni K. Hansen a day care
license to operate a Pre-School at her home, 4595 Sawtooth
subject to City Code Chapter 6 being in compliance and maximum
limit of children at any given time is 12 students.
Councilman Wood seconded. Roll Call vote: Quick, absent;
England, yes; Wood~ yes; Gunter, conflict of interest.
Motion passes.
Councilman Gunter took his seat.
DAY CARE APPLICATION - Lola William & Juanita Hernandez, Fun Time
Kids~ 1345 Hiline Rd. has applied for a day care license to
operate a day care at 265 E. Chubbuck Road, Suite B.
[Southeast of Pick-A-Flick Building).
Lola Williams and Juanita Hernandez were told there cannot be
a play ground outside the day care at this time.
Building and Fire Department stated they have no problem with
the day care application.
Councilman Wood moved to grant Lola William & Juanita
Hernandez, Fun Time Kids a day care license to operate a day
care at 265 E. Chubbuck Rd., Suite B, subject to day care
being in compliance with City Code, Chapter 6. Councilman
England seconded. Ail council members present voted in favor
of motion.
FINAL PLAT - VICTORIAN VILLAGE - Tim Shurtliff, Shurtliff
Engineering, 426 W. Lewis presented the Final Plat.
Mr. Shurtliff stated he is working with City Staff in finding
a method to dispose of storm water wi'thout dry wells.
Discussion about a method of using swells.
Discussion about required park dedication.
Councilman Wood moved to approve the Victorian Village Final
Plat as presented. Councilman Gunter seconded. Ail council
members voted in favor of motion.
ORDINANCE #470 - Adopting Chapter 15.48, providing system and
procedure for use of a key box or hazardous materials
information unit where necessary.
Attorney Holmes read Ordinance i470 by title only for the
third and final reading.
Councilman England moved to adopt Ordinance #470 as read.
Councilman Wood seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, absent;
England~ yes; Gunter, yes; Wood, yes.
1997-98 FISCAL YEAR TENTATIVE BUDGET City Clerk Ron Conlin
presented Mayor Cotant and Council the 1997-98 Fiscal Year
Tentative Budget:
Police Department
Fire Department
Parks & Rec.
General & Administration
Street Fund
Sewer Fund
Water Fund
Sanitation Fund
Central Garage Fund
Special Revenue Funds
$ 358,759
$ 239,266
$ 520,496
$ 570,913
$ 608,800
$ 27,726
$ 5,000
City Clerk Conlin stated all funds are balanced wi'thout a mill
After discussion~ Councilman Gunter moved to adopt the 1997-98
Fiscal Year Tentative ~udget as presented~ S6,658~296.~
setting the pnblic hearing for adoption of the, ].997-98
"Annual Appropriations Ordinance", August 26, ]997 at
p.m., at the Chnbbuck Cif? ~ouncil Chambers. Councilman ~ood
seconded. AIl counci~ members present vol;ed in favor of ~he
6LA!HS .- Computer print.-out c!;:iins preaenhed tc. Hayo" .rotan't and
Councilman 0!!NheP moved Ilo approve compulter print-out c]aims
,:~, p~esen'hed. Cou~c'~]mar~ End'!and seconded, Ail coNnci] membePs
prese~it voted in lnavel- of motion.
8:0~ p.m. ~ Councilmen Need moved, Council~ien England seconded~
eihh ~]l council approval ~o gd.journ meeting.
Ron C, Conlln~ City Clerk
Mayor & Council
Cary Campbell
Hansen Pre-school
July 20, 1997
I recommend the approval of the Hansen's Pre-school. The maximum limit of
children at any given time is 12 students. However, they will need 420
square feet available on the main floor for their business. ! will need to
inspect their home for city code chapter 6 compliance when they are
ready before the beginning of the school year. They also have a wavier
for couditional use, see attached.
~/AIVER OF Ivt/~J(3t:l FI(31~E O(;(~[JPATI(~I~I
The undersigned, pursuant'to Section 18.12.030 (G) (3) (b) of
the Chubbuck Municipal Code, are owners or occupants of property
within three hundred (300) feet of front road surface or border on
the below described property. The undersigned acknowledge having
read this WAIVER and the proposed use of the subject property and
we further understand we are waiving the requirement that applicant
seek a conditional use permit formthe Chubbuck Land Use and
Development Commission and are waiving any right of appeal we might
have from any decision of that commission.
PROPERTY ADDRESS: ~q~ ~~ , PhoneZ~ ~ l
DETAZLS OF PROPOSED USE: u~ extra ~ts ~f
Chubbuck Fire And
Building Department
4727 Yellowstone Ave. · i208} 237-3212
"Chubbuck, Idaho 83202