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HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 27 1997 Special CM 73 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 27, 1997 Minutes of a Special Meeting held a city municipal building, March 27, 1997. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Councitmembers Steven M. England, W. Dean Wood, Marvin C. Gunter, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin. Councilman Leroy S. Quick was excused. Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor John O. Cotant. The object of the Special Meeting shall be to discuss 1) Park Dedication Fee, Comprehensive Plan, R-1 or R-2 Zoning for Mike Bird's Subdivision at Siphon and Whitaker Rds. and East Chubbuck Road Project. EAST CHUBBUCK ROAD PROJECT - PWD Smart stated he met with a lady from Idaho Transportation Department on acquisition of right- a-way. PWD Smart was told that City is responsible for fronting the monies for the purchase of right-a-way on East Chubbuck Road Project. Then after the right-a-way is purchased, she will do an audit, after okayed, the City will be reimbursed 92% of the right-a-way acquisition. Could cost City up front, approx. $810,000.00 for the acquisition. PWD Smart said he has a call into the State to find out if we can get the reimburse faster than normal procedure. ~ Discussion about using tax anticipation notes if we run short. Mayor Cotant expressed concern about other projects being held up because of cash flow problems the E. Chubbuck Road Project presents. Discussion about cost of four lanes as opposed to five lanes. The E. Chubbuck Road Project should be finished in 1998. Council was inagreement to proceed with five lane E. Chubbuck Road Project. PARK DEDICATION FEES Discussion about importance of being consistent collecting fees required throughout the City. At 7:25 p.m., Councilman England moved, Councilman Wood seconded, with full council approvaltoo/~i?~o~ ~n.~._. ~a b n me ~. Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING .OITY OF CHUBBUCK Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 50-604, the undersigned Mayor of the City of Chubbuck, Idaho, hereby calls a special meeting of the City Council to be held at the Chubbuck Municipal Building, at the hour of 6:00 p.m., on Tuesday, the 27th., day of May, 199'7. The object of the special meeting shall be to discuss l} Park Dedication fees, Comprehensive Plan, R-1 or R-2 Zoning for Mike Bird's Subdivision at Siphon and Whitaker Roads and E. Chubbuck Road Project. Dat~ TO: / John O. Cotant, Mayor NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO Lerov S. Quick, Councilmember W. Dean Wood, Councilmember Pursuant to the call set. forth above, notice is hereby given of a special meeting of the Chubbuck City Council at the time and place, and for the object, recited in the call. Conlln, Clt~ Clerk ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE The undersigned, Mayor and members of the Chubbuck City Council hereby acknowledge receipt of notice of the special meeting ~..'S~even~l. Englan~ Councl'lmember Ma v~ C. Gunter, Councilmember CHUBBUCK DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1993-1998 PROGRAM SMS 8-16-95 CHUEDEV.WQ1 FISCAL REVENUE ACCUM EXPENDITURES YEAR TOT. REV. BALANCE 1993 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1994 $11,659.00 $11,659.00 $0.00 $11,659.00 1995 $151,918.00 $163,577.00 $0.00 $163,577.00 1996 $212,493.00 $376,070.00 $82,739.00 $293,331.00 1997 $225,000.00 $601,070.00 $345,000.00 $173,331.00 1998 $225,000.00 $826,070.00 $400,000.00 ($1,669.00) TOTAL $826,070.00 LINE ITEM EXPENDITURES FY'90 E. CHUBBUCK RD PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING PARKS IMPR. STARCRAFT WOOD TOY PARKS IMPR~ BLDG, PAVILIONS PARKS IMPR. FENCES PARKS IMPR. BLEACHERS PARKS IMPR. BACKSTOP PARKS IMPR. SEED FOR M.W. PARK FY'97 PARKS IMPR. H.W~ PLAYGROUND EQUIP. PARKS IMPR. H. W. RESTROOM, PAVILION E. CHUBBUCK RD. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING E. CHUBlaUCK RD. RIGHT.F-WAY AQUISITION BULLOCK STREET RECONSTRUCTION CHUBBUCK lC LANDSCAPING FY'98 E. CHUBBUCK RD. CONSTRUCTION E CHUBBUCK RD. WATER LINE PROJECT/DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES E. CHUBBUCK RD. PRELIM. ENGR. RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION WATERLINE BULLOCK STREET CHUBBUCKINTERCHANGE PARKSIMPROVEMENTS $39,539.00 $3,000.00 $30,500.00 $4,400.00 $1,8OO.OO $15,000.00 $20,000.00 $156,000.00 $45,000.00 $85,000.00 $30,000.00 $345,000.00 $150,000.00 $250,000~00 $400,0OO.00 $189,539.00 $45,000,00 $150,000.00 $250,000.00 $634,539.00 $85,000.00 $30,000,00 $78,000.00 $827,539.00 May. 21. 1997 12:36PM SEICOG No. 0615 P. 1/1 From:BPO FHWA Fax To: Steve Sma~ Of: Ciiy of Chubbuek Fax: 208 23%0944 Phone: 208 237-2430 Pages: 1, i',cluding this cover sheeL Date: May 21, 1997 The latest ~.~1 greatest as of today. I Fy' 97 FY' 98 Total Preliminary $200,000 City of Engineering Chubbuck Right-of-way $350,000 $460,000 $810,000 Construction $2,753,000 $2,753,000 Total , $3,563,000