HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 12 1971 CMMinutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and Council held in the municipal 207
building October 12, 1971.
~!.eeting called to order 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Catant
Present: Ms,-or Cotant~ Councilmen Lesli% Romriell~ Taylor and Thomi~son. Attorney
Minutes of the regular meeting of 8eptsmber:l~, 1971 read and approved as read, after
addition of "hand sketched" plato were added,
SUNDAY BEER SAISS I~J OROCEY~Y STCR~S - Charlotte Kennedy present for an answer to her
request to be allowed tc sell beer en Sunds%r. Consideration was given as to
putting ;'.latter on an election baliot~ making a poll via water bills or an opinion
ballot. Bob Hillman was prssent and stated his business had suffered a great loss.
Lena Giannini e!sc was present stating hot business loss was so great she coul_d
no longer, operate. Mayor suggested getting the higher opinion of the public.
Councilman Thompson made motion the council have opinion ballot prinbed and wait
until after the November 2 election a~'~d ballots are counted and then when the
votes are canvased an answer ~,~ill be given, s_i1 councilman in fa¥or of tnis.
ZONING - Lena Giannini asked the zoning of her 20 acres on Yellowstone Hiway just
north of kl. rtlels. The z~nswer wes given the property is Zone C-3 General
Coim~er ciai.
V~TER RATES - Charles Sanford was present to ask for a credit on hfis ~]i~O.10 water
bills of last year compared to this years hills. Comncil last year had agreed
to s~just the two high bills if this years average was considerable lm~er.
Con~arison of gallons need showed he used S2~3S0 gallon in August 1970 and
~O~SO gallon in August !971. As the usage each year was fairly equal no
credit adjustment was r.~de.
[J,~_TER LZ;AK -James Chastain stated he has a leak in his meter and if the citl.~ can't
repair it he would like it turncd off. i. ayor info.~._ed hL~_' leak will be fiwed
and water will be turned off.
~INGO [~[ATZZ Li~E - John D. Larsen told council and mayor ne had all but one signature
on agreement to install water line. There is a legal uroblem with one resident
and council will follow up to see what c~n be worked out.
NCIITH BL~LEY gDDITION - A. F. Mc~tber presented his problem of acquiring a 50' street
through from present Burley Dr. street to Chubbuck ~d. He stated the purchase
price of acquiring an additional 25' from Joe Brennari was prohib, itivs. Council
stated they would like to see a 50' stree~ e~?'~anded to Chubbuck ±~d. but don~t
know what the answer might be.
WATER TAi][ SiDS - BJds opened at the Sept~ber 2~th meeting for sand blasting and
painting of water tank were again discussed. Councilman Thompson made motion to
accept bid of State Painting Co., S.Plt Lake Gimp, of $!,56~.OO, Taylor seconded,
AIl in favor.
WgT~ RATE A~.~Z~ C~DZNAi~CE ~!00 - read in fm!l by Mayor Cotant. Th~s was basically
approved 2 months ag% outside city !i~t rates however~ are reduced to the
original 10~ above city rates. Lotion tc dis~.ense ~
~ ~_~_~ rule of reading on
three separate days n~de by Counci~an Leslie, seconded by Taylor. Roll call
vote; Leslie~ yes; ~omriel!~ yes; T~ylor~ yes; Thompson, yes. Motion to adopt
ordinance ~100 made by Counci]~nan Thompson~ seconded by Taylor. Loll Call vote]
Leslie, yes; Romrieil, yes; Ta~!or~ yes; Tho~son~ yes.
APPOII'.~TING CLEP. KS Ai~D JL~DO~ FOR ELECT!O]<- 3, esolutJon ~//6-71 appointing judges and
clerks for the general city election k~ovemher 2~ 197! and setting compensation
for same approved by mayor and council.
ANNCUNCEi,~iNTS - Mayor a~mounced he had sent letters to Senators and Nepresentati~es
requesting a re-evaluation ~-~ making F
=oaz~ ~.:l the Ui~y
of Chubbuck, He has receive~, answers from all of ~hem sta~in~z FH~ in reconsidering
will not be able to make loans. [.!a}'or also stated he had rec[i.~ed[ a letter from
State Highway Dept. declining the installation of a functional stop-go light at
the intersection of Chubbuck ~d, .mhd Yellowstone Ave.
Financial statement presented %o Mayor end Co'ar. cji for s.pproYal.
ClaAms for month o£ October presented to Council £or approval of paja~cnt. Ccanci~nan
Taylor made motion to ~ bills, ~eslle succored with all in favor.
Suggestion was made by Cc'm~ci! %hat departmeiSs check out major purchases with
or member o£ council over the departxLenh before z~king the purchases.
~.roposed trailer ordinance was df~sucssed~ also hayor suggested appointing a eafevy
con~itt ee.
Meeting recessed at 10:35 p.m. until further notice if necessary.