HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 28 1971 CM 205 Minutes of the recessed meeting of September 14, held. in the i.i:~x~icipal building by the CoRncil o~ the City of Chubbuck on SeptenToer 28, 1971. M[eeting called to order by President of the Council, Thompson at 8:O0 p,m.. Preserlt: Counci]m~an Leslie~ Romriell: Taylor and Thompson. Attorney Joseph O. ~?ise. NORTH ~,Y SUB-D.ZVISIDN plat presented by .a.F. McOmber. This sub-division plat was prepared several years a[o. He requests the council allow building permits to he issued so people that ha~e purchase~ lots can b'ai]d. Decision was that i,:r. Mcenber inform o-~ters that they ::sast apply in perscn with an option to buy or deed to property prior to July 27, 1971~ together s.%th agreement or option to pay for an a~'ditional 25' in front of each lot to develop a 50~ street.. After thesereq~ire- meats are met a building pe~m~d_t tray be issued, [~]~OPi~-RTY pLI~CH~1SE & ZONIhG - Hap, card Evans~ works at AEC~ and on behalf of the NgACP needs an area for possibly trailer homes to live in ~u this area, arid is hoping to b-~r ground, from Lena 8eaninr~i to develap a living area for such~ includir~g homes and also the develop~ent of a business area. Lena Giannini also present. H; Evans asked if there would be racial discr~d.nati, on. 8om~ciL-~l~zza ehompson assured h%~ there would be no discrimination. Th%y would be reouired to .comply with all city ordinances. Hr. Evans stated he would present plans to Thompson at his store and meet with council again in October. A~i~U'iATiON SUP~ECT - Gordon !'I~,fcrd ~d se~,eral residents of' area present to discuss the ar. nexa%isn of Homestead i.d., Dell Acres a~nd Ha~.rhhorne Rd. Del Peters stated he felt this is a new area ~mnd they should be allowed more time before being s~mexed. Discussion followed as pertai~s to city furxadshing water to area., street requiren-~ents. General consensus was against being armexed. SL~DAY Hff~ SAL~$ Ii', Gi[0Cr.RY ST,3kiES - Charlotte lqanne~%~ and Bill Reynolds were present for further action on the appeal to allow beer sales in grocery stores in Clmbbuek. Mrs. Kennedy requested to wait for a decision tu~til the Mayor returns. Councilman Thompson suggested the mayor poll the councilman when he retu~u~_s and contact Hrs. Ko,reedy. BID: SAi'~D BL~,$T AND PAiI'.!T r'J~[TLR TANK - Bids were advertised and let for this job with 5:co o~clock September 28 as deadline. Bids o~ened sr.d were as follows; State ~ntdng Co. - $t~36~..00 - 20 ds~s co~.pletion~ Wiscorabe Pointing Co.- $2~000.00 - 30 da.ps completion; F. C. [gilson bid not allowed because of non-compliance with bid, reo~r~ments:. '~ r . Paint. ~ Power. Inc.-~ ~_~..~ ?ea.00 - 20 days completio[. Councl~'~g~[ade motion that bids be c~:ecked out with ~tgir~eer befor~ awarding. Leslie seconded, all in favor. FORSGRiN, PEf~:[INS BILL for $5~000.00 presented as partial ps}~ment for engineering, prel~ainary study and related work on sewer project. Decision to exanzine appropriations to find if and '~nere payment might be made ~this year. TRAILERS AND TRAIL'!iS. PARKS DISCUSS~eD - John R. ~alenty has placed a trailer on his lot on Valenty Rd~ Discussion fo!lo,~ed as to action to take on this. Councilman Thompson is to contact Hr. Valenty before any action is taken. ZONING CP. DINANC~i' - f]~'98 Read in full by Council:na:t Thcs. peon and city' clerk. Motion to adopt Zoning Ordinance ..'/?8 ~asfle by Counci~nan Leslie, seconded by Taylor. ~oll call vote: Leslie, yes; Romriell, nc; Taylor, yes; Thoz~pson, yes. Councilman Roa~riell stated his reason :?or voting no wa~'~ecause cf the absence of the colored related zoning map. Meeting recessed at 11:60 p.m. matil further not{ce if necessary. President of Comncil