HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 09 1971 CM 177 A Specis3_ meeting of the Player and Cour~eil held at the }.iunici~al building, 5160 Yellowstone September 9, 1971. Present: Mayor Cotant~ Ooumcilmen Leslie~ Ncmrieli~ Taylor and Thompson, Attorney Wise. Meeting called to order: 8:02 Purpose of special meeting was to consider final plat of l,lobi!e Maaor Inc. ~ ~fater line on }lingo Lane~ approval of certi£ication of taw needs to county co~mnissioners, amd first reading of zoning ordinance. MINGO WATI~S~ etlon of a 6'~ water line. Discussion follo~.;ed as to hook-up charges, fire hydraz~ts needed, etc.. Cost of 6~ pipe per foot is 2.37~ two hydrants will probably be needed at approximatelp $400.00 each. Ail residents already having paid a hook-up fee will not be required to pay any additional amount, but all new hoo~-nps wJJ-! pay the regular fee of 175.00 plus share of 6" line e~<pense. The city is to figure a cost pries for each residence and then meet vzith kingo residents, Delegation of citizens frcm ~.~ingo Lane present to discuss t~e i~stall~ MOBILE 2.P!~CR INO. PLAT - Final plat of Mobile Mm~or Inc. presente~ for approval. Dis- cussion follo.~ed as to drainage water, curbing being installed at too high o£ grade, requirement for city to have 2 copies of final plat~ the ]_10% perfo~nance bond reqaired by sub-division ordinance. Coumcilna~l Leslie made motion, by request of Mobile Manor Inc.~ to ~aiver the 110% surety bond by reason of hardship of sanitary se~,.rsr restrictions, Taylor seconded. After discussion Leslie withdrew the part. of his motion "reason of hardship due to sanitary restrictions" leaving the motion to read; by request of Mobile ]tenor Inc., to traiver the 110~ surety bond by reason of hardship. Taylor seconded, Roll call vote~ Leslie, yes; Romriel!, yes; Tay!or: yes; Tho~ps on ~ no. Councilmam Romriell made moticn the counci3~, approve the final plat of Mobile~.l~o~.~.'~ inc.~ Leslie secondea. Roll ca~l_ ~.~'~.~.~, Leal~=, ~,es; ~o~me_~_l, yes; 2aylc~ yes; Thompson~ no. _RESOLUTION _ C~TIFYIf,IG TAX I~EEDS - Data on information sheet of assessed valuation and testes levied of last 3 years studied and discussed. Councilman Thompson made motion the cou~cil adopt Resolution 75-71 setting the amount of $65',513.00 as the total amount of ta~: needs to be certified to the Board of city clerk. Retorts!! seconded. ]loll call vote; Leslie~ yes, ~smsisll~ yes, Taylor, yes; Thompson: yes, The breakdo~.,m will be {54~788.00 Ge~eral Expense Fund; !ire Department Fund, $12~000,00; General Obligation Bonds & Interest~ $2,725.00/ BURLEY ---z SUb-DIVISION - Arthur McCmbsr presented a final plat of Bur!ey gu.b-division for approval. ~/fayne Taylor made motion tc approve the final plat o£ the Bur!ay sub-division, presented by i.[cOmher, Leslie seconded~ Discussion followed as to requirement o£ McOaber having final ~?_at approved and recorded. Mr. McCmber stated he had one lot left tc sell Jn this particular sub-di-~%sion. Councilman Taylor ~'~ithdrew his ahcve met!on. Ma~or suggested this building permit be issued to the o~mer with letter of explanation stating 'the street had not been accepted bj the city. [,.ALP}[ ~?L$ON Si~LLINC LOTS - Mayor Cotant presented the problem of Ralph Nelson selling lots without a sub-division plat~ and that builders were wmntJ.ng to purchase building per,mits but had been refused because of non sub-division. Discussion £oilowed aa to ownership of street, precedence of selling by metes slid bounds, etc.. Councilma~l Romrie!! made motion the city issue building pe~u:~its on lots sold llaiph [~elson be adv_~sed ti~at subdivision w~i be necessara, cn future develcpment. ~%£ter discussion Rom~iell ~,.~ithdrew the above motion. Cotmcil~an Thompson made ruction, as a nmtter of confcr~lling with conditions, Mr. l~.Jngo and Nelson ~rothers be required to plat their entire tract. After some discussion Thom!~son withdrew this motion, Again Councilman Thomvson made motion that buildJng per{f~its be issued to all 'oroperty v~lere lots were sold or option to buy issued prior to Ju!y'27, the o£fi~ial date of the adoption of the sub-division ord~s~ace. Taylor seconded, Ail in favor. 199 RALPH ~LSON SELLING LOTS [continued) Mayor and Co~lcl! agreed it ~i!l be necessary for Mr, ]~ng~ and Nelson Brothers to plat a~ remain~ng tract ~ot sold or with o~tion to be sold prior to the legal adoption of sub-division ordinance, July 27~ ~iTTER OF GO~]~DATION - Co~ci~an Thompson suggested the city ~ite the Idaho State Journal stating the appreciation of ha~ng Georgs Neavoll as a re~orter for our city the past sever~ months, ZONING OP~iNAi~CE ~'o ~,~ read by title by Attorney l~Jise for ~ ~ ~h~ first read~g~ PROPOSED S[~,'~R ~',LECTICN - Larry ~erkins was present and reported a few possibilities for funding our ne~t proposed sewer election. Discussion followed and ~io decisions as to anytLing de=mn~.~e. Meeting adjourned 11:30 p.m. ~mtil further ~otice if necessary. Clerk