HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 27 1971 CM 187
Minutes of the second regular council meeting of July held July 27, 1971 at the
city municipal building.
Called to order: 8:08 P.M.
Present: Mayor Cotant, Councilmen Romriell, Taylor ~d Thompson, Attorney Joseph Wise
SUB-DIVISION REQUEST - Andy Anderson, Idaho Division manager of the American Pacific Corp.
and Leslie L. Ankenman, engineer presented plans they have for their proposed development
on Whitaker Rd. Also presented a check for $25.00 as required with preli~lina~v plat in
sub-division ordinance. Mr. Ankenman contacted Jaron To]Jaan of the health department today
and stated that he, Mr Ankenman had made percolation test s on the site today and that
the result was what Mr. To]man said it would bo, however he felt sewer disposal if installed
properly would be adequate. The councilmen asked what they planne~ for water. They hope
to hook up to the ~ty system. Discussion as sufficient water discuss ed. Counci~an Taylor
said that to say we can't furnish water is in error and the city needs to plan to furnish
water to developers within the city. ~,~ Anderson stated he would furnish pipe and install
same across to hook up with the Hiway Ave. line if the city would help him acquire right-of
way from the Railroad. Council Thompson suggested looking into the water engineering to
find out if water would be adequate if 4" line from Hiway Ave. were connected to 4" line
on ~itaker through the proposed project. Mr. Anderson agreed to conform with all require-
ments of sub-division ordinance. Mayor recom~ended the council give approval if water is
adequate and specifications meets with engineers approval, plus health department approval
of sewer systems. Discussion followed with the decision that Mr. Anderson would receive
a definite answer no later than August 3rd after water availability has been checked out.
Jack Menard of the zoning con~ission mentioned the street is more than the minLmum 1200'
length in ordinance and ~lso that area is in two zone areas~ R-2 and Light Industrial.
Mr. Anderson stated he would apply for variance and zone change on these two conditions.
DISTRICT HEALTH DEPT. - Paul Cleaver, District Health department was given the floor for
the following co~ents. Mr. Cleaver stated he has been directed not to approve any new-
sub-divisions of this size in the Chubbuck area. Mr. Frazier, District supervisor ,
instructed him of this decision as of July 1, 1971. If dependence is on the District
Health Dept. they cannot grant approval. Mr. Anderson added this statement is true and
that no federal funds will come into area if Health District does not give approval of plat.
Again Mr. Cleaver remarked that any new sub-divisions plats will not be approved. The
new 1971 Senate Bill llSA puts a restriction on plat until the State Health Dept. approves,
and county recorder cannot record plat without health department approval. Discussion
followed as to Mr. Cleaver statement that nitrates were found at water table in Chubbuck
area with conment that these nitrates could also come from fertilization on farm land.
Mr. Del Peter, zoning chairman mentioned that Fred Chase has requested approval of a new
plat plan in his sub-division. Mr. Cleaver said that it would be considered as a new
sub-division and would have to be turned dow~ also.
CC~RCIAL PROPA~TY AND MOBILE HOR~ REQL~T - Velbert Jackson present a~d requested
penmission to put on property he has bought on the west of ~700 block Yellowstone Ave.
a commercial building and a mobile home to live in. Councilman Romriell stated he felt this
was a hardship and should be considered. Councilman Taylor and Mayor Cotant felt that
the city needed to comply with ordinance as they have with other variance requests of
placing mobile homes on private property and not allow the mobile home. Councilman
Thompson made motion the council accept the zoning co~m~ission request that the co~nercial
building be approved but the mobile home, Taylor seconded and all were in approval.
Discussion followed with all in agreement that he could put a home ~ith foundation on lot.
MOBILE ~NOR - R. B. Bistline, Kent Parrish, architect; Bob ?;ilscn, engineer) and Max
Parrish, attorney; were present to request the city council approve the prel~inary plat
plan for Mobile Manor. Mayor said he thought it would be ridiculous for the council to
approve any plans the District Health Department plan to disapprove. Mr. Max Parrish
stated zoning c~ission had approved their plans subject to health department approval
and that is what they request cf city council. Counoi]m~an Thompson remarked that Mr.
Cleaver has stated the chance cf dangering the water supply with sewer systen~ so congested
~d do you feel it proper to go ahead with plans knowing you ~r~ght cont~ninate the water
table. Mr. Parrish answered he felt if Mr. Bistline has complied why can't the city
~ouncil comply. R. B. Bistline said he planned to $o ahead %~ith construction. Councilman
5h?mpson ~amd h~ would.not approve because of the dmstrict health dgpartments statemer~s
thms evenzng, lar Parrzsh asked what do you want Mr. Bistline to do? (next page)
Councilman Thompson answered if there is a hazard involved it is the cour~cil~s
responsibildty to deny request. Mayor Cotant stated because of what District Health
official had stated here tonight ~e felt health department should approve first.
Councilman Thompson said he went along with Mayor's suggestion and made the motion
Bistline get approval of District Health Department firstwthen the city council will
consider approval, Romriell seconded with all in favor. =llen Kunz, present, and remarked
she appreciated the council's concern for the citizens health because of an experience they
had a few years ago with contaminated water in wells.
M[~2U~ ASSiSTAI,ICE AGR~E_,]~w~2~T - proposal presented by Blackfoot Fire Chdef Ted Schwartz and
our Fire Chief Denny Jones at the last meeting was again discussed. Councilman
made motion the city adopt this ~utual Assistance Agreement ~th the other Fire Departments
of other cities in the area~ Taylor seconded. Ail in favor.
CA~Ob~L MOBILE HO~ - request b~, letter the city put a guard rail from canal on East
Chubbuck road east to the entrance of trailer park and also a light at entrance to ~ark.
Council were in agreement that city should not, stand expense of guard rail but that a
light is needed at street intersection.
AUDIT AGREF~k~,~T and understanding discussed. Councilman Thcmpson suggested they get
an audit letter of understanding from Ken Carter before a decision be made on this matter.
TRAIL~. V~I~NCE - Garland Henry's request to keep trailer at Handy Sales and Service
was discussed. Zoning comv~ission recor~m~ends the trailer be moved. Councilman Taylor made
motion that trailer be required to be moved, Thompson seconded with all in favor.
BANNOCK COUNTY CIVIL DE~VtNSE" request a $100.00 contribution to the cause of civil defense.
~ouncilman ~omriell madt motion the city pay the contribo~ion, TaFior seconSed with all in
ATTCR~%'S FEE - Council reviewed statement of Joe Wise for attorney fees on past
sewer bond election. Counc~! i~ agreement that. the city must pay the charges involved
for this work.
Meeting recessed at 11:00 P.M. until further notice if necessary.
Clerk ~/~ ~.. ~9.~_,.~T