HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 25 1971 CM 173
Minutes of the recessed meeting of May 20, held in the Municipal building May 25, 1971
CaLled to order: 8:05 P.M.
Present: Mayor Ootant, Conncilm~n Leslie, Homriell, Taylor ~nd Thompson
David Cain - 755 Victor asked what are the proposals as far as wster meter rates? He
said residents were told they could expect a cut in rates this spring. Mayor explained
that a study of rates has been made and they are considering lowering rates. Proposed
water and sewer project discussed.
Mrs Maupin - West Linden asked if they would be allowed livestock where they live. She
needs goat milk for her health. Mayor explained to her they definitely would be able to
keep their goats on the acreage.
JamesChastain asked what his acreage was zoned. He was told it is proposed R-2. He
requested it be in a lower zoning class of R-&, also asked why the city did not annex
Del Peters property. He was told this is planned for future.
Earl Ellis - owns property of 13 acres that extends from the end of Briscoe Rd. to
Hawthorne Rd. and requests area be zoned R-4.
Willard King - East Chubbuck Rd. wants to know what can be done about dogs in Chubbuck.
Other complaints on dogs were also mentioned from several citizens present. Mayor said
he had a petition in his hand for a leash law and there has been much discussion on same.
Mark Long - Hiway Ave. said if something isn't done about drain ditch along his property
there won't be any irrigation water in the area. Mayor explained the drain ditch is not
the cites responsibility but they have agreed to help clean ditch hut cannot haul off dirt.
Dwain Kinghorn also requested city's help in getting drain cleaned so it will drain. ~ayor
said city will clean ditch, Parrish's has hauled off items that might be thrown in. Attorney
Wise is to contact Ft. Hall Irrigation.
Robert Allen, East Chubbuck Rd. states he is zoned C-L and understands that if they sell
their property the next tenant could not have livestock. He feels livestock should be
allowed because of his acreage size. Mayor and Councilman Romriell explained that the
proposed zoning will probably be changed to allow this area to remain livestock area.
Tom Burns, West Linden says he is zoned C-L and he would request that it be zoned for
livestock so that if he should want to sell livestock would be still be permitted.
~[~ISANNEXATION REQU}~T - Don Bistline, on behalf of heirs of F. M. Bistline requested the
d%aannexation of his grandfather's estate south of Chubbuck Rd. bordering Hi-line and
k. E. tracks east and west and Interstate 15W on south. He has talked to Mr. Wise and
given him the description. There remains about 89 acres that they would like to have
disannexed. A partition of approximately 11 acres has been made to one heir, R. B. Bistline.
Mayor advised Y~. Bistine they will take this under advisement and also will give him an
estimate of assessment on this property when~sewer project goes in.
WATER LINE EXTENSION BILL - A. F. McOmber said he felt he didn't owe bill city sent him.
He went on to explain he had a fellow from American Falls do some digging. He talked to
Mr. Thompson and he told h~m he was glad he was doing the work. Also called Mr. Brennan.
he told him he would have to pay costs of installing line. Told of 2 checks he had shown
Thompson and Romriell, on costs, one for more than $300.00 to Grinnell's (dated 5-9-67)
the other for $150.00 for digging dated Nov. 11, 1970. Back in 19~6 or 1967 he had
L~K;D. Construction ready to put in pipe and Newbold stopped him. He had deeds all ready.
Mouser sold to Newbold - Council deeded back 25 ft. to Newbold - Construction stopped.
Later property was deeded back to city and he was able to continue line. Village of
Chubbuck needed 6" water line and Joe Brennan had Empire Construction get pipe and so
when the job was finished last fall the city used the city's pipe. If the City feels he
owes them any money, please let him know. If they feel they can reimburse him some
expenses he would appreciate it.
TRAU~VR PERMIT - Councilman Thompson suggested looking up Robson's permit for trailer on
Burley Drive and call him in for review.
GENERAL DISCUSSION -Mr. Cain asked how zoning would 9ffect taxes. Att orneyWise told
him probably not at all. Also does county have any law concerning amount of livestock
allowed. Councilman Leslie mentioned restrictive covenants in Country Acres call for
not more than 2 animals per lot. Discussion as to sewer assessments followed.
TRAILER PERMIT - Mayor advised John R. Valenty zoning commission had recommended permit
to park trailer on his property had not be granted, because they felt it was not a hardship.
Mr. Valenty pointed out lot he would dike to put trailer on. Councilman Romriell asked
Mr. Valenty if he would recommend the area be zoned R-2T. He said he had not considered[
it, however he is not against trailers. Decision was to discuss this with zoning commission.
APPEAL FOR ALLOCATING SALE OF BEER ON SUNDAY - R. C. Hiliman and John R. Val~ty appeared
before the Council to appeal for the reopening of the bars and male of beer on Sundays.
He quoted the following loss of business for the following four weeks: Redwood Gardens -
1,400.00; Green Triangle - 2,881.23; Five Mile Inn - 3,496.33; Bill's Pood Center - 1,743.00;
Duck's Country Store - 1,600.00; Kennedy's Pood Town - 1,600.00.
Hillman said he could handle any problems at his place of business. Also stated all
Service Stations in area are experiencing a 15 to 40% drop in business. Suggested selling
no beer at bars or grecery stores until 12 o'clock noon. If council can feel themselves
free to allow this they would appreciate it. John R. Valenty gave the history of their
grocery store business, saying the persons leasing same cannot make a go of the business
without beer sales. Stated he cannot see taking beer sales out of Chubbuck with sales
being allowed all around Chubbuck, also small businesses have a hard time making a go of
their business~ Dennis Leslie mentioned the reason for closing was to control problems
Chubbuck had. Discussion followed.
Zoning Commission met with Council.
Zoning commission made recommendations for livestock in all R-3,R-4, R-5 and all types
of commercial areas.
TRAILER REQUEST - John R. Valenty's request for placing trailer on his property was -
discussed. After discussion it was decided the request must be denied.
REZONING OF C-L AP~EA - discussed. Suggestion made that Zoning Commission ask Chubbuck Rd.
residents if area be zoned C-L-L would meet their approval.
REZONING JAMES CHASTAIN PROPERTY - Mayor passed on the request of James Chastain on
Hawthorne to zone his property R-4. Discussion followed. Zoning commission feels they
should keep control of area and keep in R-2. Allen Martin voiced opinion that duplexes
and fou~plexes ~oldn't be objected to but apartments would. Councilman Romriell stated
he felt it should be zoned so Mr. Chastain could do what he wanted with his acreage.
Several were in disagreement with this. Mayor suggested Mr. Chastain check into four-
plex construction rather than apartments.
REZONING OF EARL ELLIS PROPERTY - Request to rezone R-4 discussed. Del Peters ssid Mr.
Ellis told him he would be satisfied with his area zoned R-2L.
POLICE OFFICER - Council also agreed to allow Chief Frasure to interview for a 3rd officer.
WATER HOOK-UP - Council agreed that Frank Alldredge, 210 W. Chubbuck Rd. be allowed a
water hook-up for $75.00 now and the remainder of 100.00 to be paid when property is
sold or inherited. (Mr. Alldredge paid his hook-up in full amount of 175.00 Wednesday
morning May 26, 1971)
Meeting adjourned 11:45 P.M.