HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 12 1971 CM 149
Minutes of the regular meeting of the ~layor and Councilmen of the City of Chubbuck
held in the city office on January 12, 1971.
Present: Mayor Cotant, Comncilmen Leslie, Romriell, Taylor and Thompson
Called to order: 8:05 P.M.
Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved as read.
ZONING - Rodney Parrish from the Zoning Cc~mission presented changes they had suggested
at their zoning meeting. Council tentatively agreed on changes and. are to study first
six pages of ordinance under consideration. Romriell suggested Jack Menard be
appointed if Jack Egbert can't fill appointment. Ron~iell to contact ~gbert.
MET~Z~ - Jim Chastain was present and requested that both of his meters be billed on
one billing to him.
PARK - Kent Parrish, architect presented plan ~br development of Stuart Park. Cost
estimate of project is $~7,885.O0. Idaho State parks ~ill grant 50%, city will be
responsible for 50~ including city funds, city force account while in construction~
donated labor and materials. 'Ail counci]m~en and ~myor in favor of submitting plan
as presented.
~T~S -Oouncilman Thompson reported he had checked with Pocatello and they are
~ing Neptune meters almost exclusively and have had no problem with them. Brerman
reported Bersing-Sparling have called and said they would furnish meters for $1.10
less than we have been paying. Mayor to pursue matter further so that we might
which meter to buy.
PARKS - Romriell reported he had t~olked with Fram. klin Briscoe about bnyir~g his
property fsr a future park.
SIGN - Dennis Leslie reported a sign on a billboard would cost the city $50.00 per.
SEWER BOND ELECTION- Attorney Herman McDevitt e~plained problems we have for an
elect~on for our sewer at this time.
ORDINANCES - Attorney McDevitt explained new judicial system and purpose of our city
adopting the following ordinances.
Ordinance #$9 Adopting and enacting '~Idaho Motor Vehicle Laws" as the laws of the
city of Ch~buck. Motion to consider ordinance am~ emergency and dispense with
rule of reading on three separate days made by Thompson, seconded by Romriell.
Roll call vote: Leslie, yes; Romriell, yes; Taylor, yes; Thompson, yes. Motion to
adopt ordinance made by Thompson~ seconded by Leslie. Roll call vote: Leslie, yes;
Romriell, yes; Taylor, yes; Thompson~ yes.
Ordinance ~90 Adopting the "Idaho Liquor and Beer Laws". Motion to consider ordinance
an emerge:lcy and dispense with rule of reading on three separate days made by Leslie,
seconded by Taylor. Roll call vote: Leslie, yes; Romriell, yes; Taylor, yes; Thompson,yes.
Moticn to adopt ordinance made by Taylor, seconded by Romriell. Roll c~0ftl vote: Leslie,
yes; Romriell~ yes; Taylor, yes; Thompson, yes.
Ordinance #91 Prescribing Penalties for violations of Oity Ordinances. Motion to
declare ordinance an emergency and dispense with rule of reading on three separate days~
made by Thompson, seconded by Taylor. Roll call vote: Leslie, yes; Romrieii, yes;
Taylor~ yes; Thompson, yes. Motion to adopt ordinance made by Thompson~ seconded by
Taylor. Roll call vote; Leslie, yes; Romriell, yes; Taylor, yes; Thompson~ yes.
BILLS - Motion made by Thompson to pay bills presented, seconded by Leslie. All in favor.
City Clerk