HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 13 1970 CM 135
Minutes o£ ~he Regular Meetin~ of ~he MaYor and Council of the ~ity of Chubbuck
held in the City Off±ce of the ~ity of Chubbuck on October 13, 1970.
Called to order 8:05 P.~.
Present - Cotant, Leslie, Romriell and Thompson.
Abdsent - Taylor.
Minutes of the last regular meeting then read and a~proved.
Complaints from water users - Paul Kelly complained that his water rate is too high.
Mrs Doty asked if meters will be read in the winter. ~he was told they would try to
read them every month. Charles Sanford complained of a high water ~oill. After
discussion Thompson asked him if he would ~e willing to pay $20.00 per month until
he could see just what he was using. He agreed to this. They will compare the bills
with next years bills and maybe an adjustment will ahve to be made. Leslie made a
motion that a new meter be ink, tailed at Sanford's. This ~otion was seconded by
Thompson. Ail in favor.
Bids for new Poilice car were then ooened. Bids were as follows: Paul's Pont~ -
3,765.03, ParM Price - 3,528.90, C E~ Flandro - 3,298.00, ~ullock ~.~otor - 3,~,10,
Pocatello Dodge - 3,569.36, Chevytown - 3,&7~.60, and Hill Bros - 3,828.85. These
will be reviewed at a later date when they have time to go over the specs and fine
~,~yor Cotant suggested that they need a meeting with Bocatello on solutions to some
of the water and sewer problems in Chubbuck. He also stated that Wayne Ellis is
coloring Chubbuck's ~,i~ap for zoning so we can be similar with Poc~tello in zoning.
Romteill suggested that in the future in new subdivisions where possible that two
meters be installed in one trench to the main line. These meters would be on the
corner of adjoining lots. Ail Council agreed to this suggestion.
Leslie reported there are rocks on the right of way in Country Acres. Decision was
for the City to haul away the rocks on Bonanza as an accomandation.
Romriell made a 51otion that some one from the City should attend some of the State
sales on used equipment, and maybe pick up some of this equipment at a reasonable
price. ~otion seconded by Thompson. Ail in favor.
Mayor Cotant reported that in the future the Police cars will be serviced at the City
Thompson stated that they are having some trouble with the Bars on Sunday. Cotant would
like all the Council present when this is discussed. Letter from Frasure was read by
Cotant. Problem was then discussed. Decision was to have all Bar Owners, Grocery
Owners, and Service Station Owners pz~esent at a Special Meeting to be held at 6:00 P.M.
on W dnesday, October ld, 1970, so the Council may discuss with them any suggestions
for a remedy to this problem. Ail businesses are to be notified from the City Office
about this meeting.
Motion to pa~ the bills for the month made by Leslie, seconded by Ro~iell. Ail in favor.
Meeting recessed till further notice if necessary. ~ecessed at 10:30 P.M.
City Clerk ~ ~