HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 11 1968 CMMinutes of the Regular Meeting of The Mayor and Council of the City of Chubbuck
held in the Municipal Building of the City of Chubbuck on June l l, 1968.
?resent- Henry~ Buchanan, Hillman, Thompson, Taylor and McDevitt.
Called to or~er 8:10 P.M.
Minutes of the last regular and one recessed meeting then read and corrected and
approved as corrected.
East Evan's Lane- Mrs Robert Brown asked for a permit to conduct an Obedience
Training School for Dogs at the far east end of that Lane. Gilbert hewell presented
a petition to the Council opposing such a school at that location. Long discussion
followed. Decision was that the matter needs further study and more information
on just what the business will be. A Dog Grooming service is not in question.
It was suggested ~hat we need an Ordinance controlling such businesses to avoid
any nuisance in the future. Ail Council agreed to allow a temporary permit for &
Grooming Service only with the provision that dogs are kept inside. No training of
dogs outside to be allowed at this t~me.
Trailer Court West Chubbuck Road- Letter to developers read by l~yor Henry. This
property is to be checked out at the Court House to see if it is within the City
Limits o~ Chubbuck.
Building for City Office- Professional Planner Clarence Sn~th stated that we need
a comparative study for both si~es being considered. His fee would be about $100.00
to ~e the study. Thompson said we need advice and we need to look to the future.
Motion to accept Clarence Smith's offer of $~00.O0 Fee for the survey, made by
Taylor, seconded by Buchanan. Ail in favor.
Mill Levy ~esolution read by McDevitt. Motion to accept the resolution as read
made by Taylor, seconded by Buchanan. Ail in favor.
Bid Opening- There were no bids for the Tractor and Trailer. Bids for the Dump
Truck as follows: John R Valenty - $~75.00: Jim Brewerton - $50~.50: and Franklin
Briscoe - $5~.50. Motion to accept the high bid of Franklin briscoe made by
Buchanan, seconded by Thompson. Ail in favor. Council then authorized the Nayor
to sell the Tractor and Trailer, for whatever he could get for them.
Survey of Water System- Thompson stated that ~e must progress with this survey.
Motion authorizing Thompson to go ahead with getting a preliminary survey on the
w~ter system made by Buchanan, seeonded by Taylor. Ail in favor.
Bills for month presented to Council. kotion to approve pafnent made by Hillman,
seconded by ThomDson. Ail in favor.
Financial report for month presented to Council.
Water Hook-ups discussed and then the aater Ordinance # 78 read in full by Thompson.
Motion to suspend the rules and read once in full and twice by Title n~de by Taylor,
seconded by Buchanan. Roll Call Vote, Hillman-yes, Thompson?yes, Buchanan-yes and
Taylor-yes. Ordinance # 78 then read twice by Title by Mc~evitt. Motion to pass
Ordinance # 78 made by Taylor, seconded by Buchanan. ~oll Call Vote, Hiliman-yes,
Thompson-yes, Taylor-yes and Buchanan-yes.
Council decided to let Fred Chase have ten hook-ups for $75.00 each as the houses
are already under construction and he has them paid for.
Meeting recessed at
City Clerk
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