HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 09 1968 CMMinutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the City of Chubbuck on January 9, 1968. Pre~ent- Hillman, Buchanan, Henry, Twiggs, Thompson and McDevitt. Absent- Taylor and Underwood. Called to order 8:02 P.M. Minutes of the last regular and one recessed meeting then read and approved. Mayor Boy~ N Twiggs and Couneilman Paul S Thompson then swron into office by Clerk. Certificates of election then oresented to Mayor Twiggs and Councilman Thomoson. ~ Election of ores~dent of COuncil. Motion to a~oint Hillman as president of ~ Council made by Buchanan, ~econded by Henry. All in favor. Appointments made by Mayor Twiggs as follows: ~ Police and Fire Chief - Carl L Hensley Policeman & Fireman - Paul Allen Shaw Clerk & Treasurer - Geneva D Valenty Attorney- Herman J McDevitt. Police Judge- Charlotte T Kennedy Engineer & Surveyor - L H Ballif Associates Water Shut-off man - A J Brennan Building Inspector- Kent J Parrish Department Heads- Subdivisions- A E Buchanan Water Deot. - Paul Thompson Police & Fire Dept. - Les Henry Streets & Park - R C Hillman Motion to acceot all apointments as made by Mayor Twiggs made by Henry, seconded by Buchanan. All in favor. Bills for month presented to Council. Motion to ~pprove payment of bills made by HiI!~man, seconded by Henry. All in favor. Financial and Police reports for past month, and Financial and Budget reports fo~ past fiscal year then presented to Council by Clerk. Post Office in Chubbuck- Council discussed the nossibilities of keeping the Post Office in Chubbuck. Decision was for Henry to see if he can have it put in place of business at ~929 Yellowstone. Ordinance # 73- Greener Pastures resi~dents with John Christofferson as sDokesman asked v~at services have they gained by the annexation. Will theY get street lights? What palns does the City have for installing fire hydrants? k~at about Fire Insurance rates? What about oaving their streets and outting in a new bridge over the canal? Would the City consider deannexing them until all these improvements are comoleted, as they claim the County will do all this work for them. Counccil decision was that these questions all need study before the Council can give them an answer. :~ Country Acres- Glen Marshall stated that he had 65 acres that has not been subdivided and that it will remain in lots of 5 acres or more when it is sub- divided. He asked removal of this property from Ordinance # 73. ~ Burley Drive Water Line- McOmberasked what progress had been made on easements for continuing this line. Buchanan stated that Ballif has the descriptions. City is to pay for preliminary reports for Ballif's work. Long discussion followed. No d~i~on was reached at this time. Fred Chase requested that the City issue certificates showing the city will maintain the streets in Country acres that meet with city approval. This information is needed for F H A and V A loans. Decision was to have Ballif check on this. Buchanan then stated that the City will look into all these problems, but that the annexation will stand as it is now. Street Repairs- Dale Tyler re~orted to Council that he has a product named Traffix for repairing streets in the winter time. It is an aggregate. Cost is $3.00 per gallon. Paul Hill has used the product on his parking lot. Thomoson suggested that we check with Pau~ Hill and see how the product is working for him, then we can study and see if it is feasible for this area. Hillman is to check on this. No action on any purchasing at this time. Twiggs stated that he will talk to Christofferson about Greener Pamtures. Twiggs and Hillman will talk to County Commissioners and see just what the County had said about installing a new brudge. Meeting recessed at 10:25 P.M. till January 23, 1968 at 8:00 P.M., at which tLme the Council will work on the Budget. Clerk March 26, 1968 CITY COUNCIL OF CHUBBUCK: It is with sadness that I submit to the Council of Chubbuck my letter of resignation as Mayor, effective March 31, 1968. Iwish to express my appreciation to you Council Members, to the City Clerk, and Police Officers for your support and co-operation. My decision to accept employment in Salt Lake was a difficult one. It was made only after much study and weighing the responsibility I owe to my family and abligation as an elected official. I, therefore, leave sadly because I have thoroughly enjoyed the responsibility of the office of Mayor, and I feel we have worked together and accomplished a great deal. I leave Chubbuck reluctantly. It has been home to my family for four years. We are proud to have lived here, worked here, served here, and made friends here. I feel the future holds a great deal of promise for our good city. I only regret that this business opportunity had to come at this particular time. I am confident that the man you appoint as Mayor, and you as a Council, will continue to work and plan for this growth. I only hope you shall work toward using the willing, responsible members of the City to help in the planning for the future. I'm sure you recognize and will work toward a Planning and Zoning Board, a wise Zoning Ordinance, a sewer system, planning in the Water and Street Departments, and overhauling and cmapiling the existing ordinances. I am confident that helP and support is available from many interested and responsible citizens of this City. I shall always be proud of Chubbuck and look forward to watching it grow and expand under your leadership. Sincerely, Boyd N. Twiggs Mayor of Chubbuck ~909 Hawthorne Road Chubbuck, idaho March TO: The Mayor and Board !,~mbers of the Village of Chubbuck, Idaho ±, .~oy J. Neider, do so!ioit your participation in the water development on Chubbuck Road beginning at the intersection of Hawthorne and Chubbuck ]loads and running ~n a westerly direction for approximately 1100 feet. I am ready and willing to pay for the excavating and backfilling of the trench necessary to lay the line~ and also the expense ~of laying and coupling the line for the above mentioned distance. As you board members may- recall, at the meeting I attended on February 13, 1968, I stated that, with a favorable decision by the Board perta~.ning to the water line development, I would pay ~n advance for thirt,y-nine (39) water hook-ups on lots in the Neider's 1st Addition @ $7~.00 per hook- up, totaling $2,92~.00.. With this offer, I am trusting that the Board acts favorabiyin purchasing 'the water line necessary for this mainline extension. I believe development in the Chubbuck area will continue to grow~ and in the very few years ahead expand far greater than we, as local citizens, may realize. I hope to be a part of this growth in helping to upgrade the development of o~}r community~ trying to look ahead well in advance for £uture years. Recently~ I counted the new homes on ~y previous farm land property developed during the past few years and %hey total SIXTY-FIVE. I wonder if the area residents realize the depth of this undertaking. Figuring the 6~ homes at $20~000.00 per home, it makes an existing development of $1~300~000.00 that is growth and progress to the V~l!age of Chubbuck and more develop- ment is expected in the future. The proposed w'ater line would serve other properties on which development could come in the forseeable future and further benefit the Vil'lage of Chubbuck. Therefore, I feel it would be in the Village cf Chubbuck's interest to help with this mainline extension. P~l!y yours, Roy J. Ne£der PETITION COME NOW the undersigned, all of the residents of GREENER PASTURES, a subdivision, and petition the mayor and council of the City of Chubbuck to exclude the subdivision known as "Greener Pastures" from the City of Cbubbuck on the following grounds: 1. That the undersigned do not feel that the city can offer the residents sufficient services, at the present time, to warrant the recent annexation. 2. That the residents of said subdivision are unanimous in their decision not to come into the city at the present time. 3.That the method used and the annexation boundaries make it evident that the annexation was for tax purposes alone. .4. That the city is in no position at the Present time to furnish adequate services to the subdivision and will not be for quite some time to come~ 5. That the time of annexation the city was not adjacent to the subdivision. 6. That the recent annexation does not enhance the symmetry of the city and was not necessary in order to facilitation communications between any two parts of the city. 7. That the way of ingress and egress to and from the city to the subdivision is not under, and will not be under, the jurisdiction and control of the city. DONE this 12th day of February, 1968. Assessed Valuation $867,685.00 BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1968 GENERAL FUNDS ESTIMATE OF INCOME Taxes ........... Licenses Road & Bridge, Hiway User's Revenue Liquor Refund Police Fines Water Dent. (Salaries & Loan) Gas Franchise Well No 2 Fund Contingent (Carry-over) 30,9A8.60 2,215.00 10,000.00 7,5oo.oo 1,500.00 2,500.00 1,&O0.O0 2,000.00 27.3OO.O0 Total · 85.363.60 ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES Administration Administration Expenses Salaries Office Supplies Civil Defense 100.O0 Audit 500.00 General Supplies ..... ~/.~ 1~000.00 7,8OO.OO 1~800.00 Utilities Phone 500.00 Lights &OO.O0 Fuel 500.00 Water ~ Legal Attorney ..... 2,400.00 Advertising -- ~,000.00 5,&O0.O0 Street Lights Insurance Fire Dept. Streets General Reoairs --- Wages F M Lacy Police Dept. Salaries Police Officers Police Judge -- Operating Expenses Car Reoairs Petroleum Radio New Car Prisoner's Board 12,000.00 5,4oo.oo 1,182, 10 11,700.00 6OO.0O 500.00 1,000.00 oo.oo 2,000.00 Park Dept. (Ma~ntainence) etc. G.O.Bonds & Interest 2,000.00 18,582.10 12,300.00 3.800.00 7o0. OO 2,652.50 WATERWORKS FUND ESTIMATE OF INCOME Water Rentals Future Hook-ups Sanitation Contingent ( BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1968 Carry-over ) Total 3.5OO.OO 10,000.00 1~,O00.00 56.500.00 ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES Bonds & Interest Bonds Interest Whitaker Rd Contract Bond Sinking Fund Utilities Power Co. Gas Co. Sanitation Repairs Materials for Connections Improvements Office Supplies A,OOO.OO 920. oo 2 .oo A,200. OO 200.00 Salaries (Clerk, Shut-off, Extra Help) --- General Funds Salaries (Share) ~00.00 Payment on Loan 2,000.00 Contingent (Emergency) 5.175.00 1,150.00 4,400. OO 8,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 15.500.00 1,000.00 4,200.00 2,500.OO 6.575.OO Total 56,500.00