HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 13 1960 CM Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubb~ck, held in the Municipal Building of the Village of Chubbuck on December 13, 1960. Present- Davis, Mitchell, Hi]_lman and Mc~evitt. Absent- Ward and Frasure excused for work. Called to order 8:0~ P.M. Minutes of the last regular and one recessed meeting then read and approved as read. Bills for the month presented to the Board. Motion to approve payment made by Mitchell, seconded by Hillman. Ail in favor. Bills as follows:Burl McNabb-302.28,C.Henslay-410.22,G.Valenty-ll~.40, H.McDevitt-~0.00,Hinkley Agency-6a.70,Civil Defense-~0.00,Watcr Dept.- 2~.~0,Phone-2~.29,Power-322.9~,County Comm.-94.~O,Bangs-~0.7~, Gem State Paper-76.30,Moore Business-3.47,BureauIndian Affairs-.84~, Chubbuck Service-124.0~,Utoco-30.~l,0ffice Tax Collec~Or -107.22, Internal Revenue-323.40,State Income Tax-41.33, R.Halverson-14.~0, Electrical Contractors-22.7~,A.J.Brennan-7.~0,B&M Wholesale-28.08, F.Briscoe-2~.00,J.Priestley-~.00,L.Davis-13.9~, Chubbuck-l,~28.90. Financial report for month presented to Board. Heater in Booster ~ump House- Davis explained that the heater is installed, it is an automatic heater, and it is working good~ Water overflow at ~ank- Davis explained to Board that the County. is coH~laining about this overflow as it is washing out their fill on Fairgrounds Road. The Board decided that they will have to work out some way with the Pl~nber to get this fixed. New Super Highway- The Hiway Dept. will ~ve to move some of our water line as the new Hiway goes right over our water line. They want to put in cast iron under the part that goes under the road and use steel pipe the rest of the line that they move. The Attorney advised the Board that they should meet with the Hiway Dept. and see just where we stand, how long the Village may be without water if anytime at all, and just want they intend to do with our water line. This should all be decided now so the Village will know just what to expect. Ordinance # ~4 - A letter from Mobile Home Owners Ass. was read in full by Clerk. Attorney advised that no action can be taken at this time as he wants to go through the letter and cempare it with Ordinance # ~4, and report all his findings to the Board, so they can study it before acting on the recommendations. McDevitt will also contact their Attorney and they will try to work together on a satisfactory solution to the matter. Mingo Subdivision-Mingo gave McDevitt some papers to study on the Mingo Plat. McDevitt will give his answer to the papers at a later date. State~Sanitary Inspector- Davis explained to the Board that this Service would ~e rendered to the Village any t~me they were called for a fee of 200.00 per year payable at ~0.00 a ~uarter. Hillman asked just what good that service would be if ~A~ didn't enforce it? During a discussion on the matter it was brought out that all they can do is tell you how to remedy a situation. The Board decided they have no need for this service since the Service has no authority to enforce their decisions. Law Enforcement- Attorney explained that we need better law enforcement at tk~e County and State level. Hensley answered that we have the law enforcement at these levels, and the lack of cooperation is from the Judges, J.P's, and Prosecuting Attorney. Hawthorne Road ~ater Line- John Valenty was present and once again accused the Board of improper expenditure of Village Money in regards to returning money to Neider and Menard, however he did state that the new Board Members did not have proper knowledge of the conditions existing when the old Board was in office. Hillman explained that the Board took action only on adtice from the Village Attorney. A discUssion followed after which Mitchell suggested that the present Board ask the old Board members to meet with them and discuss this matter with all m~mbers present. The Board all agreed that this would be the proper way the handle this matter. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Village Clerk