HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 09 1960 CM Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chub. buck, held in the Municipal Building of the Vi~lage of Chubbuck on November 9, 1960. Present- Davis, Ward, Mitchell and Frasure. Absent- Hillman and McDevltt. Called to order at 8:02 P.M. Minutes of the last regular and two recessed meetings then read and approved as read. Bills for the ~onth presented to Board. Motion to approve payment of bills made by Frasure, seconded by Mitchell. All in favor. The bill from Killian Plumbing is to be checked before payment is made. Bills,as follows,:C.Kennedy-22.ag,G.Valenty-ll~.4©,C.He~sley-h03.50, H.McDevitt-~©.00,Well No.2-8?.6~,Water Dept-25.50,Idaho Power-~_0~.39, Phone-20.?l,Pocatello Police-7~.00,Journal-~8.~0,Bangs-16.00,Bill's- 1.14, Conoco-7.67,L.Davis-10.70,R.Halv~rson-l~.~0, Joe Brenuan-126.30, G.Stumbo-10.00,VanGas-20.10,K.Bolingbroke-.50~,Crane Co.-25.00, W.W.Equip.-10.62, Killian Plumbing-30.00. Financtal~.~nd Police Reports for month presented to Board. Deeds to west end of Parrish Drive- Motion was made by ~ard to accept the deeds, subject to approval by the Attorney. Eotion was seconded by Frasure. All in favor. Well No.2 Power- All Roard members agreed that Well No 2 should be put on Rate 12 and thus our pcwer bill will be lowered for that pump. Pump Insurance-This should be settled in another week. Dyke's has offere~.a ~e~vice guarantee for the same rate we are Daylong for insurance~.~After a discussion the Board decided that maybe this would be better than insurance. They will check with the attcrney and see if this is a leMal proceedure. Ordinance # %~ Discussion- A long discussion from the floor on the Trailer Coach 0rd~nance followed. Many questions were asked and Davis~expla~ned that the Board is not qualified to give legal advice or legal answers to questions asked and that we should have a future meeting with these people when the attorney is present. Ward explained that the City-County Planning ~oard will take care of where roads and streets should be, but that they would not do any residential or commercial zoning. Frasure asked who asked thm State Inspector to inspect Trailer Houses for sanitary conditicns. None of the Board members, nor the Police Officer asked for such inspections. ?rasure also ~sked if people own their own land can they move their Tra~ler House off for several mo~ths and then move back to the same place. Dav~s answered no, not the way the ordinance reads now. Frasure said that if no is the answer, then that part of the ordinance is not right.Mitchell suggested that Trailer Ho~.~se owners should be able to trade Trailer Houses if they so desire. ~fter much more discussion it was the decision of the Board that these Trailer H~.~se owners put in writing their recommendations for changes in the ordinance, present these to the Board and they will study it and t~y to work out a solution with them. Meeting recessed at 9:20 P.M. til~further noti~if necessary.