HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 14 1960 CM Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
Village of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the Village
of Chubbuck on June 14, 1960.
Present- Davis,Ward,Mitchell,Hillman, Frasure and Mc~evitt.
Called to order 8:10 P.M.
Grant Bickmore and H~old Smith of the Idaho Bank & Trust Co.,
were present and reported to the Board that the Bank now has
all its papers approved and they will establish a Bank in
Chubbuck, and they hope to be open in about 60 days.
Minutes of the last Regular and two recessed meeti~gs then
read and approved as read.
Bills fer the month presented to Board. Motion to approve
payment of ~ills made by Ward, seconded by Hi]lman, All in favor.
The bill from General Fabricating Corp. will not be paid till
the Board h~s a chance to talk to them and see why the bill is
so high. Bil~s ~s fol]ows:R.Halverson-l~.~0 & 28.00, G.Valenty -
57.20 & 107.20,Joe Bre~nan-~0.80,B&DExcavating-2~.00,Transp~.rt
Clearings-8.61,W.W.Equip.-~.al,Idaho Power-2~8.00 & 9~.38, Carl
Hensley-201.7~ ~ 201.7~, H.McDevitt-h0.0(~,C.Nennedy-63.6~, Water
Dept.-2~.~0,Well No.2 Fund-~6.24, Idaho State Journal-%?.0~, Phone-
21.96,Vangas-~.28,Bang's-18.~%,Bill'sFood-~.89,Chub~uck Lumber-
4-1.~,Pocatello Police-2.~0,Electric Service-10.h6,Humb].e 0il-
9.66,Conoco-3~.16,Triangle Service-~.7~.
Financial Report for month presented to Board.
Beer License- Junior Chomber of Commerce apy~lied for a Beer
License for the Fairgrounds. The Board has already issued a Beer
License to the Loyal Order Of Moose for the Fairgrounds. The
attorney is to study this and see just w~t we can dc about it,
as we have never been cal~ed upon to issue~two Beer Licenses to
one location before.
Attorney's Report- Has all information on dog tags and printing
any time the Board is ready to enforce the Dog License Ordinance.
Water agreement with the County- the contract has been r~evised
and is all signed and each party has a copy of the contract.
Police Car- all Board members have a copy of a letter from McDevitt
cencerning the Police Car. Railroad Case for deannexation-The
judge ruled in favor of Chubbuck, stating the the Railroad has
no right to chop a Village in two seperate pieces. Delinquent
water-R~Isling is to be shut off at the amin line at 8:00 A.M.
in the ~orning. He has not paid any water sdnce the first of
January, 1960 and he does not answer any letter written to him
concerning this water account. MovinE Street Lights- the best
thing to do is have the two street lights at ~700 Yellowstone and
123 E.Chubb~ck shut off for now, and later we will ~ave new one s
~nstalled at the proper locations.
Streets- Davis reported that ~riscoe Lane has so~e very bad
spots in it and as soon as the weather is hot enough they will
fix those deep holes.
Park & Recreation Committee- Both the Board and Committee
agreed to work together on the Park and develop it as funds
permit. The first th~ng to be done will be fence the canal, and
then put up the backstop for the ball diamond. The Board and the
Park Recreation Committee will m~et again ~n about a week to
discuss other ~lans such as rest rooms, weather sheltSr, and
sprinkling system. This meeting will be June 21, 1960. The Board
has two prices for lawn mower for ~ark, namely, Bistlines-%~9.00
ard Electric Service - 631.00. They will decide later which to
Joint City -Courts, Planning Board- Representative John Va]~enty
was present and reported their findings at a meeting on J~ne 6,1960.
Mirst they recommend all cities and the county to a~opt an
Ordinance in unison, stating that Individuals who plat or sub-
divide their property must donate or sell at the cost of raw land
1/9 to 1/12 of the subdivision after streets and alleys, to the
city for a Park in that subdivision. The Plan~ing Board also
requests a map of the Village for their next meeting. Three Committees
were formed and representatives from Chubbuck appointed to each
committee, namely, Major Street and Highways- Chet Loveland,
Schools ~nd Parks- Boyd Neider, and Zoning Board - Jay M. Davis.
Motheral ground south of Fairgrounds- Motheral was present
and stated ths. t he would like to start devepoling some of his
land, and would need water. The Board all agreed that they could
furnish water for his subdivision. The first development will
be apartments houses on the east end of his property, facing
Bench Road.
East Evan's Lane Easement- McDevitt eould not give an opinion
at this time as he is still checking out titles.The Board all
agreed that if they do accept the Easement, that it be understood
that the line stop where it is now and not extend any farter than
the now East End of Evan's Lane.
Mingo Subdivision- Plat was studied by the Board., and McDevitt
suggested that Mingo go ahead with his subdivision and when it is
up to specifications the Board will approve it. When the Board
accepts the Plat they also accept the title to the Streets.
Mingo stated that he woul~ gravel all the streets. McDevitt
advised tha Board that they should have an Ordinance regulating
specifications of sub-divisSoo~.
Police Car- After much discussion_a motion was made by Htllman,
to raise the wages of the Police Officer $160.00 per month, with
the provision that he furnish his own car, gas & oil, repairs,
tires, and insurance. Motion seconded by Mitchell. All in
except Framure, who voted no.
Meeting recessed at 10:50 P.M.
till further notice ~i~f necessary.