HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 10 1960 CM67
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
Village of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the Village
of Chubbuck, on May 10, 1960.
Present- Davis, Ward, Mitchell, Frasure, Hiilman, & McDevitt.
Called to Order 7:~ P.M.
Minutes of the last regular and ~wo recessed meetings then read
and approved ~s read.
First order of business. Public hearing on the proposed ann~al
appropriation bill neccessitating levying taxes in an amount not
to exceed twenty five mills for general purposes for the fiscal
year of May l, 1960 to April 30, 1961. No one appeared or asked
to be haard. Motion that the annual appropriation stand as fixed
by the Board made by Ward, seconded by Mitchell. Roll call vote .
Davis - yes, Ward - yes, F~asure - yes, Mitchell - yes.
Ordinance # ~3, the Annual Appropriation Bill of 1960, then
r~ad in full by McDevitt. Motion to suspend the rules, read once
in full and twice by title, made by Ward, seconded by Mitchell.
Roll call vote on Motion. Davis - yes, Ward - yes, Frasure - yes,
and Mitchell - yes.
Ordinance ~ ~3 then read twice by title by McDevitt. Roll call
vote for passage of Ordinance # ~3. Davis - yes, Ward - yes,
Frasure - yes, and Mitchell - yes.
Bills for the month then presented to Board. Motion to approve
payment of bills made by Ward, seconded by Mitchell, All in favor.
The bill from Robertson-Whitsell Agency, for Insurance on ~he two
well was not approved, as the Board wants to investigate the rates
of other insurance companies on the same basis that Ro~ertson-
~ttsell rates us. The Board th~nks the present r~te is too high.
Other bills ~s follows:Village of Chubbuck-2,2~0.00, G. Valent¥-~7.20,
J. Pierce-l~.90, Idaho Power -131.08 & h6~.72, Partner's Steel -9.00,
C. Hen~]~ey-l.10,B.&D.Excavating-ll0.00,Joe Brennan-29~.~8, B.8~M.
~olesale-2~.38,W.W.Equip.-~22.36,Transport Clearings-8.~,Jack J.
G. Valenty-6h.9~,C. Kennedy-32.00,H.McDevitt-l~l.89, Planning Board-
360.00,Idaho State Pournal-29.70, Water ~ept-2~.~0,Idah~ Power-83.h6
64.32,Phone-22.94, Bang's -1.~!~,Dyke's-6.~0,County Comm.-2~.~0,
Br~nnan's-~.h0,Tr~an~le Service-ll.6$,Conoco-~0.7~,Humble 0il-19.11,
Sinclair-lh.23,~ ~
Financial and Police reports for the month and Financial and
Budget reports for the past fiscal year then presented to the Board.
The Clerk then asked the Board and Carl Hensley if there were
any objections to any of the applicants for Beer Ld. censes for the
coming fiscal year. There were no objections, so licenses will be
issued to the applicants forthe c oming fiscal year.
Police Car-Three bids on a new Police Car were opened. They
were: Dodge Dart with trade-in 2,~00.00, Ford without trade-in-
2,779.30, and Chevrolet with trade-in - 1,79~.20. The Board decided
to have McDevitt write a form letter to all car dealers in the area
and let them all make bids before a decision is made.
Street Signs- Board decided to have some one install them.
Mitchell is to see if he can hire a man for the job, and also he
will contact the State Highway Engineer for specific information
on the installation of the signs.
Fire H~drants f~ ~ubdivisions. The Board d'cided that whoever
develops a subdivision is responsible for the cost of the fire
hydrants in the subdivision and therefore the cost of the Wire
Hydrants in the Neider Subdivision are to be deducted from the
balance due Roy Neider.
Hiway Ave. water line- The Board all agreed that t~e t~o inch
line at the eastern end of Hiway Ave. should be c~ed to a
four inch line, and give more pressure at the end of the line.
Pump House at Tank Site- Board all agreed to have General
Fabrication Co. make some elbows that are needed there, and
also the Board will all meet in the morning and inspect the site
to see if any changes are necessary before the work progresses
ar~ more.
Sewer Survey-A proposa~ for a preliminary investigation of ~
the contemplated system to be made by Ballif was read to the
Board. Discussion followed, but no action was taken at this time.:
East Evan's Lane- Hitchcock presented to the Board papers for '
a twenty foot easement down that Lane so a Main water line could
be laid there, and each house have a seperate shut off. McDevitt
is to check the descriptions and titles before the Board accepts
the Easement.
Street Lights- After discussion, it was the decis~on of the
Board to install three new lights and move two existing street
lights. The new ~treet lights to be installed at Parrish Drive
and Yellowstone Ave, SyphOn Road and Yellowstone Ave. and at
Highline Road and East Chubbuck Road. The two to be moved are
from about 4700 Yellowstone to intersection of Linden Ave. and
Yellowstone Ave. and from about 123 East Chubbuck Road to the
intersection of Valenty Road and East Chubbuck Road. The Clerk
will write a let~-er to Idaho Power Co. making the request for ~he
Mingo Subdivision* Board all studied a map that Mingo had
with him, but more complete details are necessary on the map
before the Board will act on it.
City Park- Lawn Mower. The Board all agreed on the necessity
of the Village purchasing a lawn mower for t h~ Village Park.
They decided that they would shop around for the best price
on a riding reel type lawn mower, and that they will get the
big~est single one they can get.
West Chubbuck Road- needs resurfacing. Board all agreed to
have the county resurface that read. The county gave a figure
of cost at 400.00.
J.J.Menard hook-up- The line under the highway at the Menard
hook-up was paid for by Menard and the Village has taooed off of
it twice, so the Board all agreed to pay Menard for ~hat s~ction
of the pip~ the is under the highway and to his property line.
The figure agreed on by Menard and the Board was la7.~8.
Meeting recessed till further notice if necessary at 10:30 P.M.
.~ ge Clerk