HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 12 1960 CM Minutes of the Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the Village of Chubbuck on April 12, 1960. Present- Davis, Mitchell, Ward, Hillman and Frasure. Absent- McDevitt, excused for illness. Called to order 7:20 P.M. Minutes of the last regular and o~e recessed meeting then read and approved as read. Bills for the month presented to Board. Motion to approve payment of bills made by Ward, s~conded by Hillman. All in favor. Bills as follows:FICA,W.H.,&State Tax-26~.~8,C. Hensley-282.~8, G.Valenty-10~.~5,H.McDevitt-kO.00,L.H.Ballif-890.OO,Well No.2-48.64, Water-2~.~0,Power-191.78,State Insurance-60.27,Indian Affairs-22.9~, Conoco-~.~_,Humble-lk~.77,Sinclair-3h.28,Chubbuck Service-38.25, L.Davis-B1.80, Jackson's-ll.00,Triangle Service-h.~0,Dyke's-21.30, Flandro~s-4h.7~,Murray Press-7~.20,Joe Brennan-~8.00,J.Pierce-14.~O~ Roy Neider-466.66,W.J.Carlyle_28.00,Jim Chastain-lO~.90. Financial and Police reports for month presented to Board. Hawthorne Road Mainline- Motion was made by Ward, seconded by Hillman, and all in favor to repay 20% of the cost of laying the main line on Hawthorne Road, to the three residents who put up the money for the project. Pe~t Office Dept.- complained of bad roads on Parrish Drive. It was reported that that the bad spots have been filled in and the road is all right now. Mingo Lane- two connections are delinquent in their water accounts. The Board agreed that a lein should be placed a~ainst the properties concerned and also we should see if we can ~et an easement up Shat Lane so we can go up there in ~he future an~ shut off water if necessary. Elmer Smith Property- A new Trailer has moved in on that property. They are not listed in the water book. We must try to find out the name and get them in the water book. Village maps- Ballif reported that the county will print the maps for us if we will furnish the paper. Ballif is buy the paper for us. Sewer- McDevitt and Davis have talked with Pocatello for a possible connection with them. No definite figures were available at this meeting. Village Park- needs some work done on it. The ~est thing to do is hire someone to take care of it. The Board all agreed that it should be taken care of this summer. Phone Co.- Representatives from the Phone Co. were present and explained in full the future phone service for Chubbuck. Motion was made by Ward, seconded by Hillman, and all were in favor of approving the plan of the Phone Co. Hensley- reported that we will have to do something about the Police Car, as it is always in need of repairs now. The Board said to wait for the Bud~'et and see what can be done then. The Budget will be set up in about 2 weeks. Extension of Burley Lane- McComber, speaking for some of the residents in that area tried to explain Just what they have in mind and what they are plan~ing on doing. The Board will not take any action on this till all legal matters are straightened out. Evan's Lane-After a discussion on water accounts on Evan's Lane it was decided to wait and see if The Real Estate Office will turn over to the Village thr money they are holding in Trust on a piece of Property sold on that Lane. If they refuse to turn over the money then we will have to ~u~n off the entire lane as there is only one con~ectfon to our main line. BUDGET FOR FISCAL Y~AR 1960 - 1~61 General Funds ESTIMATE OF INCOME ~axes ..... Licenses .............. Road & Bridge - ....... Liquor Refund .... Police Fines Water Dept.(Salaries & Gas) ...... Contingent (Carry-over) Well No. 2 Fund --- ~ f-d d ~.c~ .. 1,390.00' ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION Salaries Supplies __ Utilities ............. Phone .... Lights --- Fuel ..... Water .... Legal ...... ._ Attorney ..... Advertising -- STREET LIGHTS ................. Insurance ....... Sanitation ................... Fire Dept. ....... Street Repairs .......... POLICE DEPT. Salaries Offic er Extra Police - ~'~ ~.~ Police Judge-- ~ .... Prisoner,s Board ......... Maintenance Radio Repair -- Pocatello Police Tires General Repairs Gas & Oil County planning Board Park Maimtenance G.0.Bonds & Interest ............ Bonds .... 1,500.00 Interest --12__!z__2_2_2_2_2~.75 Contingent (Emergency) 2,748.75 ~ ~k. '! q J. ,','/ S L'!~. ~ Waterworks Fund ~STIMATE OF INCOME Water Rentals Future Hook-ups --- Contingent (Carry-over) ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES Bonds & Interest ................... Bonds 3,000.00 Interest .... 2,020.00 Bond Sinking Fund Power ....... Repairs ............ Supplies (Office) -- Materials for connections .......... Salaries ............. Plumber's Labor '~ Clerk ~.~ Asst.Watermaster j?~ ~ Improvements ..........- . .. General Fund (Salaries & Gas) ...... Pump House Contingent (Emergency) ............ 5~020.00 2,45o.oo Elmer Smith Property- It was repc~rted to the Board thatthe name of the new tennant there is Noel Vineyard, and that he moved in on April ll, 1960. Vineyard was present at the meeting. Mingo- asked about subdividing his property and said he planned a 50 foot road, a ~ inch main line and wanted to know when to pay for hooking into our main line with the 4 inch line he is running through the subdivision. There is no~ charge for hooking into our main line, but each individual connection made off of his 4 inch line will be subject to a hook-up charge. Meeting recessed till further notice at 9:20 P.M. Village Clerk Minutes of the recessed meeting of April 12, 1960, of the Board of ~rustees of the Village of Chubbuck, held in the.~Ql~e~k's Office at ll3 Valenty Road, due to a previously scheduled in the Municipal Building, on April 25, 1960. Present- Davis, Frasure, Hillman and Mc~evitt. Absent- Ward and Mitchell, excused for other committments. Called to order 7:00 P.M. Purpose- Work on Budget for fiscal year May l, 1960 tp April 30, 1961 The Budget was worked out and a copy is attached herewith to these minutes. Discussion on Proposed Ordinance 52 followed. Decision was to wa~t for a full panel of members before action will be taken. In setting up the Budget the Clerk requested a raise of 30.00 a mo~th. The Board all e~reed to approve the request. Meeting recessed to ~:00~P~E, bn~ApPtl 26, 1960 at 9:15 P.M. ~illage C1 · airman of ~rd ~ Village of Chubbuck, Idaho ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES BE IT RESOLVED the chairman and the Board of Trustees of the Village of ChubbuCk, Bannock County, Idaho, that the following estimate of the probable amount of money necessary for all purposes to be raised by the Village of Chubbuck for the fiscal year com- mencing on the let day of May, 1960 and ending on the 30th day of April, 1961, including money for payments of the principal and interest falling due on the bonded debt and all sinking fund requirements, be and hereby ~s accepted by the Chairman and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuckand entered at length upon the minutes of the said Board and published in the official newspaper of said Village as required by law, to-wit: EXPENSES PAYABLE OUT OF THE GENERAL FUND For maintenance of Village Streets ..... ............. $ 2,000.00 For street lighting .......... ......... ....... .......$ 1,200.00 For salaries and wages, including salaries of the Police Officer,Water Superintendent,Village Clerk, and retainer of .th.: Village Attorney, and other salaries .. ....................................... $ 8,400.00 For operation and maintenance of Village waterworks system, including extensions thereto ......$ 18,780.00 ~or Village Fire Dept 600.00 For all other miscellaneous & contingent purposes ...$ 13,141.2% TOTAL $ }!J! ,121.25 EXPENSES PAYABLE OUT OF SPECIAL LEVIES AND FUNDS For the payment of interest on the General Obligation Waterworks Bonds of 1957 · ............ ....$ 1,248.75 For the payment of interest on the Waterworks System Revenue Bonds of 1951 . ..... ... ...... .........$ 2 020 00 , · For the payment on principal of the General Obligation WaterWorks Bonds of 1957 ............... ..$ 1,500.00 For the payment on principal of the Waterworks System Revenue Bonds of 1951 . ..... ............ .... ..$~3,000.00 TOTAL $ 7,768.75 That the entire cash revenue of the Village of Chubbuck for the fiscal year ending on the 30th day of April, 1960 was ...$49,849.82 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 26th day of April, 1960. RESOLUTION VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK, BANNOCK COUNTY, STATE OF IDAHO WHEREAS,Heretofore on the 26t~ day of April, 1960 the Chairman and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck,Bannock County, Idaho, passed and adopted an estimate of expenses estimating that the total amount of money needed for general expenses, not including expenses for bond issues, of the Village of ChubbUck for the fiscal year commencing on the 1st day of May, 1960 to be the total sum of FORTY FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY ONE DOLLARS AND 25/100 DOLLARS, ($44,121.25), and WHEREAS, a ten mill levy is insufficient and will not provide the amottut of money necessary to be raised and provided through a general tax levy to pay said general expenses of said Village during said fiscal year, and WHEREAS, it appears to the Chairman and the Board of Trustee~ of said Village that it is necessary that a general levy of not to exceed twenty-five mills be made upon all taxable property within said Village in order to raise the necessary amount of money estimated to be required for general purposes for the use of said Village during said fiscal year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Chairman and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Shubbuck, Bannock County, Idaho, that Tuesday the 10th day of ~My, 1960, at the hour of 7:00 P.M., at the Municipal Building in Chubbuck, that being the regular meeting place of Said Board, be set as the day and place for holding a public hear- ing on the question of making a general tax levy for the Village of Chubbuck for the cturrent fiscal year in the amount of not to exceed twenty-five mills on'each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property in said Village. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Village Clerk be and she hereby is ordered to give due notice of the time and place of the holding of said hearinz in the manner orovided by Law. NOTICE VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK, BANNOCK COUNTY, IDAHO Persuant to a resolution adopted by the Chairman and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck on the 26t~ day of April, 1960. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That Tuesda~ the 10th day of May,L960, at ~ P:M. at the Village Hall located at 4724 Yellowstone Ave. in Chubbuck, Idaho, that being the regular meeting place of the Board of Trustees, in the said Village of Chubbuck, the Chairman and the Board of Trustees will grant a public hearing to all parties interested who may then and thereto show cause, if any they have, or offer any objections to the Chairman and the Board o~ Trustees, why the annual tax levy for the general municipal purposes of said Village forthe fiscal year of 1960-1961 shall not be fixed at the rate of not to exceed twenty-five mills per One Dollar of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in said Village. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT the Chairman and the Board of Trustees propose to adopt an annual appropriation bill of ordinance making appropriations in an amount which will neccessitate levying taxes in an amount not to exceed twenty-five mills for general purposes for t he fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of May, 1960 and ending on the 30th day of April, 1961. This notice is g~ven under the provisions of Section 50-1102 of the Idaho Clde and amendments thereto. BY ORDER OF THE CHAIRMAN AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the Village of Chubbuck, Idaho. A T~EST: ~ Village Clerk