HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 10 1959 CM Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
Village of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the Village
of Chubbuck on November 10, 19~9.
Present- Mitchell, Hillman, Frasure, Ward and Davis.
Absent- McDevitt, excused for illness.
Called to order 8:09 P.M.
Minutes of the l~st regular meeting then re~d and approved
as read.
Bills for the month presented to Board. Motion to approve
payment of the bills made by Ward, ~econded by Hillman. All in favor.
Bills as follows:C. Hensley-28~.22, G. Valenty-92.16, C.Kennedy-2~.3~
H.McDevitt-~0.00, Idaho Power-99.~0 & 13~.77, Phone-22.3~ & 2.2~,
County Comm.-~7.00, Pocatello Police-?~.00,Arnold Stuart-6.00,
Kennedy's-2.39,Sinclair-16.~l,Carter 0il-9.89,Triangle Service-9.~8,
Chubbuck Service-l?.~,Water Dept.-2~.~O,Waterworks Equip.-lll.O~,
and J. Pierce-14.~0.
Financial and Police reports for month then presented to Board.
Water connections- Thomas Fowler has another Trailer house on
lot on East Chubbuck Road which is owned by Arthur Wallace. Fowler
owns the property and has paid a ?~.00 hook-up for Village water,
and wants to know if Wallace will be required to put in another
7~.00 hook-up for water for his Trailer House. Fowler already has
two shut-offs on his own line and at present Wallace is using one
of them. After a dsicussion on the mstter a motion was made by
Ward, and seconded by Frasure to let the Attorney study this and
make a ruling on the matter. All were in favor.
Parrish Lane- Brennan stated that a similar situation to
Fowler,s exists on Parrish Lane.,except that there are two houses
on one lot and they want one connection for both houses. These
are separate dwellings with no connection between them. After
discussion the Board decided that since they are permanent dwellings
and not Trailer Houses there must be a seperate hook-up for each
Survey- Ballif reported to the Board that they are ready with
the numbering of the houses in Chubbuck but that there are a few
streets that need names changed as they are continuations of
existing streets and cannot have the same name run lng in opposite
directions. Also there are some lanes not wide enough for streets
that have a number of dwellings on them and they will need a name
so they can be numbered properly. After discussion a motion was
made by Hillman, seconded by Frasure to name the street going
north and south off of Burnside Road , Burley Drive, and to
name the street going East & West off of Valenty Road, Ward Drive.
All were in favor. This will be put into an Ordinance. As for
the narrow lanes the Board decided on names for them, subject to
approval by the attorney, after he has checked with the Post Office
to see if this is necessary. The sug~iested na~es were- Mingo Lane,
in back of Kennedy's Store, Alton Way, in back of Brennan,s store
and also off of west Linden Road, Evan's Lane, across from Parrish
store, and Clark Drive, in back of Clark Apartments off from
Burnside Road.
Stuart Additdon- Stuart wants the resh~of his subdivision taken
into the Village. After discussion the Board decided they will have
to study this, and see how much they will take in this annexation.
Water connections on Briscce p~operty- Ward suggested to the
Board that this matter be straightened out now. If necessary dig up
at wildcat line and cut it off. Then they will have straighten it
out to get water. Motdon to have this checked into and acted upon
made by Ward, sec nded by Mitchell, All in favor.
Sewer System- Ballif will ch~ck into possib~l~iti~s 6~ this.