HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 08 1959 CM Minutes of the reguler meeting of the Board of Trustees of
the Village of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the
Village of Chubbuck, on September 8, 1959.
Present- Davis, Ward, Frasure and McDevitt.
Absent- Hillman and Mitchell, excused for work.
Called to order 8:07 P.M.
Minutes of the last reguler meetiug then read and approved
as read. .
Bills for the month then presented to Board. Motio~ to approVe
payment of bills with two exceptions made by Ward, seconded ~y ·
Frasure, all in favor. The two exceptions are, do not pay the ~
p~er bill on Well No.2 until Idaho Power rechecks the reading ,
and makes an adjustment if one is called for, and second e~cePtion
is to deduct 61.~4 from Waterworks Equip. bill for faulty material
that is being ret~.~rned to them. Other bills as follows: C.Hensley-
284.22,G.Valenty-46.~8 &46.08, C.Kennedy-16.12,H.McDevitt-40.00,
Water Dept.-2~.50,Phone-32.T1,Power-63.56 &126.74, Chubbuck Lumber-
1.20,Triangle Servtce-4.00,Conoco_lg.35, Sinclair-ll.08,Carter-l.20 ,
Standard 0il-4.26,Dyke's Electric-80.00,Bang's-3.45,Waterworks Equip~
91.3a,Joe Bre~N~an-ll6.30,F.M.Lacy-5.00,J.Pi~rce-14.50.
Financial and Police reports for month then presented to Board.
Proposed 0rd~ance #~0,an Ordinance providing for the acceptance
of an offer by the government of the U.S. to grant fi~a~cial aid
to the Bannock County Regional Planning Commission in which the
Village is a partici~ating member.Ordinance ~50 was read once in
full by the Clerk. Motion to suspend the rules and read once in full
and twice by Title made by Ward, seconded by Frasure. Roll call vote
for suspension of the rules:Davis-yes, Frasure-yes and Ward-yes.
0rd~nance ~ 50 was then read twice by Title by Clerk. Roll call
vote for passage of 0rdinance~0:Davis-yes,Frasure-yes, Ward-yes.
Rair~oad Law Suit- McDevitt explained that the motion for dis-
missal of the suit was denied.He suggested to the Board that since
this is a privaSe matter for Board members it should not be
discussed at a public meeting, and the Board should get together
with him at a private meeting next week and discuss what they want
done in this matter.
East Evan's Lane- After a discussion of the water system situation
on that Lane Ward m~de a motion to have the Attc. rney study the matter
and the Board will follow his suggestions. Motion s~conded by
Frasure. Ali in favor.
Donald Johnson Property- wants to cut up his property into lots
and wants to knoejif he can get the water up there.It was explained
to him that in a subdivision, the individual puts ~n his own line.
A lenghty discussion on a water line and also a street to the ~
property followed. The Board finally decided that this matter wil~
have to be straightened out later. He also wants a fire hydrant
if he puts i~ the lines, but he wants the Village to pay for the
· Hydrant. ~
Mail Delivery in Chubbuck- Davis ex~!ained to the Board that the
Post Office would like their cooperation in numbering the houses
in Chubbuck, so they can have house to house mail delivery.
Oiling Hiway Ave.- Davis explained just what the ccunty will do
and how much it will cost each property owner to have that street
oiled. They would oil 35 feet width of the street ~nd ~.eave a
7 foot str~p on each side unoiled for future side walks, curb and
gutter. The cost to be 1.20 ~er running foot and 3~ feet wide.
After much discussion it was decided that the porperty owners would
have t¢ p~t ~p the money before the job could be done, as the
Village is not responsible for their credit. Valenty wants them to
oil Valenty Road while they are at it, ~also ask~ fgr a culvert.
Meets!rig adjourne~10:2~ ~-M.~ · ~t~ ~
VilIage Cterk ~J~ ~. ~ ~ai~ma~m~f Boa~~
Village of Chubbuck
Chubbuck, ldaho
~us ir~ ~daini-- tra tion
3~uar~ ~dcti ~;I ca
!JR, the u~3depsigned, being the members of the Vi!ls{ie Ro,qrd
of ~rustee$~ do hereby call e :~leet, inS of such Tr~stees~
6:00 P.N on t~.e 26th day of September, _, ,
· ]q~9- for the p~.r!,ose
of disoussinS the ~coeptance ~nd spprova! of streets snd
w~ter mains in the Stuart Sub-Division fs of this dr~te.
meeting and action was called et the request of represent-
~tives of the Coleman Builders Supply of ~oc~te!]o, Idaho,
~nd of the J. 7. Stunrt enterprizes of Chubbuck, Idaho.
Dated and sisned this '" ~ - p ' ,. ~
2,asa day }: oertez~oer~ l?pv