HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 21 1959 CM135
~in,,~tes of the recess,d Meeting of July lA, 1959, of the Board of
Trustees of the Vill=.ge of Chubbuck~ h,!d in the l~urJ_cipal Building of
the Village of Chubbuck, on July 2!~ 1959.
Pr.sent- Davis~ ~ard~ Hil!m~: ~{itch~!!: ?.nd Fr~s~r~ arriv, d 8:30 P.~{.
C~led to order 8:05
Pu~ose- Select a Vi!l~ge Attorn~y~ and ~scus~ possibilities of
Village ~iater to the County F~irgrounds.
R~ Hunter of Pocat~q!o wis present ~nd presented a !engnty niscussion
on the new C~.unty F~irgrounds. H~ stated that H~mi!ton & Vc~el!~r ~!!
work out *he water and also the sewer requirements for the project.
~d is obtainable for Lhe p!~s only and is repayable to the gover~e~t
as the project p~ogresses. Hi!!m~ asked what we should charge for water
~f a plan w~s worked out whir.by Chubbuck ~d furnish water to the project.
Hunt-r ~swered that he h~.d no idma and cculd not even give an opi~on~
but something to be t~irJ~ing about would be ch~ging cost plus a reason~le
profit. Hunter said he wr~3ld give the prelimina~ plans to the Cc~nty
Co~ssioners around July ~7:!~9 and that the Com~ ssioners ~dll hav.
to act from there.
S~!ecticn of a Vill~g~ Attorney- ~t~r ~ discussion of th~ ~pplic~nts
~ secret b~lot was c~st by the ~oard members ~n~ th~ r~sults ware ~s
fo!!ows~ n~m~ly: H.J.~cD~tt 3 vot~s~ X.~'..~'h~tti~r 1 vot~ ~nd Arthur
Statton 1 vote. Motion to ~ppoint H.J.McD~vitt aS Vill~g~ Attorney
m~d~ by Hillm~ s~conded ~ Frasur~. ~1 in favor. Th~ Cl~rk is to
notify McDa~tt of his ~ppointm~nt.
Prisoners- Th~ Clark had be~ ~sk~d hy tn~ Pol~a~ Judge Kennedy to
~sk the Boar~ mbout r~t~ that Prisoners should s~rv~ their tim~. Sh~
s~d sh~ had b~n i~.~d by the Sbarriff's Offic~ that eva~ pl~c~
· ls~ has Prisoner's s~rv~ out their tim~ ~t the r~t~ of 5.00 p~r d~y~
~d Chubbuck is still ha~ th~m s~rv~ their time ~t th~ r~t~ of
2.00 par d~. H~nsl~y stated to the Board that ~, ~s now ~ St~t~ L~
that prisoner's sa~z~ tim~ at 5.00 per d~. Motion to h~v~ prisoner's
se~a tim~ ~t t,h~ r~t~ of 5.00 p~r day ~d~ by ~'~rd~ s~cond~d by Fr~sur~,
~1 in f~or. Th~ Cl~rk is to notify th~ Judge of th~ chang~ in r~t~.
~t~r connection ~t ~itch~!l prop~y- Brogan r~prrt~d that he h~d
5 l~nghts of pip~ that ha could us~ for th?+~ conr.,~rtion and that is ~11
h~ c~n ~t ~na s~nc~ th~ St~! Strik~ ~ it is uncertain when ~y mor~
pip~ ~1! b~ ~v~l~bl~. Th~ ~oard ~!l ~gra~d that ha should go
~th th~ co~ction ~d !~y th~ 5 !~nghts of pip~ no~.
~st Linden Rr~d- ~r~ r~prrf, ad to th~ ~o~rd that ~h~n ha h~a to
mak~ ~ n~w connection th~r~ that h~ tcund th~ 2 ~.~ '~z~d p~pa th~r~
in very poor condition. It is ~L~ost rusted ~hroug~ in pl~c~s. Th~
Board d~cid~d that this is something to b~ rap!~c~d ~n t~ futur~. Also
it w~s m~tionaa that the &oa~ is in ve~ rough s~p~.
~ting r~c~ss~d ~t 9:!O P.~. subject t~c~!l if
Vi) l~.g~ Clerk