HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 09 1959 CM ~inu~es of the Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck, held in the ~,:]unicipal ~uilding of the Vi!? xge of Chubbuck, on June 9, 1959. Present- Davis, ~ard: Mitchell, Christensen. Frasure arrived 8:20 P.~. and Hillman arrived 8:25 P.M. Called to order 8:10 P.M. Minutes ~ f the last regular and one recessed meeting then raad and approved as read. First order of business. Public hearing on the proposed appropriation bill neccessitating levying tax~s in an amount not to exceed 25 mills for ~eneral purposes for fiscal year Mayl~ 1959 to ~ay 1: 1960. No one appeared or asked to be heard. ~otion mRde by ;¢ard~ seconded by ~itchell, that the annual appropriation stand as fixed by the ~. ard. Roll call vote on mc. tion..~ard - ~es~ D~vis - yes and D~itcbel! - yes. Ordinance # h9 was then introduced ~ard. Ordinance # a9 J$ an Ordinance appropriating the several sims of money deemed necessary and sufficient to defr~f all expenses and liabilities of the Village of Chubbuck for the fiscal year Mayl, 1959 to ~]=~y 1, 1960. ~otion was then made by '~ard, seconded by ~Mitche!l~ to read the Ordinance twice by title, and once in full in it's entirety. Roll call vote for suspension of rules . ~¥ard - yes, Mitchell - yes and Dmvis - yes. The Ordinance was then read once by title ~%nd declared read b3' Davis. The Ordinance was then read a second time by title and declared read by Davis. The Ordinance was then re.~d in full in-it's entirety. Davis asked if Ordinance # h9 should be passed as read. Roll call vote for passage of Ordinance #49. ~ard - yes: Mitchell - yes: Frasure - yes~ and Davis - yes. Bills for the month were then presented to the Board. Motion to approve payment cf the bills made by ~ard, seconded by Frasure. kl! in favor. Bills as fol!ows:C. Hens!ey-28h.22, C. Christensen-hO.O0, G.Valenty-h6.08, C.Kennedy-~3.6!: GDW~-Stamps-20.O0, Lithe Printing-28.00, Cowboy Conoco-9.11, Triangle Service-a.lO:Carter Oil-56.a2,Id'~ho State Journal-56.87~ Idaho Power-65.Sa & 173.92: Phone-25.aS, ~ater-25.50, Crane Co-25.32, Pacific States Pipe-4.25, Grinnell-2.20~ R. Barry-.50~ J.Brmnnan-aS.65,Ia~]~o Concrete- 7.60,J.Pierce-l~.50,G.V~lenty-~,6.08 and Village of Chubbuck-3~392.50. Financial and Police reports then ?resented to Underground water use papers for well no.2.- Hamilton was present and stated that the papers 2r¢ not re~dy yet, but that he will work on them right away and have t~.em ready by tomorrow. He wants to make the papers the same for both wells as they both h~ve the same capacity. Davis requested that this be done soon as 2ossib!e. Davis also asked Hamilton about the switch on ~ell No. 2. He explained to the ~oard that at certain times there is a surge of pressure in the Neider Addition mains and at other t~mes there is no pressure at all. Hensley and Prmnnan both stated that the present switch there will not work, and what they need is a ti~e clock. Hamilton said he would check on it ~nd get a re~ort for the Poard as soon as possible. Village Park Fund- ~rennan reported that it is in charge of ?ill Armstrong. ~0 ft. length of 8 inch pipe- ?rennan rep,%rted that it in being used as a drain pipe under the building hnusing the Laundrocenter. It is to be paid for as soon as we find out the cost. U.P.i~.R. Annexation- Aletter written by Att.~.rney Christensen to t he Railroad in answer to their letter askin~ if Chubbuck intended to tax them~ was read by the Clerk ano is on file. ~Jtmart Aadition Hook-ups- Davis repcrteG that Stuart wants to charge the Village for work th-y did on the hook-ups and also for materials t~ey used. Hens!ey reported t~at the m%terials used for the hook-ups were oaid for by the Village. ~tuart aid have to use some of his own p~.pe but %he fittings were all Village owned, kfter much discussion a motion w~s made by Hillman statingthat based on the ~rounds that the work ,';as ~¢ne before Ordinance was passed: on the ~tuart Addition hook-ups the Village charge the cost of the hook-up, the cost bein~ fixed at 60.00 each on the 35 remainin~g vnp~id hook-ups, providin~ pay ment is made by July 1: 1959, ot~er~se the chs. rge will be 75.00 per each hook-up. ~I. ntion was seconded by Mitchell. ~1! in. favor. Naming a street- some residents on Mingn Lane would like the Board to designate a n~me for that road. It is not a dedicated street and it ~s not wide enough to meet the requirements for a dedicated street. Therefore it is private property and. the Poard cannot designat~ a n~e for it until al/ requirements are mm~e. Attorney- A letter of application for position of Village .~ttorney from R. M. ~hittier was read by the Clerk. Howard Ar~stro~g was present and asked that he be consi5ered for the p~,sition too. The ~o~rd asked Armstrong to send a letter listing his qualifications to them. No action was taken at this time. A decision will be made later. Christensen w~s excused at 9:40 P.L?. Street lights- Davis raquested that the Bcard O~cide where to put up three more steeet lights~ as they were already in the budget ~nd we may as well b~ getting the use out of them. The only .t~finite decision the ~oard made was to place on at the corner of Hawthrrne ~d Chubbuck [Qoado The ~oard wants more time to study on ]ccations befor-, d~signating the location of the oth,~r two. Park- It w~s reported that Hensley had planted 27 ew~ri5re~n trees io the Park~ and the Board r.~marked bow nice they looked, '~n~ h.~ they had improved the Park. Mitchell reported that Hatten Nuraery also h;s some trees that he would like to sell to the Village for use in the Park. Davis s~im they would like to hear from him anm ;~'m~ld welcome any suggestions about pla_~ning for ~he Park. Hiway Board- Davis repo~ted that the State Hiway Board is having a meeting on the proposed new highway and it's interchanges ~dth other aiways in this district, on Thursday, June ll, 1~59 at 8:00 P.E. in the Greenacres School Puilding. He asked that all Board members please t~ to attend this meeting for the best interest of Chubbuck. New Additions- Dice~- ~ossack was present and state~ to the Board that he had recently purchased 80 acres just west and adjoining the Neider Addition. They want to ~evelop this into a housing ~roject and could they get water from Ch~bbuck. The Board al! agreed that the Village aould supply water for this project. Meeting recessed, subject to call if necessary, at 10:O5 P.M. Chairman of the Board Village Clerk ~