HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 12 1959 CM Minutas of thc Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the Village on May, 12, 1959 Present - Hillman, Fer~ck, Ward, Valenty, and Christensen. Called to order 8:10 P.M. Minutes of the last regular and three recessed meetings then read and approved as read. Bills for the month then presented to Board. Motion to approve payment of bills made by ~Vard, seconded by ?~llman. All in favor. Bills as follows: C · He ns ley-l~2, ll, C · Chris tens en-dO. O0, G. Valenty-h6.62, P. Armst rong-7. OO, N. Harris-7. O0, J. Johnson-7.00, D. Johnson-7.00, N. Breneman-7.9~, J. Davis-7. OO, Five Mil~ Cafe-o.bO~G. Valenty-29.50~Murray Press-d9.20,Bang's-7.65,Idaho Power-65.46,Phone-35.79,County Comm.-37.50,Idaho State Journal-36,dS, Chubbugk Lumber-59.88,State Insurance-50.36~Sinclair-58.78,Continental Oil-7.O5, Standard Oi 1-15 · 52, Well No. 2 -18.24, C · Kenne dy-3h. 55, Idaho Power-Il2.81, A. J. B re nnan-67 · 90, Waterworks Eq~mip. -316.17, J. Pi e rce-l~. 50 ~ G. Valenty-46 · 62. Financial and Police reports for the month then presented to Board. Old Business- County Planning Board- Valenty reported that they are proceeding with their plans in the preliminary stage. They want 2 certified copies of the Resolution of the Village of Chubbuck, pledging their support of the Planning Poard. The Clerk will see that these copies are sent to them. Resignation of Earnest Frasure- A Motion to accept the resignation and give a vote of thanks to Earnest Frnsure for his work and cooperation ~'~hile on the Board, was made by Fenwick, seconded by Hillman. All in favor. Stuart Housing Development- It was rei~orted to the Board by Valenty that Stuart thinks the Board is very unfair in their decision. They had no representatives at this meeting due to illness in the family, Gathe property- Gathe tl'~inks the Board should deannex his property. Christensen explained in full just what proper proceedure for this would require, namely, Gathe would have to circulate a petition and have it signed by a majority of the voters who voted in the last Municipal Election, stating that his property should be deannexed. Then this petition goes before the District Court for a decision. The Board cannot circulate this pet_~tion. It has to be circulated by the individual whose property is involved. Pierce Subdivision Hook-ups- Valenty reported that Pierce has stated that he agrees with the Board in their decision concerning his property. He will l~roceed '~ith his lines and apply to the Board for hook-ups as he needs them. Cancellation of May ~, 1959 Meeting- Rcason, the Attorney felt that the new Board-should set up the Budget, as t~ey ~c[ll be expending the funds. By instruction of the Attorney- the next order of business is to unlock the Official Ballot Box of the Village, which was done by Valenty in the presence of all Board mambers. Count of election returns was officially bhecked by Board members. A Motion that the Board finds the results of the election as follows, Larry Davis-139, Willis R. Ward-130, Evan Frasure-llO, Richard Mitchell-89, John Newson-87,Kent J. Parrish-78, Jack J. Menard-77, Jay M. Davis-73, and Vern F. Briscoe-38, and that Larry. Davis, Willis R.' Ward, and Evan Frasure were the duly elected members of the Board. This motion was made~by-Hillman, seconded by Ward. All in favor. This meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. with the vote of thanks to the out-going members. %ai/ man of The new Board members were then sworn in by the Clerk. The new members being, Davis, Ward. and Frasure. ~Ne~:!Bpard members~.present - ~ard, Hillman, Davis and Frasure. Called to order 9:17 P.M. The Clerk then asked for nominations for a temporary chairman. Frasure nominated Davis for temporary chairman, Hillman seconded the nomination. Ward moved that nominations close. Davis was declared temporary chairman by acclamation. Davis then asked for nominations for a permane~% chairmane Frasure nominated Davis for permanent Chairman. Hil!man seconded the nomination, and Ward moved that nominations cease. Roll Call Vote for Davis for permanent Chairman. Ward-yes, Frasure-yes, Hillman-yes, and Davis-yes. Larry Davis is permanent Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck. Appointment of a 5th Board member to fill the existing vacancy. ' Davis requested the appointment of Richard Mitchell as the 5th Board member..~ ~oll Call Vote on the appointment of _~itche!l to the Board. ~ard-yes~ ~ Frasure-yes, Hillman-yes, and Davis-yes. Mitchell, the 5th member of the Board was then sworn in by the Clerk. A motion to have the Chairman make permanent appointments to other jobs in the Village made by Ward, seconded by N~lman. All in favor. The appointments and roll call votes on each appointment were as follows: Police Officer- Carl L. Hensley. Davis-yes~Ward-yes,Frasure-yes,Mitchell-ye s, and Hillman-yes. Clerk-Geneva D. Valenty. Davis-yes, Ward-yes, Frasure-yes, ~.Iitchell-yes, and Hillman-yes., TreaSure~- Kenneth H. Kennedy. Davis-yes, Ward-yes, Frasure-yes, Mitchell- yes, and Hillman-yes. Attorney-Carl C. Chris~ensen. Davis-yes. Ward-yes, Frasure-yes, Mitchell- yes ~ and Hillman-yes. ~¥atermaster & Fire Chief- Carl L. Hensley. Davis-yes, ',¥ard-yes, Frasure-ye%~ Mitchell-yes, and Hillamn-yes. Assistant ~Vatermaster- John E. Pierce. Davis-yes, ~ard-yes, Frasure-yes, Mitchell-yes, and Hillman-yes. Police Judge- Charlotte ~. Kennedy. Davis-yes, Ward-yes, Frasur--yes, Mitchell-yes$ and Hillman-yes. Mitchell then thanked the Board members for appointing him as a Trustee. The Board then worked on the Budget for the coming fiscal year. A detailed copy of the Budget is attached herewith to these minutes. New Business- Recent annexation. A letter from the Ur~.on Pacific .~ailroad protesting the annexation of their right of way was read in f~ll to the Board by the Clerk. The Board decided that the Attorney should answer this letter, and it will be given to the Attorney for his study and advice. Streets- The Board asked Hensley if the Village could still get gravel from the county. Hensley replied that he thought the Village could still get gravel, depending on where the County Gravel Crusher is located. He added that some private haulers have been getting gravel from the county and then selling it, so the County is very particular about who gets gravel from them now. Briscoe Lane- Grimm~ a resident on that Lane requested the Board to see what they could do about Irrigation Water running down the road. The Board decided that it is up to the Fort Hall Irrigation Co~ to provide a drain for that water, and that it is not the responsibility of the Village to take care of it. This meeting was ..recessed at 10:45 P.M. to May 15, 1959~ Friday Noon, at which time the Board will act on a Resolution to adopt the Buctget for the coming fiscal year. Board , Village Clerk BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR MAY 1., 1959 to APRIL 30, 1960 VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO GENE~°~AL FUNDS Taxes Licenses ~oad & Bridge Police Fines Liquor Refund Well No.2 Fund Water Dept. Refund Water Dept. Salaries & Gas 10,000.00 1,~00.00 6OO.OO 2,500,00 250.00 250.00 2,200.00 1,500. OO Contingent (Carry-over) 18,700.00 4,SOO.O0 Total 23,500.00 ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES ADmiNISTrATION Salaries Supplies Utilities Phone --- 250.00 Lights -- 120.00 Fuel ---- 500.00 Water ~- 310.O0 Attorney ..... 600.00 Advertising -- 200.00 Audit 200.00 lsOO0.OO Street Lights Insurance Garbage ~re Dept. Street Repairs POLICE DEPT. Salaries Police Officer - 3,900.00 Extra Police --- Police Judge --- 500,00 500.00 ~,~UU. OO Prisoner,s Board Maintenance Radio Repair ..... 100.OO Pocatello Police - 150.O0 Tires 100.OO General Repairs -- hO0.O0 75o.o~ Gas & Oil County Planning Board Park Maintenance 920.00 300.00 1,180.00 1,000,00 1,OO0. O0 900.00 300.00 600.00 1,500.00 4,900.00 1,500.00 75o.oo 600.00 250.00 lsOO0.O0 Contingent 16,700.00 3,950.00 General Obligation Bonds Gen. Obligation Bonds Interest 20,650.00 1,500.00 1,350.00 Total 23,500.00 BUDGET FOR FISCAL _WEAR MAY 1, 1959 to APRIL 30, 1960 VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO WATE~ORKS FUND ESTIMATE OF INCOME Water ~entals Future Hook-ups lh,O00.O0 1,875.O0 Contingent (Carry-over) 15,875.00 7,000.00 Total 22,875.00 ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES Power Repairs Supplies (~ffice) Materials (For connections) ~-- Salaries Plumber's Labor -- 606.00 Clerk 720.00 Asst.~atermaster - 174.00 Improvements .......... General Fund (Rep~v Loan) 2,000.00 7oo.oo 200,00 800.00 1,50o.oo 2~00o.00 2~20o.0o Contingent (Emergencies) ..... 9,400.00 5,725.00 Sinking Fund 15,125.00 2~600.00 Waterworks Revenue Bonds Waterworks Revenue Bonds Interest ...... 17,725.00 2,150.00 22,875.00 Minutes of the recessed meeting of May 12, 1959, of the Board Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck, held in the office of Board member Ward~ located at the corner of Yellowstone Kiway and Chubbuck Road, in the Village of Chubbuck on Ma~ 15, ]-959. Present-Davis, *~ard, Hillman, and Frasure. Absent- Mitchell, excused for work. Cal]ed to order 12:lO P.M. Purpose-Adopt the resolution to approve the estimate of expenses or budget for the fiscal year of M~ l, 1959 to April 30, 1960, and setting a date for public hearing on the question of making a general t~x levy for the Village of Chubbuck for the current fiscal year, and any other business the Board feels that is p~-essing at this time. The estimate of expenses were then read in full by the Cl~rk. Motion to adopt the estimate of ex~enses as read made ~ ~llman, seconded by Frasure. P~o!l call vote for passage of estimate of exoenses ~s follows: ~¥ard - yes Frasure - yes Hillman - yes Davis - yes ~ Re~olution setting the day and place for holding a public hearing on the question of making a general tax levy forthe Vil? age of Cbubbuck for the current f±scal year then read in full by the Clerk. ~otion to adopt the reaolution as read made by Frasure~ seconded by ~ard. Roll call vote for passage of resolution as follows: ~ard - yes Frasure - yes Hillman - yes Davis - yes The Clerk then reported to the Board that Dale Jones, a certified public accountant, had contacted her and requested that the Board consider him for auditing the Village Books. A motion was made by ~ard an~ seconded by Hillman to authorize the Clerk to contact Jones and have him proceed with the Audit. All were in favor. Park ~aintenance* Davis asked if any of the Board members had any more information or suggestions on a lawn mower for the Park. He reported that he had talked to a bo~ living in his neighborhood and that the boy would mow the park with his own mower for ~5.00. The Board members all agreed that it was a good mffer ~nd they authorized Davis to hire the boy, and in the meantime they will see what ~hey do about getting a lawn mower ~for the Park. Davis suggested that they talk with the County Comr~ ssioners and see if some deal could be worked out ~_th them whereby, the Village and County buy a lawn mower together. The county to use it for ~De new Fair grounds and the Village use it for their Park. Other business- ~ard reported that the Village Sad a hO foot length of 8 inch pipe that has been down by the railroad tracks since the system was first put in the Village in 1953, and that the pipe is gone now. The Poard decided to ask Valenty and Hensley about it and see if they know what happened to it. Village Park Fund- ~¥ard reported that there should be some money left in the Park fund, and where is the money and who has charge of it. This is another matter we will have to consult Valenty about. Hillman suggested that they ask Valenty to attend the next meeting and these matters can be cleared up then. The Clerk reported that she had talked to the Attorney about the ' letter from the Union Pacific Railroad concerning the new annexation to the Village, and the Attorney ad~rised that the Village do nothing about it. If there is any move to be made~ it is up to the ~!ailroad tomake it. Meeting adjourned at 12:31 P.N. Village Clerk Chairman of thc Board