HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 14 1959 CM ~in~tes of the Regular ~eeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village
of Chubbuc~ he~ in the Municipal Building of t~e Village of C~ubbuck,
on April l~, 19~9
Present- Valenty, Hard, Fenwick, Hillman and Christensen.
Absent- Fras~re.
Called to order 8:10
Change of regular proceedure was called by the Chairman to allow the
Bannock County Planning Committee time for ~iscussion before the regular
or,er of basiness was taken up.
Bannock County Planning Committee representatives Neilson, ~ontgomery
ana Cald~ell were present. Nei!son explained the overall master plan of
the County. ~eported that County, Pocatello, Alameda are all ready to go
on the project and they woul~ like the cooperation of Chubbuck. The cost
is~ estimated at .525 per capita, estimated population of entire area is
40~0OO. If Federal Aid is granted they would stand about half of the cost.
Local help ~rlll be used whenever available. The study will include land-use
survey, traffic flow, and school locations. A motion to instruct the Village
Attorney, Christensen to draw up a Resolution approving that the County
include Chubbuck in their Plannio§ ~rd~. was made by Fenwick, seconded by
Hillman. All in favor. The Plar~ing Bomud requested two certified copies
of the Resolution from Chubbuck. The Board will meet again Friday, April l?,
1959 at 6:~O P.M. to act on the resolutiOn. A ~otion to appoint Valenty
to the Planning Board to represent Chubbuck was made by Fenwick, seconded
bY H~illm~n. All in favor.
Regular oraer of Business- ~in~tes of the last regular meeting then
read and approved as read.
~ Bills for the month presented to Board. ~otion to approve payment made
by ~ard, seconded by Fenwick. All in favor. Bills as fol!o~s:C. Hensley-133.05
G. V~lenty 6~.62, C. Christensen-40.OO, ~.O.Doman- 20.00, State Income Tax-9.90,
F.I.C.A.Tax-58.50, Interhal Revenue-99.O0, Idaho Power 65.8~, Phone-2a.?7,
County Comm.-la2.50,Pocatello Police-37.50,Caxton Printer$-13.0a, Idaho State
Journal-28.35,Bureau Indian Affairs-18.
Continental Oil-31.37, Brennan-d.50, Phi~lips-3.25,Carter 01i-55.2~, ~ell No2.
Fund-2d.2?,Idaho Power ll2.?8,Brennan & Sigman-373.97, A.J.Brennan- 131.90,
John Pierce-la.50 and Stamps-3d. O0. Dept. Public Investments-6?5.00 Financial and Police Reports for month then presented to Board.
Legal ~atters- Christensen reported that the McOm. ber case involving East
Evan's Lane is proceeding.
Resignation of Frasure aS ?oard member. The following letter was received
by the Board. Chubbuck Imaho
~pri~ 13, 1959
Chubbuck Village Board
John R. Valenty- Chairman
Dear Sir:
Please accept this:my resignation as a member of the Village Board
of Trustees, to become efi'ective as of this ~ate, April 13, 19~9
Earn=st Frasure
This letter of resignation is to be filed by the Clerk. The matter will be
taken under consideration until the next meeting.
Christensen ~'~as excused at 9:15
~aterworks- Hensley requested a detector for locating undergr~und
~ater pipes. ~ayne North, a representative I'rom ~aterworks Equip. Co. of
Salt La~e City was present. North demonstrated a ~ater and Pi~e Line
Detector. Expl~ined in uetail ~he use and advantage~ ~f a detector.
Total cost of the one most useful to ~he Village was 260.00 A motion to
purchase on was m~de by ,Yard, seconded by Hi!lman. All in I~avor.
Kenneth Campbell Account- has been settled and the money is now in
the Village ~ater~vorks Fund.
Athol street- the new name l'or this street will be Linden. The Attorney
will draw up a new Ordin.~nce to chan§e the name legally.
Ne~ Pusiness- Valenty reported that ;ye will need a lawn mower for the
Park. Several prices and types of mowers were discussed and the Board decided
to shop around before acting on the matter.
Harrowing Park- ~ard will see that the park ground is harrowed.
Proposed Ordinance # AT, calling for annexation of certain
properties located east of the present Village limits was then read
by Valenty. After reading the Board decided that not all the properties
they had c~nsidered were contained in the description, therefore they
will not act on this matter till the question o~ boundaries is cleared.
Hamilton's bill for the ~escription is to be withheld till the matter
is proven to be right.
The accessed valuation of the Village is now 322,959.00.
Election- Valenty reported that the judges, clerks~ and constable
for the election have been selected.
~ages- Police Officer has requested a raise in salary. After a
discussion the Board ~ecided to take this matter under consideration
as well as a raise for the Clerk t~ll the Budget meeting which will be
later this month.
Highway Dept.- The Highway Dept. sent a letter informing the Board that
a meeting with Pocatello, Alameda, and Chubbuck to discuss the interchanges
with the new Highway will be held on April 21, 1959 at 7:30 P.M. at the City
Hall in Pocatello and they would like some representatives from Chubbuck
to attend.
. 6:30 P.~. This me~ting~
Meetin§ recessed till April 17, 1959 at
~h~ ......... of Board--Q'
~nutes of the recessed meeti~ of ~ril lA, 1759 of the Board of
T~stees of the Village of Chubbuck, held in the Vill~e of Chubbuck
Munici~ ~Mldi~ on ~ril 17, 1959.
Present-~a~d, Fenwick, V~enty.
C~led to order 6:33
Pu~ose- Act on ~solution ~pro~ng cooperation of Chubbuck with
the Count, Pocatello, ~d Alameda on the Planni~ Board. The Planing
Bo~d is for the City and County Pla~ing District composed of the
Village of Chubbuck, City of Pocatello, CiW of Al~eda, and the
Coun~ of B~nock.
The resolution was read in full ~ Valenty.
Motion to ~t the resolution, subject to a maximum cost of 52½5
per c~iSa was ma~ by Fenwick, seconded by ~ard. Roll call on resolution.
~d - yes
Fenwick - Yes
V~enty - yes
This meeting was recessed at 6:57 P.M. to ~o~il 29, 1957 at 8:00 P.M.
at which time the Board will work on the budg~'t/f~ th~yDpming fiscal
wE, the undersigned, being the Council ~embers of th~ Chubbuck
Village Board, do hereby call a Meeting of such Members, held at
the Chubbuck ~unicipal Hall, at the hour of _ ~,'~d P.~.
on the ~ day of April 1959, for the purpose of completing
discussions on two proposed Ordinances.
Dated this
County, Idaho.
day of April, 1959 at Chubbuck, Bannock