HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 09 1958 CM ~inutes of the recessed meetinE of November 11,1958 of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck, held in the ~unicipal Building of the Village of Chubbuck, on December 9, 19~8. Pr~sent-Fe~wick, Frasure, Hillman, Valenty, ~ard and Christensen. Meeting called to order 8:15 P.~. As there was no business for this recessed meeting it was a~journed so the Board coul~ proceed with their Eegular ~eeting. ~eeti~ adoourned at 8:16 P.M. Village Clerk Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board ':f Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the Village of Chubbuck on December 9, 1958 Present- Fenwick, Frasure, Hillman, Valenty, ~ar~ and Christensen. Called to order 8:17 P.~. ~inutes of the last regular meetinE then read and approved as rea~. Bills I'or the Month presented to Board. ~otion to approwe payment made by Fenwick, seconded by Hillman. All in fawor. The bill from Electric Service is to be held back till the Police car is fixed, and the Rill from The Cake Co., for Police and Fireman badges is to be held back till all the marchandize is received. Other bills as follow~:C. Hensley-266.8d, G.Valenty-52.??, Carl Christensen-dO.OO,Pocatello Police-37.50,County Comm.-132.00, C.Ed. Flandro-3.8?, Sinclair-?6.5?,Phone-17.Rl,Idaho Power-6?.Th &152.01,Conoco-15.20, Triangle Service-15.09, I~aho State Journal-23.10, Hamilton&Voeller-599.02, ~aterworks Equip.-31?. 93,Dyke ' s Electric-160.80, J. Pierce-ih. 50 & Transport Clear.- 10.85. Ol~ Business- Evergreen Trailer Park- has settled ~ith Brennan for work done on connectin~ him to ~ain ~ater Line. Still owes Village for hook-up., deposit and water rental to date. Neider Addition- Neider has paid for hl hook-ups. There are six morro on lots that were already sol~, of these five bawe paid the hook-up charge, and the sizth has been bt~lled twice for the hook-up charge. Stuart Addition- has h8 connections instead of the 26 previously mentione~ in the minutes. Staurt asked the Board that since he had already sold some of the lots and collected all his money for them he didn't think he could ask for another 25.00 for the hook-up , so if it was agreeable with the Board those connection charges cculd be collected from the individuals as they build their homes and have the water turned on. In view of the fact that the Boar~ is considering raising the hook-up charge to ?5.00 , they would receive more money if they waited then if they collected now at the 25.00 hook-up rate. It was the decision of the Board that they would wait and collect each hook-up as the houses are built and the wa~er turned on for the new owners. Store Licenses- Valenty exp~kined that some of the Trailer Park Owners think they are not subject to buy store licenses as they only rent a piece of gromd, to the occupants of the Trailers. Christensen explained that a Trailer Park is a business the same as a Service Station or any other business. Store License Ordinance was passed to protect local business at the request of local businessmen. Licenses are to regulate as well as protect business. It ~as the decesion of 'the Board that Trailer Parks are to obtain Village Licenses. This is a protection against unorthodox practices. Those still needir~ Village Licenses are Brennan Service, Evergrman Trailer Park, Cloverdell ~otel, an~ Big Chief Trailer Park. Jordan Stuart- Paid hook-up for new house. Charles Edwards- back of Oil City. Valenty sent Pierce up to talk to the owner of Oil City, an~ explain to him that the way the hook-up is now the ohly way the Village can controll it is by shutting off the whole line, which would mean the Service Station would be without water too, if Edwards did not pay his bill, and to avoid that the Village would expect the owner of Oil City to pay the entire bill as the connection is made from their line. If that is to be permanent then they should hook on to the main line. If it is only a temporary measure then the Board could make a concession and let it go as a second family on the one hook-up, like an apartment in an individual's house.~ Valenty is to notify them of the Board discussion an~ see what they are going to do about it. Rex Coffin Constructed homes on East Chubbuck Road- Carl Hensley is to check with Coffin on this and see who is to pay the third hook-up. Two of the hook-ups were paid by Coffin~ Briscoe Lane- Valenty was under the impression that the only improper connections on this lane were on the north side of the road and were the two houses owned by Vern Briscoe. Other Board members ddsagreed with him, as Brennan had reported that none of the houses on the south side of the lane were properly connected to the Village Main Line. After a discussion the Boar~ authorize~ a check on Briscoe Lane in the Spring and anything found to be improper is to be cut off or else put in properly and the charge for such work be sent to the individual home owners involved. Delinquent Acc~unts- Cloverdell Motel is past due now. The Board aecide~ that accounts become delinquent the lOth of the second month,, as the deposit would take care of the first months delinquency, therefore all bills not paid by the loth of the secon~ are to be shut off.~The Clerk will supply the watermaster with the delinquent list after the 10th of each month. Parrish Lane Delinquents- The clerk is to supply Christensen with the names and addresses and the amount due on the tennants who have moved out owing the Village a wa~er bill. Christensen will write to them and see if he can aollect some of these accounts. The Board does not feel that Mrs. Parrish should be held responsible for them as she was selling property to some of them and they should have been responsible for their own bills, Kenneth Campbell- Has had his water turned off several times and every time he turns it back on. Christensen is to file a civil suit against him for 21h. O0 he owes the Village f~r water. Joe Brennan and Carl Hensley are to dig up his connection and disconnect him from the main line. Everytime at, one from the Village goes to shut his water off he runs them offhis property. This time the shutoff will be made at the main line and he can't go out there to turn it back on. Police and Fireman Badges were showm to the Board. It was discovered that the order was not complete. The promised tie clasps were not included. As was previously mentione~, this bill is to be held up till all merchandize is received.~ Well No 2.- Valenty was wonderi~ if we shc~uld have the rate changed at the Power compar~ as the bill is running high, A stuc~ will be made of rate ll and ratel2 or demand rate and a decision will be made later. Lease Agreement of Water Line on Whitaker Road- Total cost of project is 2,67h.3h. The break-down of the expenses was read by Valenty. Lease Agreement was discussed by Boar4 and they decided that they would pay 85% of total revenue annually for rent. They will reserve 15% for overhead expenses. Christensen will redraw the Lease agreement with the corrected figures. Athol Road- The residents of this road have requested that,the name be changed. Christensen stated that this can be done but that it has to be changed by an Ordinance. After a discussion on names Hillman made a motion to change the name of Athol Road to Canal Avenue and authorize the attorney to draw up the Ordinance for the change of name. Motion was seconde~ by Hard. All in favor. County Planning Committee- 4ahts to know if the Village Board will cooperate and go along with the County to levy i mill tax for expenses of planning and eventually zoning of County, naming of raods, e~e.. Federal Assistance may be available on this if some measures are straightened out at the next State Legislature. The Board decided that we either work with them or else the~will work around us and leave us out of their palnning. A Motion that the Board all agree to cooperate with them was made by Frasure and seconded by Hillman. All in favor. ¥,illage Liquor Licenses- Applications with fee attached for three establishment; were~received by the Board, namely Elaine Hillmau- Green Triangle, Myrtle Frasure- Myrtle's Place and Lena Giannini- Five Mile Inn. The Board asked Hensley if he had any objections to any of the applicant~ons, and Hensley replied, No Objections. Motion to approve the applications and instruct the Clerk to issue such licenses made by Hillman, secondedby Fenwick. Ail in f~vor. Hensley's Vacation- Minutes Book Nol- Page 223 , on vacation and days off for Police Officer read. After a discussion it was decided by the Board that we had better get in writing as to whether or not Vacation pay is accumulative. Valenty stated that he will study Alameda and Pocatello's policy on Vacation pay and if we are in error we will pay 2 back years of Vacation Pay, but that for now we will pay 2 weeks vacation pay for this year of 19587 Motion to pay for 2 weeks vacation for year 1958, made by Fenwick, seconded by Valenty. All in favor. After a study of Alameda and Poca~ello's Policy we will set our regulations to correspond with theirs. Proposed Ordinance No ~]~. An ~dinen~oe to amend section 12 of Ordinance 18 relating to the regulation and use of water from the Village ~aterworks System, proviektng rates to be paid for water connections made hereafter, declaring it to be unlawful for any water user to hook-up and use the water for more than one single residence or structure to each water connection,providing that hereafter all new services connections from the water main to a point one foot inside private property lines shall be made by employees oN the Village Water System, repealing all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency. Proposed Ordinance No ~]~ was read in full b.~ Valenty. Motion to suspend the rules, rea~ once in full and twice by title made by ~ard, seconded by Fenwick. Roll Call Vote for suspension of rules. Hillman - yea Fenwick - yes Frasure - yes Ward - yes Valenty - yes Propose~ OrAinance No 44 was then read twice by Title by Valenty Roll call vote for passage of Ordinance No Hillman - yes Fenwick- yes Frasure - yes Ward - yes Valenty - yes The Ordinance was passe~ and now is to be sent to the I~aho State Journal for publication. Meeting adjourned at 11:O0 P.M. Village Clerk Chairman of B,ard