HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 11 1958 CM ~inute8 of tne regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the Village of Chubbuck, on November ll, 1958 Present- Fenwick, Frasure, ~ard, Christensen and Hillman arrived 8:20 Absent- Valenty, excused, out of town for a funeral. Due to the absence of Valenty, the Board Chairman, a motion was made ~y Fenwick, and seconded by Frasure to select ~ard to act as Chairman Pro-tem. All in favor. Called to order 8:10 P.M. ~inutes oi' the last regular and one recessed meeting then read and approved as read. Bills for the month then presented to the Board. Motion to approve payment of bills made b.~ Fen~-ick, seconded by Hillman. All in favor. Bills as follows: C · Hensley-133 · ~2, ~. Hall-16.3 ?, G. Vale nty-h8 · 00, G. Valenty-~6.77, C. Chrietensen-hO. 00, Phone-l?.?l,County Comm.-210.OO, Pocatello Police-~O.O0, Bureau of Indian Affairs-.81, C.Caldwell-303.00,Murr~y Press-50.05, Chubbuck Serwice-h3.35, Sinclair-16.3?, Triangle Service-5.13, Continental Oil-18.58, J.J. Menard-120. O0,Stamps-35.OO, Van Ga~ -l?2.85,Grinnell Co.-6.OO, Transport Clearin~s-2.6?,~aterworks Equip.-ll.~O, J.Pierce-ld.50 an~ Sigman & Brennan-alS.OO from ~ell No.2 Fund. Financial and Police report for the month then presented to Boar~. Old Business- Evergreen Trailer Park, Elbert Parker. Par~er figured that all he had to pay for was the price of the pipe itself for the water line running to his property. He thought that if he paid for the price of l½ inch pipe the Village would pay the~ ~ifference in cost for a h inch pipe and also for the excavation of the line and backfill. He said that as an individual he could not get permission form the State Hiway Dept. to dig a line parallel to the State Hiway right of way. After some discussion the Board decided to wait till Valenty is present to settle this matter as Valenty is the Board Member that talked t~ Parker. J.J.~enard- The bill for the retainer wall will be paid as soon as Clerk receives the state~ent. Menard says he has t~rned it in. It will be paid t~s month. As for ~e Menard connection to the Village water system the Village had agreed to pay for the T, Valve, dresser coupling and flanges. The Village will pay 6d.75 now for the valve and flanges. The other parts are listed on another statement from S~gman & Brennan, the Board was advised by Brennan. Menard is to pay the rest of his work bill to Brennan. ~hitaker Road Line- B~ennan stated that if hhe bill for his work was not paid soon he would get an injunction against the line and have it shut off. The Village has not accepted this line yet, so Brennan is within his rights to do as planned. Brennan stated that he would shut off the line and leave it shut off till Briscoe settles with him.~ New Hook-ups- Neider has h? instead of the h8 that ~ere previously stated in the minutes. He has been billed but h~s not made payment. He owes for hl of these hook-ups and ~ary Brennan stated that she would furnish the Clerk with the names and addresses of the other six people who have bought lots on the Neider Addition. Stuart has 26 hook-ups. He h~s been billed f~.r them but has not pai~ them yet. Store Licenses- Aletter from Lew Criner, former owner of Clove~dell Motel was read to Board b~£ Clerk. He returned the Stere License that ~as in his name. Trailer Par~s need licenses too so that now leaves I'our places ~ithout Village Store Licenses, namely, Brennan Service Station, Evergreen Trailer Park, Cleverdell Motel and Davis Trailer Park at Hi-ay Ave.& Yello,~stone Hiway.. Deed from Getty- has b~en recorde~ and r~turned and is on file. Pump House No.1 - Hensley reporte~ ~that the Switch Box burned out Saturday night. It has been fixed now. Board asked that the Insurance Policy on that Pump be checked and see if it covers this damage. ~ater Accounts- Olin & New- Jordan Stuart is using ~ater at two houses and has never paid for the second hook-up. Board advised that he should be asked if he is going to do anything about tearing down the first house and if not then he should pay the second hook,up or else shut the water off and leave it off thi matter is straightened out. Rozell Gentry- Illegal hook-up on property they are buying from Elmmr Smit~. Property owner responsible for payment of hook-up. Charles Edware~- Illegal hook-up off of line at Oil City. Board ~ecided that he should pay 25.00 hook-up, 5.00 deposit and a.50 per month · Robert C. ~illiams- Buying lot on west Chubbuck road. Nove~ a Trailer on lot. ~ants to move a cousin's trailer on lot too. Board decided that the charge would be d.50 per month for each family, unless they want to buy a Village Store license and run a Trailer Park. Rex Coffin Constructed homes on~ East Chubbuck Road- The hook-up has b~en paid for two of these homes. Rex Coffin is to be contacted and asked to come in and straighten out theother account. Trailer Parks- Do not report the number of trailers in their parks. At last count Hensley reported 51 Trailers at Bell Trailer Park, and they are only being billed for aS, the last count turned in to the Clerk. Davis has never reported the number of Trailers at his Park. B~ard decided to shut off the water at the Trailer Parks until they come in and straighten out the matter whenever they are found to have more trailers than they have reported. Hillman sugested that all the Board members get together for a day and go over the whole Village water system and see just where we stand. They also said that they shoul~ take Joe Brennan with them and he knows ~here many of the connections are. Joe Brennan said that on Briscoe Lane not one house on the South side of the Lane is connected to the Village system properly. This matter will have to wait till Valenty returns nome and can go with them. Bld delinquent ac$ounts- mostly on Parrish Lane and Briscoe Lane., Clerk is to make out a list of these accounts and give it to Carl Hensley. Ne is to notify them of the account past due on property they are buying and give them 2 days to come in and straighten it out or else the water is to be shut off till it is settled, Police Judge- Christensen said he would type out a form letter of resignatinn and mail it to the Clerk, then all Hall has to do is sign it and the new Police Judge aan be sworn in and take over the duties. This meeting was recessed at 10:25 P~ subject~ to call if~~ for any urgent business after Valenty returns home. " Village Clerk