HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 14 1958 CM Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of
Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the Village of Chubbuck, on
October l~, 1958
Present- Ward, Hillman, Valenty, Fenwick, Caldwell and Christensen.
Absent- Frasure.
Called to order 8:07 P.M.
Minutes of the last regular and one recessed meeting then read and approved
as read.
Bills for the month p~esentec to Board. Motion to approve payment made by
~ard, seconded by Hillman. ,All in favor. Bills as follows:Dept.of Public Invest-
ments-675.00, Arnold Stuart-6.00, C.Nensley-133.~2, G.Valenty-60.O0, County
Commissioners-l~6.00, Sigman & Bre~xan-93.45, Tom ~ilson-2~.32, Continental Oil-
23.91, Triangle Service-Il.95, Electric Service-2~.13, Phone-2~.41, Idaho Power-
63.18 & 20d,23, G. Valenty-h6.77, C.Hensley-133.42, Crane Co.-29.6h, Waterworks
Equip.-90.30, A.J.Brennan-8.50, Sigman& Brennan-222.83, and J. Pierce-ld.50.
The bill from Sigman & Brennan for extension of water line to Parker Trailer
Park, as well as bill from Arnold Stuart fro hauling rocks from back of Fire
Station was explained to Board by Valenty.
Financial and Police reports for mcnth then presented to Board.
~ell No.2 Contract- Upon Engineer's approval the Board all agreed to P~V
balance of contract to Sterling Sigman except for 10% which is to be held back.
The notice that the job has been completed is to be published in the paper for
5 consecutive days, then 90 days after publication the 10% that was held back
can be released to the contractor. This is to protect the Village in case all
bills had not been paid by the Contractor. The Contractor's bond has served its
purpose when the job is completed. The Engineer must approve each portion of the
contract and as soon as this is done, the contractors will be paid.
Village Dump Truck- Meader has left a check with Valenty for repairs to the
Transport Clearings- Clerk has written them about their bill, but has had no
answer. Clerk requested an itemized account from them.
Police Judge- The 125.00 bond in question has not been reported on yet.
McOmber- Letter l'rom Valenty .to McOmber read in full by Valenty. Caldwell
and McOmber's Attorney Racine are discussing this ~atter now.
Store Licenses- Brennan Service Station and The Barber ~hops still do not
have licenses. Baord all agreed to giv~ them 2~ hour notice and if they ~o not
have them by then, they are to be shut do~m.
~etainer ~all- Job is complete and satisfactory.
Deed I'rom Getty- is being recorded at Court House now.
New Hook-ups - Bill Neider for 48 hook-ups, and ask him to either furnish
names and addresses on the six he has sold or he can pay for them and collect
from the owners himself. Stuart is to be billed for 26 hook-ups.
Hook-up Charge- Board all agreed that the Ordinance should be amended to
change the hook-up charge. After a discussion on this matter they felt that the
followinE would be a fair price to charge: 3/4 ' hook-up - 75.00, l' hook-up -
lO0.OO, 1.~; hook-up - 125.OO, 1½' hook-up- 150.00 and 2.hook-up - 200.00.
Motion to instruct the attorney to amend the ~ater Ordinance made by Fenwick,
seconded by Hillman. All in favor.
Vacation pay for Hensley - ~ot figured out yet.
Parkway ~otor Court & Trailer Park.- They ~re ~_a~ing two flat rates. They
have discontinued using the small connection. Board agreed that they should
only have to pay for one connection. Hensley is to disconnect the small connection
and put the parts in storage till needed some place else. They will be credited for
the overcharge of the past t~o months on their next water bill.
Old Water Accounts- Parrish account- Mrs. Parrish was present and she said she
didn't know what she was being billed for, she didn't know what he:use they were
talking about. Valenty explained the survey made in September of 1957 and told
her which of her places were found to be using Village ~ater and were not paying
for it. Late in June of 1958 it was found that two of these places had been
shut off from Village water. As fc.,r all her renoal houses the Bard ~ecided that
any ~ith delinquent accounts be shut off and stay shut off till all straightened
out even if the preaent tenants are paying their water bill. Mrs. Parrish asked
to meet with the Clerk and Chairman and see just how much she does owe the Villaga.
Board authorized Valenty to help straighten out the accc~unt and arrive at a
satisfactory settlement. This is to be done latter this week.
'~-ell No 2- Power. Valenty explained that on Rate ll ~s it is now , the
charge is 1.~O per month if not in use~ and Rate 12 or Demand Rate , The
Village would have to stay on that for at least one year. As long as it is not in
constant use the Board feel it is better to stay on l~ate ll for the present time.
The Board was advised to put a heater in the pump house if the pump is not
going to be running this winter. Poard decided on a Butane Gas Automatic Heater.
Valenty is to contact Larry Rawlins and get installation charges and other
infromation from him.
New Business- Improvement Districts for Streets. Some of the people on
Hiway Avenue want that street fixed and blacktopped. Attorney advised the Board
that 60% of resident property owners in the area in question must petition the
Council for such an improvement district. Let the people concerned make the
petition otherwise do nothing abcut it.
~ingo Lane- Only 2~ feet wide and is not a dedicated street. Improvement
district is the only way to get it fixed but the Village woul~ need at least
50 feet of right of way before considering such an improvement district.
Strip Tease Dancers- State law against it. There is some going on in
Chubbuck. Village has no Ordinance covering the state law, but they could
enlorce the state law. They c~>uld give an order to stop it and if they don't
stop they coul~ be arrested. If necessary draw up a Village Ordinance to ~top it.
All agreed that and Ordinance is not necessary as long as the State has its law.
Arrest operator and entertainer both. Law on Strip Tease Artists was read by
Police Judge Applications- Three applications were received, namely,
~rs. ~illard Johnson, Charlotte Kennedy, and ~ary Brennan~ ~otion to consider the
applicants made by Fenwick, seconded by ~ard. All in favor. After a discussion
the Board decided they wanted to interview the applicants before hiring any.
~eeting recessed at lO:~O P.M. to Tuesday October 21, 19~8 at ?: ~0 P.~.
at which time the Board will meet with Police Judge Applicants and interwiew
Village Clerk ,~.