HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 18 1958 CM Minutes cf the recesses meeting of August !~ ~_o~8 of the Board of
Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck held in.the ~unicipal Building of the
Village of Chubbumk on August 18, 19~8.
Present-Valenty, Nillman, '~ard, Fenwick and Frasure.
Absent - Caldwell.
Called to ~rder 8:20 P.~.
~inutes of the last regular meeting then read and ~ppro~fed as read.
Motion to approve minutes made by ~ard, seconded by Hillman. All in favor.
Bills for the month ~hen presented to ~oard. ~oti¢~n to approve payment
made by Valenty, seconded by Hillman. All in favor,subject to rechecking and
approval of freight bills on ~aterworks supplies. Bills as follows:
C. Hensley-l~.~2, Stamps-~8.OO, R. Hall-Sl.~2,-County Comm.-201.O0, ~Lile-~.~5,
Kruse Ins.-2~6.66, Alameda-~OO.OO, Phone-26.a?, Idaho ?ower-6~.Od, E.Cox-l~g. O0,
Bre~nuan Hdwm.-Sl.15, Chubbuck Lumber-2?. O8, Hafer' s-2~.O0, Triangle Service-~. ~0,
Continental Oil-59.~3, Sinclair-~5.61, A. Kuta-~.O0, N. Cudaback-~.OO,I~aho
Power-l?8.60, Sterling Sigman-5?8.60,Backman Founc~y-l?6.?6, Transport Clearings-
18.31, ~ater~orks Equip.-ll2.~O,john Pierce-l~.50, Chubbcuk Service-5~.60,
C.Hensley-l~.~2, G. Valenty- ~6.77, andSterling Sigman- ?,992.91.
Financial and Folice re~orts for month then presente~ to Board. The Board
~a~ci~ed that the Police ~u~ge is to turn all checks in at once for ~eposit.
Some checks this ~onth ~ere already three months old.
Old Pusiness- The ~oard has ~ecided that the canal crossing at the new well
site is on Stuart property instead of on Village property. ~e need as easement
over the property from Stuart. Also the Board understands that there will be
an extra c~arge for changing the water line from over the canal to under the
canal later this fall when the water is out of the canal.
County Commissioners on New Fairgrounds Site- There has been a question
as to whether the Village of Chubbuck can supply domestic w~ter i'or the new
site. A letter from Hamilton on the estimate of cost for the water line to the
new site was read to the Board by Valenty. The Board will not act on this
matter at this time.
~hitaker P. oad ~ater Line- Franklin Briscoe was present at the meeting and
he stated that he is willing to take a chance on 1200 feet of water line on
a yearly lease basis. He would like to see the contract mud study it. The
contract should be ready now. Cald'~ell has it.
East Evan's Lane- ~cOmber has sold another lot there and a new owner has
moved a house in. The water connections on that lane have never been straightened
out to the satisfaction of the Village ~oard. The new owner is without water.
Cal~well hasn't reported any progress on this matter. He wants Valenty to
come in and talk the matter over with him. Board all agreed that Valenty
should go in an~ see if this can be settled. Board feels tnat Cal~well in
slow with Village work. Motion to have Valenty go see Calcwell, talk to him
discuss the situation, see if we con get speedier action an~ alao authorize
Valenty to contact Christensen and see if he will ta~e tne Village work was
made by Fenwick, seconded by ~ard. All in favor.
New Business- Use of Village Dump Truck- ~eader has used Vill~_ge Dump Truck
on the new water lines project and damaged it. Hensley said the Village
truck was to be used as a standby in case of breakdowm, b~lt that it has been
used daily ~_nd is in need of repairs. Motion by Hillman, seconded by Fenwick,
authorizing Valenty to write a letter to ~eader explaining the damage and the
estimated cost of repairs and that he is to replace the damage. All in favor..
Damage estimate is as follows:Replace front bumper-lO.OO~replace dump bed-lOC.CO,
one tire-55.00,labor on tire-2.50,15po_.nds gear lube-6.75,and one rear axle-
12.90, for a total of 159.15.
~ater Main Extension- S. Sigman prasented a log of work done to date.
Motion to authorize Clerk to make payment for ~ork done made by Valenty,
sec~nded by Fenwick. All in favor.
Fire Hydrants- Stuart subdivision wanted 2. Cost was 578.60 installed.
Stuart ordered them and then refused to p~v for them. Board decided that
since Stuart did give Park to Village, the Village would pay for these hydrants.
Motion to authorime payment of these hydrants from ,~aterworks fund, ma~e by
Fenwick, seconded by ward. All in favor.
.~Meeting adjourned 10:lO P.M.
· ~' Village Clerk ,
of Board