HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 15 1958 CMRegular meeting of May 13, 1958 was postponed to Ma~ 15, 1958 on accou, nt
of illness.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board ~l~ ~lrustees of the
Village of Chubbuck, held in the ~funicipal Building of the Village of
Chubbuck, on May 15, 1958
Present- Fenwick, ~ward, Valenty and Caldwell.
Absent- Hillman and X'rasure.
Called to order 8:12 P.M.
~nutes of the last regular and five recessed meetings then read and
approved as read.
Bills for the month then presented to the Board. Motion to approve
payment of bills made by ~ward.,seconded by Valenty. All in favor.
Bills as follows:C. Hensley-133.a2, E. Hall-36.36, Phone-15.95, Power-65.h6 &
7~.65, Pocatello Police-37.50, County Commissioners-d2.O0, Electric Ser~ice-
5~.18,Carter Oil-38.39, Sinclair-65.0~, Fhillips-~.82,Triangle Service-lO.
Continental Oil-l~.60, Chubbuck Service-53.95, C.g~w. Service-2.OO,Stamps-13.O0,
~aterworks Equip.-~3.10,joe Brennan-~O.OO,Bannock Electric-356.91, J. Pierce-l~. 50.
Financial and PoliCe reports for the ~nth then p~esented to Board.
Old Business- ~eider Subdivision. Fenwick asked how man~ hoo~-ups will
this extension of the Main give the Vil±age. This could not be answered at
this time, but Nei~er is ready to start building as soon as the water line
gets there. Fort Hall Irrigation System says the canal cannot be cut this
summer for laying the line, therefore the line will have to be over the canal
unless there is no rock and they can push it through under it.
State Insurance - sent a bill for ll7.00 to cover Village Employees for a
year. The Board feels that this rate is too high and can be bettered by some
other Insurance Company. The bill will be set aside for now till the Board has
time to check ~ith other companies for rates.
Bell Trailer Park-After a discussion on a letter from Bell asking for a
reduction in water rates the Board decided to shelve this till all Board
members are present. The Board will put in a fire hydrant at the Trailer Court.
Garbage- Caldwell reported that the new Alameda Garbage Disposal system
will be ready for use br about May 23, 1958. Alameda will let Chubbuck use
their facalities for a fee of 25.00 a month which is 300.00 a year. The Board
all agreed to accept this rate.
Delinquent water accounts- Caldwell has filed some and the others are ready
to be filed.
Hayfield Airport- Poletti refused to go to court. Valenty will try to get
some other resident to go to court so our records can be cleared of this matter.
Crime School- ~otion to send Hensley to Crime School from ~ay 17 to ~ay 23
1958 made by Valenty, secon~e~ by Fenwick. All in favor. Hensley is to
present the Board with his expense account and the Board will reimburse him.
Hensley said the County ans State Police will stand by to ta~e care of any
trouble in Chubbuck while he is ge. ne.
Motion to accept proposal of Alameda for Garbage Disposal at the rate of
25.00 a month ~r 300.00 a year made by ~ard, seconCed by Fenwick. All in favor.
Stuart Park- Hatten ~ursery put in a bid f~r lawn planting at the P~rk,
h~t ~ensley reported that ~ingo ha~. already ordered the grass seed, ~ Mr.
~N~in~o.. will do the lawn planting
motion to adopt a ~esolution to set up the mill levy for the Village as
follows; 25 mills- General Fund
2 mills- Fire Department
6 mills- General Obligation Bonds & Interest.
made by Valenty, seconded by ,~ard. ~oll Call Vote as follows:
Ward - yes, Valenty - yes, Fenwick - yes.
Public Hearing will be held Monday June 2, 1958 at 8:00 P.M. in the Municipal
Building of the Village of Chubbuck.
~hitaker ~oad- Valenty reported the people on ,~hitaker want Village water.
Cal~well said that if those people aan raise the money themselves and put in
the main line, then the Village can lease the line with an option to buy on
a five year contract. All lease money would be applied on the principal at
the end of the contract. Valenty will give this information to the residents
at a meeting they are holding tomorrow hight.
Meeting recessed at 10:30 P.M. subject to call if necessary.
~/~ ~ C~an ~of~ B~oar~
Minutes of the recessed meeting of May 15, 1958, of the Board of Trustees
of the Village of ~hubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of 'the VillaEe
of Chabbuck, on June 2, 1958
Present - Valenty, Caldwell and the Clerk.
Absent - Fenwick, ~mrasur~, Hillman and ~ard.
~eetif~ called to Order at 8:15
Purpose - Public Hearing on ~ill Levy..
~1o one present to protest. Meeting adjourned for lack of a quorum at
8:20 P.~.
· Village Clerk
C~~,rman of Board
~inutes of the Special Meeting of June 2, 1958 which was adjourned for
la~ of a qourum, of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck,
held in the ~unicipal Building of the Village of Chubbuck on June 10, 1~58.
Present- ~ard, Fenwick, Hillman an~ Calawell.
Absent --Valenty and ~rasure.
Called to order 8:50 P.M.
Purpose- To act on an Ordinance for the annual Appropriation and to set
up the Mill Levy.
Purposed Orc~nance ~to. h~ read in full by Caldwell. This is the annual
Appropriation Ordinance for 1958.
Motion to suspend the rules and read once in full and twice by title
made by Fenwick, seconded by Hillman. Roll call vote.
,~ ard - Yes
Fenwick- Yes
Hillman- Yes
The Ordinance was then read twice by title by Caldwell.
Motion for passage of the ordinance made by Fenwick, seconded by Hillman.
~oll call vote for passage of ordinance.
~ard - Yes
Fenwick - Yes
HiI~mmn - Yes
Meeting adjcurned at 9:00 P.M.
Village Clerk