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04 29 1958 CM
Minutes of the recessed meeting of April 8, 1958 of the B(~ard of Trustees of she Village of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the Village of Chubbuck on ~pril 29, 1958. Present- .ward, Fenwick, Valenty and Caldwell. Absent- Hillman, excused for a previous co~mittment, and Frasure. Called to oraer 8:05 P.M. Purpose- Io set the Budget I'or the Filc~l Year ~ay 1, 1958 to April 30, 1959. Estimate of Income- General Fund - Taxes-?,693.88, Licenses-l,370.50, Road & Bridge- 2a2.50, Police Fines- h,O12.00, State Liquor ~e£unds- 270.~a2, plus a Cash Balance carry over of 8,000.00. Total for General Fund - 21,589~26. ,¥aterworks Fund - Xentals, deposits and hook-ups - lO,O00.O0 plus a Cash Balance carry over of 5,02a.00 Total for ~.~aterworks ~und - 15,02~.00. Estimate of Expenses General Fund Administration (total 2,760.00) Salaries ..... 800.00 Supplies .... 600.00 Utilities .... 860.00 Legal 500.00 .... Election - 200.00 Printing - hO0.O0 ..... Phone .... 2dO.O0 Lights --- 120.00 Fuel ..... 500.00 ..... Attorney - 325.00 Advertising175.00 Street Lights -- 780.00 Insurance 500.00 (All Insurance ) Garbage hO0.OO Fire Dept. - .... 600.00 Street Eepairs - 900.00 Police Dept. (total 7,600.00) Salaries ..... 5,000.00 Maintesance -- 600.00 -~ Police ~hief ~ 3,600.00 Extra Police -- 900.00 Police Judge -- 500.00 ..... ~adio ~epairs --- lO0.O0 Pocatello Police - 150.00 (~adio Upkeep) Tires 100.OO Oeneral ~epai~s -- 250.00 Prisoner's Board - 1,590.O0 13,5,O.OO Contingent -~- 8,000.00 ~aterworks Special Fund Bonds & Interest 5,260.00 ~- Bonds -- 3,000.00 Interest -- 2,260.00 Power 1,500.00 Repairs 700.00 Supplies 500.00 Salaries 500.00 Improvements 1,000.00 Contingent Sin~ing Fund 4,500.00 13,9~0.00 500.00 ~eeting recessed at 10:55 $.M. to 5:00 P.M. on ~ay 2, 1958 Village Clerkd 0 ~ o H cO .~ 0 o o o o o 0 co o o o o o o o o © © 0 0