HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 11 1958 CM Meeting recessed subject to call, at 10:30 P.M.
Chairman of Board
Village Cler~ _ y~~ ~~
~inutes of the recessed meeting of F.bruary 11, 1958, of the Board of Trustees
of the Village of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the 'Village of
Chubbuck on March ll, 1958.
Meeting called to order 8:10 P.M. anm adjourned at 8:12 P.~.
Chairman o£ Board
~inutes of the ~egular meeting of the Board of frustees of the Village of Chubbuck,
held in the municipal Builo_ing of 'the Village of Chubbuck on March ll, 1958.
Present- Valenty, Frasure, Fenwick, ~ard arrived 8:20P.M., and Hillman arrived
at 8:30 P.M.
Absent- Caldwell, excused for business out of town.
Meeting called to order 8:13 P.M.
~inutes of the last regular and also the recessed meeting then read and approved
as read.
Dispensing ~ith regular routine, old business was immediately brought up so that
t~o men present could be excused early.
Old Business-~well No 1. property. F. M. Bistline gave the well property to the
Village, but neglected to reserve a street right of way through the property that
would give him access to his own property south of the well site. A copy of the
description of the property is on file in the Village office. Motion for the Board
to authorize Bistline to work ~ith Cald.~ell on the papers to dedicate a roadway
through Village property to allow for easement to Bistline property on the south,
made by Valenty, seconGed by ~ard. All in favor.
Garbage disposal- ~ay Parks, who has the garbage hauling contract for Pocatello,
discussed ~ith the Board the idea that maybe he could handle the garbage ~auling
£or Chubbuck. The Board Gecided that they ~.uld have tc study the legal angles
Yor a Garbage ordinance,~o see if it can be handled through Dhe Village or if the
operator of Dhe trmeks does his own collecting.
The question of how far ~own Hawthorne Road does Nei~er intend to run his
~ater line was brought up by Fenwick. The Board is interested in Getermining how
many homes on Hawthorne will receive Fire protection £.om the line.
Bills for the month ~ere then presented to Board. Motion ~o ~oprove payment of
the bills made by ~ard, seconded by Fen~ick. All in Favor. Bills as follows:
C. Caldwell?65.00, ~. O. Dorman-18.OO, C. Hensley-13j.~2w R. Hall-16.37, Phone-16.~O,
Idaho Power-68.88 &85.lb, Poca~ello Police-d7.50, Sinclair-20.5?, Phillips-~.26,
Continental Oil-22.83, Crane Co.-8.99,and John E. Pierce-l~.50.
Financial and Police reports for the month presented to Board.
Continuation of Old Business- McOmber Deed- nothing new yet.
Fire Plug at Lime ~cntana- not satisfactory.
Licenses- Carl will see about them.
Underground ~ater Permit- Hamilton took care of it.
Highway Dept.- Letter from them read in full by Valenty. Letter on file.
State Highway Engineer- on speed limits inside the Village limits. Letter from
them read in full by Valenty.. Letter on file.
Bids for painting apartment- ~ids ~ere as follows:
Sam Bentley- 1~2.50 plus cost of paint. Apt. hallway & meetkug hall.
~illiam Armstrong- 125.00 plus cost of paint. Apt., hallway & meeting hall.
Earl ~inshew- 200.00 plus 80.00 for paint. Apt. & hallway.
52.00 labor anU material for meet~n~ hall.
Enoch Cox- 136.OO plus cost o£ paint. Apt., hallway & meeting hall.
~otion to shelve the painting bidm~fo~now made by Fenwick, seconded by Frasure.
All in favor.
~acBeth Plumbing Co.- still wants Village to collect a bill I'or them from
Carl ?ac~er and in return have the Village pay ~acBeth. Copy of a letter written
by MacBeth to his attorney read in full by Valenty. Letter on file. The Board
decided to let Cal~well handle the matter to the best of his ability.
Delinquent ~ater Acc~unts-In reference to Kenneth Campbell and Glen Pyne.
The Court has issued a judgement against them. They ~re to be notified by ~egistered
Mail that a leVY is going to be made against them and what ever is confiscated w~ll
be sold at a Sheriff's Sale and the money turned over to the Village to satisfy
the amount due the Village in their ~elinquent water acounts. The Farrish home and
store will be next and t~is is the most serious of all the delinquent water charges.
~ture developments- ~ard informed the Board that Charles Johnson is consi~erin~
platting and developing his ~roperty toward the south edge of Chubbuck.
East Evans Lane- Bybee and Howell both admit t~ey are using Village ~ater but
they refuse to pay for it. The Board decided that at the time that ~cOmber finishes
his proper connections to his three houses on Evans Lane, if ~ybee and Howell want
to hook up to Village water properly, theywill first have to p~ the 25,00 hook-up
charge plus water at h.~O per month from Sept. l, 19~? when it was discovered th~
were using Village water. The books are to be set up now and they are to be sent
bills for past due as well as current water charges.
New Business- History of ~alter E. Chubbuck, after whom Chubbuck siding was nmmed,
Letter from Union Pacific giving a brief history of his life was read in full by
Yalenty. He wa~ bo~n in New York State in 1881 and died in Blackfoot, Idaho in l~O.
He was a conductor for the ~nio$ Pacific ~ailroad.
~eeting recessed to Tuesday ~larch 18, 19~8 at 8:00 P.~. for the b~siness of
opening bids for finishing of ~ell No.2 project, at 9:~ P.~.
Chairman of ~oard