HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 11 1958 CM ~Lin~tes of the recessed meeting of January ld, 1958, of the Board of Tr~stees
of ~e ~illage of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the V~llage of
Chubbuck on February ll, 1958.
~Aeeting called to order at 8:05 P.~. and adjourned at 8:07 P.M.
Chairman o~ Board
Vi~age Cle~ ~. ~
~inu~es of the regular meeting of She Board of T~dstees of ~he Village of Chubbuck,
hel~ in the ~unicipal Builc[ing of the Village t~f Chubbuck on February ll, 1958
Present- Hillman, Valenty, Fenwick, Frasure, Cal~well and ~ard arrived 8:17 P.~..
Meeting called to order 8:08 P.~.
~Ainutes of the last regular meeting then read and approved as read.
Bills for the month presented to Board. Motion to approve payment of bills made
Frasure, seconded by Hillamn. All in favor. Bills as follows-Idaho P¢,,ver-8~.jd & 71.16
John Pierce-l~.50, H. Don Newell-2.50, L.E.Hensley-2.50, Carl Hensley-133.~2, ~ichard
Hall-27.27, G.D.V.Stamps-16.OO, County Commissioners-lO8.00, Telephone-12.66,C.Ed.
Flandro-2.50, Continental Oil-18.al, Dyke's Pole Line Electric-18.90,Cowboy Oil Co.
-82.60, Guaranty Insurance-5.00, Bang's Stationers-8.gl,
Financial, Delinquent ~ater, and Police Report~ for Month presented to Board.
Old Business- Mcomber. The Deed he has for certain property on East Evans Lane is
to be taken to Call, ell for examination and after Caldwell ex~mines them he will have
sign a paper giving the Village permission to make any shut-offs, if necessary, on
the water on East Evans Lane. This paper will only be signed if McOmbers Deed is in
pre,per order.
Fire Plug at Bell Trailer Court- Valenty reported that he had received word from
Lima Montana that they had a 6 inch Fire Plug for sale. He corresponded with them
and they ~ill sell it for 90.00. After discussion the Board feels that we should
buy it as we can al~ays use it some place t~ be designated later. Motion made by
.~ard, seconded by Frasure to have Hensley go up to Lima,Montana in his pick-up and
inspect the Fire Plug, and if he thinks it is satisfactory, he is to purchase it and
bring it back with him.
B~B GUN- The B-B gun metioned in last month's minutes has been returned to the boy
it was taken a~ay from.,and so far he h~s not done any damage with it.
Store Licenses- Board still fe~ls that the Barber shops and Brennan ~ervice
~a~ion are subject to a Village License. Carl Hensley will check ~ith the o~.mers
and aavise them oZ' the Boards decision. The three ~laces in question are- Roy's
Barber Shop, O.K.Barber Shop and Brennan Service Station.
Call for Bids on Construction in connection ~ith ,ell No.2.- The bids have been
delayed for a fe~ ~ays so specifications can be made for calling bids several different
ways and the Board can ~ecide on the best way to let the Bids. Due to a brea~-down
last week on ~ell NO~l, the Village has had to purchase a motor for ~ell NO.1., so
now the bid for a motor will not be included in the new specifications for ~ell No.2.
Call,ell advised the Beard t~ check with Hamilton and see if he has taken care of
the Undegg~oamd Water Permi$ for .~ell No.2.
Proposed new Highway- Board feels that it is ~dvisable atthis time to write
the Highway Commission and ask about their decision on the location of the Cloverleaf
for access to the new Highway. Valenty will write the letter.
New Business- ~equest from people on Hawthorne Road to put a Water line to that
~oad. It is approximately ~50 feet from ~ell No.2 to the ~est side of Hawthorne Road.
~oy Neider said that if the Village will put in the ~50 feet of 6 inch pipe form the
well to the ~est side of Hawthorne :{oad, he will run a h inch line down the west side
of Hawthorne to the vicinity of Chubbuck Road. Motion to approve the mcve accross
Hawthorne goad and authorize the Engineer to figure the cost of layiog the pipe, and
ask for contradtors to make a bid on it in the new bids, and keep these figures
separate, made by Valenty, seconded by Fenwick. All in favor.
License Card Tables- Caldm,~ell has a draft for a propose~ Ordinance on licensing
Pool, Billard Halls, & Card Rooms. This proposed Ordinance was read in full by Valenty.
Afoer discussion it ,~as ~eci~ed to shelve the proposed Ordinance for now.
Police Apartment- Hensley asked if it cc.uld be painted this spring. Board told him
to get some painters to give him an estimate on it and after the Board has an idea
on the cost they will mm{e their .~ecision.
Extra Deputy- This has helped conoitions in ~he Village. The special officer isto
collect the money and turn it over to the Clerk an~ she will take care of salary
payments. This is to be run thrc~ugh the General Fund.
Meeting recessed subject to call, at 10:30 P.M.
Chairman of Board
Village Cler~
~inutes of the recessed meeting of February 11, 1958, of the Board of Trustees
the Village of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the Village of
Cnubbuck on Larch ll, 1958.
Meeting called to order 8:10 P.M. and adjourned at 8:12 P.M.
Chairman of Board
Minutes of the Regular meeting of the Board of frustees of the Village of Chubbuck,
held in the municipal Building of ~he Village of Chubbuck on March ll, 1958.
Present- Valenty, Frasure, Fenwick, ~ard arrived 8:20P.M., and Hillman arrived
at 8:30 P.M.
Absent- Caldwell, excused for business out of town.
Meeting called to order 8:13 P.M.
Minutes of the last regular and also the recessed meeting then read and approved
as read.
Dispensing ~ith regular routine, old business was immediately brought up so that
t~o men present could be excused early.
Old Business-'~ell No 1. property. F. M. Bistline gave the well property to the
Village, but neglected to reserve a street right of way through the property that
woul~ give him access to his own property south of the well site. A copy of the
description of the prcperty is on file in the Village office. Motion for the Board
to authorize Bistline to work with Cald.~ell on the papers to dedicate a roadway
through Village property to allow for easement to Bistline property on the south,
made by Valenty, seconded by ~ard. All in favor.
Garbage disposal- Eay Parks, who has the garbage hauling contract for Pocatello,
discussed ~ith the Board the i~ea that maybe he could hanole the garbage O. auling
for Chubbuck. The Board ~ecided that they would have t¢ study the legal angles
Yor a Garbage Ordinance,So see if it can be handled through the Village er if the
operator of ~he tracks does his own collecting.
The question of how far down Hawthorne Road does Nei~er intend to run his
~ater line -~-as brought up by Fenwick. The Board is interested in ~etermining how
many homes on Hawthorne will receive Fire protection i'..om the line.
Bills for the month ~ere then presented to Board. Motion ~o approve payment of
the bills made by ~'~ard, seconded by Fenwick. All in Favor. Bills as follows:
C. Caldwell?65.00, ~. O. Dorman-18.O0, C. Hensley-133.~2w R. Hall-16.37, Phone-16.20,
Idaho Power-68.88 &85.lb, Poca':ello Police-d7.50, Sinclair-20.5?, Phillips-d.26,
Continental Oil-22.83, Crane Co.-8.99,and John E. Pierce-l~.50.
Financial and Police reports for the month presented to Board.
Continuation of Old Business- McOmber Deed- nothing new yet.
Fire Plug at Lime ~cntana- not satisfactory.
Licenses- Carl will see about them.
Un~erground ~'~ater Permit- Hamilton took care of it.
Highway Dept.- Letter from them read in full by Valenty. Letter on file.
State Highway Engineer- on speed limits inside the Village limits. Letter from
them read in full by -~alenty. Letter on file.
Bids for painting apartment- Bids were as follows:
Sam Bentley- 1~2.50 plus cost of paint. Apt. hallway & meeting hall.
~illiam Armstrong- 125.OO plus cost of paint. Apt., hallway & meeting hall.
Earl Minshew- 200.00 plus 80.00 for paint. Apt. & hallway.
52.00 labor an~ material for meetins hall.
Enoch Cox- 136.00 plus cost of paint. Apt., hallway & meeting hall.
Motion to shelve the painting bids.'foP~:now made by Fenwick, seconded by Frasure.
All in favor.