HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 14 1958 CMVillage Clerk
Chairman of Board
~inutes of the regular meetin~ of the Board of Trustees of the Village of
Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Builging of the Village of Chubbuck on
January 14, 1958.
Present- Frasure, Valenty, ~"~ard and Hillman arrived 8:20
Absent-Fenwick. Caldwell was out of to~n.
Meeting calle~ to order 8:10 P.M.
Min~ltes of the last regular and also the recessed meetings then read and
approved as read.
Bills for the ~onth presented to ~oard. Motion to approve p~yment of bills
made by ~ard, seconded by Frasure. All in favor. Bills as follows:
Idaho Power-?8.6? & ?0.20, Job~ Pierce-l~.50, Carl Hensley-133.h2, Robert Poletti-
25.00, County Commissioners-159.?5, Phone Co.-ld.~?, Pocatello Police Dept.-2.50,
C. Caldwell-llS.00,Sinclair-?2.S1, Chubbuck Se~--vice-3.50,Bair's Service-12.85,
C.Ed. Flandro-l. OO, State Income Tax-la.69, and Internal Revenue-ih6.90.
Bannock Electric Bill will n¢..t be paid until all work is completed.
Financial Reports then presented to Board.
Old Business - East Evans Lane- ~cOmber Connections, Valenty reported that he
had been to see McOmber and talk to him and McOmber has in his possession a Deed
that shows he has one half interest in the well that is in dispute on Evans Lane.
The Deed carries the official recorder's stamp frm the Court House. The Deed also
states that McOmber has a 20 foot right of w~y on Evan's Lane. It looks like
McOmber is in his rights in hooking on the lines that existed there. ~c~mber
said that an~ one of the five houses on that Lane can be shut off at the ~ell
House. One of the r~siaents on that Lane refuses to let the Village go into
the well house to ma~e any shut offs. Valenty will ask McOmber to come out
and ~e can t~e a representative from the Village ~ith him and ma~e the proper
shut offs.
Fire Flug at Bell's Trailer Court- Joe Brennan stated that the best he could
do for a bid on that would be 350.00. The Board will not act on this till a
later date. They ~ant to see if they can get a better rate by letting it be
figured in ehen they let the new contracts out for the rest oI' the work connected
~ith ~ell No. 2.
Ne~ Business- B*B guns- A Youngster's gun was confiscated by the Officer for
shooting at other c~ildren. The child :~.nd his mother have both requeszed the
z'eturn of the gun. Th~ ma~ter was discussed by the Board members and Hensley.
The decision of the Board was to Let Hensley decide on the matter himself as to
whether or not the gun should be returned.
Store Licenses-Some cf the lo~al businesses are delinquent on their Village
Store License. Brennan Hardware said that his Hardware Store and Service Station
are under the same management and therefor he only had to buy one license. .~fter
dicsussion on the matter the Board decided that Brennan is subject to a Village
License for the Service Station as well as for the Hardware Store. Four other
places are to be checked for licenses, namely, Parkway Motor C~.urt, Chubbuck
Lumber & Su'~ply Co, .Xoy's Barber Shop and O.K. Barber 3hop.
Bids for Construction of ~ell House, Pump, Connecting to Main Line, and Extension
of lines- All Beard members agreed that ,~e should go ahead now with the bids and
the construction as -~e will get it cheaper now while work is slack. Valenty is
to call Hamilton and have him get the specifications ready for the call for bids.
Clerk's ~ages- Valenty stated that the Clerk had informed him the work on the
Village books is incre~ing and that the Clerk spends quite a bit more time on
the books now than she did a year ago. After a diseussion by the Board members
a Motion was made by Hillman, seconded by ~ard to increas~ the Clerk's wages by
lO.OO a month. All in favor.
Meeting recessed at 9:a5 P.M., subject to call if necessary for Construction
Bi ds.