HomeMy WebLinkAbout0078 Water Code 1968ORDINANCE NO. 78 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHUBBUCK, BANNOCK COUNTY, IDAHO PROVIDINGFOR THE CREATION, ORGANIZATION, AND EXISTENCE OF A CITY WATER DEPARTMENT;DUTIES OF SUPERINTENDENT; CITY TREASURER TO RECEIVE PAYMENTS, MAKE DISBURSEMENTS AND KEEP RECORDS; ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR MANAGEMENTS OF ~NICIPAL WATER SYSTEM; REGULATIONS REGARDING~METER DEPOSITS; REGULATIONS REGARDS WATER BILLS,~DUE DATES, DELINQUENT PENALTY; COSTS OF INSTAL- LATION; SEPARATE SERVICE REQUIREMENTS; READY TO SERVE CNARGE~ IN AND OUTSIDE OF CITY LIMITS,~ COST OF CHANGE IN SERVICE; TEMPORARY ~ERVICE TO BE CONNECTED TO NEWLY 'INSTg~LED~STREET MAINS, DEPTH OF PIPES; STOP AND WASTE COCKREQU1RED; CROSS CONNECTIONS, CHECK VALVES, RELIEF VALVES~ SEWE~ LINES; REQUIREMENTS BEFORE CONNECTIONS WILL~ MADE, WATER PIPE SPECIFICATION; OWNER RESPONSI- BLE FORLEAK~; PIPES MAINTAINED BY CITY BELONG TO CITY; WHEN ~LUMBERS MAY BE DISQUALIFIED; UNLAWFUL TO WASTE WA~ER; OWNERS RESPONSIBLE F?R PIPES FROZEN ON PR~SES; CITY MAY SHUT OFF W~TER, ACCESS TO PREMISES; WATER NAmERs PROPERTY OF~CITY, MAINTAINENCE OF METERS, COST TO CONSUMER IF DAMAGE CAUSED BY NEGLECT; SPRIN- KLING SYSTEMS TO HAVE DRAINS; WATER RATES INSIDE AND OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS; CHARGES TO BE COMPUTED SEPARATELY ~FOR EACH METER; METHOD OF COMPUTING CHARGES WHERE iMORETHANONE ~ONSUMER ON SINGLE METER IS SUPPLIED; REGULATIONS ON FIRE SERVICE LINES, FIRE H~I?~RANTS,- FIREHYDRANT CHARGE; WATER DEPARTMENT TO R~GULAT~ !SEWERFL~SH TANK WATER; TEMPORARY SERVICE FOR CON- TRA~TORS;- ABANDONED SERVICES; EXTENSION OF WATER MAINS OTHER TH~N BY CITY; OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL OF EXTEN- SIONS; STREET WORK; GROUND WIRE ATTACHMENTS; SETTING UP PAYMENT TIME LIMITS AND ADJUSTMENTS; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO DISTURB A~Y PART OF WATER SYSTEM, TO ~POI~UTE RESERVOIR WATER; TO ~3RN ON WATER AFTER BEING TURNEDOFF AS PENALTY,'~ AND TO TAMPER WITH OR OBSTRUCT ACCESS TO FIRE HYDRANT;PERMISSION REQUIRED TO MAKE WATER CONNECTIONS,e' PROVIDING FOR MINIMUM WATER REN- TALS FOR'ALL PROPERTIES SERVED BY CITY OF CHUBBUCK WATER WHETHER WITHIN ORWITHOUT THE CITY LIMITS; PROVIDING TRANSITION PERIOD AND AUTHORITY OF CITY BOARD. TO REQUIRE INSTALLATION OF WATER METERS; PRO- VIDING METHOD BY WHICH WATER USER CAN SECURE INSTAL- LATION OF~WATERMETERS; PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE OF ~MINIMUM WATER RATE; AND DECLARING IT TO BE THE POLICY OFTHE CiTY OF CHUBBUCK THAT THE CITY COUNCIL SHALL INAN ORDERLY MANNER BEGIN THE INSTALLATION OF WATER METERS~TO ALL USERS IN SAID CITY, AS SOON AS THE SAMEMAY~BE DONE AND~ACCOMPLISHED IN A BUSINESSLIKE MANNER,~AND'AS SOON AS FUNDS BECOME AVAILABLE THEREFOR; CONSTITUTING THIS A COMPLETE AND ENTIRE WATER CODE ·FOR SAID CITY AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NO. 18, 22, 37, && and &5 AND ANY OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HER~ITH.~TO THE EXTENT THAT~ THEY MAY CONFLICT; R~SERVING SECTIONS 3-~1-36, 3-1-37, 3-1-56, and 3,I-58~ FOR FUTURE USE; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND DiSPENSiNG WITH THE READING OF THIS ORDINANCE ON THREE DIFFERENT DAYS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR !AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHU BBU CK, IDAHO: 3-1-1: employees Water and laborers as may be.~ neces: Department ,e "City" used herein. WATER,, OEP,A,RTMENT DEPARTMENT: The Water Department The officers and other shall consist of a Superintendent of Clerks, assistants, pipe fitters, and an efficient administration of the ~d from time to time. The word ~an the City of Chubbuck, Idaho, as 3-1-2: who shall hold~ power. A Superintendent of the appointed by the City Council, during the pleasure of the appointive 3-1-3: operation of all kinds, all constructio~~ with the established. The The duties of said Superinten- oversee and superintend the planning, of' the water system, the making of repairs ~ all extensions and additions and ~ of whatever nature whatsoever in connection stem and any new system that may be of the Water Department shall be subject at all times to the direction and authority of the City Council. 3-1-~: CITYTREASRERTO ~ECEIVE PAYMENTS, MAKE DISBURSEMENTS AND K~:.-,RECOR~S:' TheCity Treasurer shall'"c~tlect,'- receive all de ~s, rentals and money payable pursuant to law by patrons of ~hei~Ci~Y~Water' Department. He shall keep full and complete records~ a~ls~ch' monies received, the date and from whom received an~i~Pon~Wh~t account and shall also keep accurate and complete accost of all disbursements showing the date and amount ~hereof' the person to whom paid and upon what account. 3-1-5: tablished City. 3-1-6: RULES office of Water Department, acc( the owner, possible a d name of the street number~ the office of the agreeing to ONS That the following , ~ same are hereby es- of the municipal water system of the All applications for service water service shall be made at the on printed forms furnished by the ain the name of the owner, an ~eed instrument number if applicant is number if for a new building, and when property, lot, block and addition, the property fronts and the official e premmses as shown by the records in Engineer, and the signature of the applicant the rules and regulations of the Water Department that may beestablished by the City as conditions for the use of water. -1- All appl~ service installations shall be made by the owner of the rto be served, or by his duly authorized agent, and the size of connection required; and the applicant shall a ~ima..of making application pay to the City Treasurer of the fees or deposit required for the installation of the~ service connection as hereinafter pro- vi d ed. When service water service authori Zed The applicant City Treasurer the payment of 3 -1-7: and can anty been installed, application for either by the owner, or his duly tenant or occupant of the premises. time of making application pay to the ~amount of the deposit required to secure service as hereinafter provided. applicant for wa~e~, service is ag or premises to be supplied, deed to the property to be served, no guar- but otherwise Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each reaidenCe s ($10.00) for each place of business shall be::deposited with the City Treasurer upon the signing of the a ~cation, ~This deposit is to guarantee the pay- ment of water r, the same to Fund," and to have have become refunded, less or otherwise. proper charges payable to the City, known as the "Water Service Deposit in said Fund until such applicant shall use of such premises or building, or shall in which event the deposit shall be be due the City for water rentals 3-1-8: to deposits required shall continue not to INTEREST: Deposits that have been made ~rges shall remain as the charges until withdrawn and 3-1-9. ADDRESS: All accounss shall be Department by the house street number a~d lmder the account number assigned thereto and the name of the the signing the application for service, s sent out by the Water Depart- ment shall be se t~he ho~se or street number of the property. If non-residents sire personal service sent to a different an application therefor with the Water Department ,- Any error in address shall be promptly re- ported to the . 3-1-10: urer as fe!iows: All charges for water of the City Treas- (A) Water rent shall'be due and payable on the first (lst) of each mont~h paid on or before the tenth (10th) of each The resolution divide the municipality into subdistrimZs the water rent for each sub- district to he,dUe'and ~ e upon a different date of the month. Such r~solution and.due dates of water rent may be -2- altered, from time to time, in the discretion of the City Council, all water rent in any such subdistrict shall be- come duc the same date for all users within ~ropriate notice placed upon the to the user of any change in the due date for wa~er rent. (C) Where the wa~er .rental has not been paid within the times herein s there on said collected day of the~ day, ment -the same shall be held delinquent and added to each water bill so delinquent an per cent (10%) of the amount due be added to said account and said delinquent dates. When the last alls on a Sunday or Legal Holi- g shall be the last day for the pay- (D) When a rental has become delinquent, the water service may be shut off-a~ the discretion of the Water Department, and may until all arrears have been paid, and sum of Two Dollars ($2.00) for the turning water. Second "turn-off" in a twelve month for the same residence to be Five Dollars ($5.00), if~ for delinquent purposes. 3-1-11: WAT~.RLD.~ T BEARS LCOS~S OF~INSTALLATION TO PROPERTY IiI~NE: .... The installation of"~e~vlce pipes' extending from the main tb~extended property line of the nearest property line abutting the:_main in ~the direction of applicant's premises, including labor and materials for such con- struction, shall made by the Water Department, who shall also maintain all ~after installation from the water main to the property premises being served. 3-1-12: ~HEN SEPA2AT~SERVICE REQUIRED; EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED ~iT~iSER¥ICE:~Each Property c~Pable of title transfer and each residenCe, lo~ated on ~ny one property and not joined with other inssparably or under the same roof shall be an indivmdual consumer, and each individ- ual consumer shaltbe supplied through a separate service connec- tion and meter however, that in case of duplexes or apartments not separate title transfer, that the owner , by arrangement with the Water Department, property multiple service connections and meters various apartments located thereon. All buildings, joined together by party wall or similar attachments, if .e of separate title transfer shall have for each divisibl separate service connections and meters, or ~ be installed at the discretion of the Water ~e water through one service and meter is furnished to two.(2) or more residences or buildings occupied by different families on acreage property capable of subdivision and tm ~e in fee simple, the plumbing thereon shall be divisible part thereof shall have its own separate ~serviCe connection ~and water meter. After the quirements ~lied with all the prescribed re- application for service connection -3- and has paid ,~ the Water Department shall cause the property described ~onnected with the Municipal Water Sys- tem. Whenever the service connection shall be made in the street front of the property to be served. Each ser- vice shall connection with the main pipe, a length of service to the extended line of the property line of ~t property line abutting the main, in the direction of to be served, a curb cock and water meter placed inside line, together with the necessary covers for meter ~and curb cock. The Water Department shah have the right to install a single service curb line, of sufficient s~ze to supply two (2} properties and with individual curb cocks properties. 3-1-13: READY~SERVEi'CHARGES IN CITY LIMITS: Before a ser- vice. connection is i~st'alled the' property owner shall ay to ~he City Treasurer a ready to serve charge as olloWs: (A) Mini in an Thirty of th~ alle the private less In case the installation is to be either the applicants' property line .ess at right angles from the center e the main is tapped, or in an unpaved line Ten feet (lO') or less from where the main is tapped, or on the property line Five feet (5') or in-the main: For a inch ( Fifty (3/~") service and a three-quarter .nimum charge shall be One Hundred For a one inch (1") service and a one inch (1") meter, the minimum charge shall be One Hundred 'Eighty Dollars ($180.00). (B) Additional the center more than private the actual )r Services Over Minimum Length: In case is more than Thirty feet (30') from the the main is to be tapped, or ) from the tap in the main on ~ere shall be added to the minimum charge. 'labor and material plus Ten per cen% (10%) for overhead charges. (c) ~tallation of Paved Streets, or Im- proved ~e the installation is to be upon a paved it shall be assumed that the tap in the main wlli the center of the pavement, and there shall be ad,ed ~o the minimum charge Fifty-five cents ($0.55) for each of service under said pavement. In case such s to be under or through an oiled surfaced s~reet there shall be added %o the minimum charge Fifty-five ($0-55) for each square foot of service under or tion is to shrubs charg under or said Oiled surface. In case the installa- improved parkway (containing trees, shall be added to the minimum ($O,50) for each lineal foot of service such Parkway. (D) (E) (F) Additional In case the concr~ Cost Installation in Concrete Walks: ~lation is to be in an existing therei~shall be added to the minimum charge per ce~t (10%). Additional Charges for Meters in Roadways or Driveways: In case the meter installation is to be either in a paved or unpaved roadway or-in the path of vehicles, the meter shall 'means of a concrete ring around the top of and an extra heavy cast iron cover, and there ~ed to the minimum charge cost plus Ten per cent Charges for Installations Larger Than One Inch (1"): For a service installation larger than one inch (l"), the ready e shall be determined by the Super- intendent o£~e Water Department at the time of application for such service. SuCh charge shall be fixed by the size of Sixty be paid by made, are paid. 3-1-1&: (A) (B) (c) conditions~of installation. the cost of such installation shall :ant before such installation is to be to be paid within thirty (30) days after in- serviCe~ can be discontinued until all charges shall as OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS: Before a ~ property owner to the City Treasurer a ready to serve charge in an Thirty feet of the alley with the center less the installation is to be either the applicant's property line ~ or less at right angles from the center the main is tapped, or in an unpaved line Ten feet (10') or less from the main is tapped, or on th property line Five feet (5') or ~ in the main: For a inch (3 Eighty inch (3/~") service and a three-quarter o mmnlmum charge shall be One Hundred ). For a one minimum service and a one inch (1") meter, the cost plus Twenty per cent (20%) . Addit~ for Services over Minimum Length: In case line is more than thirty feet (30') from the cenl ~e street where the main is to be tapped, or more than feet (30') from the center of the alley where the or more than thirty feet (30') from the tap in the main on private property, there shall be added to theminimum charge the actual cosb of labor and ma~iaI pluS Twelve per cent (12%) for overhead charges. Additional proved ] on Paved Street, or Im- case the installation is to be upon a -5- paved st it shall be assumed that the tap in the main will the center of the pavement, and there shall be added to the minimum charge Three Dollars ($3.00) or ye cents ($0.55) for each square foot of service under ~ In case such installation is to be under or surface street there shall be added to the minimum charge Fifty-five cents ($0.55} for each square foot of service under or through said oiled surface, In case the installation is to be alon~ an improved parkway ( trees, shrubs, grass, etc.; there shall be added to the Dollar Fifty Cents ($1.50) for each lineal feat of service under or through such parkway. (D) Additional case t~ walk, Twenty for Installation in Concrete Walks: In tion is to be in an existing concrete added to the minimum charge cost plus (E) Additional for Meters in Roadways or D~iveways: In case the tallation is to be either mn a paved or unpaved roadway or in the path of vehicles, the meter shall be t a concrete ring around the %ap of the meter heavy cast iron cover, and there shall the minimum charge cost plus Twenty per . Installations larger than three-quarter inch (3 3 (F). 3-1-15: COST OF'CHANOE IN SERVICE BORNE BY APPLICANT: Any chang~m~ein ~ servi~e'±ns~allati~, ~t the request of the property owner or meter user, or made necessary due to any act of his after such Lnstallation has once been made, whether such change shall involve a. change in size of pipe or meter, or both, or a change in the location or elevation thereof, shall be made solely at the expense of the applicant who shall pay the entire cost thereof. 3-1-16: ~T~24PO~RY SERVICE TO BE CONNECTED TO NEWLY INSTALLED STREET~NS: . Wh'e~e a main i~ 'insta.lled in any street, properties on said street or within one-half (~) block on side streets which mains, or mains their service P! the Water Dep the new main to in front of 1 shall re-instal through temporary services, private or on private property, shall have ~ to connect with the new main, and shall without charge install a service from shall be installed in the street and the property owner or water user )es to connect with the meter. 3-1-17: nc grade of the the meter. depth where d~ All new service pipes shall be placed feet (4') below the established an equal depth below the surface of property for Ten feet (la') from the have the right to increase this 3-1-18: from the m~ or fixture of A special valve or stop on the pipe leading erty served and no branch pipe, bibb be connected to the pipe between -6- this valve or stop and erty owner or sions and repairs be accessib and ke shall any waste cock or with erty owner or pair or repl shall not be cock has been in 3-1-19: e cock and the meter. This valve, or installed and maintained by the prop- it shall be for his use in making exten- plumbing upon the property, and it shall times and, where necessary, a suitable box In case the water is shut off from ~rOvided with such a valve or stop and .ch is not in good condition, the prop- ~Shall make arrangements to install, re- or stop and waste cock, and the water .again until such a valve or stop and waste ,~ repaired or replaced. VALVES RELIEF VALVES; SEWER (A) (B) In order cont~ system, for ment of the firms or cross C~ connections tinua~ce , on which tions are or stop City's domestic water supply from all cross connections with any other water or private which have not been approved by the Idaho State Depart- and after being notified by Water, failure on the part of persons, to discontinue the use of any and all to.physically separate such cross- sufficient cause for immediate discon- the City'S domestic water service to the premises cross connection exists, whether or not connec- ~lled by automatic devices such as gate valves ~cocks which may or may not be sealed. Where it iSa'deemed necessary to protect the City' s water meter from hot.water or steam, the Water Department shall order the owner or water user to install check and a the part within t~ shall be relief valves which shall be fixed )erintendent of Water, and failure on user to install such valves days after written notice has been served cause for discontinuance of water service. (C) No sewer C( be laid less than Five feet (5') from a ~. Service will be discontinued until the corrected. 3-1-20: REQU~R~E~IT.S,, .. . ~ , BEFORE,, , _ CONNECTIONS.,,, _WILL BE MADE:, (A) Any such regul~ of desiring to be connected system of the City shall, before , first comply with all plumbing and all ordinances ~mendatory there- (B) Any person vices and City, pay to the said City. desiring to secure such ser- ~nnected with the domestic water the City outside of the city limits of said as provided for in this Code and therein provided for and be subject therein provided for, the same as though located within the city limits of said -7- (c) No person with t.,h~ tern of fully shall person, firm. tic ing complied made to the~ made ~oration shall hereafter be connected supply or domestic water supply sys- person, firm or corporation has the provisions of this Code, and it Department to give any such or corporation, water service from the domes- rstem of said City or to connect the plumb- thereto, until this Code shall have been , and at the time application is 'tment of the City by-such person, firm or water service, proper showing shall be Showing compliance with this Code. 3-1-21: All wrought iron or steel ~llations shall be of standard weight and h, galvanized or properly coated both inside and outside with some suitable protective coating approved by the Water CoPper pipe may be used for services of small diameter, and iron pipe properly coated may be used for diameters one inch (1-~") and greater when approved by 3-1-22: are count of leaks mains leading LEAKS: Owners of services or damages on ac- owned services and privately owned the property line to the premises served. 3-1-23: PIPES TO CITY: The ownership ~, servmce and appurtenant equipment main~ained by the Water Department shall be vested in the City, and case shall the owner of any premises have the right to claim part thereof. In case of are no re such mains and services and where there rganizations or individuals as owners of done as an accommodation shall not 3-1-2~: .W~,.~EN~! ERS~NA, Y BE DISQUALIFIED: Plumbers failing to ~rf eir ~ork-~ccor~±ng't'o ~established rules and regulations unskillfully or to the damage of the Water De' ~d temporarily or permanently from making connection ~th or leading from the City's mains. 3-1-25: imperfect Or other valves, o~ to' WATER: It Shall be unlawful for any or allow it to be wasted by valves, pipes, closets, faucets or or to use water closets without self-closing ~lation of this Code regulating said use of The willful wasting of water shall be a mis- demeanor; if such waste of water continues after receiving notice from %he to make repairs and to desist from the waste of water Department shall shut off the water supply until the necessary repairs have been made. O~ will not be permitted. It will be unlawful to water pastures Orgardenson property not paying water per water schedule through a regular water meter. -8- 3-1-26: OWNERS RESPONSIBLE FOR PIPES FROZEN ON PR~24ISES: All serviC~e~installa~ions except summer sprinkling services, shall be placed quired in this Code in order to ~ avoid all pro and the Water Department shall be respons meters and all frozen services owned by the City, and ~he owners of property served shall be responsible for all other frozen services leading to and located on the premises served, cost of thawing of such privately owned pipes whenever 3-1-27: any for repairs, and th~ bursting any pmpes or The City reserves the right at , to shut off the water supply nonpayment of rates, or any other reason, for any damage, such as direct pressure; the breaking of or interruption of water supply, or any other d~e resulting from the shutting off of water. 3-1-28: pro hours of the delivered from the conditions the water is used~ Employees of the Water Department shall have free access at proper of premises to which water may be , for the purpose of inspecting ~nd fixtures and the manner in which 3-1-29: of the City and type, by Department. OF CITY: All water meters installed and remain the property or replaced, or changed as to size whenever deemed necessary by the 3-1-30: WATERD~ART~_~ENT SHALL MAINTAIN METERS; COST TO CONSUMER IF D~AF~A/~GE~CAUSEDBy'NEGLECT: 'The Water Department shall maintain ahd r~P~air all'meters when rendered unserviceable through fair wear maintain them if necessary; provided, however, is rendered nec~ owner or Water De~ the water cause is , repairs or adjustment of any meter , neglect or carelessness of the , any expense caused by the be charged against and collected from water service may be discontinued until the amount charged collected. 3-1-31: as part of a lawn' such pipes may, than Four feet ( owner shall be pipe which lawn and nature shall be HAVE DRAINS: Whenever pipes s connection are to be used sprinkling system exclusively of the property owner, be laid less surface of the ground. The property ~ a control valve on each branch ~he regular domestic supply pipes to the system. Sprinkling systems of this tructed in such manner that all pipes and fittings connected therewith ~an be thoroughly drained when their seasonal use has been discontinued~. The Water Department will not be re- sponsible for draining such system. 3 -1-32: WATER~TES INSIDE CITY LIMITS: Monthly rates for water furnished throUgh meters 'shall be as follows: -9- For the fir per one thousand For the ($o.12} (3,000) gallons, Sixty cents ($0.60) gallons. ~housand (~7,OO0) gallons, Twelve cents ,OOO) gallons. For the next one ~hundred ~housand (1OO,O00) gallons, Ten cents ($O.10) (I,000) gallons. For all water one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) gallons, per one thousand (1,000) gallons. Provided, however, that~ in no case shall the rate of water fur- nished through ea~ meter be less than the following: For '&") service line $ 1.80 For one,' inch Line 2.30 For one service line 2.60 For one service line 3.50 For two inch &.O0 For three inch service line 5.00 For four inch servic-e line 7.50 For six inch ~ 13.50 For eight inch service line 20.25 gallons· meters thousand (3, be charged. ~hat for water furnished the National Guard · 25, the County Fairgrounds, and to Provided, Armory, School Df other governmen~ units, as directed by the City Council, the rate charge ce~tS ($0.08) per one thousand (1,O00) sumption shall be through all Ds of each, except if less than three is used, the minimum meter rates shall Provided further sponsc any person or charge shall be off to instal~ of such meter for water furnished any church or church anage, no charge shall be made. In case whom water is furnished free of of wasting water, the service shall be shut and from the time of installation rental for water shall be charged· 3-1-33: CITY LIMITS: Any person adjacent may-, permmssion of the City Council, to the rules and regulations as otherwise ~this Code. receive may be proVided Provided, however, that ;the City reserves the right to shut off such supply without notice if the supply within the Corporate Limits shall Rates for water furnished out- side the Cil as follows: thousand (3,000) gallons, Sixty cents ($0.60) allons, plus ten per cent (10%). For the per one even thouSand (17,OO0) gallons, Twelve cents ~sand (1,OO0) gallons, plus ten per cent (10%). For the next ($O,12) per one -10- For the next onehundred thousand (100,000) gallons, Ten cents ($0.10) per one thousand (1,O00) gallons, plus ten per cent (10%). For all water furnished Over one hundred fifty thousand (150,0OO) gallons, Eight c~ per one thousand (1,O00) gallons, plus ten per cent Provided, nished through that in no case shall the rate for water fur- ~meter be less than the following: For three-fourths inch For one For one and For one For two inch For three inch For four inch (~ For six inch (6 For eight inch service line $ 2.70 ~ine 3.10 (1~") service line 3.50 ) service line ~.~0 line 5.15 ~ce line 7.00 ~ line 9.00 e 15.50 24.75 3-1-34: CHARGE~/~TED SEPARATELY FOR EACH METER: Where individ~al~c~nsUmer'"ts~supplied with wate~ through more than one metered service, charges shall be computed separately for each individual meter. an 3-1-35: METHOD OF COMPUTING CHARGES.WHERE MORE THAN ONE CONSUMER ON SIN~G~NETER~iS~SUPPLIED: Where more 'than"one ind.ividual Cons~ ~s ~U~piie~' wib~ water through one meter, ~he indmvidual who applies for Service shall be responsible for all charges, and the ~tll shall be computed as though there were a separate metered service for each individual consumer and each used an equal quantity of the water consumed, and there shall be no deduction for vacant premises. Such charges for more than one premise su' ~ter shall be optional with the Water Department, its discretion discontinue service in order installation of separate metered services for each individual consumer. 3-1-36: NON-OPERATIVE SECTION (This Section reserved for future use) WATER shall be charged rates as follows:~ ~pa~ USE: The various departments of ~er service from the Water Department current expense funds monthly Park Department: per acre thousand (1,O00) Dollars ($ ) per month ~e growing season, and minimum charge per , or per one s Where it is practical to meter the usage. Golf Course: Dollars ($ ) per month per acre of tUrf~ter~d dur~ing the' 'gr'6~ing season, and Dollars ($ ) minimum 'ch'~rge per mo ~r eac , or cents ( ) per one thousand ~allons wher~ 'it is pr~cbical to meter the usage. -11- Cemetery per month per wat~ Dollars per month for ,ach build£ng served. Dollars ( $ season, and minimum charge Street per one to ( ,-OO ; i gallons for water used 0'~ streef flushing, of flusher. All Other ($ g 3-1-37: (This Dollars or g served, or ) per one thousand (1,OD0) meter the usage. SECTION use) FIRE LINES: The minimum annual charge automatic sprinkler systems asfollows: For a two inch connection For a three connection For a four iz connection For a six .ce connection For an eight inch (8") fire service connection These minimum. sprinklers are sealed. ing fire. The drant shall d in all cases where automatic ~re fire gates and other outlets be made for water used in extinguish- ameter of the pipe leading to a fire hy- the Size of the hydrant. ShoUld the Department find that water not metered is used through a fire ui~ be ~d; and within ten (lO) adjustments are purpose other than the exting- the owner and occupant will 3 are no% corrected the water will be shut off until proper If any fire protectionservice is installed outside the Limits of the City, be discontinued at the will of the City Commission, :tion with the main removed at the ex- pense of the ,r occupant of the property served. 3-1-38: be installed the owner or property FIRE SERVICE LINES: All fire service water mains and property lines shall by the Water Department at the expense of e premises served, and shall be %he At the cant all piping fire gates, or appurtenancea. valve with property line of for such services, the appli- Water Department detailed plans showing to be installed for fire protection, all and all other outlets, gates, service connection shall have a gate box installed between the main and the premises served. No fire service connection -12- larger than six without special in diameter shall be instalSsd from the City Commission. Upon receipt of Department shall of such se~ ~e pipe, acter of service fore such in~ the Superintendent of the Water es to be made for the installation consideration length and size of sidewalk, all relative to the char- e shall be paid by applicant be- made. 3-1-39: In hydrants and sh City street Water the adjustment ;: The Water Department shall in repair all City fire hydrant shall be used by the person than an employee of the or interfere in any manner with or the valves connected therewith. 3-1-~0: ONLY Fire De~ engaged in~spr~ sewers shall o the City water Superintendent FIRE HYDRANTS: No person or the of the Street Department who is the public streets or flushing or interfere in any way with first obtaining authority from the Department. 3-1-41: monthly charge of hydrant attached~o maintenance, The Fire Department shall pay from fund to the Water Department a for each Municipal fire em of the City Water Department, for and installation of fire hydrant. 3 -1-42: in repair shall regulate tank, and shall chan valves or o service TO REGULATE SEWER FLUSH TANK WATER: P devices in all sewer flush and to be used by each such flush other than an employee of the Water Department in any manner with the adjustment of g devices attached to any water water to any sewer flush tank. 3-1-43: do so at Water De~ meter and cost of the meter the cost installing ~ud be deducted shall be services have i CONTRACTORS: Contractors and ~ use City water may by first making application to the for the installation of a with the Treasurer equal to the on. Upon removal of the necessary thereto and the cost of and its appurtenances shall amount of the deposit and the remainder the wa~er user after all charges for water ~paid. In case conditiomsmake it desirable, arrangements may be made between the ~ and the applicant whereby water will be furnished e. This charge shall be paid in ad- vance, or if the of water extends after one month, payment shall be made in. each month. -13- not been used fi useless for be disconnected at and appurtenances removed All service installations connected that have been abandoned or~ that have or that for any reason have become , at the discretion ~f the City, shall Water Department, and all pipe be the property of the City. 3-1-45: tensions either by the the property ~ property under the : case the advance an amount extension to cover and overhead expense. )F WATER MAINS OTHER THAN BY CITY: All ex- ~ns'"outside of the City limits shall be made t at the expense of the owners of y, ~or by the owners of said of the Water Department, in which to the Water Department in per cent (10%) of the cost of such plans, specifications, supervision 3-1-46: ac mains and corporation, of such pt successors or shall not ~ desire., sup! must first be mains and case such a nized owner meter in OF EXTENSIONS: Unless deeded to and g extensions of water mt installed by persons, firms or ~ City, shall be and remain the property ~tions, and of their heirs,. maintained by them. Any repair the Water Department as an accommodation in the City. In case a property owner :e and meter installed and to be through such a privately owned main, a permit L whomever owns or maintains such water be filed i~he Water Department. In ined due to there being no recog- person, the applicant for service and service shall be obligated to per- form his part in'~ntaining the main and to having water service discontinued if the .!main is not properly maintained. All in: extensions, additions and replace- ments and , outside the City Limits, when made in the manner in this'Code described, shall be and remain the property of the City, after all payments for installation have been made or , and after such installations have been tested pted by the Water Department and after the person or persons responsible for the construction of the extension all rights to their interest in the ownership of said Nothing in this Code shall be con- strued as to affect terms of any written agreement or contract binding the City 3-1-47: regrading, Department necessary durin mains, pipes, tenances that , contractors, corporations or any street work, such as grading, paving, etc., shall give the Water notice in case it becomes remove, displace or change any water gates or other meter works appur- the prosecution of such work, and failure to furnish saidnotice shall make the contractor, corporation or persons, or City Department liable in case damages should result from such . -14 - The Water Department shall advise the Street Department when it begins excavation in any paved or improved street or alley. Upon completion of the by the Water Department, the Street Department shall begin backfilling, and replacing of the street surfacing to the Street Department specifications, in- cluding up to the-CUrb line. Charges to the Water Department for this street work shall he,set by the Commissioner of Streets. 3-1-~8: All persons, firms or corpora- .OHS: to attach any ground wire or wires to any plumbing Which is or may be connected to any service connec- tions or main to the Water Department; and the Department will hold the ses liable for any damage to the property of the occasioned by any such ground wire which is now or be attached. The water supplied to such premises continued until such connection is removed. 3-1-~9: Any bill for water or be considered a proper protest is made to the Water Department within ten after presentation of said bill. Adjustment will only be allowed when evidence clearly shows that the excessive charge is due t or fixtures and not wasteful use and been promptly made and reported to the ~No allowances will be made covering more than two ( lling periods including the billing period was made. Adjustments ordinarily will be made on (½) of the excess delivery due to leakage billing periods, but in case of concealed round or unexposed pipes, full excess may be allowed for such two (2) billing periods. Nor more than one allowance the same consumer for the same premises in ~ [12) month period. The Superintendent of the Water ..be the sole judge in determining the excess e. 3-1-50: UNLAWFUL~T0 DISTURB ANY PART OF WATER SYSTEM: It shall be Un~aWThl fox any person'~ unless d~ly authorized by the Superintendent interfere with or damage any wa%er main, water tool, meter or any other appliance, buildin ents, etc., belonging to, connected with, or under the control of~theMunicipal Water Supply System of the City. 3-1-51: SERVOIR WATER: It shall be unlawful in, or throw any substance into any reservo~, or place any foreign substance upon any grounds belonging to, Connected with or under the control of the Municipal Water Supply Systemofthe City. 3-1-52: UNLAiWF~ ~0, ~RN ON WATER AFTER BEING TURNED OFF AS ~ ~'~hatt be unla~ful'"'f0~-'any~person, after the water ~ turned off from his premises or building by the Water De ~account of either nonpayment of rental or of wasting ~r any other reason whatsoever, to turn on or to use or allow the water %o~be used except by authority of the Superintendent -15- 3-1-53: UNLA ~WFU~ L.~TO T~,,ER WITH OR OBSTRUCT ACCESS TO FIRE . H.YDR~3~T:~ 7.1% sLh~itL be ~Lulawful~' for any person t6'obstruct the access %'o any fire hydrant by placing ~round or thereon an.y stone, brick, l~er~ dirt or other material, and none but author- ized persons operate any fire hydrant, or draw or attempt to draw , or to willfully or carelessly injure the same. . 3-1-54: PERMISSION RE.QU~IRED TO, MAKE WATER CONNECTIONS: It shall be unl~ for any' person 'to mak'e connections with any fixtures or connect any pipe with any water main or water pipe belonging to the Supply System, without first obtaining permiSsi the Superintendent. 3-1-55: PROVIDINOFOR MINIMUM WATER RENTALS, FOR ALL PROPERTIES SERVEDBY CITY OF CHUBBUCK WATER WHETHER WITHIN OR WITHOUT THE CITY LIMITS, PROVIDING TRANSITION PERIOD AND AU~RITY O~ CITY BOARD TO REQUIRE INSTALLATION OF WATER METERS; PROVIDING METHOD BY WHICH WATER USER CAN SECUREINSTALLATION OF WATER METERS, PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE OF MINIMUM WATER RATE. From and after ~he July, 1968, the following rates of water rer be paid to the City of Chubbuck by users living in :k and the municipal waterworks of said City im all cases where such user is not subject to a water used to measure the water actually supplied during a IN CITY For three fomrths inch connection for each residence one family only ........ $5.50 per month. OUTSIDE CITY $6.50 For one inch connection for each residence occupied by onefamily.only .................. $7.50 per month. $9.00 For more than one family rate se% out above plus ........... $5.00 a month for each and every additional family occupying said residence. $6.00 For raining two or' pied charge size of the con- units or occu- the basic depending on the ~c~ion for the first living ying the same and ......... -~-~ ............................ $5,00 additional for each additional living unit or family occupying the same. $6.00 -16- IN CITY For motels two or more living units the bs out heretofore for the first and ................ $2.50 per month addi for each unit which does not have c~k.i.~g__o_~-h_~u_s_e ke.ep, in..g ..... facilities and-~'' ~ ....... $3.00 per month unit having cooking or hous facilities therein. For trail there shall be paid by the owner of court to the City of Chubbuck sin addition to basic charge the sum of --~. ....... .-, .................... $3.00 per month~ ler s~all, or option to in~ er, 3-1-56: (This section is reserved for future use.) OUTSIDE CITY 3-1-57: MANN~ il AND SOON event the City shall be in th, first be water user equipped and TO BE THE POLICY OF THE CITY ' THE CITY COUNCIL SHALL IN AN ORDERLY )N OF WATER METERS TO ALL AS SOON AS THE SAME MAY BE DONE A BUSINESSLIKE MANNER, AND AS AVAILABLE THEREFOR: That in the the installation of meters there ~tion as to which users shall metered water. That in the event the the City of Ck6bbuck desires to be Water rental according bo a water meter rather than the fixed or minimum monthly charges hereinbefore and hereinafter provided, that he may so request the City Council or the Water I ;. That in the event there are no funds available for and installation of such meters as are requested , that the water user may deposit with the City Clerk or a sum sufficient to pay the cost of ~ g a suitable water meter and that it will b, of ~the City to have the same installed within thirt the user shall be billed according to the thereafter. That such deposit shall draw no interest, shall not be refundable in money, but may be applied agai:ist the future water rentals from the premises in- stalled as Provided, further, that no water user within or shall have the right to refuse the installation cfa water meter or being charged according to the water used from 'ter the first month following the ordering of such inst~ City Council or the Water Superin- t end ent. 3-1-58: (This SeC.tien ~is reserved for future use) -17- 3-1-59: THIS 22 TITUTES A COMPLETE AND ENTIRE WATER SUCH REPEALS ORDINANCES 18, AND ANY OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT TENT THAT THEY MAY CONFLICT. That an emergency ~ hereby declared to exist and this Ordinance shall take effe'c~ be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. The COuncil of one-half (~) dispense distinctly read , as provided by law, by of the members of the full ~ouncil, the said Ordinance be fully and days. DULY PAS~ED AND'ENACTED THIS llth day of June, 1968. (SEAL) ATTEST: -18-