HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 27 2018 Study SessionPlanning Department PO Box 5604 – 5160 Yellowstone Avenue, Chubbuck, ID 83202 208.237.2430 – Fax 208.237.2409 www.CityofChubbuck.us Memo To: City Council From: Devin Hillam, Planning & Development Director Date: June 14, 2018 Re: June 27 Council Study Session – Discussion of Strategic Plan Draft Staff has completed the draft of the City’s first Strategic Plan following compilation and analysis of an extensive public questionnaire. Once drafted, the Planning & Development Department met with the City’s department heads and presented the document for feedback and input; the attached draft strategic plan presented along with this memo is the culmination of those efforts, and we now seek Council input regarding the document and future direction of the plan. CITY OF CHUBBUCK STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2019 to FY 2024 WWW.CITYOFCHUBBUCK.US/STRATEGIC PLAN Purposefully creating tomorrow #choosechubbuck #createchubbuck #focusonchubbuck City of Chubbuck Strategic Plan 1 | P a g e INTRODUCTION The FY 2019 – FY 2024 Strategic Plan is the City of Chubbuck’s first Strategic Plan. The Plan was created through gathering community input through questionnaires, obtaining input from all City Departments, and from having discussions with the City’s elected officials. The result is a vision, key performance metrics to achieve by 2024, and identification of actionable opportunities to bring the Plan into fruition. The Strategic Plan is to be a living document, reviewed annually by the City prior to budget presentations to identify emerging strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and to have its action items amended as needed to add or remove projects crucial to accomplishing its key performance metrics. As part of the budgeting process and/or in other program shifts, City departments should identify how their requests will further the goals and mission of this plan. City of Chubbuck Strategic Plan 2 | P a g e PLANNING PROCESS From December 27, 2017 through February 20, 2018, the City of Chubbuck sought input from area residents on a questionnaire which would lead towards the creation of the City’s Strategic Plan. The questions were drafted by City of Chubbuck Staff and reviewed by the City Council prior to seeking responses. The survey was not intended to be exclusive to City of Chubbuck residents as City Staff and the Council sought input from all residents within and near the City. The questionnaire occurred in 2 formats, one being digital in which a Survey Monkey link was published on the City’s social media accounts and Mayor’s vlog, provided by the Highland High School Principal to students, and linked in the Mayor’s December quarterly newsletter and the second form being paper surveys which were mailed to randomly selected households within the City of Chubbuck. Randomly selected households were determined using mailing info received on November 14, 2018 from the City of Chubbuck’s utility billing database under the City Clerk. Responses were incentivized through a drawing for 5 $25.00 gift cards to an area restaurant through the Pocatello-Chubbuck Chamber of Commerce. The database contained 4,367 billing addresses and was converted from .txt format to Excel format. Duplicate names were removed from the database using the “Remove Duplicate” data tool in Excel leaving 4,047 unique names, and the list was randomized using the “RANDBETWEEN” function. With the list randomized, the first 600 names were selected. Finally, businesses were removed from the list to create a list of 543 random survey recipients. Paper surveys were distributed along with postage paid return envelopes via the Highland High School Honor Society and a local church youth group. The Questionnaire for the Strategic Plan received 409 responses with 332 of the responses coming from respondents who indicated that they reside in the City of Chubbuck. At a 95% confidence level, using 2016 ACS 5 - Year estimates that the City of Chubbuck has 14,644 residents, responses for those who so indicated that they reside in the City have a confidence interval of +/- 5.4%. Survey results for Chubbuck residents and non-Chubbuck residents are included as appendices to this Plan. City of Chubbuck Strategic Plan 3 | P a g e VISION In 2024, the City of Chubbuck is*:  a city with vibrant and aesthetic neighborhoods;  a city that is diverse and inclusive;  a city that has a well-managed effective, efficient, and economical government;  a city that promotes participatory governance;  a city that is safe and prepared;  a city with a strong economy;  a city with healthy residents;  a city that is accessible for multimodal transportation;  a city with thriving youth; and  a city with growing arts, cultural, and recreational opportunities. * Unless otherwise indicated, no list within this document is intended to be in order of importance. City of Chubbuck Strategic Plan 4 | P a g e Vibrant and Aesthetic Neighborhoods In 2024, Chubbuck maintains its small town feel despite rapid growth and its neighborhoods have distinct characteristics that set them apart from other neighborhoods in the city and which set the city apart from other cities in the region. The City has ensured that new development and infill are compatible with, and enhance, the rest of Chubbuck, has ensured that development standards are implemented which facilitate excellent public spaces, and has taken proactive measures to address blighted or otherwise rundown properties and structures. Key Performance Metrics to Achieve by 2024  In 2024, 60% of Chubbuck residents feel that the city’s cleanliness is good or excellent. (Q8: 2018 = 50.5%)  In 2024, 60% of Chubbuck residents feel that the overall appearance of the City is good or excellent. (Q8: 2018 = 49.7%)  In 2024, maintain or increase the percentage of residents who feel that Chubbuck is a good to excellent place to live. (Q4: 2018 = 80.5%)  In 2024, maintain or increase the percentage of residents who feel that their neighborhood is a good to excellent place to live. (Q4: 2018 = 84.8%)  In 2024, maintain or increase the percentage of residents who feel that Chubbuck is a good to excellent place to raise children. (Q4: 2018 = 85.23%)  In 2024, maintain or increase the percentage of residents who feel that “Home” and “Small” best represent what Chubbuck means to them. (Q3: 2018 = 42.21%) Action Items (through FY 2020)  Increase code enforcement efforts and promotion of city-wide cleanup day(s) o Lead: Police Department; City Clerk  Review and update the Planned Unit Development section of code, particularly related to infill, fringe greenfield development, and land redevelopment o Lead: Planning & Development Director  Review and update the Comprehensive Plan’s Future Land Use Map o Lead: Planning & Development Director  Update City Code to better implement goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan o Lead: Planning & Development Director  Increase promotion of City events and programs through an enhanced social media and traditional media presence o Lead: City Clerk  Use social media to promote resident-led property maintenance o Lead: City Clerk  City facilities will serve as model for xeriscaped landscaping o Lead: Public Works Director City of Chubbuck Strategic Plan 5 | P a g e Diverse & Inclusive City In 2024, Chubbuck is a caring, kind, compassionate, fair and equitable community that supports an affordable and livable community to all, regardless of age, sex, race, religious belief, ability, or otherwise. Key Performance Metrics to Achieve by 2024  In 2024, maintain or increase the number of residents that feel that the City treats all residents fairly. (Q14: 2018 = 44.9%)  In 2024, decrease the percentage of residents who feel that transportation is the biggest challenge facing senior residents in Chubbuck. (Q28: 2018 = 11.34%)  In 2024, decrease the percentage of residents who feel that a lack of activities and recreation is the biggest challenge facing youth in the city. (Q28: 2018 = 25.29%)  In 2024, the number of residents who believe that openness and acceptance is very poor to poor is below 10%. (Q8: 2018 = 16%) Action Items (through FY 2020)  Implement an ADA Transition Plan for facilities and programs o Lead: ADA Coordinator  Support nonprofits that provide opportunities to disadvantaged populations o Lead: Mayor’s Office  Create a downtown plan for all ages and abilities o Lead: Planning & Development Director  Make focused efforts on attracting and retaining affordable healthcare, childcare, adult education opportunities, and preventative health services o Lead: Planning & Development Director  Continue to hire employees, and promote from within, based on technical competence and equal employment opportunity practices o Lead: Department heads, Human Resources Director  Make focused efforts to ensure that housing within Chubbuck meets all levels of affordability through use of mixed and planned unit development codes and incentives and other tools o Lead: Planning & Development Director City of Chubbuck Strategic Plan 6 | P a g e Participatory Governance In 2024, the City of Chubbuck actively seeks opportunities for involvement of its residents in all aspects of governance and in City programs. Resident input is actively sought from all demographics within the community. Key Performance Metrics to Achieve by 2024  In 2024, the number of residents who feel that Chubbuck is doing a very poor or poor job of welcoming citizen involvement has decreased to 15%. (Q14: 2018 = 21.9%)  In 2024, the number of residents who feel that opportunities to participate in community matters are good to excellent has increased to 40% (Q6: 2018 = 34.8%) Action Items (through FY 2020)  Develop standing advisory committees on topics such as parks and recreation, public art, youth, and ADA compliance o Lead: Mayor’s Office  Departments will analyze all programs for ways in which public involvement can be better sought; when ways are identified, departments will implement programs to obtain public involvement o Lead: Each department head  Continue to implement an application process for all appointed offices when vacancies arise o Lead: Mayor’s Office City of Chubbuck Strategic Plan 7 | P a g e Well-Managed Government In 2024, the City of Chubbuck provides effective, efficient, and economical services that are responsive to the community’s needs. City government is fair and equitable while being accountable, transparent, and backed by quality and responsive staff. Key Performance Metrics to Achieve by 2024  In 2024, the number of residents who feel that the value of Chubbuck services provided for the taxes paid is very poor or poor has decreased to 15%. (Q14: 2018 = 24.5%)  In 2024, the number of residents who feel that the quality of the city is average, good, and excellent with regards to the overall confidence in city’s government and the overall direction that the city is taking has been maintained or increased. (Q14: 2018 = 91.39%)  In 2024, the number of residents who feel that the competence and knowledge of city staff is very poor to poor has decreased to 5%. (Q14: 2018 = 8.2%)  In 2024, the number of residents who feel that the overall communications of the City is very poor to poor has decreased to under 10%. (Q14: 2018 = 20.6%) Action Items (through FY 2020)  Develop a continued education plan for each full-time employee which contains training and certifications as appropriate to their job duties. o Lead: Every department head  Continue to grow the City’s social media presence and use it to promote citizen involvement in major policy decisions. o Lead: City Clerk  Review employee job descriptions and make necessary changes to ensure that the description matches duties and needs; reassign employees where necessary o Lead: Human Resources Director / Each department head  Develop 5 year capital plans o Lead: Every department  Preserve interdepartmental communications and cooperation o Lead: Mayor’s Office  Adhere to established budgets while ensuring that current levels of service are maintained or increased o Lead: Every department City of Chubbuck Strategic Plan 8 | P a g e Safe and Prepared Community In 2024, the City of Chubbuck’s residents, visitors, and workers feel safe at all hours. Emergency responders are timely, well-trained, courteous, and professional. The City is resilient and prepared for emergencies and risks. Key Performance Metrics to Achieve by 2024  In 2024, maintain or increase the number of residents who feel that the quality of the following services provided in the city are average to excellent: o Crime prevention (Q13: 2018 = 89.7%) o Emergency preparation (Q13: 2018 = 91.24%) o Ambulance/medical/emergency services (Q13: 2018 = 92.6%) o Fire prevention/education (Q13: 2018 = 94.1%)  In 2024, the number of residents who feel that the city’s efforts to engage residents about environmental and sustainable practices is average, good, and excellent is 80%. (Q15: 2018 = 70.7%) Action Items (through FY 2020)  Research and implement best practice designs for water conservation in new and infill development o Lead: Public Works Director; Planning and Development Department; City Engineer  Engage residents on social media about water conservation, the City’s recycling program, and other efforts to increase sustainability o Lead: City Clerk  Evaluate water meter rate program o Lead: Public Works Director  Continue to engage the County Commissioners in discussions regarding enhancing emergency medical services within the City o Lead: Mayor  Identify location for new fire and police facilities o Lead: Mayor, Fire Chief, Police Chief  Maintain a city-wide emergency response plan, hold exercises, and publicize plans o Lead: Fire Chief, Police Chief, IT Director City of Chubbuck Strategic Plan 9 | P a g e Strong Economy In 2024, the City of Chubbuck is a business destination and center of innovation. New businesses are complimentary to the characteristics of the city and mixed use development is beginning to develop around arterial roads. The City is attractive to new workers as a live, work, play community. Key Performance Metrics to Achieve by 2024  In 2024, the number of residents who feel the quality of Chubbuck as a place to work is very poor to poor has decreased to 10%. (Q4: 2018 = 20.2%)  In 2024, the number of residents who feel the quality of Chubbuck as a place to visit is very poor to poor has decreased to 15%. (Q4: 2018 = 24.8%)  In 2024, the number of residents who feel that the overall opportunities for employment in the city is very poor to poor has decreased to 20%. (Q5: 2018 = 31.8%)  In 2024, the number of residents who feel that the vibrancy of the city’s downtown/commercial area is very poor to poor has decreased to 30%. (Q8: 2018 = 44.1%) Action Items (through FY 2020)  Continue to work to assist existing businesses in retention and expansion efforts o Lead: Planning and Development Director  Economic development recruitment efforts will focus on the following in order: 1. High-tech industries 2. Recreational-based industries 3. Retail industries 4. Service industries 5. General manufacturing industries o Lead: Planning and Development Director  Evaluate and propose programs to improve the Yellowstone Highway corridor o Lead: Planning and Development Director, Public Works Director, City Engineer  Develop and implement a downtown and main street plan aimed at enhancing public spaces o Lead: Planning and Development Director  Continue to promote the benefits of smart growth principles to developers o Lead: Planning and Development Director  Continue to work closely with educational institutions serving Chubbuck residents and businesses o Lead: Planning and Development Director City of Chubbuck Strategic Plan 10 | P a g e Healthy Residents In 2024, the City of Chubbuck has taken steps to ensure that residents have equal and ready access to opportunities that promote mental and physical well-being, and a happy, active lifestyle. The City has taken steps to draw more healthcare-oriented businesses to the area and has worked with Bannock County to address emergency medical services within the city. Key Performance Metrics to Achieve by 2024  In 2024, the number of residents who feel the quality of health and wellness opportunities in the City of Chubbuck is very poor to poor has decreased to under 15%. (Q5: 2018 = 20.5%)  In 2024, the number of residents who feel that the fitness opportunities (exercise classes, paths, trails, etc.) in the City of Chubbuck is very poor to poor has decreased to under 20%. (Q9: 2018 = 29.3%) Action Items (through FY 2020)  Participate in the redesign of the Flying Wye interchange to ensure bicycle and pedestrian connectivity to the Wellness Complex from Chubbuck o Lead: Planning and Development Director  Focus economic development efforts on healthcare-related industries in conjunction with area landowners o Lead: Planning and Development Director  Continue efforts to research a recreational center and develop a funding strategy o Lead: Mayor; Public Works Director  Continue to expand league sports o Lead: Parks and Recreation Director  Take efforts to identify locations within and around the city that could accommodate bicycle and pedestrian facilities and identify and implement best practices for streetscapes which aid in increasing pedestrian and bicycle comfort levels o Lead: Planning and Development Director; City Engineer City of Chubbuck Strategic Plan 11 | P a g e Accessible by Multimodal Transportation In 2024, the City of Chubbuck ensures that all modes of transportation are considered as the City grows and as construction projects are planned. Walking and biking corridors have been established and have enhanced the ability for all residents to access shopping, employment, and recreation without needing to rely on a motor vehicle. Key Performance Metrics to Achieve by 2024  In 2024, the number of residents who feel that ease of travel by bicycle is very poor to poor has decreased to under 25%. (Q10: 2018 = 29.3%)  In 2024, the number of residents who feel that availability of paths and walking paths is very poor to poor has decreased to under 35%. (Q10: 2018 = 41.4%)  In 2024, the number of residents who walked or biked instead of driving over 2 times a month has increased to over 30%. (Q7: 2018 = 22.7%) Action Items (through FY 2020)  Work with Bannock Transportation Planning Organization and other stakeholders to evaluate bike/pedestrian system in Chubbuck and propose solutions which would increase alternative modes of transportation. o Lead: Planning and Development Director; City Engineer  Establish a relationship and plan with the Portneuf Greenway Foundation for a system of multi-use paths and side paths in and around Chubbuck. o Lead: Planning and Development Director  Work with the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes and the Bureau of Indian Affairs and other stakeholders to determine the feasibility and plan for a canal bank greenway system; pursue the creation of a Blackfoot to Pocatello greenway along the Hiline Canal. o Lead: Mayor; Planning and Development Director  Continue to strengthen the City’s relationship with the Idaho Transportation Department. o Lead: Public Works Director; Planning and Development Director; City Engineer  Work with the Idaho Transportation Department to alleviate congestion at the Chubbuck Interchange. o Lead: Public Works Director; Planning and Development Director; City Engineer City of Chubbuck Strategic Plan 12 | P a g e Thriving Youth In 2024, the City of Chubbuck ensures that needs of emerging generations are met . The City works with School District #25 regularly and works with other stakeholders to promote after-school programs. Youth in Chubbuck feel welcome and are given opportunities to recreate in the community. Key Performance Metrics to Achieve by 2024  In 2024, when controlling for youth under the age of 18 who reside within Chubbuck, the number of residents who feel that Chubbuck as a place to visit is very poor to poor has decreased to under 30%. (Q4: 2018 = 38.9%)  In 2024, when controlling for youth under the age of 18 who reside within Chubbuck, the number of residents who feel that opportunities to attend cultural, art, or musical activities within Chubbuck is very poor to poor has decreased to under 30%. (Q6: 2018 = 38.9%) Action Items (through FY 2020)  Continue efforts to research a recreational center and develop a funding strategy o Lead: Mayor; Public Works Director  Establish a relationship and plan with the Portneuf Greenway Foundation for a system of multi-use paths and side paths in and around Chubbuck. o Lead: Planning and Development Director  Develop a downtown plan to create an area in the city where youth will feel valued and have opportunities; ensure that youth have a seat at the planning stage table o Lead: Planning and Development Director  Meet regularly with the United Way and other similar groups to determine how Chubbuck can assist with creating good programs and areas for youth o Lead: Planning and Development Director  Establish a youth advisory committee for the City of Chubbuck o Lead: Mayor City of Chubbuck Strategic Plan 13 | P a g e Growing Arts and Cultural Opportunities In 2024, the City of Chubbuck has public places throughout the community with public art and that are programmable and programmed with performances, concerts, and activities. Art and cultural opportunities are accessible to residents of all ages and abilities. Key Performance Metrics to Achieve by 2024  In 2024, the number of residents who feel that opportunities to attend cultural art, or musical activities in Chubbuck is very poor to poor has decreased to under 30%. (Q6: 2018 = 42.9%)  In 2024, the number of residents feel that the city has good or excellent public places where people want to spend time has increased to 30%. (Q8: 2018 = 17.9%) Action Items (through FY 2020)  Encourage public art in urban renewal areas through tax increment finance o Lead: Public Works Director  Establish a Chubbuck public art advisory committee to identify opportunities and to increase art in the community o Lead: Planning and Development Director  Develop a downtown plan with art and cultural opportunities throughout and with programmable and programmed space o Lead: Planning and Development Director  Increase the number of arts and music related activities within the City of Chubbuck o Lead: Mayor’s Office City of Chubbuck Strategic Plan 14 | P a g e Appendix No. 1 Questionnaire Responses: Chubbuck Residents Only 100.00%332 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 Q1 Where is your home or primary residence? Answered: 332 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 332 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 1.00 Median 1.00 Mean 1.00 Standard Deviation 0.00 #OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY)DATE There are no responses. Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Inside the City of Chubbuck boundaries (1) Outside of the City of Chubbuck, but I utilize at least one City of Chubbuck utility service (2) City of Pocatello (3) Unincorporated Bannock County (4) Fort Hall Indian Reservation (5) City of Inkom (6) City of McCammon (7) Power County (including all cities) (8) Bingham County (including all cities) (9) Other (please specify) (10) BASIC STATISTICS 1 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 15.66%52 33.43%111 2.41%8 10.84%36 10.84%36 25.90%86 0.90%3 Q2 Using the map below, in which general area of the City do you live? Answered: 332 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 332 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 7.00 Median 3.00 Mean 3.49 Standard Deviation 1.93 Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Area #1- The area of the city that is north of I-86, west of Hawthorne Road, and south of W Chubbuck Road (1) Area #2- The area of the city that is north of W Chubbuck Road, west of Hawthorne Road, and South of Siphon Road (2) Area #3- The area of the city that is north of W Quinn Road, between the railroad tracks and Hawthorne Road, and south of W and E Chubbuck Road (3) Area #4- The area of the city that is north of W and E Chubbuck Road, between the railroad tracks and Hawthorne Road, and south of Siphon Road (4) Area #5- The area of the city that is north of Siphon Road (5) Area #6- The area of the city that is east of the railroad tracks (6) I do not live within the City of Chubbuck's boundaries (7) BASIC STATISTICS 2 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q3 What word or phrase best reflects what "Chubbuck" means to you? Answered: 289 Skipped: 43 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Home home 2/15/2018 10:26 AM 2 Other lack of big business 2/15/2018 10:19 AM 3 Home home 2/15/2018 10:13 AM 4 Other- Negative behind the times 2/15/2018 10:06 AM 5 Other- Negative terrible name 2/14/2018 3:31 PM 6 Peaceful/Friendly safe and fun 2/14/2018 3:24 PM 7 Other- Negative ran by the good old boys 2/14/2018 3:05 PM 8 Home home 2/14/2018 2:52 PM 9 Peaceful/Friendly good 2/14/2018 2:46 PM 10 Small rural 2/14/2018 1:28 PM 11 Home home 2/14/2018 12:42 PM 12 Small small town 2/14/2018 12:14 AM 13 Home home 2/13/2018 11:51 PM 14 Home home 2/13/2018 11:40 PM 15 Home home 2/13/2018 11:25 PM 16 Home home 2/13/2018 10:52 AM 17 Home home 2/13/2018 10:48 AM 18 Peaceful/Friendly friendly 2/13/2018 10:36 AM 19 Home home 2/11/2018 9:49 AM 20 Home home 2/8/2018 2:13 PM 21 Peaceful/Friendly quiet 2/8/2018 2:07 PM 22 Home home 2/8/2018 2:03 PM 23 Community family centric 2/8/2018 1:57 PM 24 Home Home- for 35 years and counting 2/8/2018 1:44 PM 25 Other- Negative It meant hom euntil you put the cell phone tower in stuart park 2/8/2018 1:37 PM 26 Quiet quiet 2/8/2018 1:12 PM 27 Home home 2/8/2018 1:07 PM 28 Home home 2/8/2018 1:03 PM 29 Growing/ developing growing 2/8/2018 12:58 PM 30 Peaceful/Friendly almost paradise 2/8/2018 12:14 PM 31 Community nice family communiity 2/8/2018 12:10 PM 32 Home hometown 2/8/2018 12:03 PM 33 Home home 2/8/2018 11:56 AM 34 Peaceful/Friendly clean, quiet, safe 2/8/2018 11:43 AM 35 Community community 2/8/2018 11:28 AM 3 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 36 Other- Positive pride 2/8/2018 11:24 AM 37 Community community 2/8/2018 11:10 AM 38 Peaceful/Friendly cozy 2/8/2018 11:03 AM 39 Home Other- Negative home- expensive 2/8/2018 10:57 AM 40 Other- Negative patch city 2/8/2018 10:46 AM 41 Pocatello/Suburb bedroom community 2/8/2018 10:27 AM 42 Other- Positive accommodating 2/8/2018 10:16 AM 43 Community family 2/8/2018 10:08 AM 44 Peaceful/Friendly good 2/6/2018 1:35 PM 45 Home my home 2/6/2018 1:30 PM 46 Home it is my home 2/6/2018 1:17 PM 47 Home home 2/6/2018 1:11 PM 48 Home home, peaceful community, safe 2/6/2018 1:02 PM 49 Home our home 2/6/2018 12:56 PM 50 Small small 2/6/2018 12:49 PM 51 Home home 2/6/2018 12:42 PM 52 Home home 2/6/2018 12:02 PM 53 Home home 2/6/2018 11:49 AM 54 Home home 2/6/2018 11:42 AM 55 Safe safe 2/6/2018 11:37 AM 56 Peaceful/Friendly laid back 2/6/2018 11:11 AM 57 Home home 2/6/2018 10:57 AM 58 Community family and community 2/6/2018 10:53 AM 59 Community community 2/6/2018 10:39 AM 60 Home great pleace to live 2/6/2018 10:28 AM 61 Pocatello/Suburb bedroom community 2/6/2018 10:19 AM 62 Growing/ developing getting crowded 2/6/2018 10:09 AM 63 Home Home 2/6/2018 10:07 AM 64 Community community 2/5/2018 7:02 PM 65 Home Home 2/5/2018 10:49 AM 66 Peaceful/Friendly Peaceful 2/4/2018 2:26 PM 67 Home Home 2/2/2018 12:40 PM 68 Home home 2/1/2018 12:34 PM 69 Peaceful/Friendly quiet 1/30/2018 11:20 AM 70 Community togetherness 1/30/2018 11:15 AM 71 Home my home is chubbuck 1/30/2018 11:06 AM 72 Community community 1/30/2018 10:58 AM 73 Pocatello/Suburb Lower taxes than Pocatello 1/30/2018 10:49 AM 74 Growing/ developing potential 1/30/2018 10:40 AM 75 Community good community 1/30/2018 10:33 AM 76 Home home 1/30/2018 10:26 AM 4 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 77 Other- Negative ugly native american name 1/30/2018 10:18 AM 78 Home home 1/30/2018 10:06 AM 79 Community Good people great community 1/28/2018 2:50 PM 80 Home home 1/27/2018 5:05 PM 81 Growing/ developing Busy 1/26/2018 9:21 PM 82 Home Home 1/26/2018 2:17 PM 83 Home Home 1/26/2018 1:47 PM 84 Home Home 1/26/2018 12:56 PM 85 Peaceful/Friendly Quite 1/26/2018 11:11 AM 86 Growing/ developing Future 1/25/2018 11:34 PM 87 Other- Positive Improvement based 1/25/2018 9:05 PM 88 Community family friendly 1/25/2018 11:48 AM 89 Peaceful/Friendly just right 1/25/2018 11:30 AM 90 Community Family/home/ safe and protected/small town/ affordable 1/25/2018 11:14 AM 91 Home Home 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 92 Home Growing 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 93 High taxes/fees Higher utilities (city) then pocatello we pay way more than pocatello 1/25/2018 10:41 AM 94 Growing/ developing Growth 1/25/2018 10:32 AM 95 Small small town feeling 1/25/2018 10:13 AM 96 Growing/ developing Choose Chubbuck 1/25/2018 12:21 AM 97 Home Home Town 1/24/2018 11:48 PM 98 Small Simple, uncomplicated living 1/24/2018 11:42 PM 99 High taxes/fees Expensive 1/24/2018 11:35 PM 100 Home home 1/24/2018 9:49 PM 101 Community good place to raise a family 1/24/2018 7:21 PM 102 Other- Negative Unrealistic expectations 1/24/2018 1:06 AM 103 Growing/ developing Growing 1/24/2018 12:05 AM 104 Pocatello/Suburb Highland 1/23/2018 10:03 PM 105 Growing/ developing urban growth 1/23/2018 5:05 PM 106 Other- Negative mormon owned and operated 1/23/2018 4:03 PM 107 Home Home 1/22/2018 11:43 PM 108 Growing/ developing Growing 1/22/2018 10:17 PM 109 Small Small town 1/22/2018 10:15 PM 110 Growing/ developing A community on the rise.1/22/2018 10:07 PM 111 Pocatello/Suburb Cleaner, newer part of Pocatello 1/21/2018 9:00 PM 112 Home Home 1/21/2018 8:53 PM 113 Home Home to me now 1/21/2018 6:38 PM 114 Home Home 1/21/2018 1:26 PM 115 Home Home 1/20/2018 11:19 PM 116 Home Home 1/20/2018 7:09 PM 117 Home Home 1/20/2018 12:46 PM 5 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 118 Community Family friendly community 1/20/2018 10:56 AM 119 Home Home 1/19/2018 6:50 PM 120 Home home 1/19/2018 5:13 PM 121 Community Community 1/18/2018 10:48 PM 122 Home Home 1/18/2018 8:02 PM 123 Home home 1/18/2018 11:10 AM 124 Home home 1/17/2018 4:37 PM 125 Community peaceful community 1/16/2018 5:54 PM 126 Home home 1/16/2018 2:38 PM 127 Home Home 1/16/2018 2:37 PM 128 Other- Negative Trash 1/16/2018 2:26 PM 129 A city/town a town 1/16/2018 2:24 PM 130 Safe safe 1/16/2018 2:21 PM 131 Other- Negative Confuzzling.1/16/2018 12:58 PM 132 Peaceful/Friendly Peaceful 1/16/2018 12:49 PM 133 Home house 1/16/2018 12:44 PM 134 Home home 1/16/2018 12:43 PM 135 Other- Positive pretty 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 136 Boring eh 1/16/2018 12:40 PM 137 Other- Positive pretty 1/16/2018 12:37 PM 138 Home Home 1/16/2018 12:36 PM 139 A city/town Place 1/16/2018 12:34 PM 140 Other- Positive great 1/16/2018 12:32 PM 141 Small small 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 142 Small small 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 143 Home Home 1/16/2018 11:23 AM 144 Average Average 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 145 Other- Neutral could put a chick-fil-a in chubbuck 1/16/2018 11:18 AM 146 Other- Neutral business 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 147 Home my home town 1/16/2018 11:13 AM 148 Community community 1/16/2018 11:12 AM 149 Small small but nice 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 150 Safe Safe 1/16/2018 10:12 AM 151 Safe Safe 1/16/2018 10:06 AM 152 A city/town city 1/16/2018 10:04 AM 153 Home home 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 154 Pocatello/Suburb Pocatello 1/16/2018 9:52 AM 155 Home home 1/16/2018 9:49 AM 156 Average mediocre 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 157 Home Home 1/15/2018 7:13 PM 158 Pocatello/Suburb a town next to Pocatello 1/15/2018 6:44 PM 6 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 159 Peaceful/Friendly Friendly 1/15/2018 6:13 PM 160 Small Podunk 1/14/2018 10:57 PM 161 Small Simple little town 1/14/2018 9:35 PM 162 Home Home 1/14/2018 9:43 AM 163 High taxes/fees High taxes 1/13/2018 9:33 AM 164 Home houses 1/12/2018 4:16 PM 165 Home home 1/12/2018 1:07 PM 166 Quiet QUIET 1/12/2018 11:48 AM 167 Home Home 1/11/2018 11:26 PM 168 Peaceful/Friendly Happy 1/11/2018 9:54 PM 169 Home A Home 1/11/2018 8:57 PM 170 Home Home for 21 years 1/11/2018 2:13 PM 171 Small Small town feel 1/11/2018 11:17 AM 172 Home friendly home town 1/10/2018 4:05 PM 173 Growing/ developing Innovative 1/10/2018 1:47 PM 174 Home Home 1/10/2018 10:25 AM 175 Community Community 1/10/2018 9:38 AM 176 Home A place to live, turning into a place to move from 1/10/2018 8:22 AM 177 Community Family 1/10/2018 4:38 AM 178 Messy Disorganized but trying 1/10/2018 1:34 AM 179 Pocatello/Suburb Parasite of Pocatello 1/10/2018 12:59 AM 180 Community Pride 1/9/2018 10:26 PM 181 Growing/ developing Pro growth 1/9/2018 10:10 PM 182 Regressive Non-progressive 1/9/2018 5:50 PM 183 Peaceful/Friendly friendly 1/9/2018 2:16 PM 184 Community Neighborhoods 1/9/2018 9:47 AM 185 Peaceful/Friendly Friendly 1/8/2018 8:31 PM 186 Community welcoming community 1/8/2018 12:02 PM 187 Small Small town 1/7/2018 10:47 PM 188 Pocatello/Suburb the north end of Pocatello 1/6/2018 1:11 PM 189 Home Home Town 1/6/2018 10:51 AM 190 Home home 1/5/2018 1:15 PM 191 Home home 1/5/2018 9:31 AM 192 Other- Negative Chubbuck doesn't take care of its residents 1/4/2018 3:42 PM 193 Other- Neutral Paradoxical 1/4/2018 2:36 PM 194 Community Helping the community by serving others.1/4/2018 2:01 PM 195 Small Small town atmosphere 1/4/2018 12:25 PM 196 Other- Negative Lack of citizen input for bonding 1/4/2018 10:32 AM 197 Home Home 1/3/2018 3:53 PM 198 Home Home 1/3/2018 3:09 PM 199 Home A place to live 1/3/2018 2:09 PM 7 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 200 Other- Positive trying hard 1/3/2018 1:45 PM 201 Home Home 1/3/2018 8:45 AM 202 Other- Positive Convenient 1/3/2018 8:21 AM 203 Home Hometown 1/3/2018 3:07 AM 204 Small small town 1/2/2018 10:44 PM 205 Home Home 1/2/2018 10:35 PM 206 High taxes/fees Over taxed for limited services 1/2/2018 9:38 PM 207 Other- Positive Freedom from city government.1/2/2018 8:55 PM 208 Peaceful/Friendly Friendly, caring, business friendly,open minded 1/2/2018 6:58 PM 209 Home Home 1/2/2018 6:15 PM 210 Safe safe, suburban 1/2/2018 5:07 PM 211 Small Small town 1/2/2018 4:44 PM 212 Home Home 1/2/2018 3:42 PM 213 Small Small town feel yet close enough to big cities without the hustle and bustle.1/2/2018 3:31 PM 214 Home Home, small community 1/2/2018 12:50 PM 215 Peaceful/Friendly Nice 1/2/2018 12:34 PM 216 Home Home 1/2/2018 11:32 AM 217 Home Home 1/2/2018 11:26 AM 218 Growing/ developing Growing 1/2/2018 11:12 AM 219 Community great place to raise a family 1/2/2018 10:48 AM 220 Peaceful/Friendly Peace 1/2/2018 10:31 AM 221 Pocatello/Suburb Outside pocatello 1/2/2018 10:16 AM 222 Other- Positive Perfect 1/2/2018 10:12 AM 223 Peaceful/Friendly peaceful 1/2/2018 8:13 AM 224 Small small town feel 1/2/2018 7:52 AM 225 Home Home 1/1/2018 11:27 PM 226 Community Community 1/1/2018 12:22 PM 227 Community Family 12/31/2017 11:40 PM 228 Home Home 12/31/2017 10:22 PM 229 Safe Safe small town 12/31/2017 8:52 PM 230 Home Home 12/31/2017 9:51 AM 231 Home Home 12/31/2017 1:03 AM 232 Home Temporary Home 12/30/2017 9:50 PM 233 Safe Comfortable, safe neighborhoods, with good people 12/30/2017 4:22 PM 234 Community Family centered 12/30/2017 11:00 AM 235 Home Home 12/30/2017 10:07 AM 236 Other- Neutral N/A 12/30/2017 9:46 AM 237 Home Home 12/30/2017 1:33 AM 238 Safe Small town 12/29/2017 8:33 PM 239 Pocatello/Suburb Be Better than Pocatello 12/29/2017 12:54 PM 240 Home Home 12/29/2017 1:13 AM 8 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 241 Peaceful/Friendly Cozy 12/28/2017 9:46 PM 242 Safe Quiet safe neighborhood 12/28/2017 9:10 PM 243 Pocatello/Suburb Better than Pocatello 12/28/2017 8:28 PM 244 Home Home 12/28/2017 8:12 PM 245 Boring Boring 12/28/2017 1:16 PM 246 Home home 12/28/2017 11:37 AM 247 Home Home 12/28/2017 10:02 AM 248 Home Home 12/28/2017 9:00 AM 249 Home Home 12/28/2017 1:03 AM 250 Home Home 12/28/2017 12:40 AM 251 Home Home 12/27/2017 10:45 PM 252 Home Home 12/27/2017 10:28 PM 253 Pocatello/Suburb Better than Pocatello 12/27/2017 10:00 PM 254 High taxes/fees expensive cost of living 12/27/2017 9:59 PM 255 Growing/ developing City on the rise 12/27/2017 9:23 PM 256 Growing/ developing Growing 12/27/2017 9:06 PM 257 Home Home 12/27/2017 8:46 PM 258 Home home 12/27/2017 6:54 PM 259 Community Great place to raise a family 12/27/2017 6:07 PM 260 Other- Positive Good schools 12/27/2017 5:17 PM 261 Small Small Town - Big Life 12/27/2017 3:37 PM 262 Quiet Quiet 12/27/2017 3:19 PM 263 Small small rural community 12/27/2017 2:57 PM 264 Home Home 12/27/2017 2:48 PM 265 Peaceful/Friendly Comfortable 12/27/2017 2:45 PM 266 Community Community 12/27/2017 2:35 PM 267 Home Home 12/27/2017 2:24 PM 268 Small Safe, home, small town feel 12/27/2017 1:35 PM 269 Peaceful/Friendly Friendly 12/27/2017 1:34 PM 270 Peaceful/Friendly Peaceful 12/27/2017 1:11 PM 271 Growing/ developing untapped potential 12/27/2017 12:47 PM 272 Community Family 12/27/2017 12:05 PM 273 Home Home 12/27/2017 12:02 PM 274 Home Home 12/27/2017 11:39 AM 275 Home Home 12/27/2017 11:32 AM 276 High taxes/fees Over taxed 12/27/2017 11:19 AM 277 Home Home 12/27/2017 11:18 AM 278 Home Home 12/27/2017 10:59 AM 279 Home Home 12/27/2017 10:55 AM 280 Home Home 12/27/2017 10:49 AM 281 Peaceful/Friendly Comfortable 12/27/2017 10:43 AM 9 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 282 Growing/ developing Growing 12/27/2017 10:41 AM 283 Home Home 12/27/2017 10:09 AM 284 Home Home 12/27/2017 9:58 AM 285 Home Home 12/27/2017 9:50 AM 286 Home Home to family and friends 12/27/2017 9:25 AM 287 A city/town its a town 12/20/2017 2:10 PM 288 Home HOME 12/20/2017 10:03 AM 289 Home HOME-A PLACE TO RAISE MY FAMILY 12/20/2017 9:56 AM 10 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q4 Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Chubbuck: Answered: 329 Skipped: 3 0.00% 0 1.22% 4 18.29% 60 55.79% 183 24.70% 81 328 0.00% 0 2.74% 9 12.50% 41 47.56% 156 37.20% 122 328 0.62% 2 2.15% 7 12.00% 39 48.92% 159 36.31% 118 325 2.48% 8 17.70% 57 34.16% 110 35.71% 115 9.94% 32 322 7.06% 23 22.09% 72 42.02% 137 23.31% 76 5.52% 18 326 3.99% 13 10.43% 34 28.53% 93 38.65% 126 18.40% 60 326 BASIC STATISTICS 2.00 5.00 4.00 4.04 0.69 2.00 5.00 4.00 4.19 0.75 1.00 5.00 4.00 4.18 0.77 Chubbuck as a place to live Your neighborhood... Chubbuck as a place to rai... Chubbuck as a place to work Chubbuck as a place to visit Chubbuck as a place to retire 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 VERY POOR (1)POOR (2)AVERAGE (3)GOOD (4)EXCELLENT (5)TOTAL Chubbuck as a place to live Your neighborhood as a place to live Chubbuck as a place to raise children Chubbuck as a place to work Chubbuck as a place to visit Chubbuck as a place to retire MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Chubbuck as a place to live Your neighborhood as a place to live Chubbuck as a place to raise children 11 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.33 0.96 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.98 0.98 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.57 1.03 Chubbuck as a place to work Chubbuck as a place to visit Chubbuck as a place to retire 12 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q5 Please rate each of the following characteristics about living in Chubbuck, generally: Answered: 331 Skipped: 1 0.60% 2 3.32% 11 23.56% 78 53.78% 178 18.73% 62 331 1.82% 6 9.39% 31 35.45% 117 42.73% 141 10.61% 35 330 1.52% 5 7.58% 25 39.39% 130 44.55% 147 6.97% 23 330 1.82% 6 8.48% 28 39.70% 131 41.82% 138 8.18% 27 330 2.72% 9 17.82% 59 39.58% 131 32.33% 107 7.55% 25 331 2.75% 9 13.46% 44 41.59% 136 32.11% 105 10.09% 33 327 3.36% 11 28.44% 93 42.20% 138 23.85% 78 2.14% 7 327 Overall safety in Chubbuck Overall ease of... Quality of the natural... Overall built environment... Health and wellness... Overall opportunitie... Overall opportunitie... Overall economic hea... Sense of community General reputation o... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL Overall safety in Chubbuck Overall ease of transportation within Chubbuck Quality of the natural environment within Chubbuck Overall built environment within Chubbuck (including overall design, parks, transportation systems, buildings) Health and wellness opportunities Overall opportunities for education Overall opportunities for employment 13 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.83% 6 9.15% 30 42.38% 139 40.85% 134 5.79% 19 328 0.61% 2 8.51% 28 27.36% 90 48.94% 161 14.59% 48 329 1.22% 4 10.33% 34 26.44% 87 52.28% 172 9.73% 32 329 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.87 0.77 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.51 0.87 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.48 0.79 1.00 5.00 3.50 3.46 0.83 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.24 0.92 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.33 0.93 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.93 0.86 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.40 0.80 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.68 0.85 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.59 0.85 Overall economic health of Chubbbuck Sense of community General reputation of Chubbuck MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Overall safety in Chubbuck Overall ease of transportation within Chubbuck Quality of the natural environment within Chubbuck Overall built environment within Chubbuck (including overall design, parks, transportation systems, buildings) Health and wellness opportunities Overall opportunities for education Overall opportunities for employment Overall economic health of Chubbbuck Sense of community General reputation of Chubbuck 14 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q6 Please rate each of the following activities provided to citizens within Chubbuck as they relate to Chubbuck as a whole: Answered: 331 Skipped: 1 8.16% 27 34.74% 115 34.74% 115 19.03% 63 3.32% 11 331 2.75 2.76% 9 14.72% 48 46.63% 152 28.53% 93 7.36% 24 326 3.23 3.38% 11 13.85% 45 48.00% 156 29.54% 96 5.23% 17 325 3.19 4.00% 13 20.31% 66 48.31% 157 23.08% 75 4.31% 14 325 3.03 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.75 0.97 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.23 0.89 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.19 0.86 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.03 0.87 Opportunities to attend... Opportunities to volunteer Opportunities to participa... Opportunities to participa... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Opportunities to attend cultural, art, or musical activities Opportunities to volunteer Opportunities to participate in community matters Opportunities to participate in social events and activities MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Opportunities to attend cultural, art, or musical activities Opportunities to volunteer Opportunities to participate in community matters Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 15 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q7 In the last 12 months, have you or other household members done any of these activities: Answered: 331 Skipped: 1 2.72% 9 18.13% 60 37.46% 124 41.69% 138 331 8.46% 28 38.37% 127 37.46% 124 15.71% 52 331 8.81% 29 37.69% 124 35.87% 118 17.63% 58 329 52.45% 171 18.40% 60 14.42% 47 14.72% 48 326 44.24% 146 33.03% 109 13.03% 43 9.70% 32 330 47.72% 157 22.49% 74 18.54% 61 11.25% 37 329 37.08% 122 40.12% 132 16.72% 55 6.08% 20 329 Talked or visited with... Visited a neighborhood... Done a favor for a neighbor Carpooled with other adults... Walked or biked instea... Volunteered your time to... Used Chubbuck recreation... Participated in a club Used public transportati... Attended a City-sponsor... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 NOT AT ALL (1) ONCE A MONTH OF LESS (2) 2 TO 4 TIMES A MONTH (3) 2 TIMES A WEEK OR MORE (4) TOTAL Talked or visited with your immediate neighbor Visited a neighborhood park or city park Done a favor for a neighbor Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving Walked or biked instead of driving Volunteered your time to some group/activity in Chubbuck Used Chubbuck recreation facilities or their services? 16 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 76.90% 253 10.94% 36 5.78% 19 6.38% 21 329 96.67% 319 2.12% 7 0.61% 2 0.61% 2 330 51.53% 168 43.87% 143 3.07% 10 1.53% 5 326 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 4.00 3.00 3.18 0.82 1.00 4.00 3.00 2.60 0.85 1.00 4.00 3.00 2.62 0.87 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.91 1.12 1.00 4.00 2.00 1.88 0.97 1.00 4.00 2.00 1.93 1.05 1.00 4.00 2.00 1.92 0.88 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.42 0.86 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.05 0.31 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.55 0.63 Participated in a club Used public transportation instead of driving Attended a City-sponsored event MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Talked or visited with your immediate neighbor Visited a neighborhood park or city park Done a favor for a neighbor Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving Walked or biked instead of driving Volunteered your time to some group/activity in Chubbuck Used Chubbuck recreation facilities or their services? Participated in a club Used public transportation instead of driving Attended a City-sponsored event 17 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q8 Please rate each of the following aspects that contribute to Chubbuck's community atmosphere as they relate to Chubbuck as a whole. Answered: 331 Skipped: 1 16.41% 54 27.66% 91 37.99% 125 16.11% 53 1.82% 6 329 6.97% 23 24.85% 82 46.36% 153 17.88% 59 3.94% 13 330 1.22% 4 6.08% 20 42.25% 139 41.95% 138 8.51% 28 329 8.23% 27 19.21% 63 37.80% 124 29.57% 97 5.18% 17 328 3.33% 11 10.91% 36 41.82% 138 38.18% 126 5.76% 19 330 4.92% 16 11.08% 36 38.77% 126 35.69% 116 9.54% 31 325 1.52% 5 3.95% 13 34.04% 112 46.81% 154 13.68% 45 329 2.13% 7 10.06% 33 38.11% 125 42.68% 140 7.01% 23 328 Vibrant downtown/... Public places where people... Cleanliness Condition of neighborhood... Condition of major streets Openness and acceptance Neighborliness Overall Appearance 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5)TOTAL Vibrant downtown/ commercial area Public places where people want to spend time Cleanliness Condition of neighborhood streets Condition of major streets Openness and acceptance Neighborliness Overall Appearance 18 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.59 1.00 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.87 0.92 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.50 0.78 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.04 1.01 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.32 0.87 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.34 0.97 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.67 0.82 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.42 0.84 MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Vibrant downtown/ commercial area Public places where people want to spend time Cleanliness Condition of neighborhood streets Condition of major streets Openness and acceptance Neighborliness Overall Appearance 19 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q9 Please rate each of the following aspects of Chubbuck health and education as they relate to Chubbuck as a whole. Answered: 330 Skipped: 2 3.17% 10 13.97% 44 33.02% 104 38.41% 121 11.43% 36 315 1.85% 6 20.62% 67 45.54% 148 26.77% 87 5.23% 17 325 4.32% 14 24.69% 80 48.46% 157 19.14% 62 3.40% 11 324 2.29% 7 12.42% 38 52.29% 160 28.10% 86 4.90% 15 306 2.73% 9 14.55% 48 35.76% 118 39.70% 131 7.27% 24 330 6.40% 21 22.87% 75 31.40% 103 28.96% 95 10.37% 34 328 3.34% 11 10.64% 35 39.82% 131 34.65% 114 11.55% 38 329 8.83% 28 35.65% 113 33.75% 107 18.30% 58 3.47% 11 317 BASIC STATISTICS K-12 education Availability of preventat... Availability of affordabl... Availability of affordabl... Air quality Fitness opportunitie... Availability of affordabl... Adult educational... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL K-12 education Availability of preventative health services Availability of affordable quality health care Availability of affordable quality child care/ preschool Air quality Fitness opportunities (exercise classes, paths, trails) Availability of affordable quality food Adult educational opportunities MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION 20 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.41 0.97 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.13 0.86 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.93 0.86 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.21 0.81 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.34 0.91 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.14 1.08 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.40 0.94 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.72 0.98 K-12 education Availability of preventative health services Availability of affordable quality health care Availability of affordable quality child care/ preschool Air quality Fitness opportunities (exercise classes, paths, trails) Availability of affordable quality food Adult educational opportunities 21 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q10 Please rate each of the following aspects of the City's navigation as they relate to Chubbuck as a whole. Answered: 327 Skipped: 5 1.53% 5 6.12% 20 30.89% 101 45.87% 150 15.60% 51 327 3.68 7.55% 24 21.70% 69 45.28% 144 23.58% 75 1.89% 6 318 2.91 7.87% 24 25.90% 79 49.51% 151 14.75% 45 1.97% 6 305 2.77 3.08% 10 15.08% 49 43.69% 142 32.92% 107 5.23% 17 325 3.22 7.36% 24 18.10% 59 42.02% 137 28.22% 92 4.29% 14 326 3.04 12.35% 40 29.01% 94 32.72% 106 19.14% 62 6.79% 22 324 2.79 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.68 0.86 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.91 0.91 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.77 0.86 Ease of travel by car in... Ease of travel by bicycle i... Ease of travel by public... Ease of walking in... Traffic flow on major... Availability of paths and... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Ease of travel by car in Chubbuck Ease of travel by bicycle in Chubbuck Ease of travel by public transportation in Chubbuck Ease of walking in Chubbuck Traffic flow on major streets Availability of paths and walking trails MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Ease of travel by car in Chubbuck Ease of travel by bicycle in Chubbuck Ease of travel by public transportation in Chubbuck 22 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.22 0.87 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.04 0.96 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.79 1.10 Ease of walking in Chubbuck Traffic flow on major streets Availability of paths and walking trails 23 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q11 How likely or unlikely are you to do each of the following: Answered: 326 Skipped: 6 3.99% 13 12.27% 40 57.36% 187 26.38% 86 326 3.06 6.13% 20 9.82% 32 35.89% 117 48.16% 157 326 3.26 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 4.00 3.00 3.06 0.74 1.00 4.00 3.00 3.26 0.87 Recommend living in... Remain in Chubbuck for... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY UNLIKELY (1) UNLIKELY (2) LIKELY (3) VERY LIKELY (4) TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Recommend living in Chubbuck to someone who asks Remain in Chubbuck for the next five (5) years MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Recommend living in Chubbuck to someone who asks Remain in Chubbuck for the next five (5) years 24 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q12 Please rate each of the following aspects pertaining to economic prosperity and development within Chubbuck as they relate to Chubbuck as a whole. Answered: 328 Skipped: 4 6.73% 22 25.08% 82 33.94% 111 30.58% 100 3.67% 12 327 5.64% 18 32.29% 103 43.57% 139 17.24% 55 1.25% 4 319 3.99% 13 11.04% 36 45.40% 148 34.66% 113 4.91% 16 326 3.07% 10 10.12% 33 42.94% 140 34.36% 112 9.51% 31 326 1.53% 5 6.75% 22 38.34% 125 43.87% 143 9.51% 31 326 1.52% 5 12.20% 40 42.38% 139 38.11% 125 5.79% 19 328 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.99 0.99 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.76 0.85 Shopping opportunities Employment opportunities Variety of housing options Cost of living in Chubbuck Overall quality of n... Overall quality of... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL Shopping opportunities Employment opportunities Variety of housing options Cost of living in Chubbuck Overall quality of new development Overall quality of business and service establishments MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Shopping opportunities Employment opportunities 25 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.25 0.86 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.37 0.90 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.53 0.82 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.34 0.82 Variety of housing options Cost of living in Chubbuck Overall quality of new development Overall quality of business and service establishments 26 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q13 Please rate the quality of each of the following government services in Chubbuck: Answered: 329 Skipped: 3 Economic development Street cleaning Code enforcement Land use/planning... Traffic signal timing Sidewalk maintenance Street repair Electric service Drinking water Emergency preparedness Crime prevention Storm drainage Utility billing Animal control Natural areas preservation Chubbuck open space Traffic enforcement Ambulance/medic al emergency 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 27 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 3.06% 10 13.15% 43 50.15% 164 26.30% 86 7.34% 24 327 2.13% 7 14.89% 49 37.99% 125 37.39% 123 7.60% 25 329 5.25% 17 13.27% 43 45.99% 149 31.48% 102 4.01% 13 324 5.25% 17 15.74% 51 47.22% 153 27.47% 89 4.32% 14 324 3.98% 13 13.46% 44 39.45% 129 38.23% 125 4.89% 16 327 6.42% 21 11.01% 36 48.62% 159 30.28% 99 3.67% 12 327 9.42% 31 26.44% 87 34.04% 112 26.75% 88 3.34% 11 329 1.22% 4 1.52% 5 40.24% 132 44.51% 146 12.50% 41 328 4.56% 15 11.85% 39 32.83% 108 39.21% 129 11.55% 38 329 1.88% 6 6.88% 22 52.81% 169 31.87% 102 6.56% 21 320 2.43% 8 7.90% 26 41.95% 138 39.21% 129 8.51% 28 329 6.12% 20 14.07% 46 40.98% 134 35.17% 115 3.67% 12 327 8.59% 28 11.35% 37 47.24% 154 29.14% 95 3.68% 12 326 4.92% 16 8.92% 29 45.85% 149 35.38% 115 4.92% 16 325 3.68% 12 18.10% 59 48.47% 158 26.07% 85 3.68% 12 326 Fire prevention/edu Recycling Garbage collection City-sponsored special-events Recreation programs/cla... Building department 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1)POOR (2)AVERAGE (3)GOOD (4)EXCELLENT (5)TOTAL Economic development Street cleaning Code enforcement Land use/planning, & zoning Traffic signal timing Sidewalk maintenance Street repair Electric service Drinking water Emergency preparedness Crime prevention Storm drainage Utility billing Animal control Natural areas preservation 28 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 3.37% 11 13.50% 44 47.85% 156 29.14% 95 6.13% 20 326 2.45% 8 7.36% 24 46.93% 153 36.20% 118 7.06% 23 326 1.23% 4 6.17% 20 40.43% 131 39.51% 128 12.65% 41 324 0.93% 3 4.95% 16 42.72% 138 39.94% 129 11.46% 37 323 8.62% 28 19.08% 62 36.92% 120 27.69% 90 7.69% 25 325 0.61% 2 3.98% 13 35.17% 115 42.20% 138 18.04% 59 327 3.10% 10 15.79% 51 46.44% 150 28.48% 92 6.19% 20 323 6.21% 20 30.75% 99 43.17% 139 17.08% 55 2.80% 9 322 1.87% 6 11.53% 37 56.70% 182 25.55% 82 4.36% 14 321 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.22 0.87 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.33 0.89 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.16 0.89 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.10 0.90 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.27 0.89 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.14 0.89 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.88 1.01 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.66 0.76 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.41 0.99 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.34 0.78 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.43 0.85 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.16 0.93 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.08 0.94 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.26 0.88 Chubbuck open space Traffic enforcement Ambulance/medical emergency Fire prevention/edu Recycling Garbage collection City-sponsored special-events Recreation programs/classes Building department MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Economic development Street cleaning Code enforcement Land use/planning, & zoning Traffic signal timing Sidewalk maintenance Street repair Electric service Drinking water Emergency preparedness Crime prevention Storm drainage Utility billing Animal control 29 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.08 0.85 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.21 0.87 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.38 0.82 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.56 0.83 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.56 0.79 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.07 1.06 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.73 0.82 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.19 0.88 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.80 0.89 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.19 0.76 Natural areas preservation Chubbuck open space Traffic enforcement Ambulance/medical emergency Fire prevention/edu Recycling Garbage collection City-sponsored special-events Recreation programs/classes Building department 30 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q14 Please rate the quality of Chubbuck government performance in the following areas: Answered: 327 Skipped: 5 1.23% 4 7.38% 24 33.23% 108 45.54% 148 12.62% 41 325 7.98% 26 16.56% 54 42.33% 138 29.14% 95 3.99% 13 326 5.00% 16 16.88% 54 48.75% 156 22.81% 73 6.56% 21 320 4.64% 15 13.93% 45 39.32% 127 35.29% 114 6.81% 22 323 5.85% 19 12.92% 42 38.15% 124 33.23% 108 9.85% 32 325 7.17% 23 10.90% 35 37.07% 119 35.51% 114 9.35% 30 321 8.07% 26 11.80% 38 34.16% 110 34.47% 111 11.49% 37 322 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.61 0.84 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.05 0.97 Overall direction th... Value of Chubbuck... The job of welcoming... Being honest Generally acting in th... Treating all residents... Overall confidence i... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL Overall direction that Chubbuck is taking Value of Chubbuck services for the taxes paid The job of welcoming citizen involvement Being honest Generally acting in the best interest of the community Treating all residents fairly Overall confidence in Chubbuck government MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Overall direction that Chubbuck is taking Value of Chubbuck services for the taxes paid 31 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.09 0.92 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.26 0.94 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.28 1.00 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.29 1.02 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.30 1.08 The job of welcoming citizen involvement Being honest Generally acting in the best interest of the community Treating all residents fairly Overall confidence in Chubbuck government 32 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q15 Please rate the following aspects of the City of Chubbuck communications: Answered: 326 Skipped: 6 5.52% 18 20.25% 66 40.18% 131 28.53% 93 5.52% 18 326 3.16% 10 11.08% 35 46.84% 148 32.91% 104 6.01% 19 316 4.91% 16 16.87% 55 39.88% 130 30.67% 100 7.67% 25 326 6.79% 22 22.84% 74 46.60% 151 20.06% 65 3.70% 12 324 5.30% 17 17.76% 57 43.61% 140 24.61% 79 8.72% 28 321 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.08 0.96 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.28 0.86 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.19 0.97 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.91 0.92 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.14 0.98 The availability... Quality of the City's website City efforts to keep... City efforts to engage... City efforts to engage... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL The availability of information about City programs and services Quality of the City's website City efforts to keep residents informed about local issues City efforts to engage residents about environmental and sustainable practices City efforts to engage residents on social media sites MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION The availability of information about City programs and services Quality of the City's website City efforts to keep residents informed about local issues City efforts to engage residents about environmental and sustainable practices City efforts to engage residents on social media sites 33 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q16 Thinking of your most recent experience with the City of Chubbuck, please rate your impression of the following categories of customer performance. Answered: 321 Skipped: 11 1.88% 6 4.39% 14 42.63% 136 43.26% 138 7.84% 25 319 1.27% 4 3.16% 10 43.04% 136 39.87% 126 12.66% 40 316 1.89% 6 4.72% 15 33.02% 105 40.57% 129 19.81% 63 318 1.58% 5 6.62% 21 33.44% 106 42.59% 135 15.77% 50 317 2.54% 8 7.62% 24 36.83% 116 36.83% 116 16.19% 51 315 1.27% 4 11.11% 35 37.14% 117 38.73% 122 11.75% 37 315 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.51 0.78 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.59 0.80 Availability of City staf... Length of time you waited o... Courtesy and helpfulness ... Competence and knowledge of... Timeliness of your request... Ease of locating... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL Availability of City staff (hours of operation) Length of time you waited on hold, in line, or to submit a request Courtesy and helpfulness of City staff Competence and knowledge of City staff Timeliness of your request's resolution Ease of locating contact information MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Availability of City staff (hours of operation) Length of time you waited on hold, in line, or to submit a request 34 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.72 0.90 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.64 0.88 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.57 0.94 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.49 0.88 Courtesy and helpfulness of City staff Competence and knowledge of City staff Timeliness of your request's resolution Ease of locating contact information 35 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q17 Generally, how would you rate the perfomance of the City of Chubbuck in providing these services: Answered: 328 Skipped: 4 7.95% 26 20.80% 68 36.09% 118 31.19% 102 3.98% 13 327 4.62% 15 16.00% 52 43.08% 140 31.08% 101 5.23% 17 325 3.66% 12 9.76% 32 37.50% 123 40.24% 132 8.84% 29 328 0.91% 3 5.49% 18 29.27% 96 47.87% 157 16.46% 54 328 1.23% 4 6.77% 22 33.54% 109 44.92% 146 13.54% 44 325 0.93% 3 6.48% 21 38.27% 124 41.67% 135 12.65% 41 324 0.93% 3 1.55% 5 30.43% 98 48.14% 155 18.94% 61 322 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.02 1.00 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.16 0.92 Overall maintenance ... Overall effectivenes... Quality of water/sewer... Quality of local police... Quality of City parks a... Overall quality of... Overall quality of t... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL Overall maintenance of the City streets Overall effectiveness of City government communication Quality of water/sewer utility services Quality of local police protection Quality of City parks and recreation facilities Overall quality of customer service from the City Overall quality of the fire services MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Overall maintenance of the City streets Overall effectiveness of City government communication 36 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.41 0.91 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.73 0.83 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.63 0.84 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.59 0.83 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.83 0.78 Quality of water/sewer utility services Quality of local police protection Quality of City parks and recreation facilities Overall quality of customer service from the City Overall quality of the fire services 37 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q18 Please indicate how much of a source, if at all, you consider each of the following formats for obtaining information about the City of Chubbuck government and its activities, events, and services: Answered: 326 Skipped: 6 14.60% 47 45.96% 148 39.44% 127 322 27.90% 89 37.93% 121 34.17% 109 319 26.23% 85 43.21% 140 30.56% 99 324 City website City Facebook page Mayor's newsletter Idaho State Journal Local TV news Local radio Local blogs Your homeowner/... Public meetings Public buildings... City staff City Council Word of mouth 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 NOT A SOURCE (1)MINOR SOURCE (2)MAJOR SOURCE (3)TOTAL City website City Facebook page Mayor's newsletter 38 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 31.48% 102 41.36% 134 27.16% 88 324 20.99% 68 42.59% 138 36.42% 118 324 34.26% 111 47.53% 154 18.21% 59 324 73.29% 236 24.84% 80 1.86% 6 322 72.14% 233 22.60% 73 5.26% 17 323 41.49% 134 45.20% 146 13.31% 43 323 35.94% 115 54.06% 173 10.00% 32 320 31.06% 100 50.31% 162 18.63% 60 322 35.60% 115 47.99% 155 16.41% 53 323 11.38% 37 46.46% 151 42.15% 137 325 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.25 0.69 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.06 0.79 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.04 0.75 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.96 0.76 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.15 0.74 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.84 0.71 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.29 0.49 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.33 0.57 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.72 0.68 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.74 0.63 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.88 0.69 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.81 0.70 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.31 0.66 Idaho State Journal Local TV news Local radio Local blogs Your homeowner/ neighborhood association Public meetings Public buildings (brochures, posters, signs) City staff City Council Word of mouth MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION City website City Facebook page Mayor's newsletter Idaho State Journal Local TV news Local radio Local blogs Your homeowner/ neighborhood association Public meetings Public buildings (brochures, posters, signs) City staff City Council Word of mouth 39 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q19 What would be the ideal type of business/industry that you would like to see located in the City of Chubbuck? Rank in order of importance ("1" indicates most desired business/industry; "5" indicates least desirable). Answered: 263 Skipped: 69 13.28% 32 23.65% 57 14.11% 34 14.52% 35 34.44% 83 241 3.33 48.13% 116 19.09% 46 11.20% 27 14.52% 35 7.05% 17 241 2.13 21.03% 49 18.88% 44 34.76% 81 15.02% 35 10.30% 24 233 2.75 6.78% 16 14.83% 35 20.34% 48 33.47% 79 24.58% 58 236 3.54 15.35% 37 24.07% 58 23.24% 56 17.43% 42 19.92% 48 241 3.02 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.33 1.48 1.00 5.00 2.00 2.13 1.34 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.75 1.24 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.54 1.20 Manufacturing (general) High-tech industries... Retail Industry (e.... Service industries... Recreation-base d industries 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 - MOST DESIRED (1) 2 (2)3 (3)4 (4)5 - LEAST DESIRED (5) TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Manufacturing (general) High-tech industries (e.g. software development, certain advanced fields of manufacturing) Retail Industry (e.g. shopping) Service industries (e.g. hotels/motels, restaurants) Recreation-based industries MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Manufacturing (general) High-tech industries (e.g. software development, certain advanced fields of manufacturing) Retail Industry (e.g. shopping) Service industries (e.g. hotels/motels, restaurants) 40 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.02 1.35 Recreation-based industries 41 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q20 Economic development within the City of Chubbuck should focus on: Answered: 325 Skipped: 7 2.47% 8 1.23% 4 18.83% 61 52.16% 169 25.31% 82 324 2.80% 9 4.35% 14 22.98% 74 48.76% 157 21.12% 68 322 4.02% 13 6.19% 20 23.53% 76 39.01% 126 27.24% 88 323 2.16% 7 2.78% 9 15.74% 51 52.47% 170 26.85% 87 324 2.48% 8 4.04% 13 14.29% 46 42.86% 138 36.34% 117 322 1.54% 5 0.62% 2 15.74% 51 38.27% 124 43.83% 142 324 7.21% 23 13.17% 42 40.75% 130 29.15% 93 9.72% 31 319 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.97 0.84 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.81 0.91 Community enhancement Retention & expansion of... Attracting new manufacturin... Retention & expansion of... Attracting new retail/servi... Improving the Yellowstone... Tourism advertising 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 STRONGLY DISAGREE (1) DISAGREE (2) NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE (3) AGREE (4) STRONGLY AGREE (5) TOTAL Community enhancement Retention & expansion of existing manufacturing and industrial businesses Attracting new manufacturing industrial jobs Retention & expansion of existing retail/service businesses Attracting new retail/service businesses Improving the Yellowstone Highway area Tourism advertising MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Community enhancement Retention & expansion of existing manufacturing and industrial businesses 42 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.79 1.04 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.99 0.86 1.00 5.00 4.00 4.07 0.94 1.00 5.00 4.00 4.22 0.84 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.21 1.03 Attracting new manufacturing industrial jobs Retention & expansion of existing retail/service businesses Attracting new retail/service businesses Improving the Yellowstone Highway area Tourism advertising 43 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q21 What does Chubbuck's future "city center" look like to you? Answered: 257 Skipped: 75 #RESPONSES DATE 1 outdoor mall 2/15/2018 10:26 AM 2 plain, need more structures less restaraunts 2/15/2018 10:19 AM 3 having one 2/15/2018 10:06 AM 4 a dream 2/14/2018 3:31 PM 5 not a ghost town 2/14/2018 3:24 PM 6 a walking district with businesses and eateries 2/14/2018 3:05 PM 7 retail strong, strong demand with good jobs 2/14/2018 2:46 PM 8 progressive, inviting, friendly, clean, safe 2/14/2018 2:38 PM 9 Clean, shaded areas to sit on a bench, easily accessed by walking/riding bike or non motorized vehicle, eating places, shopping set up like 'Station Park' in Farmington, Utah. This could be done on a smaller scale with room to expand. Near new freeway interchange. 2/14/2018 1:28 PM 10 bigger 2/14/2018 12:14 AM 11 A gathering place with grass/ parking for events, family-friendly and convenient. Library and other services would be concentrated there 2/13/2018 11:51 PM 12 shops, health complex, new business 2/13/2018 11:30 PM 13 To include olive garden/ chick fil a, new and clean buildings 2/13/2018 11:25 PM 14 no real idea- like it now 2/13/2018 10:36 AM 15 It would depend on where it was going to be located.2/11/2018 9:49 AM 16 updated 2/8/2018 2:07 PM 17 I don't envision a city center- it's always been a street 2/8/2018 2:03 PM 18 A place that welcomes all ages and engages in the local culture and business.2/8/2018 1:57 PM 19 Hopefully cleaner and more productive- more prosperous 2/8/2018 1:44 PM 20 clean- new businesses- trees and no more fast food and dollar stores or banks 2/8/2018 1:37 PM 21 outside shops with walking paths with restaurants outdoor shopping 2/8/2018 1:12 PM 22 where is "city center"?2/8/2018 12:58 PM 23 looks nice 2/8/2018 12:14 PM 24 roads need improved nice city other than that 2/8/2018 12:10 PM 25 clean-up old, run down areas, avoid trailer parks 2/8/2018 11:43 AM 26 promising 2/8/2018 11:24 AM 27 where exactly is the "city center"2/8/2018 11:16 AM 28 nice mix of retail and restaraunts and things to do, ie. theaters, we need a bowling alley!2/8/2018 11:10 AM 29 growth- financial 2/8/2018 11:03 AM 30 interactive 2/8/2018 10:57 AM 31 Dollars out of my pocket 2/8/2018 10:46 AM 32 Not on Yellowstone. Master planned city center where citizens can park and walk between buildings 2/8/2018 10:27 AM 44 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 33 chubbuck road and yellowstone 2/8/2018 10:16 AM 34 it could use some cleanup 2/8/2018 10:08 AM 35 fair 2/6/2018 1:35 PM 36 needs to be a more defined downtown area... there is none at this point 2/6/2018 1:30 PM 37 less hodgepodge- more style. Cleanliness- coordination 2/6/2018 1:11 PM 38 Greenspace with easy access businesses 2/6/2018 1:02 PM 39 average 2/6/2018 12:49 PM 40 not like pocatello 2/6/2018 12:42 PM 41 noot sure what city center is or located. We aew so spreadout in the city 2/6/2018 12:16 PM 42 choices 2/6/2018 12:02 PM 43 more modern 2/6/2018 11:37 AM 44 shopping, recreation, wellness, and jobs- good paying jobs 2/6/2018 11:18 AM 45 didn't know we were getting one 2/6/2018 11:11 AM 46 Get rid of old buildings 2/6/2018 11:05 AM 47 can't see the future 2/6/2018 10:57 AM 48 not sure what city center is so not good 2/6/2018 10:53 AM 49 Better quality of home owner lot up keep 2/6/2018 10:47 AM 50 thriving, busy, prosperous.2/6/2018 10:39 AM 51 more businesses and more customers 2/6/2018 10:28 AM 52 Well kept with enhanced landscape such as bozeman 2/6/2018 10:19 AM 53 Clean with options, but over populated 2/6/2018 10:09 AM 54 A place with more shopping opportunities.2/6/2018 10:07 AM 55 More shopping and dining options, cleaner 2/5/2018 7:02 PM 56 Haven't really thought about it.2/5/2018 10:49 AM 57 futuristic 2/4/2018 2:26 PM 58 Increase beauty of city streets. (Median with trees). Growing economy with new businesses 2/2/2018 12:40 PM 59 Like an actual city, not a port of pocatello 2/1/2018 12:34 PM 60 City center is an area that meets all of the community's needs. Healthcare, more health food options, higher paying jobs, community recreation facility, some sort of green belt type of environment. 1/30/2018 11:36 AM 61 more shoppping-- retail stores. development with shopping on Knudsen ave.1/30/2018 11:06 AM 62 local business, no more neon lights 1/30/2018 10:58 AM 63 I like it smaller 1/30/2018 10:49 AM 64 updated, new looking 1/30/2018 10:40 AM 65 sames as is 1/30/2018 10:33 AM 66 What is city center?1/30/2018 10:26 AM 67 retail shopping to take advantage of freeway traffic.1/30/2018 10:18 AM 68 Beautiful outdoors plaza where people can gather 1/28/2018 2:50 PM 69 clean, vibrant, innovative, safe, recreational 1/27/2018 5:05 PM 70 Not sure 1/26/2018 9:21 PM 45 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 71 The Yellowstone corridor I would like to see well kept businesses. There are too many middle range restaurants. I believe we allowed too much building of restaurants at once that they are beginning to drop off because Chubbuck doesn't have the disposable income to maintain their presence. I prefer to see local businesses over chains. I like seeing medical and service type businesses along Chubbuck, Hiline, and Knudsen. 1/26/2018 2:17 PM 72 City recreation/Fitness Center, event Center, various businesses 1/26/2018 1:47 PM 73 What area are we calling the center?1/26/2018 12:56 PM 74 With the medical center and the northgate expansion our quite rural feel is disappearing sad to see it go. Not looking forward to the increased traffic, more people and crime that goes with it. Public services needs to expand. 1/26/2018 11:11 AM 75 Central park type area with city offices and some locally owned retail shopping.1/25/2018 11:34 PM 76 Accessibility, swimming and physical recreation available.1/25/2018 9:05 PM 77 Can’t wait 1/25/2018 4:49 PM 78 more shopping 1/25/2018 11:48 AM 79 bright 1/25/2018 11:30 AM 80 More trees. Clean/ roads that can accomodate the traffic/ no holes. More ways of keeping pedestrains safe. Foot bridges above traffic for walking and biking i am afraid to walk here. 1/25/2018 11:14 AM 81 North gate finished. We need a community rec center w a pool like Pocatello. Better shopping stores maybe a target? 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 82 Community gathering place for meeting both governmental and private 1/25/2018 10:32 AM 83 dirty 1/25/2018 10:28 AM 84 more retial, dining opportunities 1/25/2018 10:13 AM 85 Clean streets, lights, shops, seating area, eateries, ice cream. Cobblestone. I really like the flags etc on street lights, classy look. 1/24/2018 11:48 PM 86 Community.... more of an activity/learning/creating/ community center with business and retail, etc on the fringes. Keep the most important things central 1/24/2018 11:42 PM 87 Crowded 1/24/2018 11:35 PM 88 clean and modern 1/24/2018 7:21 PM 89 Non existentexistent 1/24/2018 1:06 AM 90 ? Well maintained. Trees. As far as shops or businesses, I’m not sure what the population can support. 1/24/2018 12:05 AM 91 Fun, full of activities to do and restaurants and stores to get food from 1/23/2018 10:03 PM 92 A diverse, low intensity area with a mix of small specialty shops, medium to up scale eateries, we will continue to be a bed room community for a big brother to the south... 1/23/2018 5:05 PM 93 Something almost exclusionarily mormon 1/23/2018 4:03 PM 94 Looks good 1/22/2018 11:43 PM 95 unbroken pavement, good parking, excellent shopping, spaced out.1/22/2018 10:15 PM 96 No opinion.1/22/2018 10:07 PM 97 Modern? Open, grassy, trees 1/21/2018 9:00 PM 98 A place that does not have empty broken down buildings and you know that it is City Center.1/21/2018 8:53 PM 99 I hope the area on Yellowstone from Chubbuck road toward Fort Hall would get a face lift. That area is depressing to drive does not look kept up. There are a few nice buildings like the city offices, but most are run down. Most of the attention seems to be at the mall area. 1/21/2018 1:26 PM 100 Easy to get too, pretty, new services 1/20/2018 11:19 PM 101 Is there a plan for a city center?1/20/2018 7:09 PM 102 Clean 1/20/2018 12:46 PM 46 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 103 Lots of trees and well-maintained gardens 1/19/2018 6:50 PM 104 Great businesses, walkable and well landscaped.1/19/2018 5:13 PM 105 Booming with business 1/18/2018 10:48 PM 106 A nice place to shop and eat. Beautiful landscaping. Outdoor seating. A place where people want to stay to visit with family and friends. 1/18/2018 8:02 PM 107 A thriving community who joins together to support small businesses as well as influencing new businesses to develop. As well as a community who gets more involved in what goes on and what happens inside chubbuck. Be open to new ideas. 1/18/2018 11:10 AM 108 downtown area with walking paths, restaurant, drug store - 1 stop shopping 1/17/2018 4:37 PM 109 Planned communities with traffic kept to a minimum where people could walk and recreate with local businesses close by. 1/16/2018 5:54 PM 110 Something different than the death diamond and the congested mall area.1/16/2018 2:46 PM 111 It has swimming pools and its a party 1/16/2018 2:38 PM 112 Inviting Clean CRACKER BARREL RUPES 1/16/2018 2:37 PM 113 like it does now 1/16/2018 2:26 PM 114 cool 1/16/2018 2:24 PM 115 I don't know haven't seen it 1/16/2018 2:21 PM 116 I see that there is a place for teens of any race and ethnicity can hangout and have fun. bby ;)1/16/2018 12:58 PM 117 Average 1/16/2018 12:49 PM 118 very involved with everything 1/16/2018 12:44 PM 119 Opportunistic 1/16/2018 12:43 PM 120 small 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 121 idfk 1/16/2018 12:40 PM 122 clean and welcoming 1/16/2018 12:37 PM 123 good 1/16/2018 12:36 PM 124 Good 1/16/2018 12:34 PM 125 good 1/16/2018 12:32 PM 126 new stores 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 127 new stores 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 128 Friendly and Happy 1/16/2018 11:23 AM 129 Below average 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 130 CHICK_FIL_A 1/16/2018 11:18 AM 131 tall buildings, lots of people and lots of lights.1/16/2018 11:17 AM 132 im not sure 1/16/2018 11:13 AM 133 a place where you can get information about the community and go to for community events 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 134 More high tech businesses 1/16/2018 10:14 AM 135 Shopping malls, restaurants, more trees and grass and better sports facilities. Also more places to for activities. More things to bring people into the city. 1/16/2018 10:12 AM 136 Restaurants, Shopping Malls, Converse STORE!!!!. Stay in business 1/16/2018 10:06 AM 137 The same as it is now 1/16/2018 10:04 AM 138 as of right now, i don't see much change happening in the future. more shopping opportunists would be great. 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 139 Bigger 1/16/2018 9:52 AM 47 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 140 More retail 1/16/2018 9:49 AM 141 it looks okay 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 142 Busy 1/15/2018 7:13 PM 143 better landscaping, less franchise businesses, healthier food/restaurant options, more cultural opportunities 1/15/2018 6:44 PM 144 a place to bond with others 1/15/2018 6:13 PM 145 Non-existant. Local government is a sham and taxes are illegal 1/14/2018 10:57 PM 146 Small and simple 1/14/2018 9:35 PM 147 Motor vehicle traffic directed around the city center and safer walking areas in the center.1/14/2018 9:43 AM 148 N 1/13/2018 9:33 AM 149 ?1/12/2018 4:16 PM 150 big, clean, and busy.1/12/2018 1:07 PM 151 Clean, modern, with natural open spaces and an "outdoorish" theme similar to Jackson Hole.1/12/2018 11:48 AM 152 Unsure 1/11/2018 11:26 PM 153 new and exciting 1/11/2018 9:54 PM 154 Something will give people a reason to leave Pocky and come to Chubbuck. Also you need a new space for the police. There is not enough in your building, the building is also way old. Give them the new one. If you take your just like every other government where they get the best and everyone else gets the scraps. Show your different and people will come to Chubbuck???? 1/11/2018 8:57 PM 155 I don’t believe our city center qualifies as a city centre 1/11/2018 2:13 PM 156 Hard to say without Chubbuck having a good location for a "City Center." We don't have something similar to an "old town" or some sort of main street. Yellowstone (a state highway) is the Main Street. The DDI area is the central hub for transportation. I'm not sure Chubbuck is situated or was planned in a way to allow for a true "city center" that gives that community feel. Maybe future planning could secure some sort of location/property to provide a "city center." Maybe it's where a future rec center is located, or the medical center. Not sure. 1/11/2018 11:17 AM 157 Yellowstone and Chubbuck Roads 1/10/2018 4:05 PM 158 Right now when I think city center I picture Yellowstone and Chubbuck Rd areas and there are a lot of dumpy businesses in these areas that don't make peoples first impression of Chubbuck a very great one. I'd love to see Yellowstone cleaned up and beautified so when people get off the exits they are amazed at Chubbuck 1/10/2018 1:47 PM 159 I like the idea of a big rec center. I worked at a YMCA in Iowa for years and it was great! Workout classes with a childcare makes a big difference. Pool with also shallow kids area would bring a lot of families in the winter time. I taught a bunch of kids preschool type classes: Tumbling, cooking, art, music, movement that were taught there that people would register for. 1/10/2018 10:25 AM 160 more shops, beautification 1/10/2018 9:38 AM 161 The city center will always be Yellowstone Highway.1/10/2018 4:38 AM 162 I think the city itself is split into an odd shape, so it would it would be hard to determine a "center". I fell Yellowstone Ave is a major hub. 1/10/2018 1:34 AM 163 I would love a “City Creek” an indoor/outdoor mall with major restaurants and retail stores. A place where people can gather, with a water feature and movie theater. A place connected to the rest of the community via walking paths. 1/10/2018 12:59 AM 164 Cohesive, modern, central location 1/9/2018 10:26 PM 165 Recreational activities for all, indoor soccer fields, bigger retail chain stores like target. Business opportunities beyond working retail. 1/9/2018 10:10 PM 166 centrally located "city center" park/gathering area would be nice 1/9/2018 2:16 PM 167 An area distinct from Pocatello, with walkable collocated shopping districts, open areas, government buildings, and affordable housing for young professionals and smaller families. 1/9/2018 9:47 AM 48 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 168 Shops, restaurants, outdoor fountain/plaza, service businesses, some retail, etc.1/8/2018 8:31 PM 169 Is there one.1/6/2018 1:51 PM 170 I can't conceive of one - we don't have a city center, nor a city culture / identity. Downtowns can't be created from thin air. 1/6/2018 1:11 PM 171 What we have now 1/6/2018 10:51 AM 172 Please, let's not lose the small-town, comfortable, warm, human look & feel. Above all, let's stay away from a super-sleek, modern, cold-feeling city center. 1/5/2018 1:15 PM 173 i don't know what you are referring to 1/5/2018 9:31 AM 174 Cleaner? More coherent? I realize most of these weird old buildings are grandfathered in but they aren't very attractive. 1/4/2018 2:36 PM 175 Similar to Idaho Falls... clean, neat, well landscaped, beautiful buildings, great shopping & restaurants, nice parks, museums of art, etc. 1/4/2018 2:01 PM 176 Unknown 1/4/2018 12:25 PM 177 unknown as i am not sure just where the city center is actually located. where does it start and stop???? 1/3/2018 5:40 PM 178 A place for community gatherings and places for citizens to hang out and enjoy.1/3/2018 3:53 PM 179 Business and retail hub in the city center.1/3/2018 3:09 PM 180 Traffic congestion. New I-86 Interchange is a joke and creates serious congestion. Some shabby appearing businesses. 1/3/2018 2:09 PM 181 The building is close to the Yellowstone highway. I looks almost to close to the road and in a cramped spot. 1/3/2018 1:45 PM 182 An open, airy, friendly, and clean environment that people want to visit.1/3/2018 8:45 AM 183 Modern 1/3/2018 8:21 AM 184 Vibrant shopping center including dining, entertainment, the arts, and night life 1/3/2018 3:07 AM 185 same as now 1/2/2018 10:44 PM 186 No diverging diamond!1/2/2018 10:35 PM 187 Trees, grass, clean.1/2/2018 9:38 PM 188 Nothing that cost citizen more taxes.1/2/2018 8:55 PM 189 town square ,in area walkable with business on outside edge, people and business friendly 1/2/2018 6:58 PM 190 Nice vibrant area with a good mix of green space and updated buildings 1/2/2018 6:15 PM 191 Pedestrian friendly, variety, community 1/2/2018 5:07 PM 192 I can't even begin to tell you where the city center is. If it's by the city offices that whole area is blighted and ugly. So that needs to be looked at. The city offices are great but all around it is blighted and ugly. 1/2/2018 4:44 PM 193 A bit like Pocatello’s a place where you can walk around with your family 1/2/2018 3:42 PM 194 Home, friendly 1/2/2018 12:50 PM 195 Be nice to have a Boise style social city center. Adults and young adults can partake in outside eateries and social atmosphere 1/2/2018 12:34 PM 196 Retail/restaurants and hotels. Tech centers as well as parks and gathering places 1/2/2018 11:32 AM 197 An open area with businesses and retailers surrounding it. Similar to ISU quad, but with businesses 1/2/2018 11:26 AM 198 Expansion of business on Knudsen and siphon rd and Phibin 1/2/2018 10:48 AM 199 Not sure 1/2/2018 10:31 AM 200 More shopping and dining.1/2/2018 10:16 AM 49 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 201 Natural, family-friendly, hopefully not a parking or driving nightmare, lots of trees and walking paths, open air market? Amptheatre? We need more room for sports teams to practice. Cotant, ok and cappel are overcrowded and inaccessible much of the year. Teams cant practice in church lots and elementary school lots. Thank you for your hard work. 1/2/2018 10:12 AM 202 There is not much room for growth in the "city center"1/2/2018 8:13 AM 203 Businesses and walking park behind Denny's towing.1/2/2018 7:52 AM 204 Not sure 1/1/2018 11:27 PM 205 Walkable 12/31/2017 10:22 PM 206 Clean, traffic ease, variety of businesses 12/31/2017 8:52 PM 207 Growth and prosperity 12/31/2017 9:51 AM 208 Scary 12/31/2017 1:03 AM 209 Fresh and clean 12/30/2017 9:50 PM 210 Runs along Yellowstone 12/30/2017 4:22 PM 211 Modern, clean and vibrant with local and national businesses 12/30/2017 11:00 AM 212 ?12/30/2017 10:07 AM 213 NA 12/30/2017 9:46 AM 214 Shopping, entertainment, food etc. With nice clean landscaping, make it a place that's inviting.12/30/2017 1:33 AM 215 Do we have one?12/29/2017 12:54 PM 216 Pocatello's leftovers 12/28/2017 9:46 PM 217 We need more high wage jobs 12/28/2017 9:10 PM 218 Open, away from heavy traffic, easy to get to, up to date with technology.12/28/2017 8:28 PM 219 I don't even know where Chubbuck city center is located 12/28/2017 8:12 PM 220 Open air .marketplace within easy access of major retail shopping venues 12/28/2017 1:16 PM 221 West coast sprawl 12/28/2017 11:37 AM 222 There would be places to shop and hang out with lots of parking so you would actually want to go 12/28/2017 10:02 AM 223 More modern look. New shopping center 12/28/2017 9:00 AM 224 A fun place for all to come and be apart of.12/28/2017 1:03 AM 225 Have one. Modern, nice, etc.12/27/2017 10:45 PM 226 A walkable community area with local business 12/27/2017 10:28 PM 227 updated 12/27/2017 9:59 PM 228 Where is the city center now? If it's Yellowstone, then I see it looking much the way it does now, just with more attractive food options, like taco bell and Chick-fil-A. Also, walking paths to connect it all away from vehicle traffic would be nice. Also, we need fiber internet for the masses here. We won't be able to compete and be an attractive option to businesses, employers, and employees if we don't have the infrastructure to lure them in. 12/27/2017 9:23 PM 229 Right now a clogged Yellowstone and Chubbuck road with too much traffic.12/27/2017 9:06 PM 230 Family friendly 12/27/2017 8:46 PM 231 Don't care. Not "city" oriented. Minimalist.12/27/2017 6:54 PM 232 Walkways have the ability to be covered in bad weather so you can still walk. Open space for Farmers markets, Christmas bazaars/markets, shopping in nicely decorated stores. Nice garbage cans, places to sit and relax. Something that invites me to be there instead of elsewhere. It really needs to be beautiful. Like the city centers in Europe mixed with the outdoor malls of Santa Barbara. Something that invites. 12/27/2017 6:07 PM 233 Walking paths, well lit parking and diversity 12/27/2017 5:17 PM 234 Vibrant public space. Local shops and vendors 12/27/2017 3:37 PM 50 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 235 ?12/27/2017 3:19 PM 236 unknown 12/27/2017 2:57 PM 237 Lots of options but not overly crowded or ultra competative 12/27/2017 2:45 PM 238 Easy to get around, free parking. Safe.12/27/2017 2:35 PM 239 Hoping to see more separation between pocatello and chubbuck the lines can be unclear 12/27/2017 2:24 PM 240 Big 12/27/2017 1:35 PM 241 Lots of retail like The Village in Meridian. With outdoor seating areas and water art.12/27/2017 1:34 PM 242 Place that is clean, friendly, affordable, things we need there.12/27/2017 1:11 PM 243 A beautiful space with high quality buildings and businesses, along with very well landscaped and manicured open spaces for community events and mingling (music, live events, etc.). We need to take Chubbuck to the next level when it comes to quality and appearance. 12/27/2017 12:47 PM 244 Family friendly activities and shopping 12/27/2017 12:02 PM 245 A place to get everything you need. Open, inviting, friendly 12/27/2017 11:39 AM 246 It will remain the same as now, a lot of talk but nothing happens 12/27/2017 11:19 AM 247 Busy 12/27/2017 10:59 AM 248 Not sure 12/27/2017 10:55 AM 249 Promising 12/27/2017 10:49 AM 250 Clean and no closed businesses 12/27/2017 10:43 AM 251 Restaurants and Shops, rec center 12/27/2017 10:41 AM 252 Chubbuck doesn't really have a city center in my opinion.12/27/2017 10:09 AM 253 Not sure 12/27/2017 9:58 AM 254 Don’t know 12/27/2017 9:50 AM 255 Attractive and inviting 12/27/2017 9:25 AM 256 I don't see one in the future 12/20/2017 2:10 PM 257 THRIVING BUSINESSES, RECREATION, PLACES TO MEET WITH FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS.12/20/2017 10:03 AM 51 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q22 What does Chubbuck's future "Main Street" look like to you? Answered: 261 Skipped: 71 #RESPONSES DATE 1 clean 2/15/2018 10:26 AM 2 average 2/15/2018 10:19 AM 3 a four or six lane road in and out of Chubbuck to jobs/fine dining opportunities in other communities 2/15/2018 10:13 AM 4 having one 2/15/2018 10:06 AM 5 I hope it attracts people 2/14/2018 3:31 PM 6 fun, clean, a place I could hang out with my kids 2/14/2018 3:24 PM 7 yellowstone but updated 2/14/2018 3:05 PM 8 better businesses and removal of old buildings 2/14/2018 2:46 PM 9 Clean, well organized, well lit, good traffic flow, attractive buildings and greenery, welcoming 2/14/2018 2:38 PM 10 trees, plants, updated 2/14/2018 12:42 PM 11 busier 2/14/2018 12:14 AM 12 A tree-lined greenway, convenient for traffic as well as pedestrians, more businesses. We need a bookstore. 2/13/2018 11:51 PM 13 bike paths 2/13/2018 11:30 PM 14 newer buildings or repainted 2/13/2018 11:25 PM 15 just to be well kept with no junky areas 2/13/2018 10:48 AM 16 now real idea- like it now 2/13/2018 10:36 AM 17 I don't know.2/11/2018 9:49 AM 18 anything other than just fast food restaurants and credit unions 2/8/2018 2:13 PM 19 outdoor eating areas 2/8/2018 2:07 PM 20 A mix of locally owned and commerical businesses, with parks and commuity centers. Good eatery's that focus on local farm to table. 2/8/2018 1:57 PM 21 more friendly-more prosperous. more upscale 2/8/2018 1:44 PM 22 clean- new businesses- trees and no more fast food and dollar stores or banks 2/8/2018 1:37 PM 23 not vacant buildings, old buildings 2/8/2018 1:12 PM 24 hopefully nice, well kept and traffic is better managed 2/8/2018 12:58 PM 25 looks good 2/8/2018 12:14 PM 26 go forward with city growth and industry 2/8/2018 12:10 PM 27 antiseptic, as need application- avoid trailer houe living and apartment tracts 2/8/2018 11:43 AM 28 vibrant, clean accessible 2/8/2018 11:34 AM 29 promising 2/8/2018 11:24 AM 30 needs improvement 2/8/2018 11:16 AM 31 like people care about their businesses and love living here!2/8/2018 11:10 AM 32 like boise's downtown/ main street 2/8/2018 11:03 AM 33 appealing 2/8/2018 10:57 AM 52 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 34 clean, ease of travel 2/8/2018 10:46 AM 35 Not on Yellowstone. Master planned city center where citizens can park and walk between buildings 2/8/2018 10:27 AM 36 yellowstone north of chubbuck road 2/8/2018 10:16 AM 37 hopefully better than now 2/8/2018 10:08 AM 38 fair 2/6/2018 1:35 PM 39 remove old homes on yellowstone highway 2/6/2018 1:30 PM 40 less traffic jams 2/6/2018 1:17 PM 41 comfort, inviting, safe. Trees benches 2/6/2018 1:11 PM 42 more greenscaping- trees, better friendly lighting 2/6/2018 1:02 PM 43 average 2/6/2018 12:49 PM 44 not like pocatello 2/6/2018 12:42 PM 45 unfinished 2/6/2018 12:34 PM 46 I assume yellowstone is main street 2/6/2018 12:16 PM 47 Need push lighy crosswalk signs to cross too many kids going to water park cars don't stop 2/6/2018 12:02 PM 48 new construction 2/6/2018 11:37 AM 49 a bigger mess than it already is 2/6/2018 11:30 AM 50 clean, neat, warm welcoming 2/6/2018 11:05 AM 51 can't see the future 2/6/2018 10:57 AM 52 better flowing traffic 2/6/2018 10:53 AM 53 more enhancement of streets 2/6/2018 10:47 AM 54 young families, parks, paths, smiles 2/6/2018 10:39 AM 55 bustling 2/6/2018 10:28 AM 56 without a vision and organization 2/6/2018 10:19 AM 57 busy. clean. congested 2/6/2018 10:09 AM 58 A place with places to eat and shop.2/6/2018 10:07 AM 59 Cleaner, more trees, better sidewalks 2/5/2018 7:02 PM 60 Haven't really thought about it.2/5/2018 10:49 AM 61 clean and well maintained 2/4/2018 2:26 PM 62 More nature, trees and flowers .2/2/2018 12:40 PM 63 Like an actual city, not a port of pocatello 2/1/2018 12:34 PM 64 An aesthetic environment that welcomes people to our community that you can navigate by car, walking, or biking. Buildings/businesses that are cleaned up, inviting, appleaing, safe. Needs mores beautification. 1/30/2018 11:36 AM 65 clean up, have businesses, control weeds.1/30/2018 11:06 AM 66 local business, no more neon lights 1/30/2018 10:58 AM 67 i am not visual 1/30/2018 10:49 AM 68 updated, new looking 1/30/2018 10:40 AM 69 no potholes 1/30/2018 10:33 AM 70 we don't have a "main street", all we have is Yellowstone 1/30/2018 10:26 AM 71 a place to hangout, bokstores, coffee shops, boutique shops 1/30/2018 10:18 AM 72 Rid of the industrial look 1/28/2018 2:50 PM 53 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 73 clean, accessible, relevant, safe 1/27/2018 5:05 PM 74 Congested 1/26/2018 9:21 PM 75 I like seeing Chubbuck Rd. as medical and service type businesses. Also, like to see them well kept and maintained. 1/26/2018 2:17 PM 76 Variety of businesses, nice sidewalks for pedestrians, bike path 1/26/2018 1:47 PM 77 Yellowstone? Just keep it clean and accessible 1/26/2018 12:56 PM 78 Unique local shops.1/25/2018 11:34 PM 79 The opposite of Yellowstone. A good variety of businesses ease of parking and have an pleasing look 1/25/2018 9:05 PM 80 Not sure 1/25/2018 4:49 PM 81 more to do 1/25/2018 11:48 AM 82 all of the parking lots paved. no gravel lots on yellowstone!1/25/2018 11:41 AM 83 renovation while keeping or not losing history 1/25/2018 11:30 AM 84 More trees. Clean/ roads that can accomodate the traffic/ no holes. More ways of keeping pedestrains safe. Foot bridges above traffic for walking and biking i am afraid to walk here. 1/25/2018 11:14 AM 85 Restaurants. Shopping businesses 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 86 Would love to see something with more tourist culture, but Chubbuck isn’t a big tourist draw so maybe a place to hang out on summer evenings. 1/25/2018 10:32 AM 87 average 1/25/2018 10:28 AM 88 clean, no vacant buildings 1/25/2018 10:13 AM 89 Out with the old look. Face lift. Old shabby buildings need an overhaul. Updated lighted area.1/24/2018 11:48 PM 90 Clean, organized, retail and restaurants 1/24/2018 11:42 PM 91 Bumpy 1/24/2018 11:35 PM 92 yellowstone - clean 1/24/2018 7:21 PM 93 Same 1/24/2018 1:06 AM 94 Well maintained and groomed. Street lights, sidewalks, trees.1/24/2018 12:05 AM 95 Clean, and a place for a lot of people to go to for fun activities 1/23/2018 10:03 PM 96 see answer 21 above 1/23/2018 5:05 PM 97 bleak 1/23/2018 4:03 PM 98 Circular 1/22/2018 11:43 PM 99 Hopefully looking more beautiful 1/22/2018 10:17 PM 100 Simliar to now but better stores.1/22/2018 10:15 PM 101 Charming, clean with a little decor.1/22/2018 10:07 PM 102 Full of small and large businesses, shops, entertainment. Art driven 1/21/2018 9:00 PM 103 Yellowstone will never look like a welcoming Main Street 1/21/2018 8:53 PM 104 See question above. City center and main street are the same in such a small comminity.1/21/2018 1:26 PM 105 Clean, well maintained 1/20/2018 11:19 PM 106 Buildings in better condition, not so many run down or junk yard looking places.1/20/2018 7:09 PM 107 Big with lots to do 1/20/2018 12:46 PM 108 Good sidewalks, trees, good parking 1/19/2018 6:50 PM 109 Alive and festive 1/18/2018 10:48 PM 110 Beautiful landscaping. Lots of fun shops and restaurants.1/18/2018 8:02 PM 54 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 111 Hopefully still thriving and holding on strong. Main street is what built Chubbuck. We need to keep it alive. 1/18/2018 11:10 AM 112 tree lined 1/17/2018 4:37 PM 113 Vibrant area with character that invites people to stay, food, shopping and entertainment. Clearly and concisely laid out not like the havoc created on the mall side. 1/16/2018 2:46 PM 114 it looks the same as now.1/16/2018 2:38 PM 115 Lots of food places Mall Clean 1/16/2018 2:37 PM 116 old 1/16/2018 2:26 PM 117 nifty 1/16/2018 2:24 PM 118 good 1/16/2018 2:21 PM 119 As a busy af street 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 120 Full of fast food 1/16/2018 12:49 PM 121 the same as it always does 1/16/2018 12:44 PM 122 Opportunistic 1/16/2018 12:43 PM 123 clean. well kept 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 124 idfk 1/16/2018 12:40 PM 125 IT will have many options 1/16/2018 12:37 PM 126 nice 1/16/2018 12:36 PM 127 Yellowstone 1/16/2018 12:34 PM 128 good 1/16/2018 12:32 PM 129 more stores 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 130 more stores 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 131 clean and flows smoothly 1/16/2018 11:23 AM 132 The same as it does now.1/16/2018 11:22 AM 133 CHICK-FIL-A 1/16/2018 11:18 AM 134 more open, less run down businesses, and more people walking around.1/16/2018 11:17 AM 135 busy 1/16/2018 11:13 AM 136 yellowstone ave. with stores and restaurants 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 137 lots of nature and our nicest looking buildings 1/16/2018 10:12 AM 138 Nature, Mountains 1/16/2018 10:06 AM 139 rural 1/16/2018 10:04 AM 140 crowded and not much different 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 141 Bigger 1/16/2018 9:52 AM 142 Clean and well put together neighborhoods 1/16/2018 9:49 AM 143 a big attraction 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 144 Cleaner 1/15/2018 7:13 PM 145 better/cleaner landscaping, more gathering places, small businesses with character 1/15/2018 6:44 PM 146 beautiful 1/15/2018 6:13 PM 147 Non-existant. Local government is a sham and taxes are illegal 1/14/2018 10:57 PM 148 Small and simple 1/14/2018 9:35 PM 149 Walking areas with motor vehicle traffic directed around the main streets.1/14/2018 9:43 AM 55 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 150 N 1/13/2018 9:33 AM 151 Chubbuck is really a big neighborhood no mainstream really needed.1/12/2018 4:16 PM 152 Busy and lively.1/12/2018 1:07 PM 153 same as #21 1/12/2018 11:48 AM 154 Unsure 1/11/2018 11:26 PM 155 lined with big stores and food chains 1/11/2018 9:54 PM 156 Cleaner 1/11/2018 8:57 PM 157 Cleaner without junky auto sales warn out buildings 1/11/2018 2:13 PM 158 The current Main Street is a state highway, which limits the city's ability to "own" the street for improvements/variations. Perhaps Knudsen is the future main street. It needs to be centralized within city boundaries and play host to community resources. Perhaps the City Hall gets moved there in the future. 1/11/2018 11:17 AM 159 Chubbuck Rd and Philbin 1/10/2018 4:05 PM 160 Yellowstone in both directions is in need of serious clean up in my opinion. From Siphon road all the way to I-86 interchange there are a lot of undesireable buildings and store fronts. 1/10/2018 1:47 PM 161 More eating options 1/10/2018 10:25 AM 162 busy 1/10/2018 9:38 AM 163 City center and Main are the same street which Yellowstone Highway. It would be nice to see the empty buildings filled with commercial business 1/10/2018 4:38 AM 164 Yellowstone 1/10/2018 1:34 AM 165 A quaint jaunt that features local shops and businesses, where you can walk up and down and not have to walk too far to get from store to store. 1/10/2018 12:59 AM 166 No empty buildings or lots, updated buildings, landscaping 1/9/2018 10:26 PM 167 Wider with better flow for traffic entering and leaving it, secondary roads that are wider 1/9/2018 10:10 PM 168 less older buildings/run down areas 1/9/2018 2:16 PM 169 Walkable district with shops, anchor stores, restaurants, and smaller service oriented businesses. Smaller outdoor gathering areas interspersed. Close to housing for future tech workers. 1/9/2018 9:47 AM 170 Glass buildings, attractive/modernized store fronts, better restaurants, etc.1/8/2018 8:31 PM 171 Is there one 1/6/2018 1:51 PM 172 hopefully fewer dollar stores. Maybe somewhere where we want to spend time and money.1/6/2018 1:11 PM 173 What we have now 1/6/2018 10:51 AM 174 Does Chubbuck even have a main street?1/5/2018 1:15 PM 175 quaint, simple, small town but clean feel 1/5/2018 9:31 AM 176 I love the decorations on Hiline and even Yellowstone but Chubbuck Rd is rather drab most of the year. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic access needs improved. 1/4/2018 2:36 PM 177 Traffic flow is good, even on weekends. Beautiful drive for visitors.1/4/2018 2:01 PM 178 Unknown 1/4/2018 12:25 PM 179 again unknown - where does main street start and stop. i only know the main street as yellowstone.1/3/2018 5:40 PM 180 Full of citizens walking through the street with diverse offerings for restaurants, local shops and activities. A place for community gatherings and places for citizens to hang out and enjoy. 1/3/2018 3:53 PM 181 Need to encourage some old buildings on Yellowstone to do improvements to make them look as good as the newly constructed buildings do. 1/3/2018 3:09 PM 182 Hopefully, less congestion on Yellowstone and clean and attractive businesses.1/3/2018 2:09 PM 183 An interspersing of business, recreation, trees and flowers.1/3/2018 1:45 PM 56 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 184 A cleaner street with more vegitation and welcoming environment 1/3/2018 8:45 AM 185 Overly busy 1/3/2018 8:21 AM 186 Clean, new, well maintained and run businesses including more shopping, entertainment and arts, and high paying employment opportunities 1/3/2018 3:07 AM 187 same as now 1/2/2018 10:44 PM 188 No diverging diamond!1/2/2018 10:35 PM 189 Better flow. The new overpass system in Yellowstone is horrible. Rush hour is a disaster and I avoid that portion of Yellowstone as much as possible. I think the goal of Chubbuck would be to have better tragic flow. Maybe it’s time to review the timing of the lights or consider redoing Thisbe poorly designed tragic system. 1/2/2018 9:38 PM 190 Does not need a Main Street.1/2/2018 8:55 PM 191 same as 21 1/2/2018 6:58 PM 192 green space between road and sidewalks with trees in it 1/2/2018 6:15 PM 193 shopping, mix of chain and local 1/2/2018 5:07 PM 194 The city center is Yellowstone. Chubbuck needs to beautify, improve or encourage businesses north of Smiths to clean up or sell their businesses. It looks horrible down this road. Mr Mower is now moving so hopefully that property will be cleaned up with some other business coming in. That was the worst looking business on the that part of Yellowstone. Focus on this main road as it's what people see as they are getting gas and food while traveling. 1/2/2018 4:44 PM 195 Same as above, a place you can walk around w your family 1/2/2018 3:42 PM 196 Inviting 1/2/2018 12:50 PM 197 Same as above answer a boise style feel 1/2/2018 12:34 PM 198 Small retail areas large tech and corporate offices 1/2/2018 11:32 AM 199 More shopping options. More localized business.1/2/2018 11:26 AM 200 most likely it is Yellowstone or Chubbuck or Siphon 1/2/2018 10:48 AM 201 Not Sure 1/2/2018 10:31 AM 202 More local businesses, safer walking/biking access through town.1/2/2018 10:16 AM 203 Clean, covered in baskets of flowers and besutiful light poles. More trees!!!!1/2/2018 10:12 AM 204 Main street could use some updating, and beautification.1/2/2018 8:13 AM 205 Cleaned up retail 1/2/2018 7:52 AM 206 Better than it is now 1/1/2018 11:27 PM 207 Clean and attractive 12/31/2017 10:22 PM 208 Clean 12/31/2017 8:52 PM 209 Hopefully not congested 12/31/2017 9:51 AM 210 Unknown 12/31/2017 1:03 AM 211 Clean business fronts, easy walking and biking.12/30/2017 9:50 PM 212 Yellowstone or Chubbuck between Yellowstone and hiline 12/30/2017 4:22 PM 213 Differentiated as Chubbuck by signage and banners etc 12/30/2017 11:00 AM 214 ?12/30/2017 10:07 AM 215 Hip 12/30/2017 9:46 AM 216 Decked out at the holidays! Beautiful landscaping.12/30/2017 1:33 AM 217 What is considered main st? Yellowstone? Hiline? Chubbuck Rd?12/29/2017 8:33 PM 218 Hopefully nature themed.12/29/2017 12:54 PM 219 Cluttered 12/28/2017 9:46 PM 57 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 220 Restaurants and gas stations 12/28/2017 9:10 PM 221 No more fast food restaurants! We have too many!12/28/2017 8:28 PM 222 Idk 12/28/2017 8:12 PM 223 Clean, well lit, expansion od the yellowstpne avenue section nearby Smith's with unsightly older locations renovated or replaced. Natural vegetation landscapes. 12/28/2017 1:16 PM 224 A way to walk between theaters, restaurants and shopping.12/28/2017 11:37 AM 225 Well kept buildings with landscaping 12/28/2017 10:02 AM 226 Wider, less traffic and wrecks 12/28/2017 9:00 AM 227 Full of great business and updated 12/28/2017 1:03 AM 228 Busy, places to park, not ghetto, lots of shops, offices, etc.12/27/2017 10:45 PM 229 Cleared up, cleaned up. Our main street looks trashy 12/27/2017 10:28 PM 230 first off enforce codes along Chubbuck Road homes all the way down. Several are an eye sore and need cleaned up, this is a busy street and represents our city. 12/27/2017 9:59 PM 231 Same as previous answer.12/27/2017 9:23 PM 232 Too much traffic, hard to cross the freeway 12/27/2017 9:06 PM 233 Updated and modern.12/27/2017 8:46 PM 234 Adequate support for passing travelers.12/27/2017 6:54 PM 235 With our layout, it is going to be busy. Yellowstone is busy. If a new main Street is made, then something can be shut down to encourage walking without disrupting Yellowstone traffic. Moscow, ID does a nice market like that. Parking under it. Possibly a couple of one ways but not necessary. Wide and open but inviting 12/27/2017 6:07 PM 236 Wide side walks and a lot of landscaping 12/27/2017 5:17 PM 237 Not Yellowstone 12/27/2017 3:37 PM 238 ?12/27/2017 3:19 PM 239 unknown 12/27/2017 2:57 PM 240 Well kept commercial area 12/27/2017 2:45 PM 241 Easy to get around, free parking. Walking down the sidewalk lined with shops and businesses.12/27/2017 2:35 PM 242 Hopefully more employers and quality business 12/27/2017 2:24 PM 243 Well kept 12/27/2017 1:35 PM 244 Bigger and a lot more efficient. The traffic there is horrible. It takes 4 light cycles to get from Chubbuck to Pocatello at the interchange. 12/27/2017 1:34 PM 245 A fun place with store and food places to enjoy.12/27/2017 1:11 PM 246 I would love to see something with that small down town feel....huge flower baskets, nice light poles, beautiful facades on the businesses. More pedestrian friendly. Public events including merchants, music, food. Playgrounds and things that make it more family-friendly. 12/27/2017 12:47 PM 247 I'm not sure what this means???12/27/2017 12:02 PM 248 Busy 12/27/2017 11:39 AM 249 Clean 12/27/2017 11:32 AM 250 Backed upped traffic on Yellowstone 12/27/2017 11:19 AM 251 Active 12/27/2017 10:59 AM 252 Cleaner 12/27/2017 10:55 AM 253 Dismal 12/27/2017 10:49 AM 254 Opportunities 12/27/2017 10:43 AM 255 Restaurants and Shops 12/27/2017 10:41 AM 58 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 256 Yellowstone is main Street.12/27/2017 10:09 AM 257 Clean, inviting, recreation and shopping within walking distance.12/27/2017 9:58 AM 258 ???12/27/2017 9:50 AM 259 Attractive and inviting 12/27/2017 9:25 AM 260 Full of snow and Ice from a lack of plowing with closed businesses and fast food joints 12/20/2017 2:10 PM 261 CLEAN, INVITING, GOOD TRAFFIC CONTROL 12/20/2017 10:03 AM 59 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 77.88%250 60.44%194 42.06%135 46.73%150 64.80%208 59.81%192 Q23 Concepts to be incorporated into Chubbuck's development Answered: 321 Skipped: 11 Total Respondents: 321 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 6.00 Median 3.00 Mean 3.40 Standard Deviation 1.82 Economic growth and... Sense of community Public health Environmental sustainability Activities and entertainment Recreation 0 100 200 300 400 500 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Economic growth and opportunity (1) Sense of community (2) Public health (3) Environmental sustainability (4) Activities and entertainment (5) Recreation (6) BASIC STATISTICS 60 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q24 What do you like most about Chubbuck?: Answered: 283 Skipped: 49 #RESPONSES DATE 1 quiet 2/15/2018 11:48 AM 2 small town 2/15/2018 10:26 AM 3 not overly crowded 2/15/2018 10:19 AM 4 the short distances to shopping and school 2/15/2018 10:13 AM 5 location 2/15/2018 10:06 AM 6 a safe and inexpensive place to live 2/14/2018 3:31 PM 7 close to lots of things- and its safe 2/14/2018 3:24 PM 8 parks 2/14/2018 3:14 PM 9 small town feel 2/14/2018 3:05 PM 10 mayor's letter,the mall, all services the city provides 2/14/2018 2:58 PM 11 mayor 2/14/2018 2:52 PM 12 people 2/14/2018 2:46 PM 13 Friendliness and sustained neighborhoods 2/14/2018 2:38 PM 14 Rural feel, I love the small town. What Chubbuck doesn't have I can get to within 15 minutes by car. 2/14/2018 1:28 PM 15 its small and the name 2/14/2018 12:14 AM 16 small-town feel 2/13/2018 11:51 PM 17 people 2/13/2018 11:40 PM 18 cost of living 2/13/2018 11:30 PM 19 small town feel with access to city businesses 2/13/2018 10:48 AM 20 People, small town feel 2/13/2018 10:36 AM 21 size, location and educational opportunities 2/11/2018 9:49 AM 22 traffic is easy to maneuver (other than the interchange onto east 86)2/8/2018 2:13 PM 23 shopping 2/8/2018 2:07 PM 24 safety 2/8/2018 2:03 PM 25 the sense of community 2/8/2018 1:57 PM 26 small town feel with the amenities I want 2/8/2018 1:49 PM 27 smaller base but access to larger community items.2/8/2018 1:44 PM 28 cotant park 2/8/2018 1:37 PM 29 quiet 2/8/2018 1:03 PM 30 people in the community 2/8/2018 12:58 PM 31 nice people here 2/8/2018 12:14 PM 32 nice laid back city 2/8/2018 12:10 PM 33 family is here 2/8/2018 12:03 PM 34 good place to live 2/8/2018 11:52 AM 61 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 35 location, access 2/8/2018 11:43 AM 36 small town 2/8/2018 11:34 AM 37 small town feel 2/8/2018 11:28 AM 38 the people 2/8/2018 11:24 AM 39 still has small town atmosphere 2/8/2018 11:16 AM 40 we think it is great! cozy feeling and most everything you need is within a mile or two!2/8/2018 11:10 AM 41 small town feel- safe- opportunities for entertainment 2/8/2018 11:03 AM 42 quiet 2/8/2018 10:57 AM 43 my house, ease to travel to interstate 2/8/2018 10:46 AM 44 family-friendly vibe 2/8/2018 10:27 AM 45 small and friendly community 2/8/2018 10:16 AM 46 the neighbors 2/8/2018 10:08 AM 47 small town 2/6/2018 1:35 PM 48 Cheaper to live then big brother pocatello 2/6/2018 1:30 PM 49 non congested place to live 2/6/2018 1:17 PM 50 It is a family place. It is not Pocatello 2/6/2018 1:11 PM 51 People (neighbors) access to city staff 2/6/2018 1:02 PM 52 the small town feel 2/6/2018 12:56 PM 53 quiet 2/6/2018 12:49 PM 54 its small and independent 2/6/2018 12:42 PM 55 small town atmosphere 2/6/2018 12:34 PM 56 better than pocatello 2/6/2018 12:25 PM 57 small town feeling- safe 2/6/2018 12:16 PM 58 A safe area and easy access to businesses 2/6/2018 12:09 PM 59 its not huge but not small 2/6/2018 12:02 PM 60 its home always 2/6/2018 11:49 AM 61 it is my home 2/6/2018 11:42 AM 62 feels safe 2/6/2018 11:37 AM 63 small town atmosphere, sense of community 2/6/2018 11:18 AM 64 people leave you alone 2/6/2018 11:11 AM 65 city park system 2/6/2018 11:05 AM 66 home 2/6/2018 10:57 AM 67 small town feel 2/6/2018 10:53 AM 68 people, neighbors, friends 2/6/2018 10:39 AM 69 quiet 2/6/2018 10:28 AM 70 its sense of community 2/6/2018 10:19 AM 71 good place for kids 2/6/2018 10:09 AM 72 Safety.2/6/2018 10:07 AM 73 Nice neighborhoods and lots of parks 2/5/2018 7:02 PM 74 Home town feel.2/5/2018 10:49 AM 75 neighborhoods 2/4/2018 2:26 PM 62 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 76 Homely feel 2/2/2018 12:40 PM 77 small 2/1/2018 12:34 PM 78 it is small 2/1/2018 12:27 PM 79 the people 2/1/2018 10:08 AM 80 energy 1/30/2018 11:15 AM 81 location 1/30/2018 11:06 AM 82 small town, community feel, family friendly (mostly)1/30/2018 10:58 AM 83 Smaller size town and taxes are lower but still high 1/30/2018 10:49 AM 84 the potential it has to grow 1/30/2018 10:40 AM 85 good community 1/30/2018 10:33 AM 86 sense of community 1/30/2018 10:26 AM 87 ease of access, peoplw 1/30/2018 10:18 AM 88 nice quiet place to live 1/30/2018 10:06 AM 89 The people 1/28/2018 2:50 PM 90 chubbuck days, economic growth, desire to revitalize existing parks, roads and access.1/27/2018 5:05 PM 91 Location 1/26/2018 9:21 PM 92 That it is a small town, great Elementary schools, lower property taxes, friendly neighbors, best library, just about everything we need is in Chubbuck. Otherwise, it is a short distance to Poky. 1/26/2018 2:17 PM 93 Small town vibe 1/26/2018 1:47 PM 94 Good neighbors and being ourselves, conservative values 1/26/2018 12:56 PM 95 As before I liked the quite rural feel.1/26/2018 11:11 AM 96 People 1/25/2018 11:34 PM 97 Our neighborhood 1/25/2018 9:05 PM 98 Friendliness 1/25/2018 4:49 PM 99 safe for my family 1/25/2018 11:48 AM 100 small town closeness 1/25/2018 11:41 AM 101 its size and balance of life- not a big city 1/25/2018 11:30 AM 102 I like that I am close to everything. I like my neighbors. Community events. Movie night. Chubbuck days. 1/25/2018 11:14 AM 103 Schools 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 104 it is small 1/25/2018 10:47 AM 105 Just want a safe place to raise kids 1/25/2018 10:41 AM 106 Small town 1/25/2018 10:32 AM 107 people 1/25/2018 10:28 AM 108 small town feel 1/25/2018 10:13 AM 109 the people 1/25/2018 12:21 AM 110 People. Small town feel. Lots of parks.1/24/2018 11:48 PM 111 Small, slower pace, good schools, great place to have raised our family 1/24/2018 11:42 PM 112 Parks and People 1/24/2018 7:21 PM 113 Small town 1/24/2018 1:06 AM 114 Friendly.1/24/2018 12:05 AM 63 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 115 The Wellness complex and the gyms 1/23/2018 10:03 PM 116 very livable neighborhoods 1/23/2018 5:05 PM 117 its close to home 1/23/2018 4:03 PM 118 There is not many people.1/22/2018 11:43 PM 119 City government is responsive to citizens 1/22/2018 10:17 PM 120 Some of the people, but like everywhere the ones I like are hard to find.1/22/2018 10:15 PM 121 The open aspect, nothing to close and crowded.1/22/2018 10:07 PM 122 The parks, cleanliness, and friendliness of people 1/21/2018 9:00 PM 123 Quite 1/21/2018 8:53 PM 124 Friendliness 1/20/2018 11:19 PM 125 Small 1/20/2018 7:09 PM 126 Size 1/20/2018 12:46 PM 127 Small-ish size without being too small 1/19/2018 6:50 PM 128 The people. It's a happy place to raise my kids.1/19/2018 5:13 PM 129 The sense of community and neighborhoods 1/18/2018 10:48 PM 130 The sense of community.1/18/2018 8:02 PM 131 The personal feel i get from the community.1/18/2018 11:10 AM 132 Small town feel 1/17/2018 4:37 PM 133 Small town feel with the necessary convenient shopping 1/16/2018 5:54 PM 134 Neighborhood Development 1/16/2018 2:46 PM 135 my house 1/16/2018 2:38 PM 136 THe SNoW 1/16/2018 2:37 PM 137 Bike trails 1/16/2018 2:26 PM 138 nothing 1/16/2018 2:24 PM 139 the people 1/16/2018 2:21 PM 140 My friends 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 141 Sense of community 1/16/2018 12:49 PM 142 the people 1/16/2018 12:44 PM 143 The growth 1/16/2018 12:43 PM 144 The sunsets and views of mountains 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 145 nothing at freaking all 1/16/2018 12:40 PM 146 how small it is 1/16/2018 12:37 PM 147 i live here 1/16/2018 12:36 PM 148 Low Cost 1/16/2018 12:34 PM 149 everything 1/16/2018 12:32 PM 150 close to friends 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 151 live close to friends 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 152 It is usually a safe community, where families and children can live happily.1/16/2018 11:23 AM 153 Friendly neighbors 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 154 CHICK-FIL-A 1/16/2018 11:18 AM 155 it is mainly businesses and were most people hang out for the day.1/16/2018 11:17 AM 64 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 156 hiking 1/16/2018 11:13 AM 157 sense of community 1/16/2018 11:12 AM 158 the size 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 159 most people know each other .1/16/2018 10:14 AM 160 Safety and quietness 1/16/2018 10:12 AM 161 Mountains and nature 1/16/2018 10:06 AM 162 Simplicity 1/16/2018 10:04 AM 163 It is a low populated area and is not crowded.1/16/2018 9:57 AM 164 The room to expand 1/16/2018 9:49 AM 165 easy to travel and learn ways around 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 166 The close mountains 1/15/2018 7:13 PM 167 It is quiet and fairly safe 1/15/2018 6:44 PM 168 nature 1/15/2018 6:13 PM 169 Cost of living 1/14/2018 9:35 PM 170 Small town feeling.1/14/2018 9:43 AM 171 Smaller city 1/13/2018 9:33 AM 172 It's a very family oriented place.1/12/2018 4:16 PM 173 It’s safe and comfortable.1/12/2018 1:07 PM 174 clean 1/12/2018 11:48 AM 175 Small town feel, good neighbors 1/11/2018 11:26 PM 176 The people and feel to the city 1/11/2018 9:54 PM 177 The police, they all very friendly people 1/11/2018 8:57 PM 178 Location 1/11/2018 2:13 PM 179 Smaller population than Pocatello 1/11/2018 11:17 AM 180 Neighborhood parks and small town feel 1/10/2018 4:05 PM 181 The "small town" feel with neighbors and government 1/10/2018 1:47 PM 182 Nice neighborhood 1/10/2018 10:25 AM 183 friendliness 1/10/2018 9:38 AM 184 That it is not pocatello.1/10/2018 4:38 AM 185 Ellis elementary is outstanding 1/10/2018 1:34 AM 186 That it’s affordable 1/10/2018 12:59 AM 187 Ability to expand and look to the future 1/9/2018 10:26 PM 188 friendly environment 1/9/2018 2:16 PM 189 The parks are great.1/9/2018 9:47 AM 190 Friendliness of its people 1/8/2018 8:31 PM 191 Small town 1/7/2018 10:47 PM 192 Close to my work and spouse work.1/6/2018 1:51 PM 193 cost of living 1/6/2018 1:11 PM 65 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 194 It feels small and warm and welcoming. People here are honest, neighborly and genuine. The city offices look great. I love the chime of the clock, and the minuteman out front. Kudos to the flags placed down Yellowstone for patriotic holidays. They never had summer movies in the park when our kids were little, but we love that whole idea and are looking forward to taking our grandchildren when they're here visiting. I appreciate the trash collectors--they are consistently underappreciated! They do a great job and have always been super helpful and kind. I like Chubbuck Pride and the annual city-wide clean up. Little things, like Christmas-tree pickup, being able to call for tree branch pickup or extra leaf pick up are super. It helps create a strong sense of community. 1/5/2018 1:15 PM 195 small town feel close to a bigger city 1/5/2018 9:31 AM 196 the nice people 1/4/2018 3:42 PM 197 My neighbors and the park system 1/4/2018 2:36 PM 198 Flat land unlike the steep hilly neighborhoods of Pocatello.1/4/2018 2:01 PM 199 neighborhood 1/4/2018 12:25 PM 200 The small community feel, like if something were to happen your community would support you.1/3/2018 3:53 PM 201 I feel all of southeastern Idaho is a great place to live.1/3/2018 3:09 PM 202 My neighborhood 1/3/2018 2:09 PM 203 The city is mostly quiet 1/3/2018 1:45 PM 204 My home!1/3/2018 8:45 AM 205 Closeness of community 1/3/2018 8:21 AM 206 More new development than Poky 1/3/2018 3:07 AM 207 i live on a one way street "peace"1/3/2018 12:07 AM 208 smallness 1/2/2018 10:44 PM 209 Small City 1/2/2018 10:35 PM 210 I guess the parks. They are nice, but few trees, and the number of parks is very limited. I wish the city would quit taking small under the table deals in Lee of parks in new subdivisions. It’s clear the city’s prefers money over community development. 1/2/2018 9:38 PM 211 Privacy 1/2/2018 8:55 PM 212 friendly affortable to live and establish a business without over regulation 1/2/2018 6:58 PM 213 safety 1/2/2018 6:15 PM 214 beauty, convenience 1/2/2018 5:07 PM 215 Small town where you can meet and get to know your neighbors whether they are of a certain religion or not it doesn't seem to matter. 1/2/2018 4:44 PM 216 Safe and quiet place to raise a family 1/2/2018 3:42 PM 217 Small town feel, good place to raise family; kids 1/2/2018 3:31 PM 218 Friendly 1/2/2018 12:50 PM 219 My neighbors 1/2/2018 12:34 PM 220 Growing town and location 1/2/2018 11:32 AM 221 Safety and kindness of neighbors 1/2/2018 11:26 AM 222 availability to parks and small town service feel 1/2/2018 10:48 AM 223 A sense of small town identity and community.1/2/2018 10:31 AM 224 It’s a smaller city, close access to amenities but don’t have to live once the middle of town for them. 1/2/2018 10:16 AM 225 Everything is within a few miles.1/2/2018 10:12 AM 226 the community "feel"1/2/2018 8:13 AM 66 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 227 Small town feel 1/2/2018 7:52 AM 228 Great neighborhood 1/1/2018 11:27 PM 229 Ease of access to interstate 12/31/2017 10:22 PM 230 Safety, and a lot of parks 12/31/2017 8:52 PM 231 People 12/31/2017 9:51 AM 232 It’s a small city and it feels like a good community to live 12/31/2017 1:03 AM 233 Quiet neighborhoods 12/30/2017 9:50 PM 234 Neighborhoods 12/30/2017 4:22 PM 235 The agressivness to improve upon chubbuck 12/30/2017 11:00 AM 236 It's a nice quiet place 12/30/2017 10:07 AM 237 The mayor 12/30/2017 9:46 AM 238 My neighbors friends and my kids being able to attend the school of their choice.12/30/2017 1:33 AM 239 It's small.12/29/2017 8:33 PM 240 It’s not Pocatello.12/29/2017 12:54 PM 241 Small, cozy, and safe 12/28/2017 9:46 PM 242 How safe we feel 12/28/2017 9:10 PM 243 More quiet than Pocatello. Newer, and better looking than Pocatello. More open.12/28/2017 8:28 PM 244 Room for growth yet have that small town feel 12/28/2017 8:12 PM 245 The accessibility of neighborhood parks 12/28/2017 1:16 PM 246 Excellent services, yet close to rural areas.12/28/2017 11:37 AM 247 People are kind 12/28/2017 10:02 AM 248 Home town feel 12/28/2017 9:00 AM 249 The ability to grow 12/28/2017 1:03 AM 250 My neighborhood 12/27/2017 10:45 PM 251 Small town feel near big town amenities 12/27/2017 10:28 PM 252 my neighbors 12/27/2017 9:59 PM 253 The clean neighborhoods.12/27/2017 9:23 PM 254 Quiet, safe, quick commute 12/27/2017 9:06 PM 255 Small town feeling 12/27/2017 8:46 PM 256 Small, well managed 12/27/2017 6:54 PM 257 I love that I feel safe to raise my family here.12/27/2017 6:07 PM 258 Schools 12/27/2017 5:17 PM 259 Family Friendly Community 12/27/2017 3:37 PM 260 .12/27/2017 3:19 PM 261 my neighborhood 12/27/2017 2:57 PM 262 A working yet relaxed community 12/27/2017 2:45 PM 263 That I don't live in a HOA. They should be outlawed in Chubbuck.12/27/2017 2:35 PM 264 Increase of businesses and less trashy than some pocatello areas 12/27/2017 2:24 PM 265 Small 12/27/2017 1:35 PM 266 Safety 12/27/2017 1:34 PM 267 Place that is safe.12/27/2017 1:11 PM 67 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 268 Small town feel 12/27/2017 12:47 PM 269 I like that I am close to shopping and the freeway 12/27/2017 12:02 PM 270 Inviting, safe, friendly 12/27/2017 11:39 AM 271 People 12/27/2017 11:32 AM 272 Short drive to Pocatello 12/27/2017 11:19 AM 273 Small feel 12/27/2017 10:59 AM 274 It's home 12/27/2017 10:55 AM 275 Parks 12/27/2017 10:49 AM 276 Safety 12/27/2017 10:43 AM 277 Family oriented 12/27/2017 10:41 AM 278 It's a good place to raise my family.12/27/2017 10:09 AM 279 Quiet 12/27/2017 9:58 AM 280 Small town 12/27/2017 9:50 AM 281 The people and the place.12/27/2017 9:25 AM 282 Its small, but close to a larger city that has things to do 12/20/2017 2:10 PM 283 PEOPLE 12/20/2017 10:03 AM 68 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 99.65%282 95.41%270 84.10%238 Q25 List three (3) aspects that you would change to make Chubbuck a better place to live: Answered: 283 Skipped: 49 #1 DATE 1 better roads 2/15/2018 10:26 AM 2 better jobs bigger business 2/15/2018 10:19 AM 3 better job opportunities within Chubbuck 2/15/2018 10:13 AM 4 clean up 2/15/2018 10:06 AM 5 lower water prices 2/14/2018 3:31 PM 6 want re center 2/14/2018 3:24 PM 7 better roads 2/14/2018 3:14 PM 8 recreation 2/14/2018 3:05 PM 9 improve education significantly 2/14/2018 2:46 PM 10 better streets 2/14/2018 2:38 PM 11 Bike/walking lanes added to streets 2/14/2018 1:28 PM 12 American Ninja Warrior gym 2/14/2018 12:14 AM 13 Chubbuck road/ I-15 overpass pedestrian walkway is narrow or non-existent, making access to wellness center too dangerous 2/13/2018 11:51 PM 14 improve roads 2/13/2018 11:40 PM 15 more business 2/13/2018 11:30 PM 16 cost of taxes 2/13/2018 11:17 PM 17 flow of traffic by interstate 2/13/2018 10:48 AM 18 lower utilities 2/13/2018 10:36 AM 19 bike paths and trails 2/11/2018 9:49 AM 20 East 86 interchange turn lane 2/8/2018 2:13 PM 21 more trails- walkways 2/8/2018 2:07 PM 22 more recreation facilties 2/8/2018 2:03 PM 23 Public recreation center 2/8/2018 1:57 PM 24 better streets (better repairing)2/8/2018 1:44 PM 25 affordable housing 2/8/2018 1:37 PM 26 better neighborhood streets 2/8/2018 1:03 PM 27 lower utilities 2/8/2018 12:58 PM 28 lower taxes 2/8/2018 12:14 PM 29 city streets 2/8/2018 12:10 PM ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 1 2 3 69 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 30 higher paying jobs for professional workers 2/8/2018 12:03 PM 31 religion oriented 2/8/2018 11:48 AM 32 remove- redistrict trailer parks 2/8/2018 11:43 AM 33 clean up Yellowstone 2/8/2018 11:34 AM 34 lower utilities 2/8/2018 11:28 AM 35 job opportunities 2/8/2018 11:24 AM 36 improve traffic 2/8/2018 11:16 AM 37 recycling needs picking up weekly 2/8/2018 11:10 AM 38 clean water 2/8/2018 11:03 AM 39 more rec activities 2/8/2018 10:57 AM 40 insane future projects are put to vote 2/8/2018 10:46 AM 41 All power lines below ground especially on Yellowstone 2/8/2018 10:27 AM 42 better tasting water 2/8/2018 10:16 AM 43 lower utilities (sewer, garbage, water)2/8/2018 10:08 AM 44 repair roads 2/6/2018 1:35 PM 45 No residential homes on Yellowstone 2/6/2018 1:30 PM 46 more retail shops 2/6/2018 1:17 PM 47 Have our own secondary schools 2/6/2018 1:11 PM 48 more greenspace 2/6/2018 1:02 PM 49 road repair 2/6/2018 12:49 PM 50 get rid of trailer parks 2/6/2018 12:42 PM 51 curfew for young kids (and teens)2/6/2018 12:25 PM 52 better traffic flow 2/6/2018 12:16 PM 53 high tech businesses 2/6/2018 12:09 PM 54 better paying jobs- limit the ones that seem to come and go. Daycares 2/6/2018 12:02 PM 55 more jobs 2/6/2018 11:42 AM 56 better/ more jibs 2/6/2018 11:37 AM 57 code enforcement 2/6/2018 11:30 AM 58 lower utility bills 2/6/2018 11:18 AM 59 Traffic!2/6/2018 11:11 AM 60 Tear down old businesses on Yellowstone 2/6/2018 11:05 AM 61 Improve roads 2/6/2018 10:53 AM 62 Enforcing up keep of yards and speed 2/6/2018 10:47 AM 63 Code enforcement! Mobile Mannor!2/6/2018 10:39 AM 64 more transportation for non-drivers 2/6/2018 10:28 AM 65 improve/ remove trailer parks 2/6/2018 10:19 AM 66 better retail selection 2/6/2018 10:09 AM 67 More shopping centers.2/6/2018 10:07 AM 68 Cleaner 2/5/2018 7:02 PM 69 More businesses besides retail 2/5/2018 10:49 AM 70 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 70 better roads 2/4/2018 2:26 PM 71 Nicer city streets 2/2/2018 12:40 PM 72 cheaper utility rates 2/1/2018 12:34 PM 73 enforce cleanup around businesses 2/1/2018 10:08 AM 74 Higher paying jobs so kids don't have to move 1/30/2018 11:36 AM 75 repair roads 1/30/2018 11:15 AM 76 Cleaner- shopping 1/30/2018 11:06 AM 77 less rentals 1/30/2018 10:58 AM 78 Jobs 1/30/2018 10:49 AM 79 more police 1/30/2018 10:40 AM 80 fix potholes 1/30/2018 10:33 AM 81 transparent government 1/30/2018 10:26 AM 82 take control of zoning asethetics 1/30/2018 10:18 AM 83 Entertainment 1/28/2018 2:50 PM 84 increase recreational opportunities 1/27/2018 5:05 PM 85 Traffic congestion on yellowstone 1/26/2018 9:21 PM 86 Better road maintenance in older neighborhoods, instead of resurfacing all the new neighborhoods that have newer roads. 1/26/2018 2:17 PM 87 Sidewalks without tree overhangs making biking/walking cumbersome 1/26/2018 1:47 PM 88 Get rid of city codes that read like a home owners association contract. Pathetic intrusion that is in called for. 1/26/2018 12:56 PM 89 Traffic flow 1/26/2018 11:11 AM 90 Enforce codes to clean up on East Cubbuck Road 1/25/2018 11:34 PM 91 More Recreation that is family-based 1/25/2018 9:05 PM 92 Walking trails 1/25/2018 4:49 PM 93 more shopping 1/25/2018 11:48 AM 94 better code enforcement 1/25/2018 11:41 AM 95 youth recreation center 1/25/2018 11:30 AM 96 Make utility services better. more affordable. Power is $300 a month 1/25/2018 11:14 AM 97 Better school system 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 98 North gate finished in 3 yrs 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 99 Larger police force 1/25/2018 10:41 AM 100 Less city government roadblocks for developers 1/25/2018 10:32 AM 101 lower taxes 1/25/2018 10:28 AM 102 better shopping 1/25/2018 10:13 AM 103 better sense of pride 1/25/2018 12:21 AM 104 Lower taxes 1/24/2018 11:48 PM 105 Better code enforcement in neighborhoods 1/24/2018 11:42 PM 106 Cheaper utility's 1/24/2018 11:35 PM 107 maintain parks better 1/24/2018 7:21 PM 108 Cleanliness 1/24/2018 1:06 AM 71 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 109 Chubbuck seems like an extension of Pocatello. I like the idea of a city center with Rec opportunities. 1/24/2018 12:05 AM 110 More biking lanes 1/23/2018 10:03 PM 111 side streets qualiy 1/23/2018 5:05 PM 112 elect non mormon civil servants that have all of the communities interests at heart instead of what just serves particular church members 1/23/2018 4:03 PM 113 More shopping choices 1/22/2018 11:43 PM 114 Traffic conditions on Yellowstone.1/22/2018 10:17 PM 115 Code enforcement 1/22/2018 10:15 PM 116 Lower crime 1/22/2018 10:07 PM 117 More emphasis on art and music 1/21/2018 9:00 PM 118 Most job oppurtonites are in Pocatello 1/21/2018 8:53 PM 119 Rec center with a large pool 1/21/2018 6:38 PM 120 Less property taxes 1/21/2018 1:26 PM 121 More business to fuel revenue 1/20/2018 7:09 PM 122 More open parks 1/20/2018 12:46 PM 123 Recreation center with indoor swimming pool 1/19/2018 6:50 PM 124 Bring in more business that pay > 70k/yr 1/19/2018 5:13 PM 125 K-12 education 1/18/2018 10:48 PM 126 More shops and restaurants.1/18/2018 8:02 PM 127 better road quality 1/18/2018 11:10 AM 128 beautification of businesses 1/17/2018 4:37 PM 129 Better accountability for where our taxes are going 1/16/2018 5:54 PM 130 Development on the North side of the HWY - away from mall 1/16/2018 2:46 PM 131 Better mall 1/16/2018 2:38 PM 132 More Houses 1/16/2018 2:37 PM 133 cheaper 1/16/2018 2:26 PM 134 the 1/16/2018 2:24 PM 135 better mall 1/16/2018 2:21 PM 136 More fun places and things to do 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 137 More bike tracks 1/16/2018 12:49 PM 138 needs a chick fil a 1/16/2018 12:44 PM 139 Add a Steak and Shake 1/16/2018 12:43 PM 140 cleaner 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 141 everything 1/16/2018 12:40 PM 142 cleaner 1/16/2018 12:37 PM 143 clean 1/16/2018 12:36 PM 144 Better roads 1/16/2018 12:34 PM 145 more clothing stores 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 146 More big time stores 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 147 Reopen an Aeropostale 1/16/2018 11:23 AM 72 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 148 Better construction workers 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 149 CHICK- FIL-A 1/16/2018 11:18 AM 150 more buildings that are taller 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 151 bigger mall 1/16/2018 11:13 AM 152 recycling pick up every week 1/16/2018 11:12 AM 153 better upkeeping with the roads 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 154 higher paying jobs 1/16/2018 10:14 AM 155 more grass and trees 1/16/2018 10:12 AM 156 Roads 1/16/2018 10:06 AM 157 more manageable roads 1/16/2018 10:04 AM 158 open more recreational areas like skate parks and ice rinks 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 159 More neighborhoods 1/16/2018 9:49 AM 160 cleaner 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 161 Improve Education 1/15/2018 7:13 PM 162 The town needs some character 1/15/2018 6:44 PM 163 road conditions 1/15/2018 6:13 PM 164 Privatize the government 1/14/2018 10:57 PM 165 Taxes way too high 1/14/2018 9:35 PM 166 Get the motor vehicle directed around the center 1/14/2018 9:43 AM 167 Lower taxes 1/13/2018 9:33 AM 168 Utility bill is way to high. Compare the utility bill to other town/cities and we pay more then a lot of other places. 1/12/2018 4:16 PM 169 Recreation 1/12/2018 1:07 PM 170 More recreational opportunities 1/12/2018 11:48 AM 171 More shopping opportunities 1/11/2018 11:26 PM 172 More places to shop 1/11/2018 9:54 PM 173 New buildings, some are prehistoric 1/11/2018 8:57 PM 174 Better flow of traffic 1/11/2018 2:13 PM 175 Better storm drainage (the above ground water storage/catch basins isn't adequate)1/11/2018 11:17 AM 176 maintain parks better 1/10/2018 4:05 PM 177 More variety of shopping, food, hotels 1/10/2018 1:47 PM 178 Rec center 1/10/2018 10:25 AM 179 more retail 1/10/2018 9:38 AM 180 Fix the streets and sidewalks in ALL subdivisions I live in paradise acres and it is next to impossible to walk the sidewalks so waling in the streets is required and that leads to the next problem 1/10/2018 8:22 AM 181 No more Roundabouts on city streets.1/10/2018 4:38 AM 182 Realistic expectations regarding building codes.1/10/2018 1:34 AM 183 more active lifestyle aids/walking paths 1/10/2018 12:59 AM 184 Streets 1/9/2018 10:26 PM 185 A walk/ bike path that is not part of the major roads 1/9/2018 10:10 PM 186 Cleanliness 1/9/2018 5:50 PM 73 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 187 lower utility costs 1/9/2018 2:16 PM 188 Snow removal on Priority 2 and 3 streets is very poor.1/9/2018 9:47 AM 189 Modernization of streets, zoning, and thoroughfares 1/8/2018 8:31 PM 190 Safe pedestrian and bicycle travel 1/7/2018 10:47 PM 191 Law enforcement. Both traffic and criminal.1/6/2018 1:51 PM 192 deal with these horrible trailer parks 1/6/2018 1:11 PM 193 Fix up Bicentennial Park. Over the years, the city has added vast amounts of asphalt to Bicentennial Park and removed the tennis courts, all without asking the neighborhood how they felt about it. Bicentennial park has a huge blacktop area connected to the basketball courts that is an eyesore and rarely used. Our children used to play soccer in that green space, now there's no where to play. The newly installed horseshoe pits are rarely used, and we have a hideous mess of old tennis court blacktop. Could it please be removed? Give us some green space, a few more benches, and replace the trash willow trees that are slowly dying. If you'd let us, this little neighborhood could easily organize and come together for an Arbor Day tree-planting project. I'd be happy to help. Kudos to the park workers and neighbors who (1) Clean up after lunch in the park all summer long; and (2) plow the Bicentennial Park walkway in the winter and do their best to keep it clear. It is very much appreciated! I don't know if the city has any idea how much that walkway is used. 1/5/2018 1:15 PM 194 lower property taxes 1/5/2018 9:31 AM 195 upgraded animal control 1/4/2018 3:42 PM 196 Better flow of traffic on Yellowstone. I get stopped at every light most mornings.1/4/2018 2:36 PM 197 More shopping options... Target, Kohls, etc.1/4/2018 2:01 PM 198 Collection point for grass clipping for compost instead of landfill 1/4/2018 12:25 PM 199 More activities for younger children and stay at home parents.1/3/2018 3:53 PM 200 Need more housing options - lower permit fees to encourage building 1/3/2018 3:09 PM 201 Lower water, sewer and garbage costs.1/3/2018 2:09 PM 202 Set up community committees to place more quality trees in the parks to replace the old and dying ones the parks have now. 1/3/2018 1:45 PM 203 Lower utility bills (the base for billing is almost double my average total when living in Pocatello)1/3/2018 8:45 AM 204 Get rid of round abouts and converging diamond overpass 1/3/2018 8:21 AM 205 More opportunities for the arts (concert venues, galleries, classes, stores)1/3/2018 3:07 AM 206 recycling every other week or every week 1/2/2018 10:44 PM 207 Lower Utilites 1/2/2018 10:35 PM 208 Enforce city codes. It’s embarasing with how shabby many subdivisions are allowed to get.1/2/2018 9:38 PM 209 Less taxes 1/2/2018 8:55 PM 210 Keep business area user friendly,1/2/2018 6:58 PM 211 Create a school district just for chubbuck 1/2/2018 6:15 PM 212 walking access to Portneuf wellness complex 1/2/2018 5:07 PM 213 Beautify. I love the flags and hanging flower pots on Hiline so keep it growing to include more streets! 1/2/2018 4:44 PM 214 Recreational opportunities such as a fishing pond and walking trails 1/2/2018 3:42 PM 215 Improved traffic routes, interstate access 1/2/2018 3:31 PM 216 Code. Keeping property nice 1/2/2018 12:50 PM 217 Diversity 1/2/2018 12:34 PM 218 More high tech and manufacturing jobs 1/2/2018 11:32 AM 74 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 219 More Shopping 1/2/2018 11:26 AM 220 More recycling programs 1/2/2018 11:12 AM 221 Better care of existing parks and roads 1/2/2018 10:48 AM 222 Fewer apartments 1/2/2018 10:31 AM 223 More youth friendly places/activities. With bullying and crime on the rise, it’s hard to let our children out of our sight. 1/2/2018 10:16 AM 224 We need a high school!1/2/2018 10:12 AM 225 better shopping opportunities 1/2/2018 8:13 AM 226 Large destination Parks not small parks 1/2/2018 7:52 AM 227 Better maintained streets 1/1/2018 11:27 PM 228 Cleaner 12/31/2017 10:22 PM 229 Better road maintenance 12/31/2017 8:52 PM 230 Clean up 12/31/2017 9:51 AM 231 More places for children to go and feel safe 12/31/2017 1:03 AM 232 Cleaner 12/30/2017 9:50 PM 233 Mayor and City Counsel listening to the citizens 12/30/2017 4:22 PM 234 Biking lanes and walking paths 12/30/2017 11:00 AM 235 Lower utilities 12/30/2017 10:07 AM 236 More events 12/30/2017 9:46 AM 237 Better landscaping 12/30/2017 1:33 AM 238 Lower taxes 12/29/2017 8:33 PM 239 Stand against the school board.12/29/2017 12:54 PM 240 Affordable fiber internet and City regulations 12/28/2017 9:46 PM 241 Better street repairs 12/28/2017 9:10 PM 242 Streets need better repair, and the mayor needs to be honest about where the funds are going for the streets :-( 12/28/2017 8:28 PM 243 Improve traffic flow on Yellowstone 12/28/2017 8:12 PM 244 More entertainment options 12/28/2017 1:16 PM 245 Pride of community as a SMALL, well organized town.12/28/2017 11:37 AM 246 Get a rec center 12/28/2017 10:02 AM 247 More outdoor activities 12/28/2017 9:00 AM 248 More police 12/28/2017 1:03 AM 249 More walking paths 12/27/2017 10:45 PM 250 Clean up yellowstone 12/27/2017 10:28 PM 251 cleaner homes/lawns 12/27/2017 9:59 PM 252 Lower utility rates!12/27/2017 9:23 PM 253 Figure out divergent diamond traffic issues with growing ICCU 12/27/2017 9:06 PM 254 More retail businesses 12/27/2017 8:46 PM 255 Better lights in neighborhoods. The streets are too dark. Invites criminal activity 12/27/2017 6:07 PM 256 More diversity 12/27/2017 5:17 PM 257 Outdoor Recreation 12/27/2017 3:37 PM 75 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 258 .12/27/2017 3:19 PM 259 dog park 12/27/2017 2:57 PM 260 Improve local buisnesses 12/27/2017 2:45 PM 261 More recreation 12/27/2017 2:35 PM 262 More jobs 12/27/2017 2:24 PM 263 Restaurants 12/27/2017 1:35 PM 264 Public recreation 12/27/2017 1:34 PM 265 Chef of police that has no fear of getting the bad places cleaned up.12/27/2017 1:11 PM 266 Beautification!!! Beautification!!! Beautification!!!12/27/2017 12:47 PM 267 I'd like a high school close 12/27/2017 12:02 PM 268 Traffic 12/27/2017 11:39 AM 269 Longer walking paths 12/27/2017 11:32 AM 270 Promote businesses instead of fast food chains 12/27/2017 11:19 AM 271 More affordable housing 12/27/2017 11:18 AM 272 Lower rent 12/27/2017 10:59 AM 273 Cheaper water bill 12/27/2017 10:55 AM 274 Utilities cost 12/27/2017 10:49 AM 275 Job opportunities 12/27/2017 10:43 AM 276 More recreation 12/27/2017 10:41 AM 277 Get rid of the intersection over the freeway and go back to the way it was.12/27/2017 10:09 AM 278 Lower property taxes 12/27/2017 9:58 AM 279 ?12/27/2017 9:50 AM 280 Better shopping opportunties 12/27/2017 9:25 AM 281 More businesses in town 12/20/2017 2:10 PM 282 BETTER WATER 12/20/2017 10:03 AM #2 DATE 1 city golf 2/15/2018 10:26 AM 2 more outdoor concerts at the health trust 2/15/2018 10:19 AM 3 better traffic flow in and out of chubbuck 2/15/2018 10:13 AM 4 improve streets 2/15/2018 10:06 AM 5 make tourists, i,e, hotel tax pay a few more dollars 2/14/2018 3:31 PM 6 accessibility to the freeway 2/14/2018 3:24 PM 7 better jobs 2/14/2018 3:14 PM 8 code enforcement 2/14/2018 3:05 PM 9 more businesss 2/14/2018 2:38 PM 10 Swim park/splash pad 2/14/2018 1:28 PM 11 name change 2/14/2018 12:14 AM 12 utility rates are too high especially sewer during the summer when we're using the water for our lawn 2/13/2018 11:51 PM 13 lower water bills 2/13/2018 11:40 PM 14 better parks 2/13/2018 11:30 PM 76 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 15 cost of utilities 2/13/2018 11:17 PM 16 from stuart addition north hawthrone rd.2/13/2018 10:48 AM 17 continue with parks 2/13/2018 10:36 AM 18 botanical gardens 2/11/2018 9:49 AM 19 re-use old buildings instead of new builds 2/8/2018 2:13 PM 20 greenbelts 2/8/2018 2:07 PM 21 better shopping/ retail 2/8/2018 2:03 PM 22 More bike lanes, public walking trails throughout Chubbuck 2/8/2018 1:57 PM 23 more honesty 2/8/2018 1:44 PM 24 quality of work by contractors 2/8/2018 1:37 PM 25 lower garbage and water costs 2/8/2018 1:03 PM 26 better street repair 2/8/2018 12:58 PM 27 youth parks 2/8/2018 12:10 PM 28 family recreation 2/8/2018 12:03 PM 29 clean up and limit apartment living 2/8/2018 11:43 AM 30 enforce property codes 2/8/2018 11:34 AM 31 free recycling 2/8/2018 11:28 AM 32 water rates 2/8/2018 11:24 AM 33 increase natural beauty 2/8/2018 11:16 AM 34 property taxes need to go down 2/8/2018 11:10 AM 35 enforce speeders- round about violators 2/8/2018 11:03 AM 36 beautification of our town 2/8/2018 10:57 AM 37 reduce taxation 2/8/2018 10:46 AM 38 master planned city center 2/8/2018 10:27 AM 39 develop a 55+ neighborhood 2/8/2018 10:16 AM 40 give all a recycling bin like Pocatello 2/8/2018 10:08 AM 41 stoplight timing 2/6/2018 1:35 PM 42 Golf course, frisbee golf park 2/6/2018 1:30 PM 43 less traffic jams 2/6/2018 1:17 PM 44 Have our own school district 2/6/2018 1:11 PM 45 better sidewalks 2/6/2018 1:02 PM 46 side walk repair 2/6/2018 12:49 PM 47 reduce amount of apartment buildings 2/6/2018 12:42 PM 48 No riding ATVs, motorcycles, or 4 wheelers on walking trails 2/6/2018 12:25 PM 49 clean-up area along tracks on chubbuck road 2/6/2018 12:16 PM 50 shopping opportunities- stores, malls, etc.2/6/2018 12:09 PM 51 Rec center for families 2/6/2018 12:02 PM 52 better snow removal 2/6/2018 11:49 AM 53 more entertainment for kids 2/6/2018 11:42 AM 54 more recreation activities 2/6/2018 11:37 AM 55 couple of police attitudes that are very rude when respondingb(schiffman and conlin)2/6/2018 11:30 AM 77 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 56 Traffic flow probelm at freeway and Yellowstone 2/6/2018 11:05 AM 57 mkae chubbuck clean 2/6/2018 10:53 AM 58 better speed signs 2/6/2018 10:47 AM 59 Protect property owners when developing 2/6/2018 10:39 AM 60 more clean businesses 2/6/2018 10:28 AM 61 keep like housing together 2/6/2018 10:19 AM 62 restaurants 2/6/2018 10:09 AM 63 More acceptance within community.2/6/2018 10:07 AM 64 Better/More sidewalks and bike paths 2/5/2018 7:02 PM 65 Clean-up of old business sites and areas 2/5/2018 10:49 AM 66 more outside activities 2/4/2018 2:26 PM 67 New industries 2/2/2018 12:40 PM 68 more activities for public 2/1/2018 12:34 PM 69 keep watering the grass and trees after businesses close 2/1/2018 10:08 AM 70 make riding bikes easier down yellowstone 1/30/2018 11:36 AM 71 neighborhood FB pages- official 1/30/2018 11:15 AM 72 safer 1/30/2018 11:06 AM 73 more family friendly activities 1/30/2018 10:58 AM 74 keep business 1/30/2018 10:49 AM 75 more business 1/30/2018 10:40 AM 76 dog enforcement- number of dogs 1/30/2018 10:33 AM 77 more resident feedback on issues 1/30/2018 10:26 AM 78 provide fast broadband 1/30/2018 10:18 AM 79 health facility 1/28/2018 2:50 PM 80 continue to upgrade road and sidewalk infrastructure 1/27/2018 5:05 PM 81 Utility water cost 1/26/2018 9:21 PM 82 Have gas (instead of just electric) and sidewalks in all neighborhoods.1/26/2018 2:17 PM 83 Recreation/Fitness center for Chubbuck residents 1/26/2018 1:47 PM 84 Have local police write tickets and patrol roads instead of the huge presence of isp. ISP just writes tickets. Local police care and interact and that has a real preventative effect. 1/26/2018 12:56 PM 85 Public services firefighters and police 1/26/2018 11:11 AM 86 Better roads 1/25/2018 11:34 PM 87 Improved biking lanes and Roads to connect to Pocatello 1/25/2018 9:05 PM 88 Bike lanes 1/25/2018 4:49 PM 89 more entertainment 1/25/2018 11:48 AM 90 neighborhood pride 1/25/2018 11:41 AM 91 attract technical manufacturing job/industry 1/25/2018 11:30 AM 92 Air quality. ummbirds and dragon flies have disappeared.1/25/2018 11:14 AM 93 Better shopping and better mall 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 94 Pay first responders better, I would vote yes for taxes on that 1/25/2018 10:41 AM 95 Growth needs to be sustainable both residential and commercial 1/25/2018 10:32 AM 78 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 96 better police protection 1/25/2018 10:28 AM 97 more major restaurants 1/25/2018 10:13 AM 98 beautification 1/25/2018 12:21 AM 99 Lower utility bills 1/24/2018 11:48 PM 100 Recycling more... city needs recycling containers at parks and schools 1/24/2018 11:42 PM 101 Better garbage cans 1/24/2018 11:35 PM 102 plow the snow as in the past 1/24/2018 7:21 PM 103 Less crime 1/24/2018 1:06 AM 104 Target.1/24/2018 12:05 AM 105 More pedestrian friendly on major roads 1/23/2018 10:03 PM 106 wise growth in urban areas outside the county 1/23/2018 5:05 PM 107 If city leaders would figure out that the municipality isnt a church org.1/23/2018 4:03 PM 108 Lower taxes 1/22/2018 11:43 PM 109 Beautify Yellowstone between interstate and north of there 1/22/2018 10:17 PM 110 Communities intolerance towards the different 1/22/2018 10:15 PM 111 More businesses 1/22/2018 10:07 PM 112 Opportunities for children and teens 1/21/2018 9:00 PM 113 Bike paths 1/21/2018 6:38 PM 114 Free bulk trash pick up on a bimonthly basis 1/21/2018 1:26 PM 115 Bike and running paths/lanes, safer places to be 1/20/2018 7:09 PM 116 More trees 1/19/2018 6:50 PM 117 Recreation center with a pool that can be used for swim meets.1/19/2018 5:13 PM 118 roads/entrances 1/18/2018 10:48 PM 119 Beautiful landscaping.1/18/2018 8:02 PM 120 more involvement with decisions and community activities 1/18/2018 11:10 AM 121 more walking availability 1/17/2018 4:37 PM 122 Lower the tax rate 1/16/2018 5:54 PM 123 Taco Bell on our side of town (requested by my child) and me who has to drive there a couple times per week 1/16/2018 2:46 PM 124 Get A hollister 1/16/2018 2:38 PM 125 Clean 1/16/2018 2:37 PM 126 newer 1/16/2018 2:26 PM 127 best 1/16/2018 2:24 PM 128 add in an out 1/16/2018 2:21 PM 129 More stores 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 130 needs more taco bell 1/16/2018 12:44 PM 131 Add a Chik Fil A 1/16/2018 12:43 PM 132 less drugs 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 133 everything 1/16/2018 12:40 PM 134 better shopping stores 1/16/2018 12:37 PM 135 nice 1/16/2018 12:36 PM 79 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 136 road repair 1/16/2018 12:34 PM 137 more activities 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 138 More activities like bowling, arcades etc.1/16/2018 11:25 AM 139 Open a nice new indoor soccer building 1/16/2018 11:23 AM 140 Chick Fil'a 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 141 CHICK- FIL-A 1/16/2018 11:18 AM 142 more areas for teens to hang out 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 143 more places to hangout 1/16/2018 11:13 AM 144 more community events 1/16/2018 11:12 AM 145 better air quality 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 146 better education after high school 1/16/2018 10:14 AM 147 better accesable stores and shopping 1/16/2018 10:12 AM 148 Speed limits HIGHER 1/16/2018 10:06 AM 149 more recreational areas 1/16/2018 10:04 AM 150 a shopping development (clothing)1/16/2018 9:57 AM 151 More retail stores 1/16/2018 9:49 AM 152 more entertainment 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 153 More entertainment for adults 1/15/2018 7:13 PM 154 The town needs a sense of self 1/15/2018 6:44 PM 155 more playgrounds 1/15/2018 6:13 PM 156 Not wasting money on government 1/14/2018 10:57 PM 157 community streets 1/14/2018 9:35 PM 158 More walking areas in the center 1/14/2018 9:43 AM 159 Taxes, are out of control.1/12/2018 4:16 PM 160 Cleanliness 1/12/2018 1:07 PM 161 Indoor swimming 1/12/2018 11:48 AM 162 More entertainment opportunities 1/11/2018 11:26 PM 163 More resteraunts 1/11/2018 9:54 PM 164 More job opportunities (not fast food)1/11/2018 8:57 PM 165 Ordinances on private property 1/11/2018 2:13 PM 166 A true Chubbuck Main Street/City Center (gives better sense of individual community - not just a bedroom community to Pocatello) 1/11/2018 11:17 AM 167 affordable park pavilion reservations 1/10/2018 4:05 PM 168 Something for the adults and older children to do 1/10/2018 1:47 PM 169 More restaurants 1/10/2018 10:25 AM 170 economic growth 1/10/2018 9:38 AM 171 SPEEDERS. I live on Eve, near Siphon and people come around the curve on Eve and accelerate like they are in the INDY 500. One day, they are going to run over a kid and when they do....I'll be the first to jump forward and say the city is as much to blame 1/10/2018 8:22 AM 172 Better walking paths like sidewalks to the wellness center 1/10/2018 4:38 AM 173 Lower utility costs 1/10/2018 1:34 AM 174 more child friendly activities/children’s museum 1/10/2018 12:59 AM 80 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 175 Schools 1/9/2018 10:26 PM 176 A rec center that has indoor soccer, a pool, rock climbing, etc 1/9/2018 10:10 PM 177 Sustainability 1/9/2018 5:50 PM 178 better road maintenance of neighborhood streets 1/9/2018 2:16 PM 179 Yellowstone area is unattractive and cluttered with poor quality buildings.1/9/2018 9:47 AM 180 More family entertainment/recreational opportunities 1/8/2018 8:31 PM 181 More community events 1/7/2018 10:47 PM 182 Clean up the city.1/6/2018 1:51 PM 183 fewer chain link fences around everything in sight 1/6/2018 1:11 PM 184 Please plow the side streets in the winter. I understand that the city has limited resources and that during winter snow storms, main thoroughfares must be plowed first...but our subdivision almost all winter. Right now, there hasn't been any snow for over a week, and all main thoroughfares are clear. But there's a sheet of sheer ice on our street. The only place I've ever slid or gotten stuck was right in our own subdivision. Can we add another plow or crew member so there's someone to get to all the side streets? 1/5/2018 1:15 PM 185 more judicial use of funds (you repaved our neighborhood when Hawthorne Rd is is desperate need) 1/5/2018 9:31 AM 186 air quality is poor due to freeway and simplots - get rid of simplots and put up noise barriers along the freeway 1/4/2018 3:42 PM 187 Better infill 1/4/2018 2:36 PM 188 Enhance the community image (beautify the area).1/4/2018 2:01 PM 189 Collection of garbage on one side of the street to save 1/2 the cost & time 1/4/2018 12:25 PM 190 More opportunities to volunteer in the community.1/3/2018 3:53 PM 191 I like the community events in the park - more of that.1/3/2018 3:09 PM 192 Less traffic congestion 1/3/2018 2:09 PM 193 Chubbuck does not have a recreation center for the people to use for healthy activities. A swimming pool and/or public access fitness center. 1/3/2018 1:45 PM 194 Side road conditions (Hawthorne and siphon etc)1/3/2018 8:45 AM 195 Better bike and walking paths 1/3/2018 8:21 AM 196 More things for people to do 1/3/2018 3:07 AM 197 slow down or stop expansion 1/2/2018 10:44 PM 198 More Restaurant 1/2/2018 10:35 PM 199 More trees 1/2/2018 9:38 PM 200 Less city government 1/2/2018 8:55 PM 201 taxes lower forget big city ideas 1/2/2018 6:58 PM 202 Build a High School and Middle School 1/2/2018 6:15 PM 203 medical facilities 1/2/2018 5:07 PM 204 Shut down the little parks and put money into the bigger main ones. Stuart Park is beautiful! Nice job! 1/2/2018 4:44 PM 205 A downtown area that families can gather together 1/2/2018 3:42 PM 206 Watching criminal areas more - criminal behavior not welcome!1/2/2018 12:50 PM 207 Adult social entertainment 1/2/2018 12:34 PM 208 More neighborhood police presence 1/2/2018 11:32 AM 209 Better communication of city activities/more city activities 1/2/2018 11:26 AM 81 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 210 More recreation programs 1/2/2018 11:12 AM 211 Remember who we are and maintain sense of community 1/2/2018 10:48 AM 212 get rid of trailer houses 1/2/2018 10:31 AM 213 Better care for roads (SIPHON) etc.1/2/2018 10:16 AM 214 We need more parks for recreation and sports. Our current ones are overcrowded 1/2/2018 10:12 AM 215 higher paying jobs 1/2/2018 8:13 AM 216 Clean up areas of our town 1/2/2018 7:52 AM 217 Better parks 1/1/2018 11:27 PM 218 More business 12/31/2017 10:22 PM 219 Lower speed limit on Philbin Rd 12/31/2017 8:52 PM 220 Business 12/31/2017 9:51 AM 221 Preventing people from asking for money on street and corners.12/31/2017 1:03 AM 222 Retail Shopping 12/30/2017 9:50 PM 223 Flyers sent out to inform citizens of changes 12/30/2017 4:22 PM 224 More trees in the parks 12/30/2017 11:00 AM 225 more activities 12/30/2017 10:07 AM 226 Trails 12/30/2017 9:46 AM 227 My kids could attend highland 12/30/2017 1:33 AM 228 Less division between east and west chubbucj 12/29/2017 8:33 PM 229 Slowly eliminate trailer parks.12/29/2017 12:54 PM 230 Maintain city parks 12/28/2017 9:46 PM 231 Lower water bill 12/28/2017 9:10 PM 232 Better centralization. Things are so scattered about.12/28/2017 8:28 PM 233 Add living wage jobs ( not government)12/28/2017 8:12 PM 234 Increased nightlife locations 12/28/2017 1:16 PM 235 Community garden space 12/28/2017 11:37 AM 236 Don’t allow panhandling on Yellowstone 12/28/2017 10:02 AM 237 connect chubbuck rd. with event complex for pedestrians 12/28/2017 9:00 AM 238 Bigger yards 12/28/2017 1:03 AM 239 Safety 12/27/2017 10:45 PM 240 dog Park 12/27/2017 10:28 PM 241 lower utilities for residents 12/27/2017 9:59 PM 242 Fiber optic internet access 12/27/2017 9:23 PM 243 Chubbuck road 4 lanes get rid of center turn lane 12/27/2017 9:06 PM 244 More family friendly businesses 12/27/2017 8:46 PM 245 Adjust traffic on Yellowstone 12/27/2017 6:07 PM 246 Higher quality subdivisions and Home builders 12/27/2017 5:17 PM 247 A true downtown 12/27/2017 3:37 PM 248 .12/27/2017 3:19 PM 249 more employment 12/27/2017 2:57 PM 250 Better access to city plans 12/27/2017 2:45 PM 82 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 251 More businesses 12/27/2017 2:35 PM 252 More housing 12/27/2017 2:24 PM 253 Yellowstone road safer for cars 12/27/2017 1:35 PM 254 Performing Arts Center 12/27/2017 1:34 PM 255 Dairy Queen needed.12/27/2017 1:11 PM 256 More amenities for all ages.12/27/2017 12:47 PM 257 A larger library 12/27/2017 12:02 PM 258 Clothing stores 12/27/2017 11:39 AM 259 More trees 12/27/2017 11:32 AM 260 All streets maintenance snow plows doing there job, roads fixed,12/27/2017 11:19 AM 261 More shopping 12/27/2017 11:18 AM 262 Job availability 12/27/2017 10:59 AM 263 Shopping 12/27/2017 10:49 AM 264 High school 12/27/2017 10:43 AM 265 more retail 12/27/2017 10:41 AM 266 Have a city swimming pool.12/27/2017 10:09 AM 267 Better retail and grocery shopping 12/27/2017 9:58 AM 268 More health care places 12/27/2017 9:25 AM 269 for night life including entertainment and fine resturants 12/20/2017 2:10 PM 270 HIGHER WAGES 12/20/2017 10:03 AM #3 DATE 1 redo yellowstone is a bottleneck 2/15/2018 10:19 AM 2 enforce upkeep of residential property 2/15/2018 10:06 AM 3 then reduce our taxes 2/14/2018 3:31 PM 4 better building for business owners and affordability 2/14/2018 3:24 PM 5 more jobs 2/14/2018 3:14 PM 6 community involvement 2/14/2018 3:05 PM 7 skate park 2/14/2018 12:14 AM 8 sound walls along I-15 and I-86 2/13/2018 11:51 PM 9 more business 2/13/2018 11:17 PM 10 road connecting Highline to Yellowstone parallel to interstate 2/11/2018 9:49 AM 11 industry 2/8/2018 2:07 PM 12 better places to eat 2/8/2018 2:03 PM 13 More opportunities for new local businesses and community volunteering 2/8/2018 1:57 PM 14 better communication from city 2/8/2018 1:44 PM 15 decrease crime 2/8/2018 1:37 PM 16 lower taxes 2/8/2018 12:58 PM 17 not so many churches 2/8/2018 12:10 PM 18 bike lanes 2/8/2018 12:03 PM 19 restrict storage unit activity 2/8/2018 11:43 AM 20 overall cleanliness 2/8/2018 11:34 AM 83 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 21 affordable housing 2/8/2018 11:24 AM 22 ease of strating a business here 2/8/2018 11:16 AM 23 get rid of corner panhandlers 2/8/2018 11:03 AM 24 community involved venues 2/8/2018 10:57 AM 25 fix streets 2/8/2018 10:46 AM 26 bike path throughout city 2/8/2018 10:27 AM 27 lower property taxes 2/8/2018 10:16 AM 28 shopping stores 2/8/2018 10:08 AM 29 street parking 2/6/2018 1:35 PM 30 lacking job opportunity 2/6/2018 1:30 PM 31 more recreation 2/6/2018 1:17 PM 32 recognition of our success 2/6/2018 1:11 PM 33 more recreation/ more retail 2/6/2018 1:02 PM 34 sustain business 2/6/2018 12:49 PM 35 require larger lot sizes for new homes 2/6/2018 12:42 PM 36 too many loads of kids walking the streets at night causing trouble 2/6/2018 12:25 PM 37 easier access to interstate 2/6/2018 12:16 PM 38 medical clinic 2/6/2018 12:09 PM 39 better mail delivery 2/6/2018 11:49 AM 40 more entertainment for all 2/6/2018 11:42 AM 41 better city streets 2/6/2018 11:37 AM 42 Better medical services 2/6/2018 11:05 AM 43 recycling should be free like poky 2/6/2018 10:53 AM 44 keep taxes and utilities affordable 2/6/2018 10:19 AM 45 More recreation activity.2/6/2018 10:07 AM 46 More places to shop and dine 2/5/2018 7:02 PM 47 Better parks, etc.2/5/2018 10:49 AM 48 more stores 2/4/2018 2:26 PM 49 Economic growth 2/2/2018 12:40 PM 50 improve the way yellowstone looks- not very eye appealing 1/30/2018 11:36 AM 51 intersection near dennys and Mcdonalds needs to be looked into 1/30/2018 11:15 AM 52 continue recreation- ice rink is great!1/30/2018 11:06 AM 53 better communication of community events 1/30/2018 10:58 AM 54 lower taxes- a wish 1/30/2018 10:49 AM 55 more rec options 1/30/2018 10:40 AM 56 cars parked in sidewalk areas 1/30/2018 10:33 AM 57 more activities for teens 1/30/2018 10:26 AM 58 wider streets with bike lanes 1/30/2018 10:18 AM 59 Good jobs 1/28/2018 2:50 PM 60 decrease in low-quality housing.1/27/2018 5:05 PM 61 Better mall for shopping (stores)1/26/2018 9:21 PM 84 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 62 More drug enforcement by police.1/26/2018 2:17 PM 63 More public activities that are well promoted (I.e Alive After 5, business fairs, art walks, etc)1/26/2018 1:47 PM 64 Love the city. Just keep up the good work 1/26/2018 12:56 PM 65 I liked the splash pad it give kids and families something to do that doesn’t cost.1/26/2018 11:11 AM 66 Lower city water/utility bills. It's expensive here in Chubbuck.1/25/2018 11:34 PM 67 A sidewalk or pedestrian and biker safe way to access the portneuf wellness complex.1/25/2018 9:05 PM 68 more appealing scenery 1/25/2018 11:48 AM 69 no cars parked on lawns 1/25/2018 11:41 AM 70 good planning- be sure infrastructure and new development are synchronized 1/25/2018 11:30 AM 71 ability to cross the street and walk around.1/25/2018 11:14 AM 72 Rec center w pool like Pocatello 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 73 more hosuing development (single family homes)1/25/2018 10:41 AM 74 Work hand in hand with the residents to promote expansion 1/25/2018 10:32 AM 75 lower utility rates 1/25/2018 10:28 AM 76 better/ newer schools and education 1/25/2018 10:13 AM 77 economic prosperity 1/25/2018 12:21 AM 78 Fitness area/Pool 1/24/2018 11:48 PM 79 Neighborhood associations/ representatives that enhance community and communications 1/24/2018 11:42 PM 80 Cleaner water to drink 1/24/2018 11:35 PM 81 repair and clear sidewalks 1/24/2018 7:21 PM 82 No Northgate nightmare 1/24/2018 1:06 AM 83 Another high school.1/24/2018 12:05 AM 84 More places to eat 1/23/2018 10:03 PM 85 dont take out tennis courts 1/23/2018 4:03 PM 86 More jails 1/22/2018 11:43 PM 87 Health clinics 1/22/2018 10:17 PM 88 Crime rates 1/22/2018 10:15 PM 89 More school funding 1/22/2018 10:07 PM 90 Cheaper forms of entertainment or education 1/21/2018 9:00 PM 91 Update Yellowstone businesses 1/21/2018 6:38 PM 92 Street repair 1/20/2018 7:09 PM 93 Bike paths 1/19/2018 6:50 PM 94 Prettier street corridors. Chubbuck is growing, but honestly, it's not very pretty. I love what you are doing on Hiline road. 1/19/2018 5:13 PM 95 shopping mall 1/18/2018 10:48 PM 96 Fill or tear down the old vacant buildings and stores.1/18/2018 8:02 PM 97 fair judgment for everyone 1/18/2018 11:10 AM 98 more ways for kids to ride bikes 1/17/2018 4:37 PM 99 revitalize some businesses that look run down 1/16/2018 5:54 PM 100 More entertainment establishments 1/16/2018 2:46 PM 101 I like how chubbuck is not busy and theres not alot of traffic, its nice.1/16/2018 2:38 PM 85 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 102 Space between the houses 1/16/2018 2:37 PM 103 easier 1/16/2018 2:26 PM 104 people 1/16/2018 2:24 PM 105 make it bigger 1/16/2018 2:21 PM 106 More soccer 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 107 needs more outdoor parks 1/16/2018 12:44 PM 108 Amusement Park 1/16/2018 12:43 PM 109 friendlier 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 110 everything 1/16/2018 12:40 PM 111 better parks 1/16/2018 12:37 PM 112 happy 1/16/2018 12:36 PM 113 fiber internet 1/16/2018 12:34 PM 114 more shoe stores 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 115 More fast Food like chick fil-a 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 116 Get a Chick-Fil-A 1/16/2018 11:23 AM 117 less drugs 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 118 CHICK- FIL-A 1/16/2018 11:18 AM 119 less unused buildings.1/16/2018 11:17 AM 120 more shops 1/16/2018 11:13 AM 121 more community events 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 122 more jobs involving technology 1/16/2018 10:14 AM 123 Fill empyy unused buildings 1/16/2018 10:12 AM 124 Food 1/16/2018 10:06 AM 125 support of small buisnesses 1/16/2018 10:04 AM 126 Fix streets/clean up control 1/16/2018 9:49 AM 127 better stores 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 128 Job opportunities 1/15/2018 7:13 PM 129 The town needs better job opportunities, more places to shop, and something other than fast food to eat 1/15/2018 6:44 PM 130 more hangout spots 1/15/2018 6:13 PM 131 build a recreation center 1/14/2018 9:35 PM 132 Get rid of yellowstone hwy and chubbuck rd congestion 1/14/2018 9:43 AM 133 There is way to much favoritism that happens within the City of Chubbuck.1/12/2018 4:16 PM 134 Sustainability 1/12/2018 1:07 PM 135 More retail 1/12/2018 11:48 AM 136 Economic growth 1/11/2018 11:26 PM 137 bigger roads 1/11/2018 9:54 PM 138 Swimming pool (and a nice one too)1/11/2018 8:57 PM 139 Clean up and beautify Yellowstone Ave 1/11/2018 2:13 PM 140 Better traffic control at uncontrolled intersections within neighborhoods 1/11/2018 11:17 AM 141 robust door to door solicitor regulations 1/10/2018 4:05 PM 86 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 142 More school funding 1/10/2018 10:25 AM 143 community 1/10/2018 9:38 AM 144 Get the ordinance officer out of the office and looking for violations. Try walking in this area in the winter. It is amazing how many people DO NOT clean off the sidewalk. I'm 70 and the day after any storm my sidewalk is clear. My neighbor is about 25 and he never cleans off his sidewalk. So for me to walk my dogs....again I am out in the street with morons driving by at over 50 mph. 1/10/2018 8:22 AM 145 Tru Fiber to install Fiber in the city for better internet.1/10/2018 4:38 AM 146 More transparency regarding city council matters and items of discussion 1/10/2018 1:34 AM 147 more retail stores/TARGET 1/10/2018 12:59 AM 148 Jobs 1/9/2018 10:26 PM 149 Jobs, tech or industrial 1/9/2018 10:10 PM 150 Enhanced community as a whole 1/9/2018 5:50 PM 151 less run down areas/buildings on main street 1/9/2018 2:16 PM 152 Need a school zone to protect kids/parents near Connor Academy.1/9/2018 9:47 AM 153 Better schools/playgrounds/education for our kids 1/8/2018 8:31 PM 154 Improve and expand walking trails.1/6/2018 1:51 PM 155 find a reason to remain a separate city from Pocatello 1/6/2018 1:11 PM 156 Continue making small changes to protect the environment and preserve dwindling habitat for native species. (1) We really like the city's recycling efforts. Please keep up the great work. (2) We are overrun with cats. Even though Chubbuck has a leash law, most cat owners are unaware or somehow feel their pet should be the exception. While animal control is always willing to respond to complaints,it's awkward, can't be done anonymously, and therefore causes hostility among neighbors. But seriously, I am scooping cat messes from my FULLY FENCED backyard on a daily basis, and frequently find songbirds that have been killed by cats. I don't know how to resolve this issue, but it's an ongoing problem. (3) We are waging war with ring-neck doves. This non-native, aggressive species is running off the timid native mourning doves. Every spring, we have fewer doves and more ring-necks. They need to be eliminated, and we'd gladly shoot them, except it's illegal within city limits. Can the city do anything? (4) Maybe it's the county and not the city at all, but could we please make sure our weed control efforts do not include spraying the milkweed? The declining monarch butterfly population desperately needs the milkweed that grows native along our canal banks. 1/5/2018 1:15 PM 157 more detailed info in newsletter 1/5/2018 9:31 AM 158 provide large parks away from the freeway 1/4/2018 3:42 PM 159 Prosperity 1/4/2018 2:36 PM 160 Continue toattract high paying jobs to generate more revenue within the community.1/4/2018 2:01 PM 161 Communication 1/3/2018 3:53 PM 162 Pet control. Too many vicious dogs that could harm someone.1/3/2018 3:09 PM 163 Better animal control. (Barking Dogs)1/3/2018 2:09 PM 164 Chubbuck is the largest city in the Northwest United States that does not have it's own public high school. Chubbuck need one. 1/3/2018 1:45 PM 165 Free recycling! Encourage people to do so, don't charge them to!1/3/2018 8:45 AM 166 Better paying jobs 1/3/2018 8:21 AM 167 Higher paying jobs with advancement opportunities 1/3/2018 3:07 AM 168 more transparency 1/2/2018 10:44 PM 169 Better Traffic Flow 1/2/2018 10:35 PM 170 Bike paths 1/2/2018 9:38 PM 171 Air travel needs to improve.1/2/2018 8:55 PM 87 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 172 police more present 1/2/2018 6:58 PM 173 Bring in more breadwinner jobs 1/2/2018 6:15 PM 174 school improvement 1/2/2018 5:07 PM 175 Weeds and homes in disrepair. People continually watering the roads. The so called "ordinance enforcement officer" won't cite them. Not sure why he won't do his job. 1/2/2018 4:44 PM 176 A dog park 1/2/2018 3:42 PM 177 Excepting all people not just your religion 1/2/2018 12:50 PM 178 Jobs 1/2/2018 12:34 PM 179 Better street repairs 1/2/2018 11:32 AM 180 Activities directed towards all ages 1/2/2018 11:26 AM 181 be sensible when building new roads parks etc. to consider ease and cost of maintenance in the future 1/2/2018 10:48 AM 182 support the Police Department 1/2/2018 10:31 AM 183 Better water or lower price for water.1/2/2018 10:16 AM 184 More trees on our city streets 1/2/2018 10:12 AM 185 revitalization of older manufactured housing areas.1/2/2018 8:13 AM 186 code enforcment 1/2/2018 7:52 AM 187 More community events 1/1/2018 11:27 PM 188 Recreational 12/31/2017 10:22 PM 189 Sticter code enforcement for businesses during the summer, for example less weeds and dead lawns from lack of watering. 12/31/2017 8:52 PM 190 Streets 12/31/2017 9:51 AM 191 Having more oppurtunity to be outside and going to a place where you don’t see housing and business development. 12/31/2017 1:03 AM 192 Tear down old trashy buildings 12/30/2017 9:50 PM 193 More neighborly folks 12/30/2017 4:22 PM 194 Private subdivisions like in meridian, Idaho 12/30/2017 11:00 AM 195 Better mayor 12/30/2017 10:07 AM 196 NA 12/30/2017 9:46 AM 197 Better shopping 12/30/2017 1:33 AM 198 More activities.12/29/2017 8:33 PM 199 Our Pub Works and our Building Dept. sucks!12/29/2017 12:54 PM 200 Recreation spots 12/28/2017 9:46 PM 201 Better mayor office communication 12/28/2017 9:10 PM 202 Wider streets. Parking is a problem in the older areas 12/28/2017 8:28 PM 203 Have a detectable Main Street that is known as Chubbuck's Main Street 12/28/2017 8:12 PM 204 Upgraded public library 12/28/2017 1:16 PM 205 well maintained streets, winter and summer 12/28/2017 11:37 AM 206 Have better drivers ed classes so people know how to use roundabouts and yield signs 12/28/2017 10:02 AM 207 get rid of roundabouts 12/28/2017 9:00 AM 208 Less parks 12/28/2017 1:03 AM 209 Nicer buildings on Yellowstone 12/27/2017 10:45 PM 88 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 210 Improved recycling program 12/27/2017 10:28 PM 211 more kid friendly options for recreation 12/27/2017 9:59 PM 212 More dining, entertainment, and recreation choices 12/27/2017 9:23 PM 213 Lower utility rates. They are s little high.12/27/2017 9:06 PM 214 Walking trails 12/27/2017 8:46 PM 215 More employment opportunities 12/27/2017 6:07 PM 216 Strong coordination with Pocatello 12/27/2017 5:17 PM 217 alternate modes of transportaiton 12/27/2017 3:37 PM 218 .12/27/2017 3:19 PM 219 more housing 12/27/2017 2:57 PM 220 More community events 12/27/2017 2:45 PM 221 Lower water fees 12/27/2017 2:35 PM 222 A community recreation center 12/27/2017 2:24 PM 223 More businesses 12/27/2017 1:35 PM 224 Better choices for shopping 12/27/2017 1:34 PM 225 School safe for kids.12/27/2017 1:11 PM 226 Laws and codes that support higher qaulity development 12/27/2017 12:47 PM 227 Greenway paths for biking and walking 12/27/2017 12:02 PM 228 Swimming pool 12/27/2017 11:39 AM 229 Hard water issues addressed 12/27/2017 11:19 AM 230 More recreational spaces 12/27/2017 11:18 AM 231 Jobs 12/27/2017 10:49 AM 232 Natural Walking paths 12/27/2017 10:43 AM 233 community center 12/27/2017 10:41 AM 234 Have a "downtown" area with activities for families. Similar to Ogden Utah.12/27/2017 10:09 AM 235 More inviting downtown feel 12/27/2017 9:58 AM 236 More opportunity for good jobs 12/27/2017 9:25 AM 237 A mayor and city council that listen to the little people instead of cramming their agenda on everybody. 12/20/2017 2:10 PM 238 RECREATION 12/20/2017 10:03 AM 89 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q26 What should the City do to make it a better place to shop? Answered: 270 Skipped: 62 #RESPONSES DATE 1 more stores 2/15/2018 11:48 AM 2 better stores 2/15/2018 10:19 AM 3 more selection than Walmart and Smiths 2/15/2018 10:13 AM 4 attract business 2/15/2018 10:06 AM 5 get rid of the mall 2/14/2018 3:31 PM 6 have some free stuff too. I notice ppl take more advantage of free play lands for kids- makes things more affordable 2/14/2018 3:24 PM 7 dedicated shopping district 2/14/2018 3:14 PM 8 attract new business 2/14/2018 3:05 PM 9 keep the mall open 2/14/2018 2:58 PM 10 improve mall 2/14/2018 2:46 PM 11 encourage commerce 2/14/2018 2:38 PM 12 Upgrade our mall to attract people and shops. there is a large parking area that could be used to set up an area with a water fountain, patio type setting, outdoor music, small tables and chairs to sit and have a snack and visit or rest from shopping like City Creek mall in Salt Lake City. Keep small scale for our small population. 2/14/2018 1:28 PM 13 get a target 2/14/2018 12:14 AM 14 we need more retail opportunities and greater variety. replace or remodel the old shabby buildings 2/13/2018 11:51 PM 15 target store 2/13/2018 11:40 PM 16 an actual mall 2/13/2018 11:30 PM 17 more downtown eateries and a target 2/13/2018 11:17 PM 18 reduce the rent at the mall so stors can afford to stay in business 2/13/2018 10:52 AM 19 seems fine 2/13/2018 10:36 AM 20 More retail and clothing stores 2/13/2018 9:54 AM 21 N/A 2/11/2018 9:49 AM 22 Attract better companies into mall 2/8/2018 2:13 PM 23 attract and retain establishments 2/8/2018 2:03 PM 24 Add stores- ex. Target, Trader Joe's, Old navy 2/8/2018 1:57 PM 25 Bring big retailers back 2/8/2018 1:49 PM 26 get quality businesses 2/8/2018 1:44 PM 27 retain stores- good places come and leave "bon, blackbead, ZCMI etc."2/8/2018 1:37 PM 28 add more 2/8/2018 1:12 PM 29 more stores, very few to select from 2/8/2018 1:03 PM 30 try for more variety of stores 2/8/2018 12:58 PM 31 invite more businesses 2/8/2018 12:10 PM 32 variety- target, nike. Stop with all the chain restaurants. we do more than just eat.2/8/2018 12:03 PM 90 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 33 retail stores 2/8/2018 11:56 AM 34 bring in more stores 2/8/2018 11:48 AM 35 promote mom and pops- independents 2/8/2018 11:43 AM 36 attract more retail 2/8/2018 11:34 AM 37 better mall 2/8/2018 11:16 AM 38 get at Target!2/8/2018 11:10 AM 39 competition 2/8/2018 11:03 AM 40 more variety 2/8/2018 10:57 AM 41 more large businesses 2/8/2018 10:46 AM 42 higher per capita income- new high paying jobs are helpful; new low paying jobs are not 2/8/2018 10:27 AM 43 tax incentive to keep "herbergers"2/8/2018 10:16 AM 44 get some shopping centers 2/8/2018 10:08 AM 45 doing ok 2/6/2018 1:35 PM 46 offer tax cuts to big businesses 2/6/2018 1:30 PM 47 entice retail stores 2/6/2018 1:17 PM 48 "walk in" retail 2/6/2018 1:11 PM 49 higher end adult clothing 2/6/2018 1:02 PM 50 keep businesses 2/6/2018 12:49 PM 51 attract high quality stores 2/6/2018 12:42 PM 52 more clothing options- affordable 2/6/2018 12:16 PM 53 bring om major stores to the mall 2/6/2018 12:09 PM 54 Variety, Target. Walmart cannot be the only thing here! we loose a lot because of idaho falls.2/6/2018 12:02 PM 55 offer more shopping 2/6/2018 11:42 AM 56 scrap the old mall and start new 2/6/2018 11:37 AM 57 better mall 2/6/2018 11:30 AM 58 Bring in higher paying jobs so people have money to spend 2/6/2018 11:18 AM 59 affordable retail- not Herbergers 2/6/2018 11:11 AM 60 get better businesses to come 2/6/2018 10:53 AM 61 encourage business growth 2/6/2018 10:47 AM 62 help business with code enforcement 2/6/2018 10:39 AM 63 attract more merchandizers 2/6/2018 10:28 AM 64 more choice in retailers 2/6/2018 10:19 AM 65 Desireable retail such as target, old navy, etc.2/6/2018 10:09 AM 66 Add more stores that will stay.2/6/2018 10:07 AM 67 Get Target in Chubbuck.2/5/2018 10:49 AM 68 more shops 2/4/2018 2:26 PM 69 Allow new manufactoring industries to increase population to sustain new retail stores 2/2/2018 12:40 PM 70 more shops, better mall 2/1/2018 12:34 PM 71 already pretty good 2/1/2018 10:08 AM 72 bring in target/ kohls/ old navy 1/30/2018 11:36 AM 73 Target or Kohls 1/30/2018 11:15 AM 91 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 74 Target 1/30/2018 11:06 AM 75 encourage local business and make it easier for locals to start businesses.1/30/2018 10:58 AM 76 appeal more to online shoppers via business 1/30/2018 10:49 AM 77 bring more bigger name business 1/30/2018 10:40 AM 78 a Target store 1/30/2018 10:26 AM 79 solicit industry to provide money to buy things 1/30/2018 10:18 AM 80 Shopping plazas up to date 1/28/2018 2:50 PM 81 always seek increase opportunities to provide more discretionary income to residents, allowing them to shop in the first place. 1/27/2018 5:05 PM 82 Bring in better stores so people dont travel to shop 1/26/2018 9:21 PM 83 Need higher paying jobs and it will come, but because of the layout with so many residential neighborhoods there is limited area for manufacturing/industrial sites to bring better jobs. 1/26/2018 2:17 PM 84 Improve the mall 1/26/2018 1:47 PM 85 Nothing 1/26/2018 12:56 PM 86 Jobs that aren’t retail or food prep.1/26/2018 11:11 AM 87 Other than the mall it's pretty much only restaurants.1/25/2018 11:34 PM 88 Have more variety available and have things affordable 1/25/2018 9:05 PM 89 Need more variety 1/25/2018 4:49 PM 90 better stores/ more 1/25/2018 11:48 AM 91 not having an issues 1/25/2018 11:30 AM 92 Attract better wages. Can't afford to shop.1/25/2018 11:14 AM 93 Bring in more stores and lower rent in mall to get more stores and hold events in the malll 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 94 Make shopping safe. too mnay shady figures. more police presence 1/25/2018 10:41 AM 95 It will never have a walking mall so this is a tough one 1/25/2018 10:32 AM 96 enough shopping now 1/25/2018 10:28 AM 97 bring in Target/ kohls- name brand 1/25/2018 10:13 AM 98 Good right now. Large retail North area?1/24/2018 11:48 PM 99 Avoid big box stores, support the mall, help small businesses get started 1/24/2018 11:42 PM 100 Get rid of walmart 1/24/2018 11:35 PM 101 better access to shoping 1/24/2018 7:21 PM 102 Practical stores 1/24/2018 1:06 AM 103 Target. Lane Bryant.1/24/2018 12:05 AM 104 make a large mall 1/23/2018 10:03 PM 105 attact smaller outlets can't support large retailers 1/23/2018 5:05 PM 106 ?1/23/2018 4:03 PM 107 More stores to choose from.1/22/2018 11:43 PM 108 Solve problems of traffic around interstate, Yellowstone area. Dangerous getting off wbound interstate heading north in Chubbuck 1/22/2018 10:17 PM 109 Allow teen targeted stores (hot topic) and better stores (barnes and noble)1/22/2018 10:15 PM 110 Allow different types of businesses in and different sizes of businesses.1/22/2018 10:07 PM 111 I don't know if you could do anything to help boost the mall but if you could get some larger businesses for all ages would be great(Kids-R-Us, Hot Topic, Spencer's) 1/21/2018 9:00 PM 92 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 112 That is all we have, retail.1/21/2018 8:53 PM 113 I hate going over the new exchange on Yellowstone to get to the mall. I avoid it whenever possible. You spent a lot of money on it but it did not fix anything. I've waited past Chubbuck road many times to get through that area. 1/21/2018 1:26 PM 114 Options that are different than what is already here 1/20/2018 11:19 PM 115 Businesses 1/20/2018 7:09 PM 116 Have more stores!!1/20/2018 12:46 PM 117 Attract and retain retailers 1/19/2018 6:50 PM 118 Bring Target here!1/19/2018 5:13 PM 119 Attract popular clothing stores 1/18/2018 10:48 PM 120 Put more stores in the mall.1/18/2018 8:02 PM 121 influence more/better stores to locate here 1/18/2018 11:10 AM 122 it's ok now 1/17/2018 4:37 PM 123 It's fine as is 1/16/2018 5:54 PM 124 Unique stores - outlet stores, less teenage clothing stores 1/16/2018 2:46 PM 125 BETTER MALL!!! AND GET A HOLLISTER & AMERICAN EAGLE 1/16/2018 2:38 PM 126 Better Mall 1/16/2018 2:37 PM 127 no more sales tax 1/16/2018 2:26 PM 128 more stores 1/16/2018 2:24 PM 129 get a better mall 1/16/2018 2:21 PM 130 Make more shopping places. Add another mall.1/16/2018 12:58 PM 131 more variety in clothing and outdoor sports stores 1/16/2018 12:49 PM 132 bring more people to the the malls can make more money and bring more stuff 1/16/2018 12:44 PM 133 More shopping outlets like Nike/Vans outlets 1/16/2018 12:43 PM 134 bigger stores. wider variety of stores 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 135 go somewhere else 1/16/2018 12:40 PM 136 get the new popular stores 1/16/2018 12:37 PM 137 stores 1/16/2018 12:36 PM 138 more variety in the mall 1/16/2018 12:34 PM 139 more stores better mall 1/16/2018 12:32 PM 140 more clothes and shoe stores 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 141 More Clothes and shoe stores 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 142 Get an Aeropostale 1/16/2018 11:23 AM 143 put better stores in 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 144 CHICK- FIL-A 1/16/2018 11:18 AM 145 more places for teens to hang out which means more money 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 146 add more stores 1/16/2018 11:13 AM 147 get more stores 1/16/2018 11:12 AM 148 get a target 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 149 more of a variety of stores and higher quality stores 1/16/2018 10:14 AM 150 Qualtiy stores (outlets) and a better mall 1/16/2018 10:12 AM 93 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 151 Add stores. Not go out of business 1/16/2018 10:06 AM 152 Help smaller buisnesses 1/16/2018 10:04 AM 153 develop outlet malls 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 154 Less crime 1/16/2018 9:52 AM 155 Add more stores 1/16/2018 9:49 AM 156 bigger named stores 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 157 Invest in new shops 1/15/2018 7:13 PM 158 Encourage more retail businesses to locate here.1/15/2018 6:44 PM 159 take a survey and find out what most people shop for 1/15/2018 6:13 PM 160 nothing 1/14/2018 9:35 PM 161 Get rid of yellowstone hwy congestion.1/14/2018 9:43 AM 162 Get rid of online shopping, good luck!1/13/2018 9:33 AM 163 Nothing. Chubbuck is a big neighborhood and that is how people view our city.1/12/2018 4:16 PM 164 Get more stores and advertise them.1/12/2018 1:07 PM 165 Make a "destination" shopping area where people will want to spend time at. (River walk in San Antonio) 1/12/2018 11:48 AM 166 Outdoor shopping area 1/11/2018 11:26 PM 167 Bring in businesses to shop at 1/11/2018 9:54 PM 168 It’s pretty good right now but what I would like to see is more non-chain restaurants like Soda Barn, I love it because it is good soda and because the people that own are all in our community 1/11/2018 8:57 PM 169 Add shopping 1/11/2018 2:13 PM 170 Nothing. Plenty of shopping opportunities.1/11/2018 11:17 AM 171 Better access to the stores off of Yellowstone 1/10/2018 4:05 PM 172 Revamp the mall so it isn't so dated both inside and out 1/10/2018 1:47 PM 173 Target 1/10/2018 10:25 AM 174 bring in better stores 1/10/2018 9:38 AM 175 No idea. For me, it is ok, but at my age I have limited wants and the stores such as Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot, C.A.L. ranch supply all that is needed,. For those other limited items, a trip further into Poky or up to IF, or even via the internet are acceptable. 1/10/2018 8:22 AM 176 Recruit computation to walmart so more chose but not detract from Smiths.1/10/2018 4:38 AM 177 More stores 1/10/2018 1:34 AM 178 They need to level the mall and do an indoor/outdoor experience. They need to make a part of town look new and like it isn’t stuck in 2008 1/10/2018 12:59 AM 179 Attract nicer stores 1/9/2018 10:26 PM 180 Recruit bigger retailers like target, Barnes and noble, cabela’s 1/9/2018 10:10 PM 181 Get better retail companies 1/9/2018 5:50 PM 182 further mall revitalization projects 1/9/2018 2:16 PM 183 The mall is a dying concept. Replace central structure with a walkable district similar to Snake River Landing in IF. Surround it with high end apartments to attract INL and future tech workers. Preserve the INL bus stop in this area to encourage walkability. 1/9/2018 9:47 AM 184 Invite popular retailers to set up shop here 1/8/2018 8:31 PM 185 Improve the mall and have stores to supply here without going to Idaho falls 1/7/2018 10:47 PM 186 How about real stores of consequence, rather than small-scale versions of Pocatello businesses 1/6/2018 1:11 PM 94 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 187 I'm not a big mall shopper, so don't have an opinion on that. Whenever we can, we use local businesses for our goods and services, and have always had top notch service. I really like Smith's, but we need a stop light there to make entry/exit safer. There sure seem to be a lot of wrecks there. 1/5/2018 1:15 PM 188 I do most of my shopping in Chubbuck already 1/4/2018 2:36 PM 189 Target would help and maybe a small outlet mall shopping center.1/4/2018 2:01 PM 190 N/A 1/3/2018 3:53 PM 191 Encourage new retail development and businesses will open up.1/3/2018 3:09 PM 192 Fill the Mall with Businesses 1/3/2018 2:09 PM 193 not sure 1/3/2018 1:45 PM 194 Encourage supporting local and offer more variety!1/3/2018 8:45 AM 195 Bring in more well known companies 1/3/2018 8:21 AM 196 New shopping center that includes shops, restaurants, and entertainment 1/3/2018 3:07 AM 197 strange if i cross the higway i don't feel i'm in chubbuck 1/3/2018 12:07 AM 198 nothing 1/2/2018 10:44 PM 199 Bring in better stores 1/2/2018 10:35 PM 200 Entice the mall to modernize. The Pine Ridge mall was built the same time and with the same design as Grand Teton mall in IF. It’s amazing Howe much more enjoyable it isn’t to shop at the mall 50 milestone away. 1/2/2018 9:38 PM 201 Develop a city square north of freeway to syphon, from hiline to yellowstone 1/2/2018 6:58 PM 202 bring in more businesses, promote local entrepreneurs.1/2/2018 6:15 PM 203 unsure 1/2/2018 5:07 PM 204 Fill up the mall with stores to shop in so we don't have to go to Idaho Falls, Boise or Salt Lake City. Get a Target or a Kohls on the new Knudson road that is really just an expensive road from Yellowwstone to Hawthorne. Prime location for a hotel or a new retail store. Get a new hotel and burn down the two old, drug infested hotels. I wouldn't step inside either one. 1/2/2018 4:44 PM 205 Find investment groups that don’t charge an arm and a leg for leases so businesses can stay 1/2/2018 3:42 PM 206 retain and expand shopping opportunities 1/2/2018 3:31 PM 207 More stores 1/2/2018 12:50 PM 208 Diverse shops and stores 1/2/2018 12:34 PM 209 Add more retail areas to the north of I-86 along Yellowstone 1/2/2018 11:32 AM 210 Get more retailers 1/2/2018 11:26 AM 211 Get stores that will compete with Walmart 1/2/2018 11:12 AM 212 easy access 1/2/2018 10:48 AM 213 Improve traffic flow around the shopping district.1/2/2018 10:31 AM 214 Bring something better than Walmart.1/2/2018 10:16 AM 215 Ease traffic flow on yellowstone 1/2/2018 10:12 AM 216 the interchange will help with this.1/2/2018 8:13 AM 217 create a retail shopping district other then the mall area.1/2/2018 7:52 AM 218 Don’t know 1/1/2018 11:27 PM 219 Enhance the mall 12/31/2017 10:22 PM 220 Attract more businesses 12/31/2017 9:51 AM 221 Get rid of Walmart and bring in local businesses.12/31/2017 1:03 AM 222 Actually build on Knudsen Road!!! Target would be great. No more fast food.12/30/2017 9:50 PM 95 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 223 Encourage local business 12/30/2017 4:22 PM 224 More retail options are needed 12/30/2017 11:00 AM 225 Have more places to shop 12/30/2017 10:07 AM 226 Better mall 12/30/2017 9:46 AM 227 Open more businesses. Everyone is so afraid of growth.12/30/2017 1:33 AM 228 I don’t think you can make people shop but support our mall.12/29/2017 12:54 PM 229 High speed internet 12/28/2017 9:46 PM 230 Bring in target 12/28/2017 9:10 PM 231 Attract better high end retail 12/28/2017 8:28 PM 232 The Main Street idea 12/28/2017 8:12 PM 233 Get target to open a store 12/28/2017 1:16 PM 234 It's a fine place to shop, and close to fine places. So, just keep the city services available to what we have. 12/28/2017 11:37 AM 235 Variety in major store chains 12/28/2017 10:02 AM 236 more retail, like Salt Lake City 12/28/2017 9:00 AM 237 More stores (Target)12/28/2017 1:03 AM 238 More businesses 12/27/2017 10:45 PM 239 Improve driving conditions- stoplights, etc 12/27/2017 10:28 PM 240 look at both the Twin Falls and Idaho Falls malls....see what they are obviously doing right that we are not. 12/27/2017 9:59 PM 241 Attract businesses that people want to go to.12/27/2017 9:23 PM 242 Make it easier to cross freeway to get to shops maybe through Hawthorne underpass.12/27/2017 9:06 PM 243 Add more retail businesses 12/27/2017 8:46 PM 244 It's not bad. Some want high end stores. A Target would be nice. Italian restaurant, more trees 12/27/2017 6:07 PM 245 More effective planning to ease traffic congestion 12/27/2017 5:17 PM 246 unknown 12/27/2017 3:37 PM 247 Add more popular retailers 12/27/2017 3:19 PM 248 more stores 12/27/2017 2:57 PM 249 Encourage and expand higher end retailers 12/27/2017 2:45 PM 250 Bring in more business by keeping taxes low.12/27/2017 2:35 PM 251 I’d love more local small business 12/27/2017 2:24 PM 252 Bigger safer roads 12/27/2017 1:35 PM 253 Get better retail like Idaho Falls has.12/27/2017 1:34 PM 254 Store that really have items needed, not going to utah!12/27/2017 1:11 PM 255 Actively work on economic development = more jobs = more people = better shopping will come.12/27/2017 12:47 PM 256 Help stores stay in the mall 12/27/2017 12:02 PM 257 Bring in retail stores 12/27/2017 11:39 AM 258 Better grocery store 12/27/2017 11:32 AM 259 Promote all retail small and large 12/27/2017 11:19 AM 260 Attract more businesses 12/27/2017 11:18 AM 261 Ease of flow 12/27/2017 10:59 AM 96 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 262 Update the mall 12/27/2017 10:55 AM 263 Target 12/27/2017 10:49 AM 264 Variety and lower taxes 12/27/2017 10:43 AM 265 Improve access to Hurley drive from Yellowstone next to Walmart.12/27/2017 10:09 AM 266 Better/more stores 12/27/2017 9:58 AM 267 Don’t know 12/27/2017 9:50 AM 268 Shop here 12/27/2017 9:25 AM 269 Bring in some real businesses 12/20/2017 2:10 PM 270 BRING IN COMPETITION 12/20/2017 10:03 AM 97 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q27 What is the biggest issue facing the future growth and development of Chubbuck? Answered: 263 Skipped: 69 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Government leaders who already have their own plans 2/15/2018 10:26 AM 2 lack of infrastructure roads, more freeway exits 2/15/2018 10:19 AM 3 lack of infrastructure mentality/ lack of vision- traffic problems getting into Chubbuck 2/15/2018 10:13 AM 4 Government city government 2/15/2018 10:06 AM 5 too much development growth 2/14/2018 3:31 PM 6 money money! people want things better- but don't want to pay or realize everything costs monet 2/14/2018 3:24 PM 7 space/ land area land purchasing 2/14/2018 3:14 PM 8 jobs space/ land area jobs/ too close to reservation 2/14/2018 3:05 PM 9 jobs strong employment opportunities 2/14/2018 2:46 PM 10 space/ land area available building space 2/14/2018 2:38 PM 11 business Online shopping. There needs to be something to attract people to go to the store and not sit at their computer to shop. 2/14/2018 1:28 PM 12 money money 2/14/2018 12:14 AM 13 pocatello competition with larger Pocatello 2/13/2018 11:51 PM 14 lack of infrastructure better roads 2/13/2018 11:40 PM 15 business big business coming here 2/13/2018 11:25 PM 16 business getting right kind of businesses 2/13/2018 10:36 AM 17 space/ land area Space 2/13/2018 9:54 AM 18 lack of infrastructure traffic and round abouts 2/11/2018 9:49 AM 19 taxes taxes 2/8/2018 2:13 PM 20 lack of infrastructure space/ land area having enough land to expand and access to freeway 2/8/2018 2:03 PM 21 space/ land area Land 2/8/2018 1:57 PM 22 jobs employment 2/8/2018 1:49 PM 23 other need more community input and trust in their opinions 2/8/2018 1:44 PM 24 Government city council members 2/8/2018 1:37 PM 25 jobs more good paying jobs 2/8/2018 1:03 PM 26 lack of infrastructure traffic at certain times of the day (am.)2/8/2018 12:58 PM 27 lack of infrastructure Schools more schools will be needed, and city streets 2/8/2018 12:10 PM 28 business jobs There are no big industry businesses to pay good salaries, which in turn support growth 2/8/2018 12:03 PM 29 other not much to do here 2/8/2018 11:48 AM 30 lack of infrastructure too much development traffic, overload of restaurants 2/8/2018 11:43 AM 31 taxes water, sewer, and garbage rates 2/8/2018 11:24 AM 32 appropriate planning 2/8/2018 11:10 AM 98 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 33 lack of infrastructure traffic as it grows 2/8/2018 11:03 AM 34 jobs taxes the cost of living compared to wage 2/8/2018 10:57 AM 35 money who's going to pay for it 2/8/2018 10:46 AM 36 lack of cohesive development plan and development standards that produce attractive development 2/8/2018 10:27 AM 37 space/ land area water rocky ground and water 2/8/2018 10:16 AM 38 the price of utilities 2/8/2018 10:08 AM 39 where to grow 2/6/2018 1:30 PM 40 We must put Chubbuck 1st. No be led around by the city goals of Pocatello.2/6/2018 1:11 PM 41 preparing for 2/6/2018 12:49 PM 42 too muhc growth and encroachment of Pocatello 2/6/2018 12:42 PM 43 too much development being smart about expansion- don't overdue 2/6/2018 12:16 PM 44 lack of infrastructure the population is growing faster than the roads can handle 2/6/2018 12:09 PM 45 streets 2/6/2018 12:02 PM 46 fairness of charging on utilities and growth 2/6/2018 11:42 AM 47 jobs 2/6/2018 11:37 AM 48 nothing sticks around 2/6/2018 11:30 AM 49 Lack of our own water system!!! Also traffic- especially on Chubbuck Road (east)2/6/2018 11:18 AM 50 traffic 2/6/2018 11:11 AM 51 nice shops where old and closed buisnesses reside 2/6/2018 11:05 AM 52 clean up lots for sale 2/6/2018 10:47 AM 53 lack of industry/ high wage employment/ new retail 2/6/2018 10:39 AM 54 money 2/6/2018 10:28 AM 55 planning and zoning 2/6/2018 10:19 AM 56 It will be too populated and push people out 2/6/2018 10:09 AM 57 Stores don’t make enough to stay.2/6/2018 10:07 AM 58 Pocatello growth.2/5/2018 10:49 AM 59 lack of shops that stay 2/4/2018 2:26 PM 60 Allowing new companies to come in instead of turning everything down 2/2/2018 12:40 PM 61 too busy of streets 2/1/2018 12:34 PM 62 water 2/1/2018 10:08 AM 63 City has expanded N.E.- No sidewalks. looks dumby 1/30/2018 11:15 AM 64 Keep shopping and office areas seperate 1/30/2018 11:06 AM 65 increasing drugs and crime 1/30/2018 10:58 AM 66 Siphon 1/30/2018 10:49 AM 67 not allowing it to grow 1/30/2018 10:40 AM 68 jobs 1/30/2018 10:33 AM 69 space to grow 1/30/2018 10:26 AM 70 lack of high paying jobs or lack of catering to tourism 1/30/2018 10:18 AM 71 Tear down old buildings 1/28/2018 2:50 PM 72 landlocked between the reservation and pocatello 1/27/2018 5:05 PM 99 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 73 Traffic 1/26/2018 9:21 PM 74 Lack of area to develop businesses and the inability to expand roads due to increased traffic.1/26/2018 2:17 PM 75 Low income areas making Chubbuck look “trashy”1/26/2018 1:47 PM 76 Access from interstate. Looks like that is being worked on. Way to go 1/26/2018 12:56 PM 77 The two cities are growing together duplication of services is expensive.1/26/2018 11:11 AM 78 Are we ready?1/25/2018 11:34 PM 79 Location and ease of travel 1/25/2018 9:05 PM 80 Nothing 1/25/2018 4:49 PM 81 shoppin or lack there of 1/25/2018 11:48 AM 82 Efficent planning. Do not grow too fast, plan it smart with long range plan.1/25/2018 11:30 AM 83 Our roads are able to handle what is coming, it is a small town and we are growing fast 1/25/2018 11:14 AM 84 Chubbuck needs it’s own middle school and high school 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 85 Zoning for school 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 86 Cost of city services like city utilities 1/25/2018 10:41 AM 87 City government regulations are anti growth 1/25/2018 10:32 AM 88 over spending 1/25/2018 10:28 AM 89 lower income residents 1/25/2018 10:13 AM 90 poor planning in the past 1/25/2018 12:21 AM 91 Traffic 1/24/2018 11:48 PM 92 Trying to be a big city when people live here because they want a small town experience 1/24/2018 11:42 PM 93 Crowed roads 1/24/2018 11:35 PM 94 regulation and difficulty in getting projects approved without redesigns by the city 1/24/2018 7:21 PM 95 Out of space 1/24/2018 1:06 AM 96 ? Not sure.1/24/2018 12:05 AM 97 school boundaries 1/23/2018 10:03 PM 98 unmanged residental growrth; provision of city services 1/23/2018 5:05 PM 99 population growth and good jobs 1/23/2018 4:03 PM 100 High taxes.1/22/2018 11:43 PM 101 Making city more aesthetically user friendly 1/22/2018 10:17 PM 102 The people in charge, and the people who don't want anything to change 1/22/2018 10:15 PM 103 The cost to businesses to move into Chubbuck.1/22/2018 10:07 PM 104 Well paying jobs. Completing plans 1/21/2018 9:00 PM 105 Schools.1/21/2018 8:53 PM 106 Traffic 1/21/2018 6:38 PM 107 Increasing the tax base though economic growth. I know people that have bought out in the county on the basis of taxes alone. 1/21/2018 1:26 PM 108 Lack of jobs. Restaurants don't realty boost the economy. There are plenty of food places, tattoo parlors and bars in both Pocatello and chubbuck. We need something else that creates real revenue real growth 1/20/2018 7:09 PM 109 Size 1/20/2018 12:46 PM 110 Unsure 1/19/2018 6:50 PM 111 attracting high-paying businesses to the area 1/19/2018 5:13 PM 100 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 112 Money/population 1/18/2018 10:48 PM 113 School boundaries.1/18/2018 8:02 PM 114 people not wanting to stand up and take action for their city 1/18/2018 11:10 AM 115 money 1/17/2018 4:37 PM 116 traffic and planned growth 1/16/2018 5:54 PM 117 Money - all this dreaming takes funding 1/16/2018 2:46 PM 118 To many people 1/16/2018 2:37 PM 119 the people here suck 1/16/2018 2:26 PM 120 economy 1/16/2018 2:24 PM 121 bullys 1/16/2018 2:21 PM 122 Haters 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 123 space 1/16/2018 12:49 PM 124 nobody comes here 1/16/2018 12:44 PM 125 NA 1/16/2018 12:43 PM 126 no money to do anything 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 127 everything 1/16/2018 12:40 PM 128 small 1/16/2018 12:37 PM 129 drug trade 1/16/2018 12:36 PM 130 Finding space 1/16/2018 12:34 PM 131 i dont know 1/16/2018 12:32 PM 132 a very small place 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 133 a very small place 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 134 We need to have better availability and make a bigger parking lot at Highland High School 1/16/2018 11:23 AM 135 people are lazy 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 136 CHICK- FIL-A 1/16/2018 11:18 AM 137 more stores are going out of business then they are putting up new ones 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 138 not adding stores 1/16/2018 11:13 AM 139 not much room to expand 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 140 the fear of change in the community their lack of want to grow and expand with technology. Because at the end of the day that's what our future is going to be. 1/16/2018 10:14 AM 141 Chubbuck is like 90% housing and 9% food 1% is shopping 1/16/2018 10:12 AM 142 MONEY 1/16/2018 10:06 AM 143 Sidewalks are too narrow 1/16/2018 10:04 AM 144 lack of change 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 145 Growth in population 1/16/2018 9:49 AM 146 how dirty it is 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 147 Roads and placement 1/15/2018 7:13 PM 148 There is not a lot here to offer. Also, I think our little town does not offer the best first impression when you drive down the city streets. 1/15/2018 6:44 PM 149 economy 1/15/2018 6:13 PM 150 unknown 1/14/2018 9:35 PM 101 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 151 Yellowstone hwy and chubbuck rd congestion 1/14/2018 9:43 AM 152 Roads not being wide enough.1/13/2018 9:33 AM 153 Taxes and utility bill. Lower them both.1/12/2018 4:16 PM 154 There isn’t many recreational opportunities.1/12/2018 1:07 PM 155 Infrastructure 1/12/2018 11:48 AM 156 Resistance to change from community members 1/11/2018 11:26 PM 157 infrastructure and people spending money 1/11/2018 9:54 PM 158 Chain restaurants, all you can find is fast food and almost no sit down and enjoy your meal kind of restaurants 1/11/2018 8:57 PM 159 Lack of property 1/11/2018 2:13 PM 160 Money.1/11/2018 11:17 AM 161 Changing requirements 1/10/2018 4:05 PM 162 The folks that have been in government prior to our current members 1/10/2018 1:47 PM 163 Na 1/10/2018 10:25 AM 164 money 1/10/2018 9:38 AM 165 Pet projects of council members and mayor. Failure to enforce laws.1/10/2018 8:22 AM 166 Keeping the cost of living in the city reasonable.1/10/2018 4:38 AM 167 Not enough experience and infrastructure to be productive.1/10/2018 1:34 AM 168 The low income population 1/10/2018 12:59 AM 169 No schools 1/9/2018 10:26 PM 170 Not enough thought went into planning for future growth, think big and it will get big 1/9/2018 10:10 PM 171 more employment opportunities 1/9/2018 2:16 PM 172 Desire for low taxes is inhibiting development.1/9/2018 9:47 AM 173 Closed minded people who have lived here a long time 1/8/2018 8:31 PM 174 Housing and business zoning 1/8/2018 12:02 PM 175 Not over taxing 1/7/2018 10:47 PM 176 Will services be able to keep up.1/6/2018 1:51 PM 177 Old stagnant thinking.1/6/2018 1:11 PM 178 How to grow without losing its warm small-town feel.1/5/2018 1:15 PM 179 that the citizens health and welfare are not paramount 1/4/2018 3:42 PM 180 Building so many restaurants at once led to some closing. Restraint perhaps?1/4/2018 2:36 PM 181 Population growth from interchange project. Traffic flow on Yellowstone Ave and other major streets. 1/4/2018 2:01 PM 182 Ease of traffic flow 1/4/2018 12:25 PM 183 Housing availability.1/3/2018 3:53 PM 184 Availability of quality land and locations to build on.1/3/2018 3:09 PM 185 Good old boy attitude for developers. Not enough concern for residents desires 1/3/2018 2:09 PM 186 Chubbuck does not have its own high school.1/3/2018 1:45 PM 187 People who may be unwilling to support the citys new ideas.1/3/2018 8:45 AM 188 Street width 1/3/2018 8:21 AM 189 Lack of high quality jobs 1/3/2018 3:07 AM 102 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 190 too much growth 1/2/2018 10:44 PM 191 Yellowstone Ave 1/2/2018 10:35 PM 192 Planning and Zoning seems to bully. They have an agenda and are willing to tell the City Counsil that’s they don’t have a choice but to do what they want. The city isn’t more than happy to throw a cheap business into an area that clearly should be residential only because the city would not have to beatify the area. The city Ian looking only at money right now and doesn’t not care how neighborhoods look or are maintained. Sad that the city cares very little about residents and highly Inn how to make a quick buck. This isn’t one reason why Josh Ellis is no longer on the city council. Pro growth is good if you keep the best interest of the resident so in mind, I really question this with the city right now. 1/2/2018 9:38 PM 193 That Chubbuck and Pocatello will need to combine.1/2/2018 8:55 PM 194 too much big town ideas, look to current business needs 1/2/2018 6:58 PM 195 Lack of vision and thinking big 1/2/2018 6:15 PM 196 school quality 1/2/2018 5:07 PM 197 Small town minds in charge. I like the push from the female councilpersons because there seems to be a more robust drive for a better town. Leave it to the current Mayor we'd stay small town "folks"! His favorite word to use just makes us small town hicks. Keep us the drive for future growth and development! 1/2/2018 4:44 PM 198 Needs more better paying jobs not just more minimum wage service jobs 1/2/2018 3:42 PM 199 Access to interstate, traffic congestion 1/2/2018 3:31 PM 200 Home town feeling 1/2/2018 12:50 PM 201 Size, money, religion plays a factor 1/2/2018 12:34 PM 202 Traffic bottleneck at I-86 and Yellowstone lack of commercial development along siphon road in preparation for the interchange 1/2/2018 11:32 AM 203 Economy 1/2/2018 11:26 AM 204 Lack of shopping or activites 1/2/2018 11:12 AM 205 city officials trying to make deals, they should make the approvals quick and straight forward 1/2/2018 10:48 AM 206 Too many cramed in neighborhoods. No space between houses gives an urban feel to the neighborhoods. 1/2/2018 10:31 AM 207 Probably land use. There are several worn down areas that need improvement or to be back in use/revived, before expanding. 1/2/2018 10:16 AM 208 Yellowstone congestion and new school boundary 1/2/2018 10:12 AM 209 space 1/2/2018 8:13 AM 210 The cost of City development fee 1/2/2018 7:52 AM 211 Rules and regulations 1/1/2018 11:27 PM 212 Employment opportunities 12/31/2017 10:22 PM 213 Space 12/31/2017 9:51 AM 214 That Chubbuck will become a big city like Pocatello and no place to grow. Let Chubbuck be the place for families to live away from the shopping centers and traffic. 12/31/2017 1:03 AM 215 Low incomes 12/30/2017 9:50 PM 216 A City Counsel that is for the people 12/30/2017 4:22 PM 217 The exsisting unsightly structures such as North yellowstone 12/30/2017 11:00 AM 218 people that don't want it to grow 12/30/2017 10:07 AM 219 The mall 12/30/2017 9:46 AM 220 The planners and developers, it's time for a change. Maybe not enough land.12/30/2017 1:33 AM 221 Traffic, space 12/29/2017 8:33 PM 103 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 222 Lack of leadership on the City Council, Pub Works and our Building Inspector’s are not qualified 12/29/2017 12:54 PM 223 Affordable and available High speed internet 12/28/2017 9:46 PM 224 No high paying jobs 12/28/2017 9:10 PM 225 Merging with agricultural and rural areas 12/28/2017 8:28 PM 226 I don't know of any 12/28/2017 8:12 PM 227 Pocatello landgrabs 12/28/2017 1:16 PM 228 People don't WANT it to grow. They want it to stay a suburb, close to rural areas, yet close to the larger cities. 12/28/2017 11:37 AM 229 Use tax money wisely to make improvements and get a better tax base because the tax rate is ridiculous for what you get here 12/28/2017 10:02 AM 230 Money or the lack of 12/28/2017 9:00 AM 231 Passing up on the growth 12/28/2017 1:03 AM 232 Recreation and skilled labor 12/27/2017 10:45 PM 233 Visual reputation 12/27/2017 10:28 PM 234 cost of living does not match wages paid by Chubbuck businesses 12/27/2017 9:59 PM 235 Lack of affordable infrastructure (utilities and internet)12/27/2017 9:23 PM 236 Traffic at Yellowstone and Chubbuck road. No high school.12/27/2017 9:06 PM 237 Not enough jobs that can support families 12/27/2017 8:46 PM 238 Land locked and no place to build real manufacturing 12/27/2017 6:07 PM 239 Income levels of its residents 12/27/2017 5:17 PM 240 Defining who we are 12/27/2017 3:37 PM 241 ?12/27/2017 3:19 PM 242 money 12/27/2017 2:57 PM 243 Bring in better stores 12/27/2017 2:48 PM 244 Economic factors 12/27/2017 2:45 PM 245 Roads 12/27/2017 2:35 PM 246 Most of the parks are small and designed for school age kids 12/27/2017 2:24 PM 247 Don't know 12/27/2017 1:35 PM 248 Traffic.12/27/2017 1:34 PM 249 Land lock and property taxes.12/27/2017 1:11 PM 250 Qaulity of life, amenities, attractive features 12/27/2017 12:47 PM 251 Availability of good schooling 12/27/2017 12:02 PM 252 School boundaries 12/27/2017 11:39 AM 253 ?12/27/2017 11:32 AM 254 Taxes hard water street maintenance and overall bad image of city government doesn't care 12/27/2017 11:19 AM 255 Employment 12/27/2017 10:55 AM 256 Politics 12/27/2017 10:49 AM 257 Complacent 12/27/2017 10:43 AM 258 Space.12/27/2017 10:09 AM 259 Not sure 12/27/2017 9:58 AM 260 Lack of ppanning 12/27/2017 9:50 AM 104 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 261 Dollars 12/27/2017 9:25 AM 262 The current Mayor and city council 12/20/2017 2:10 PM 263 PEOPLE WITH STAY SMALL ATTITUDES 12/20/2017 10:03 AM 105 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q28 What do you see as the biggest challenge for senior citizens in the City of Chubbuck? Answered: 247 Skipped: 85 #RESPONSES DATE 1 no senior center 2/15/2018 11:48 AM 2 transportation 2/15/2018 10:26 AM 3 lack of medical services/ gathering point 2/15/2018 10:13 AM 4 traffic 2/15/2018 10:06 AM 5 the weather and senior focused place to live 2/14/2018 3:24 PM 6 lcm of a senior center 2/14/2018 3:14 PM 7 public transportation/ ADA sidewalks 2/14/2018 3:05 PM 8 a place to gather 2/14/2018 2:58 PM 9 Chubbuck is good to seniors 2/14/2018 2:52 PM 10 weather 2/14/2018 2:46 PM 11 transportation 2/14/2018 2:38 PM 12 A senior center would be nice.2/14/2018 1:28 PM 13 the sidewalks 2/14/2018 12:14 AM 14 lack of public transportation 2/13/2018 11:51 PM 15 high taxes 2/13/2018 11:40 PM 16 Getting around easily if town grows a lot 2/13/2018 10:36 AM 17 affordable senior living centers 2/11/2018 9:49 AM 18 no activities directed towards them/ no biking walking paths 2/8/2018 2:13 PM 19 Commuity center 2/8/2018 1:57 PM 20 property maintenance and transportation 2/8/2018 1:44 PM 21 crime, snow covered roads/sidewalks 2/8/2018 1:37 PM 22 affordable housing 2/8/2018 1:03 PM 23 winter, snow removal, walking 2/8/2018 12:58 PM 24 transportation to and from 2/8/2018 12:10 PM 25 access to activities- socialization 2/8/2018 12:03 PM 26 transportation 2/8/2018 11:56 AM 27 a place to interact 2/8/2018 11:43 AM 28 isolation 2/8/2018 11:10 AM 29 transpirtation services to assist them 2/8/2018 10:57 AM 30 monthly bill 2/8/2018 10:46 AM 31 property tax 2/8/2018 10:16 AM 32 no medical , assissted living, retirement center 2/8/2018 10:08 AM 33 taxes 2/6/2018 1:35 PM 34 affordable housing 2/6/2018 1:17 PM 106 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 35 ease of transportation 2/6/2018 1:11 PM 36 transportation, healthcare, living cost 2/6/2018 1:02 PM 37 place to live 2/6/2018 12:49 PM 38 they are old and grumpy 2/6/2018 12:42 PM 39 health access 2/6/2018 12:16 PM 40 build a senior citizen center in chubbuck 2/6/2018 12:09 PM 41 they don't have a senior center here 2/6/2018 12:02 PM 42 paying high utility bill 2/6/2018 11:49 AM 43 costs to live 2/6/2018 11:42 AM 44 high price of senior living 2/6/2018 11:37 AM 45 close medical care 2/6/2018 11:05 AM 46 safety from lack of code enforcement 2/6/2018 10:39 AM 47 transportation 2/6/2018 10:28 AM 48 being taxed out of our homes 2/6/2018 10:19 AM 49 public transportation 2/6/2018 10:09 AM 50 Affordable, quality nursing or assisted living homes.2/6/2018 10:07 AM 51 Lack of public transportation availability.2/5/2018 10:49 AM 52 access to public places 2/4/2018 2:26 PM 53 Free transportation for seniors 2/2/2018 12:40 PM 54 limited public transportation 2/1/2018 10:08 AM 55 Senior group activities. I think mail should be utilized more. movie theater..1/30/2018 11:15 AM 56 retirements homes availability 1/30/2018 11:06 AM 57 accessibility and support 1/30/2018 10:58 AM 58 weather in winter 1/30/2018 10:49 AM 59 transportation 1/30/2018 10:40 AM 60 cost of utilities 1/30/2018 10:33 AM 61 snow removal from sidewalks and residential streets 1/30/2018 10:26 AM 62 taxes 1/30/2018 10:18 AM 63 Nearby options 1/28/2018 2:50 PM 64 bingo nights 1/27/2018 5:05 PM 65 N/A 1/26/2018 9:21 PM 66 High cost of city bill (ie. water purchased through Poky) and if a new rec center is put in, that will raise their property taxes when they are on fixed incomes. 1/26/2018 2:17 PM 67 No senior Center 1/26/2018 1:47 PM 68 Affordable and accessible transportation 1/26/2018 12:56 PM 69 Cost of living, services, taxes.1/26/2018 11:11 AM 70 Community service programs for them to get help.1/25/2018 11:34 PM 71 Ease of driving 1/25/2018 9:05 PM 72 transpertation, activities 1/25/2018 4:49 PM 73 affordable housing 1/25/2018 11:30 AM 74 affordability- Power and water 1/25/2018 11:14 AM 107 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 75 I am unsuee 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 76 not sure 1/25/2018 10:41 AM 77 Transportation 1/25/2018 10:32 AM 78 high cost of living 1/25/2018 10:28 AM 79 No healthcare in the city-most in pocatello 1/25/2018 10:13 AM 80 no senior center 1/25/2018 12:21 AM 81 N/A 1/24/2018 11:48 PM 82 Activities and involvement 1/24/2018 11:42 PM 83 Not much for them to do 1/24/2018 11:35 PM 84 need for yransportation 1/24/2018 9:49 PM 85 mobility 1/24/2018 7:21 PM 86 affordable living 1/24/2018 1:06 AM 87 Transportation?1/24/2018 12:05 AM 88 opportunities to feel like a part of the community 1/23/2018 10:03 PM 89 public transportation 1/23/2018 5:05 PM 90 Republicans 1/23/2018 4:03 PM 91 Not enough activities 1/22/2018 11:43 PM 92 Traffic on Yellowstone 1/22/2018 10:17 PM 93 Getting around town and medical assistance, insurance Ect.1/22/2018 10:15 PM 94 Lack of activities 1/22/2018 10:07 PM 95 Accessibility in transportation 1/21/2018 9:00 PM 96 Lack of things for them to do.1/21/2018 8:53 PM 97 Affordable healthcare 1/21/2018 1:26 PM 98 Ease of getting around, sidewalks or lack of in some areas. Not a community center for them to go to that is close for socialising and exercise. 1/20/2018 7:09 PM 99 Living 1/20/2018 12:46 PM 100 Unsure 1/19/2018 6:50 PM 101 senior-friendly housing 1/19/2018 5:13 PM 102 Health care costs 1/18/2018 10:48 PM 103 None 1/18/2018 8:02 PM 104 mobility around town 1/18/2018 11:10 AM 105 senior center would be wonderful 1/17/2018 4:37 PM 106 getting around and senior services 1/16/2018 5:54 PM 107 Driving the diamond of death/navigating a round about, affordable living 1/16/2018 2:46 PM 108 Nothing 1/16/2018 2:37 PM 109 old age 1/16/2018 2:26 PM 110 money 1/16/2018 2:24 PM 111 stupid teenagers 1/16/2018 2:21 PM 112 Its hare for them to get around 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 113 involvement in the community 1/16/2018 12:49 PM 114 not wheelchair accessible 1/16/2018 12:44 PM 108 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 115 Recreation opportunities 1/16/2018 12:43 PM 116 no wheelchair accessability in many places 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 117 everything 1/16/2018 12:40 PM 118 cant go many places 1/16/2018 12:37 PM 119 getting older 1/16/2018 12:36 PM 120 lawn care 1/16/2018 12:34 PM 121 i dont know 1/16/2018 12:32 PM 122 cold weather 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 123 cold weather 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 124 Health 1/16/2018 11:23 AM 125 driving 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 126 CHICK- FIL-A 1/16/2018 11:18 AM 127 mobility 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 128 idk 1/16/2018 11:13 AM 129 bad roads 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 130 transport 1/16/2018 10:14 AM 131 The distance of all the main stores in chubbuck 1/16/2018 10:12 AM 132 Traffic 1/16/2018 10:06 AM 133 transportation 1/16/2018 10:04 AM 134 Retail not being easily accessed.1/16/2018 9:49 AM 135 the reckless driving of teens 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 136 Senior accessible or compatible entertainment is lacking 1/15/2018 7:13 PM 137 Availability of services they may need.1/15/2018 6:44 PM 138 dealing with a possible over-population 1/15/2018 6:13 PM 139 no comment 1/14/2018 9:35 PM 140 Main street and road congestion 1/14/2018 9:43 AM 141 Homeowner tax rates due with bonds that don't apply to them.1/13/2018 9:33 AM 142 Cant afford to pay their bills.1/12/2018 4:16 PM 143 Lack of transportation help.1/12/2018 1:07 PM 144 Cost of living 1/12/2018 11:48 AM 145 Economic limitations 1/11/2018 11:26 PM 146 I'm not sure 1/11/2018 9:54 PM 147 Nothing to do, they have to go to Pocky 1/11/2018 8:57 PM 148 Getting around 1/11/2018 2:13 PM 149 Access to healthcare.1/11/2018 11:17 AM 150 winter street maintenance 1/10/2018 4:05 PM 151 Prices of housing and cost of living to continue going up, I'd love to see more retirement communities 1/10/2018 1:47 PM 152 Na 1/10/2018 10:25 AM 153 accesibilty to stores/parks 1/10/2018 9:38 AM 109 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 154 No place to walk safely. Not enough walking paths, police do not enforce speeding laws in residential areas. EXAMPLE: A month ago, an officer sat outside my house waiting for something to happen at my neighbors, while sitting there people constantly drove well over the speed lime for a 25 mph zone and what the did the COP do....NOTHING. Just sat there, waited and read. 1/10/2018 8:22 AM 155 Housing prices for places for them to live.1/10/2018 4:38 AM 156 Medical care 1/10/2018 1:34 AM 157 There is nothing for them to participate in.1/10/2018 12:59 AM 158 Accessible medical specialities 1/9/2018 10:26 PM 159 Driving in main heavy traffic areas 1/9/2018 10:10 PM 160 Services 1/9/2018 5:50 PM 161 ?1/9/2018 2:16 PM 162 Car-based city with poor snow removal. Not senior friendly.1/9/2018 9:47 AM 163 I don't see challenges for them.1/8/2018 8:31 PM 164 Health services are not easy to access 1/7/2018 10:47 PM 165 Taxes 1/6/2018 1:51 PM 166 na 1/6/2018 1:11 PM 167 Adequate medical care and enough primary care physicians. PortNeuf Medical Center, in spite of all its hype, is not a quality health care provider. It is a profit-driven company from out of town. I already travel to Idaho Falls for routine care (and I don't have any serious health issues!) As I look toward retirement and aging, this lack of quality local medical care is my biggest concern. 1/5/2018 1:15 PM 168 the senior center in pocatello stinks - literally it smells and senior prople shouldn't have to attend such a dumpy building 1/4/2018 3:42 PM 169 Transportation 1/4/2018 2:36 PM 170 Healthcare system and needs with a growing population.1/4/2018 2:01 PM 171 N/a 1/3/2018 3:53 PM 172 Distance to health care - need to go to Pocatello.1/3/2018 3:09 PM 173 Traffic 1/3/2018 2:09 PM 174 A community seniors center.1/3/2018 1:45 PM 175 Lower income with homes becoming so expensive.1/3/2018 8:45 AM 176 Lack of single level town homes 1/3/2018 8:21 AM 177 Lack of retirement communities 1/3/2018 3:07 AM 178 higher bills 1/2/2018 10:44 PM 179 High Utilities / Places to live 1/2/2018 10:35 PM 180 Okay right now 1/2/2018 9:38 PM 181 Not the responsibility of the city 1/2/2018 8:55 PM 182 taxes, cost of sewer/water 1/2/2018 6:58 PM 183 affordable housing 1/2/2018 6:15 PM 184 unsure 1/2/2018 5:07 PM 185 Walking and biking paths all over the city.1/2/2018 4:44 PM 186 No idea 1/2/2018 3:42 PM 187 access to health care, affordable 1/2/2018 3:31 PM 188 Being left out 1/2/2018 12:50 PM 189 Don’t know if there is one 1/2/2018 12:34 PM 110 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 190 None 1/2/2018 11:32 AM 191 Accessibility of community options to them 1/2/2018 11:26 AM 192 Things to do or places to gather 1/2/2018 11:12 AM 193 affordability 1/2/2018 10:48 AM 194 Traffic 1/2/2018 10:31 AM 195 Probably distance to the care they might need.1/2/2018 10:16 AM 196 Traffic is scary 1/2/2018 10:12 AM 197 health care and senior activities 1/2/2018 8:13 AM 198 getting around 1/2/2018 7:52 AM 199 Not sure 1/1/2018 11:27 PM 200 Transportation 12/31/2017 10:22 PM 201 Driving 12/31/2017 9:51 AM 202 Too few walking paths 12/30/2017 9:50 PM 203 Icy walks and roads 12/30/2017 4:22 PM 204 Lack of retirement communities offering nice living accommodations but maintainence services 12/30/2017 11:00 AM 205 High Cost of Living 12/30/2017 10:07 AM 206 NA 12/30/2017 9:46 AM 207 I don't 12/30/2017 1:33 AM 208 Ease of getting around 12/29/2017 8:33 PM 209 Not really sure.12/29/2017 12:54 PM 210 Having good and meds delivered 12/28/2017 9:46 PM 211 Being able to afford to stay in their homes 12/28/2017 9:10 PM 212 Not being in favor of technology coming to chubbuck 12/28/2017 8:28 PM 213 Idk 12/28/2017 8:12 PM 214 Lack of ease of travel and access to transportation 12/28/2017 1:16 PM 215 Transportation. I could live in LA without driving. I can't live in Chubbuck without driving.12/28/2017 11:37 AM 216 Place to walk or get out in the winter months 12/28/2017 10:02 AM 217 Water and sewer rates. I have property in Pocatello and I pay less.12/28/2017 9:00 AM 218 Transportation 12/28/2017 1:03 AM 219 Cost of living 12/27/2017 10:45 PM 220 Mobility 12/27/2017 10:28 PM 221 Lack of transportation 12/27/2017 9:23 PM 222 Not sure.12/27/2017 9:06 PM 223 I dont know 12/27/2017 8:46 PM 224 Getting around without a car.12/27/2017 6:07 PM 225 Surviving on minimal incomes 12/27/2017 5:17 PM 226 Taxes and utility rates?12/27/2017 3:37 PM 227 .12/27/2017 3:19 PM 228 street repair 12/27/2017 2:57 PM 229 Lack of senior friendly facilities 12/27/2017 2:45 PM 230 Unsure 12/27/2017 2:35 PM 111 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 231 Housing can be harder to find in chubbuck vs the college area 12/27/2017 2:24 PM 232 Don't knowing know 12/27/2017 1:35 PM 233 Lack of activities.12/27/2017 1:34 PM 234 Places for them to get out and enjoin at there age set.12/27/2017 1:11 PM 235 There are no amenities for seniors in Chubbuck 12/27/2017 12:47 PM 236 Medical care 12/27/2017 12:02 PM 237 Lack of activity 12/27/2017 11:39 AM 238 ?12/27/2017 11:32 AM 239 Health care options 12/27/2017 11:19 AM 240 .12/27/2017 10:55 AM 241 No programs 12/27/2017 10:49 AM 242 Financial insecurities 12/27/2017 10:43 AM 243 Access to medical care 12/27/2017 9:58 AM 244 We need a cemetary 12/27/2017 9:50 AM 245 health care 12/27/2017 9:25 AM 246 They are old 12/20/2017 2:10 PM 247 LACK OF A SENIOR CENTER 12/20/2017 10:03 AM 112 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q29 What do you see as the biggest challenge for youth in the City of Chubbuck? Answered: 261 Skipped: 71 #RESPONSES DATE 1 something to do 2/15/2018 10:26 AM 2 outside of sports and movie nothing to do and very few job opportunities 2/15/2018 10:13 AM 3 no programs 2/15/2018 10:06 AM 4 being dumb/ drugs 2/14/2018 3:31 PM 5 nothing to do 2/14/2018 3:24 PM 6 lack of quality education 2/14/2018 3:14 PM 7 recreational opportunities 2/14/2018 3:05 PM 8 street improvement 2/14/2018 2:52 PM 9 education- district 25 is bad!!!2/14/2018 2:46 PM 10 parents knowing where their children are late at night 2/13/2018 11:25 PM 11 service opportunities 2/13/2018 11:17 PM 12 Not enough recreation that is affordable for the average family 2/13/2018 10:52 AM 13 not sure 2/13/2018 10:36 AM 14 choosing between education and drugs 2/11/2018 9:49 AM 15 activities to keep busy and away from drugs 2/8/2018 2:13 PM 16 better schooling and a school district that demands more excellence from teachers and students 2/8/2018 2:03 PM 17 Extra curricular activities that can lead to careers 2/8/2018 1:57 PM 18 Education, no high school or middle school. Communting REQ's 2/8/2018 1:49 PM 19 pride for others property and belongings 2/8/2018 1:44 PM 20 playing @ a park o a cell phone tower 2/8/2018 1:37 PM 21 need a high school in this area 2/8/2018 1:03 PM 22 not enough places/ fun things to keep them out of trouble 2/8/2018 12:58 PM 23 not much for kids to do here 2/8/2018 12:10 PM 24 too much access to social media, which is leading to inability to communicate and be more present 2/8/2018 12:03 PM 25 activities 2/8/2018 11:56 AM 26 need for more community things to do 2/8/2018 11:48 AM 27 motivation 2/8/2018 11:43 AM 28 not much to do 2/8/2018 11:34 AM 29 rec center 2/8/2018 11:28 AM 30 to put the computer away 2/8/2018 11:24 AM 31 places to go hang out that are safe 2/8/2018 11:16 AM 32 i don't know, the kids in our neighborhood are pretty great..2/8/2018 11:10 AM 33 appreciatting consequences of there actions 2/8/2018 11:03 AM 34 nothing for them to do that doesn't cost an arm and leg 2/8/2018 10:57 AM 113 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 35 not enough to do- activities 2/8/2018 10:46 AM 36 smart phones replacing physical activity 2/8/2018 10:27 AM 37 getting them involved in school activities 2/8/2018 10:16 AM 38 no activities 2/8/2018 10:08 AM 39 need more things to keep kids off drugs 2/6/2018 1:30 PM 40 more recreation 2/6/2018 1:17 PM 41 recreation- its getting much better 2/6/2018 1:11 PM 42 activity center, after school programs 2/6/2018 1:02 PM 43 more education opportunities 2/6/2018 12:56 PM 44 driving on fitted roads 2/6/2018 12:49 PM 45 they are young and stupid 2/6/2018 12:42 PM 46 activities to participate in 2/6/2018 12:16 PM 47 employment 2/6/2018 12:09 PM 48 nothing for them. Baseball stops @ 16 and short season leaves kids most of the summer to do "nothing" raise problems. 2/6/2018 12:02 PM 49 boredom 2/6/2018 11:42 AM 50 poorly educated 2/6/2018 11:37 AM 51 They need things to do without having to go to Pocatello.2/6/2018 11:18 AM 52 youth senter- swimming, indoor basketball, etc.2/6/2018 11:05 AM 53 not much needed 2/6/2018 10:47 AM 54 over endulged! more work opportunities!2/6/2018 10:39 AM 55 education 2/6/2018 10:28 AM 56 being involved 2/6/2018 10:19 AM 57 Need to go to Pocatello for a lot of things 2/6/2018 10:09 AM 58 No challenges.2/6/2018 10:07 AM 59 Lack of activities 2/5/2018 10:49 AM 60 being exposed to greater things 2/4/2018 2:26 PM 61 Recreational activities 2/2/2018 12:40 PM 62 finding jobs 2/1/2018 12:34 PM 63 finding jobs 2/1/2018 10:08 AM 64 No real safe place indoors for kids to hang out, play ball, swim, play games (like a rec center)1/30/2018 11:36 AM 65 community involvement- offer volunteer work starting at youth level 1/30/2018 11:15 AM 66 a curfew management 1/30/2018 11:06 AM 67 safe and fun activities available increasing availability of drugs 1/30/2018 10:58 AM 68 education not great 1/30/2018 10:49 AM 69 no activities 1/30/2018 10:40 AM 70 Parent care they don't have it 1/30/2018 10:33 AM 71 Not enough things for teens to do 1/30/2018 10:26 AM 72 lack of social areas to hang out 1/30/2018 10:18 AM 73 Entertainment 1/28/2018 2:50 PM 74 moving to a sub-optimal school across town.1/27/2018 5:05 PM 114 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 75 Need entertainment options 1/26/2018 9:21 PM 76 The middle school is the worst school in town.1/26/2018 2:17 PM 77 Lack of youth activities other than sports 1/26/2018 1:47 PM 78 Access to city sports. Private teams are cutting into city sports to soon leaving many kids out of sports to early 1/26/2018 12:56 PM 79 Staying out of trouble.1/26/2018 11:11 AM 80 Drugs 1/25/2018 11:34 PM 81 Accessibility to recreational facilities 1/25/2018 9:05 PM 82 Activities 1/25/2018 4:49 PM 83 need better sports facilities 1/25/2018 11:48 AM 84 Boredom and the ability to work.1/25/2018 11:30 AM 85 safety 1/25/2018 11:14 AM 86 School 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 87 Rec center there isn’t a place for Chubbuck’s kids to go in the winter to swim play basketball or work out 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 88 Need more places and activities for the youth to keep them out of trouble 1/25/2018 10:41 AM 89 Lack of activities outside of sports 1/25/2018 10:32 AM 90 poor low paying jobs 1/25/2018 10:28 AM 91 no places for recreation 1/25/2018 10:13 AM 92 Have to drive too far for school 1/25/2018 12:21 AM 93 Need more rec area 1/24/2018 11:48 PM 94 Community pride and belonging 1/24/2018 11:42 PM 95 Poor education 1/24/2018 11:35 PM 96 n/a 1/24/2018 9:49 PM 97 diminishing parks and their use 1/24/2018 7:21 PM 98 Safety 1/24/2018 1:06 AM 99 Lack of bike paths 1/24/2018 12:05 AM 100 being active in the community during the summer 1/23/2018 10:03 PM 101 soclal outlets 1/23/2018 5:05 PM 102 opportunity 1/23/2018 4:03 PM 103 Finding jobs 1/22/2018 11:43 PM 104 Nor sure 1/22/2018 10:17 PM 105 Learning how to function in society, pay bills, vote for offices, having good people to run for offices.1/22/2018 10:15 PM 106 Lack of activities 1/22/2018 10:07 PM 107 There's nothing to do without spending a bunch of money especially in poor weather 1/21/2018 9:00 PM 108 Drugs 1/21/2018 8:53 PM 109 The underlining decrease in basic civility between how we treat each other. We as adults have not modeled it well for them. 1/21/2018 1:26 PM 110 Over crowded schools, no rec center, place to hang out and have good honest fun 1/20/2018 7:09 PM 111 Not having a place to shop 1/20/2018 12:46 PM 112 Unsure 1/19/2018 6:50 PM 113 Safety. I wish there were more places for them to safely ride their bikes.1/19/2018 5:13 PM 115 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 114 Lack of recreational activities 1/18/2018 10:48 PM 115 School boundaries.1/18/2018 8:02 PM 116 not enough recreational activities to keep them occupied 1/18/2018 11:10 AM 117 things to do 1/17/2018 4:37 PM 118 There is nothing to do for youth unless they are involved in Sports. Mall concept for teens is kind of laughable. Actual teen center that does not nickel and dime but has a fee. 1/16/2018 2:46 PM 119 Not enough swimming pools 1/16/2018 2:37 PM 120 trash school 1/16/2018 2:26 PM 121 money 1/16/2018 2:24 PM 122 bullys 1/16/2018 2:21 PM 123 Others accepting them.1/16/2018 12:58 PM 124 ability to see the things to do 1/16/2018 12:49 PM 125 not enough opportunities for everyone to do what they love 1/16/2018 12:44 PM 126 shopping 1/16/2018 12:43 PM 127 finding things to do. school and work 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 128 everything 1/16/2018 12:40 PM 129 theyre bored 1/16/2018 12:37 PM 130 drugs 1/16/2018 12:36 PM 131 Lack of teen activities 1/16/2018 12:34 PM 132 i dont know 1/16/2018 12:32 PM 133 need more jobs for youth 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 134 IDK 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 135 Getting better stores 1/16/2018 11:23 AM 136 avoiding drugs 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 137 CHICK- FIL-A 1/16/2018 11:18 AM 138 not enough places that they can hang out 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 139 to get more stores 1/16/2018 11:13 AM 140 lack of shopping places 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 141 We don't have a high enough stranded of education and have a lack of help to the children who strugle. 1/16/2018 10:14 AM 142 not enough enviorment, we are couped up inside all day.1/16/2018 10:12 AM 143 Cops/ Malls 1/16/2018 10:06 AM 144 participation in activities 1/16/2018 10:04 AM 145 not many activities to do 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 146 Education 1/16/2018 9:52 AM 147 There's not a lot of entertainment opportunities.1/16/2018 9:49 AM 148 there is no one to look up to 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 149 Terrible education and entertainment 1/15/2018 7:13 PM 150 Other than city league baseball and softball, there isn't a lot for our youth to do. The parks are boring. 1/15/2018 6:44 PM 151 getting a job 1/15/2018 6:13 PM 152 no comment 1/14/2018 9:35 PM 116 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 153 Main street and road congestion 1/14/2018 9:43 AM 154 H 1/13/2018 9:33 AM 155 ??1/12/2018 4:16 PM 156 Bullies 1/12/2018 1:07 PM 157 Lack of recreational opportunities 1/12/2018 11:48 AM 158 Lack of good entertainment and involment opportunities 1/11/2018 11:26 PM 159 not a lot of things to go do for entertainment 1/11/2018 9:54 PM 160 Not a lot to do, nothing fun where we can hang out 1/11/2018 8:57 PM 161 Parks 1/11/2018 2:13 PM 162 Nothing.1/11/2018 11:17 AM 163 access to recreation 1/10/2018 4:05 PM 164 With only 2 elementary schools there isn't much for after school 1/10/2018 1:47 PM 165 Na 1/10/2018 10:25 AM 166 need somewhere to hangout safely 1/10/2018 9:38 AM 167 Not knowing the Activities at the Portneuf District Library 1/10/2018 4:38 AM 168 Lack of activities or gathering place 1/10/2018 1:34 AM 169 They need more cultural experiences. The arts, plays, other ideas and opportunities.1/10/2018 12:59 AM 170 Recreational activities that are centrally located 1/9/2018 10:26 PM 171 Not enough to do outside of their homes 1/9/2018 10:10 PM 172 Education 1/9/2018 5:50 PM 173 distance from middle schools and high schools 1/9/2018 2:16 PM 174 Poor low-cost internet options. Must improve to ensure low income youth have equal access to information and tech education. 1/9/2018 9:47 AM 175 Safety as the city grows/develops, crime increases 1/8/2018 8:31 PM 176 Safety 1/6/2018 1:51 PM 177 na 1/6/2018 1:11 PM 178 The explosion of technology and the decline of traditional family values. So many of our youth feel lonely, stressed and overwhelmed, and many lack family support. State-mandated educational testing has changed the way schools run. Schools have become a high-pressure, stress-filled environment rather than a warm, supportive place. I think Chubbuck does a great job providing recreational activities, organized sports, and green spaces for young people. We need to keep up the good work. Young people today face a hostile world, and without healthy outlets and good support, too many fight depression and loneliness or turn to drugs and gangs. Anything that supports and strengthens families benefits youth. 1/5/2018 1:15 PM 179 Safety 1/4/2018 2:36 PM 180 Schools/educational needs with a growing population.1/4/2018 2:01 PM 181 Not very diverse in options for after school activities and within the education system.1/3/2018 3:53 PM 182 Nothing 1/3/2018 3:09 PM 183 learning responsibility and respect 1/3/2018 2:09 PM 184 Decent start jobs not related to a fast food place. A community center to spend time in positive supervised activities. 1/3/2018 1:45 PM 185 Not enough things to do to keep them busy and out of trouble.1/3/2018 8:45 AM 186 Convenient locations of sports fields 1/3/2018 8:21 AM 187 Not enough outlets for entertainment and creativity, lack of secondary education 1/3/2018 3:07 AM 117 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 188 nothing for teenagers to do 1/3/2018 12:07 AM 189 recreation opportunities 1/2/2018 10:44 PM 190 Schools 1/2/2018 10:35 PM 191 Lack of activities or neighborhood parks 1/2/2018 9:38 PM 192 Not the responsibility of the city 1/2/2018 8:55 PM 193 no activities for evening times 1/2/2018 6:58 PM 194 productive places to gather 1/2/2018 6:15 PM 195 school quality 1/2/2018 5:07 PM 196 Not sure.1/2/2018 4:44 PM 197 An outlet to express themselves 1/2/2018 3:42 PM 198 Keeping youth active high 1/2/2018 12:50 PM 199 Diversity, opportunities 1/2/2018 12:34 PM 200 Chubbuck needs a new middle school and a high school 1/2/2018 11:32 AM 201 Becoming aware of/involved in community functions 1/2/2018 11:26 AM 202 Low-cost activities 1/2/2018 11:12 AM 203 access to parks and programs 1/2/2018 10:48 AM 204 Drugs 1/2/2018 10:31 AM 205 No place is safe anymore. Bullies at the parks, increased crime rate, high rate of abductions. Parents can’t let them out of their sight to grow and explore. 1/2/2018 10:16 AM 206 Lack of parks or places to hang out. I know we have a lot of parks, but they are small, out dated (except for stuart! Good job!) And for young kids. Teens have nothing. 1/2/2018 10:12 AM 207 A reason to want to stay in chubbuck to raise a family 1/2/2018 7:52 AM 208 Activities 1/1/2018 11:27 PM 209 Lack of Recreation 12/31/2017 10:22 PM 210 Not a whole lot of activities for kids of working parents to do after school 12/31/2017 8:52 PM 211 Society and it’s teachings as a whole 12/31/2017 9:51 AM 212 No other places to go like a community center 12/31/2017 1:03 AM 213 Drug problems. Low income schools.12/30/2017 9:50 PM 214 Affordable, appropriate entertainment and recreation 12/30/2017 4:22 PM 215 School boundaries not all funneling to the same schools where kids don’t stay with their classmates 12/30/2017 11:00 AM 216 need more activities 12/30/2017 10:07 AM 217 Staying active and social 12/30/2017 9:46 AM 218 I don't like the boundry change 12/30/2017 1:33 AM 219 Not enough tondo 12/29/2017 8:33 PM 220 Keeping City leaders from screwing up our recreational facilities.12/29/2017 12:54 PM 221 Lack of access to Internet to be able to compete and stay ahead of fellow peers.12/28/2017 9:46 PM 222 Finding a good paying job 12/28/2017 9:10 PM 223 Not enough recreational activities inside chubbuck. Most seem to have to go into Pocatello to get the better activities 12/28/2017 8:28 PM 224 Someplace to go just hang out 12/28/2017 8:12 PM 225 Nothing to do, parks have limited play options 12/28/2017 1:16 PM 118 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 226 Appreciating the advantages of small town life.12/28/2017 11:37 AM 227 Not many activities to keep them busy 12/28/2017 10:02 AM 228 No jobs to keep them here.12/28/2017 9:00 AM 229 Needs more activities 12/28/2017 1:03 AM 230 Drugs 12/27/2017 10:45 PM 231 Recreation facilities 12/27/2017 10:28 PM 232 nothing to do, most places are too expensive and the wellness complex is not patrolled or enforced with the rules 12/27/2017 9:59 PM 233 Lack of entertainment and things to do 12/27/2017 9:23 PM 234 iPhones, no personal communication.12/27/2017 9:06 PM 235 Not enough activities for them 12/27/2017 8:46 PM 236 Activities cost a lot. Being able to do things in group settings when some can't afford it. Technology is the real challenge. Find ways to get them out and involved 12/27/2017 6:07 PM 237 Drugs, poor Home lives 12/27/2017 5:17 PM 238 ZERO Youth activities / venues 12/27/2017 3:37 PM 239 School boundaries 12/27/2017 3:19 PM 240 something to do 12/27/2017 2:57 PM 241 Nothing to do that is fun and entertaining 12/27/2017 2:48 PM 242 Education that could improve 12/27/2017 2:45 PM 243 Not enough to do.12/27/2017 2:35 PM 244 Not having a recreational place 12/27/2017 2:24 PM 245 Don't know 12/27/2017 1:35 PM 246 Proper parenting.12/27/2017 1:34 PM 247 Places that are safe for them to hang out and do.12/27/2017 1:11 PM 248 Drugs!!!! I know they are everywhere....but it's especially bad here. Also a lack of positive things for youth to do instead of getting into trouble (recreation, amentites, clubs, service opportunities, etc.) 12/27/2017 12:47 PM 249 High school boundary changes 12/27/2017 12:02 PM 250 Lack of activity options besides sports 12/27/2017 11:39 AM 251 Technology 12/27/2017 11:32 AM 252 No higher paying jobs here to retain today's youth they will move to Boise or salt lake to find a great careers 12/27/2017 11:19 AM 253 Employment 12/27/2017 10:55 AM 254 Drugs 12/27/2017 10:49 AM 255 Lack of good middle and high school 12/27/2017 10:43 AM 256 No community center. Schools located a distance from home 12/27/2017 10:41 AM 257 No highschool in chubbuck.12/27/2017 10:09 AM 258 Lack of recreational things to do 12/27/2017 9:58 AM 259 ?12/27/2017 9:50 AM 260 none 12/27/2017 9:25 AM 261 There is not many options for the youth to be involved in anything except baseball that is affordable 12/20/2017 2:10 PM 119 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 42.86%126 59.18%174 Q30 Would you be willing to volunteer in order to assist the City of Chubbuck with the fulfillment of its strategic goals? Answered: 294 Skipped: 38 Total Respondents: 294 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 2.00 Median 2.00 Mean 1.58 Standard Deviation 0.49 #YES DATE 1 depends 2/15/2018 10:26 AM 2 ..2/15/2018 10:13 AM 3 ...2/15/2018 10:06 AM 4 ...2/14/2018 3:24 PM 5 if it is a worthy cause/ goal 2/14/2018 3:05 PM 6 ....2/14/2018 2:52 PM 7 education improvement 2/14/2018 2:46 PM 8 ...2/14/2018 2:38 PM 9 Announce opportunities in the newsletter or on the website.2/14/2018 1:28 PM 10 ...2/14/2018 12:14 AM 11 ...2/13/2018 11:25 PM 12 ...2/13/2018 11:17 PM 13 ..2/13/2018 10:52 AM 14 ...2/8/2018 2:13 PM 15 ..2/8/2018 2:03 PM 16 ...2/8/2018 1:57 PM No Yes 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES No (1) Yes (2) BASIC STATISTICS 120 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 6.63%22 15.66%52 17.47%58 32.53%108 26.81%89 0.90%3 Q31 How many years have you lived in Chubbuck? Answered: 332 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 332 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 6.00 Median 4.00 Mean 3.60 Standard Deviation 1.24 Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Less than 2 years (1) 2 to 5 years (2) 6 to 10 years (3) 11 to 20 years (4) more than 20 years (5) I do not live within the City of Chubbuck (6) BASIC STATISTICS 126 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 10.84%36 4.52%15 12.65%42 25.90%86 16.87%56 13.55%45 10.24%34 5.42%18 Q32 What is your age? Answered: 332 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 332 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 8.00 Median 4.00 Mean 4.42 Standard Deviation 1.90 Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 0-17 (1) 18-24 (2) 25-34 (3) 35-44 (4) 45-54 (5) 55-64 (6) 65-74 (7) 75 or older (8) BASIC STATISTICS 127 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 21.99%73 8.13%27 68.37%227 1.51%5 Q33 Do you work inside the City of Chubbuck city limits? Answered: 332 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 332 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 4.00 Median 3.00 Mean 2.49 Standard Deviation 0.85 Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes, outside of the home (1) Yes, from home (2) No (3) I do not know (4) BASIC STATISTICS 128 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 84.64%281 4.52%15 8.13%27 0.90%3 1.81%6 Q34 Do you own or rent your current residence? For the purpose of the survey, you own your house even if you have an outstanding debt that you owe on your mortgage loan. Answered: 332 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 332 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 5.00 Median 1.00 Mean 1.31 Standard Deviation 0.80 Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Own (1) Rent (2) Living with relatives (3) Other (4) Unsure (5) BASIC STATISTICS 129 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 93.07%309 4.22%14 1.81%6 0.90%3 Q35 Which best describes the building in which you live? Answered: 332 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 332 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 4.00 Median 1.00 Mean 1.11 Standard Deviation 0.43 Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Single-family home detached from any other houses (1) Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apartment, condominium) (2) Manufactured/Mobile home (3) Other (4) BASIC STATISTICS 130 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q36 Please provide any other input that you may have to help Chubbuck plan for the future. Answered: 180 Skipped: 152 #RESPONSES DATE 1 fix side roads- make wider 2/15/2018 10:19 AM 2 good luck!2/14/2018 3:31 PM 3 excited for new opportunities and growth that I keep hearing about.2/14/2018 3:24 PM 4 keep up the good work you are doing!!!2/14/2018 2:58 PM 5 Leave district 25 2/14/2018 2:46 PM 6 Don't take away from our nice quiet neighborhoods by building businesses too close. This could bring more crime. 2/14/2018 1:28 PM 7 bring more businesses 2/14/2018 12:14 AM 8 move walmart to a place with more parking 2/13/2018 11:51 PM 9 get off pocatello sewer, cemetery 2/13/2018 11:40 PM 10 keep doing what you are doing 2/13/2018 11:25 PM 11 northgate expansion worries me 2/13/2018 10:48 AM 12 hope you can grow but keep it's small town feel 2/13/2018 10:36 AM 13 N/A 2/11/2018 9:49 AM 14 Support for tech-centric small businesses, higher education opportunities either for technology and the trades 2/8/2018 1:57 PM 15 Get rid of all city/ gov. officials and start clean!2/8/2018 1:37 PM 16 Be thinking of high school education where chubbuck is growing and how to ease traffic to make getting around easier and without being way layed. 2/8/2018 12:58 PM 17 we're very happy with chubbuck and living here 2/8/2018 12:14 PM 18 Look outside the box be more supportive of the small businesses and firms so we can insure growth in our city. takes littl eguys to get the big guys 2/8/2018 12:10 PM 19 open your eyes and ears to everything available. No tunnel vision. Promote clean air and blue sky, open the doors to big business, don't look for a way to tax and stab them 2/8/2018 11:43 AM 20 PLanning is always key! It seems the city is headed in the right direction 2/8/2018 11:10 AM 21 stop the good old boy approach to awarding contracts from city of chubbuck make all departments accountable for expenditures (you know budget requests, justify need) if the word nice is used throw it out. 2/8/2018 10:46 AM 22 The overhead powerlines are a major eyes sore. Chubbuck's main arteries are simply ughly- requiring significant green buffers with trees and new development would produce exponential benefits in therms of public perception and enjoyment 2/8/2018 10:27 AM 23 Make sure we stand for Chubbuck and teach our city to identify as chubbuck not Pocatello.2/6/2018 1:11 PM 24 fix hawthorne road betwen syphon and steward 2/6/2018 12:49 PM 25 We need to protect our identity and be the leader in the valley. Just because Pocatello is bigger doesn't mean they have all the answers. 2/6/2018 12:42 PM 26 Trails are full of trash and the lawn mover people run over the trash and shred it or run into people's fences. 2/6/2018 12:25 PM 27 keep up the good work 2/6/2018 12:09 PM 131 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 28 -Stuart park needs older kid stuff back! -Basketball hoops -the water park is only geared for little kids -volleyball court, since we don't have a baseball diamond. -Movies at the park are awesome should start earlier in the year. 2/6/2018 12:02 PM 29 Looking forward to Northgate Project!2/6/2018 11:37 AM 30 Do something about Yellowstone Ave traffic congestion!2/6/2018 11:11 AM 31 good start 2/6/2018 11:05 AM 32 Have enjoyed the city for forty years 2/6/2018 10:47 AM 33 If you continue to build lower income housing, apartments, and transitional housing, that's who will populate your city. If you want prosperity, build and house prosperity. 2/6/2018 10:39 AM 34 Chubbuck has the ability to become exceptional!2/6/2018 10:19 AM 35 Repaint street lines.2/6/2018 10:07 AM 36 new swimming pool 2/4/2018 2:26 PM 37 Stand alone as a city and stop using Pocatello for help, etc...2/1/2018 12:34 PM 38 also want dog-friendly places as well 1/30/2018 11:36 AM 39 Anex north and don't let Pocatello take over 1/30/2018 10:40 AM 40 I would love to see an indoor recreation center. Pool, hockey rink...1/30/2018 10:26 AM 41 Pocatello has some of the best mountain biking in north america just outside the city. its virtually equidistant to jacksonhole and sun valley as well. 1/30/2018 10:18 AM 42 No 1/28/2018 2:50 PM 43 always seek public feedback for important issues. Never neglect the people that you are trying to serve. This survey is a perfect example of the city's effort to tap in to what residents want and need. 1/27/2018 5:05 PM 44 We need to resolve the traffic issue with Connor Academy. No planning was done before it was built to accommodate for the 500+ students that have to provide their own transportation to/from school. Even though it is a school that doesn't contribute any property taxes, it is a pain to everyone who lives on either side of it because of the extra congestion it creates and the accidents that have occurred because of no turnout areas and lack of lower speed limits during school hours. 1/26/2018 2:17 PM 45 Thanks for caring 1/26/2018 1:47 PM 46 without jobs there will be no residents. This should always and unapologetically be a high priority.1/26/2018 12:56 PM 47 Good luck 1/26/2018 11:11 AM 48 .1/25/2018 11:34 PM 49 I really wish there was a safe place to bike and biking Lanes to be able to be safe. Not being able to access the portneuf wellness complex safely accept my car really cuts off our community and decreases the reality of us having access to it even though we live close. 1/25/2018 9:05 PM 50 **1/25/2018 4:49 PM 51 Hold food markets. Walk ways that are safe.1/25/2018 11:14 AM 52 We need a rec center like poky. Swimming,gym,basketball, dance lessons, basketball teams, and more 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 53 Growth is coming developers need assistance in expaning available subdivisions, both commercial and residential. The city has handcuffed them with extra fees and permits. Chubbuck and Pocatello have the highest building permit fees in the state 1/25/2018 10:32 AM 54 cautious of too much debt 1/25/2018 10:28 AM 55 I think we need our own Ambulance services. Utility billing needs to go down along with taxes 1/24/2018 11:48 PM 56 Don’t lose our identity as you try to plan and improve 1/24/2018 11:42 PM 57 remember the past as we look forward 1/24/2018 7:21 PM 58 Please maintain the small town appeal 1/24/2018 1:06 AM 132 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 59 Bike paths. Especially to wellness center. Too hard and dangerous over bridge.1/24/2018 12:05 AM 60 larger christmas celebration 1/23/2018 10:03 PM 61 There are many cultures here, not just mormons, it seems like everything that needs to get done pads the pockets of that church or one of their golden boys. 1/23/2018 4:03 PM 62 Low taxes, excellent infrastructure 1/22/2018 11:43 PM 63 More law abiding citizens, harsher laws and codes, more law enforcement officials.1/22/2018 10:15 PM 64 Lower crime, possible community watch. Bring in more businesses for employment and shopping/dining. 1/22/2018 10:07 PM 65 Hold events where all people especially young people can be creative and show their talents. Get people involved. Local band performances, art walks, competitions, clubs 1/21/2018 9:00 PM 66 Most jobs, services, education and activities are located in Pocatello.1/21/2018 8:53 PM 67 How do we attract big business? We need something that is going to bring in employment, stimulate the economy. 1/20/2018 7:09 PM 68 None at this time 1/19/2018 6:50 PM 69 Thank you for seeking the public's input. I really appreciate the growth you've supported in the last few years. You're doing a great job. 1/19/2018 5:13 PM 70 None 1/18/2018 8:02 PM 71 get the people of Chubbuck more involved 1/18/2018 11:10 AM 72 Please plan wisely and use our taxes as if it was your own paycheck. Please do not waste my hard earned money. 1/16/2018 5:54 PM 73 Ok 1/16/2018 2:38 PM 74 More Swimming Pools A good mall 1/16/2018 2:37 PM 75 Just make things cheaper 1/16/2018 2:26 PM 76 bigger 1/16/2018 2:24 PM 77 Be better people 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 78 bring in more businesses 1/16/2018 12:44 PM 79 Make a Steak And Shake, and a Chik Fil A 1/16/2018 12:43 PM 80 better shopping opportunities 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 81 Chubbuck sucks butthole 1/16/2018 12:40 PM 82 get better shopping stores, restaurants, and make Chubbuck cleaner, and provide more things for teens to do. 1/16/2018 12:37 PM 83 Property tax is too much 1/16/2018 12:34 PM 84 more stores 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 85 more stores and fast food 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 86 Please get an Aeropostale!!!1/16/2018 11:23 AM 87 do better 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 88 CHICK- FIL-A 1/16/2018 11:18 AM 89 make vaping for teens ok as long as they do it in certain areas, aka the teen hangout areas i was talking about before. IF you put these hangout buildings up then more teens will go there to vape which means they are more likely to go and buy stuff after vaping. 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 90 more roads 1/16/2018 11:13 AM 91 none 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 133 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 92 Sports and community go well together. Our sports aren't a strong factor and that's partially what we have to play with. I play baseball our fields in Chubbuck are horrible. Our football fields are too. To bring in more people to the city for our local stores we should have tournaments our competitions started by the city to get more attention. 1/16/2018 10:12 AM 93 Raise the speed limits other than the school zones. We need food places that Idaho Falls had.1/16/2018 10:06 AM 94 Listen to the youth community 1/16/2018 10:04 AM 95 expand more 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 96 I would love to see improvement and extension of the canal above Hiline Road. It could be a great place to bike, walk, run, etc. 1/15/2018 6:44 PM 97 think of your citizens when making Chubbuck a greater place 1/15/2018 6:13 PM 98 Yes the street resurfacing throughout the neighborhoods was a scam. It did nothing for preventative maintenance. All it did was half glue rocks to the road that continue to come back off. It has ruined our carpet and new floors. The street sweeper collect some rocks but the sweeping action just breaks up more rocks off the road. A very cheap job, with rocks everywhere no matter how much it is swept. 1/14/2018 9:35 PM 99 H 1/13/2018 9:33 AM 100 I feel the City of Chubbuck should be always looking for ways to make it more affordable for the people to live their everyday lives. 1/12/2018 4:16 PM 101 Less Chain Restaurants, new police department and something for the teens to do.1/11/2018 8:57 PM 102 Explore additional funding opportunities (Grants, etc.).1/11/2018 11:17 AM 103 Bring back the mayors newsletter in the water bill 1/10/2018 4:05 PM 104 Chick Fil A 1/10/2018 10:25 AM 105 n/a 1/10/2018 9:38 AM 106 I just closed your city's website and still have NO idea on how to contact a council person. When doing an internet search I located a facebook page for a few, and surprisingly, facebook allowed me to link to this survey. I say surprisingly because I DO NOT have a facebook account, and WILL NEVER have a facebook account. So post email addresses for council members on the website in a location easy to navigate too. 1/10/2018 8:22 AM 107 Fix the issue current. Don't start forcing a rec center as a bond on the citizens. Improve what we have currently. 1/10/2018 4:38 AM 108 I have lived in Chubbuck for many years and have had many instances of disappointment. I have been frustrated with the construction project they did on Whitaker Road. The contracted company did a very poor job, and we have been dealing with the city ever since. It has been horrible and never ending. 1/10/2018 1:34 AM 109 i’d love to see some Chubbuck Pride, we recently considered moving south of town in Pocatello but I’m excited to see the growth come to Chubbuck. I’m excited about the North Gate Project and hope it turns out to be well thought out and not something that won’t age gracefully. I’m from California but have lived all over the world. i would love to adopt some of the community planning that’s going on in places like Boise and Meridian. community pools/bike trails etc. Chubbuck needs a more active lifestyle. 1/10/2018 12:59 AM 110 Get the State to build a new office building 1/9/2018 10:26 PM 111 Fiber internet is a critical infrastructure upgrade that seems to be stalling. High speed (>200mb/s with no data caps) at a reasonable price (<$75/month) is a requirement for attracting younger people. This will also boost home values where available. 1/9/2018 9:47 AM 112 Don't be secular when planning consider all income levels abilities to .have options available to them not based on being able to afford them 1/7/2018 10:47 PM 113 More law enforcement. Teach people to use the round a bouts.1/6/2018 1:51 PM 114 Chubbuck should either merge with Pocatello or needs to find a cultural identity. This is no longer a bucolic area of farmland that some seem to think it was back in the 60's. We are dollar stores and trailer parks - we need to become something more. 1/6/2018 1:11 PM 134 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 115 We would really love to see Hawthorne (between chubbuck road and siphon) redone. We love all the parks here. 1/5/2018 9:31 AM 116 Switzerland provides freeway traffic noise barriers all along its lengths to protect citizens. Chubbuck doesn't even have warming signs from either direction to traffic making the turn down into Chubbuck from the freeways. Truck drivers use their compression breaks (jake brakes) freely. They don't care if it disturbs residents. Chubbuck could monitor those roads and hand out plenty of tickets for non-compliance. The wellness complex provides nice views but you must breathe traffic and freeway exhaust fumes. Not healthy. 1/4/2018 3:42 PM 117 Pass at this time 1/4/2018 2:36 PM 118 Stay on top of traffic infrastructure. Don't let the population growth outpace the need for roadways. Traffic gridlock creates misery in the community. 1/4/2018 2:01 PM 119 Building code enforcement 1/4/2018 12:25 PM 120 there in nothing in this report requesting what "commercial property owners" who are do not "live" in the City of Chubbuck but we pay extremely high utility bills for water,sewer and sanitation and electricty and property taxes. When there is an opportunity to sell our commercial property to another type of entity and they see our P/L's their first remark is that the utilities expense is terrible compared to other area's, even though they wish to be in our City and not Pocatello. Not sure why this report did not ask for business owners information as most of Yellowstone and other roads have businesses and very few have residences. Over 40 years of owning commercial property and very few changes other than an exit to the interstate and a few new businesses but not the kind of businesses to help Chubbuck grow. 1/3/2018 5:40 PM 121 Communication is key. Social media, websites and advertising is important to keep residents in the loop and involved. 1/3/2018 3:53 PM 122 I suggest you make it easier for citizens to sign up for water services when they buy a home. Many people complain about the documentation required. 1/3/2018 3:09 PM 123 Pay more attention to the public when important issues/developments are proposed 1/3/2018 2:09 PM 124 Set up area or community committees to place replace quality trees and shrubs in the parks to replace the old and dying ones the parks have now. Chubbuck does not have a recreation center for the people to use for healthy activities i.e. swimming pool and/or public access fitness center. Chubbuck is the largest city in the Northwest United States that does not have it's own public high school. Chubbuck need one. Another thing. The city has a lease law for pets. The dogs usually follow the lease laws. The cats don't seem to follow the "No Lease rule". run around dumping, fighting and being a problem. There are some things the city could to teach the citizens how to manage free roaming cats. There are types of cat containment in the which the citizens could be taught to build them what will encourage cats to stay fenced.The enforcement of the free roaming cats would be greatly appreciated. Thousands of song birds are killed each year by these animals. Many cats dump on lawns. The cat owners just say "well I can't help it!" 1/3/2018 1:45 PM 125 I love the idea for the new Northgate community. It sounds like a great place to live and may convince me to stay in Chubbuck and attend ISU instead of going out of state 1/3/2018 3:07 AM 126 more recycling. less growth.1/2/2018 10:44 PM 127 Keep Single Family Homes in New Neighborhoods and do not mix in duplexes 1/2/2018 10:35 PM 128 LEt the city grow, but remember current residents deserve to be treated fairly, the city should look at beautifying the city (possibly begin a tree farm), and keep residential areas separate from businesses. Lastly, encourage cleanliness and upkeep of yards. Some areas in town are losing value quickly when they looked good five years ago. 1/2/2018 9:38 PM 129 It worries me that the city thinks government is the answer to problems or goals.1/2/2018 8:55 PM 130 kiss keep it simple (stupid)1/2/2018 6:58 PM 131 look at other cities and build it better 1/2/2018 6:15 PM 132 Improving the freeway overpass on Chubbuck road to enable walking and biking to the Portneuf Wellness complex would be very helpful. 1/2/2018 5:07 PM 133 Keep on beautifying and encouraging new growth. The new developments around Walmart and the mall have improved the look of Chubbuck immensly. 1/2/2018 4:44 PM 134 Nope that’s about it 1/2/2018 3:42 PM 135 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 135 Good luck 1/2/2018 12:34 PM 136 Widen siphon road and zone the areas along siphon as commercial. Improve street resurfacing practice. Some residential streets are in very rough shape. Continue the canal along Hawthorne in pipe from canal street to siphoned and widen that section of Hawthorne. The bottleneck at homestead and Hawthorne can be dangerous to drive in adverse conditions. 1/2/2018 11:32 AM 137 we need to be careful not to become anywhere USA and have our own identity 1/2/2018 10:48 AM 138 Control where and how many apartment complexes there are. Nobody wants them and they always end up being a problem. 1/2/2018 10:31 AM 139 I think it would be best to focus for the family environment rather than the millennial group. We are a unique town with a family feel. We aren’t Boise, and most people here like that. We shouldn’t try to be anyone else, but improve on what we are. 1/2/2018 10:16 AM 140 I think you're doing great. I think beautify and modernize is the key. Stop cutting down trees on main roads and figure out a better way to deal with Yellowstone. A sports facility park would be great. A massive amount of the kids who play sports in pocatello live in chubbuck. Our few parks are overcrowded. 1/2/2018 10:12 AM 141 keep looking to the future development, and repairing existing infrastructure 1/2/2018 8:13 AM 142 Keep up on the roads and continue our path towards growth and build the infrastructure to withstand and maintain what we have 12/31/2017 9:51 AM 143 Pleases don't let the hustle and bustle come into Cubbuck. Let that stay in Pocatello.12/31/2017 1:03 AM 144 Please clean up the old trashy buildings, start plowing the roads in the winter, lower property taxes, bring a Target in, and help improve the schools here! 12/30/2017 9:50 PM 145 Consult with the neighborhoods that are being affected in a more empathetic fashion 12/30/2017 4:22 PM 146 needs to grow but not so much that will lose our small town feel 12/30/2017 10:07 AM 147 NA 12/30/2017 9:46 AM 148 It's time to grow. Create jobs etc. Find some good shopping and dining so people don't have to drive to Boise, Utah and Idaho falls to spend money. 12/30/2017 1:33 AM 149 The new Pub Works director is a tool. The current Building Official needs to retire. The current Building Inspector isn’t qualified and acts as the tennis court sheriff and makes money off the facility. Illegal. The Mayor is a goof ball. Ellis is a tool. We vote based on religion and that’s not getting our best leaders in Office. 12/29/2017 12:54 PM 150 Affordable and available High speed internet via fiber to be future proof and help reduce future costs of advancements. 12/28/2017 9:46 PM 151 Get more community input. Like this survey but make sure you use the information 12/28/2017 9:10 PM 152 There is going to be a lot of talent coming to this area with the many incoming businesses. Please utilize that talent and be aware of their needs and wishes in order to attract them to chubbuck. 12/28/2017 8:28 PM 153 I don't have any 12/28/2017 8:12 PM 154 Improve the canal stretches so they look less industrial and invite walking opportunities 12/28/2017 1:16 PM 155 If we have to grow, it is good to have a plan. I think we should be known for our nature, areas to walk, and accessibility to services, including good health care and good schools. 12/28/2017 11:37 AM 156 The converging diamond is a mess. Don’t do any more of those unless you are willing to put in enough lanes and use enough space to make it work 12/28/2017 10:02 AM 157 Council and Mayor need to work together 12/28/2017 9:00 AM 158 Don't let Pocatello take over the east side of I15 12/28/2017 1:03 AM 159 If you build it correctly, they will come. Get good infastrucute first. Fast internet is a must. Make high skilled workers want to move here. 12/27/2017 10:45 PM 160 If you want to attract young married couples, provide and maintain a nice dog park 12/27/2017 10:28 PM 161 Annette is the only city council member that can be trusted and she regularly communicates with the public 12/27/2017 9:59 PM 136 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 162 Improving the mall is a good start. The shops should be full.12/27/2017 9:54 PM 163 None 12/27/2017 9:06 PM 164 This is a great place to live. Too fast growth will hurt but not fast enough will cost us.12/27/2017 6:07 PM 165 Please begin eliminating mobile home parks and replace them with well maintained affordable town homes, apartments, etc. 12/27/2017 5:17 PM 166 .12/27/2017 3:19 PM 167 No comment 12/27/2017 2:45 PM 168 I’d love to see the chubbuck side of Yellowstone expand 12/27/2017 2:24 PM 169 Keep it small 12/27/2017 1:35 PM 170 Dairy Queen, Olive Garden, US Egg to name a few restaurant. Less property taxes would be nice. Builders being able to build house the same and to be honest and following same rules. 12/27/2017 1:11 PM 171 Can the temple be built in Chubbuck?12/27/2017 12:02 PM 172 None 12/27/2017 11:39 AM 173 ?12/27/2017 11:32 AM 174 Until the city council has new members that want to fix chubbucks infrastruce and take accountability then it will remain the same 12/27/2017 11:19 AM 175 Lower rents to encourage staying 12/27/2017 10:59 AM 176 .12/27/2017 10:55 AM 177 Be open to new ideas and don't rely all on pocatello 12/27/2017 10:43 AM 178 Unsure 12/27/2017 9:58 AM 179 None 12/27/2017 9:50 AM 180 We are headed in the right direction and I look forward to being a part of Chubbuck's tomorrow.12/27/2017 9:25 AM 137 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 9.34%31 10.84%36 6.93%23 18.98%63 10.24%34 32.53%108 11.14%37 Q37 What is the highest level of education that you have completed? Answered: 332 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 332 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 7.00 Median 5.00 Mean 4.52 Standard Deviation 1.87 Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Less than four years of high school (1) High school graduate (2) Post-High School Certificate/Vocational Training (3) Some college (4) Associate's Degree (5) Bachelor's Degree (6) Graduate Degree (Masters or Doctorate) (7) BASIC STATISTICS 138 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 8.43%28 6.33%21 0.00%0 14.16%47 4.52%15 30.12%100 3.61%12 14.16%47 12.65%42 6.02%20 Q38 Which of the following best describes your employment? Answered: 332 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 332 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 10.00 Median 6.00 Mean 5.94 Standard Deviation 2.54 Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Business owner (1) Self-employed (Non-Farm) (2) Self-employed (Farm) (3) Government employee (4) Not-for-profit Employee (5) Private Sector (6) Not employed but seeking employment (7) Retired (8) Other (9) Choose not to answer (10) BASIC STATISTICS 139 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q39 Is there anything that you believe this survey did not address but which you believe should be addressed through the strategic planning process? Answered: 159 Skipped: 173 #RESPONSES DATE 1 take care of current businesses and people as much as recruiting new and cuurent roads not just new neighborhoods 2/15/2018 10:26 AM 2 schools 2/14/2018 3:24 PM 3 no- you to have done a good job 2/14/2018 2:58 PM 4 No. I would like to compliment the city on our new splash park. I think this is the only one in Pocatello or Chubbuck; great job! Summer movies at the park are fun for all ages and get people out socializing with others. 2/14/2018 1:28 PM 5 Get the Siphon interchange done ASAP 2/13/2018 11:51 PM 6 Let's have our own cemetery 2/13/2018 11:40 PM 7 I used to be able to leave my doors unlocked but no longer can. I want to purchase a camera system to help the police find the youth that are out after midnight looking for unlocked doors. 2/13/2018 11:25 PM 8 Better policing on Hiline Rd near round about 2/11/2018 9:49 AM 9 Dog parks needed, city recreation center 2/8/2018 1:57 PM 10 only plant great trees like bur oaks and ash.2/8/2018 12:14 PM 11 schools. retirement activities 2/8/2018 11:43 AM 12 opinions on crime or traffic infractions 2/8/2018 11:03 AM 13 plan for all citizens not just as certain religion 2/8/2018 10:46 AM 14 Focus on visual appeal, bicycle transportation, and a master-planned city center. Chubbuck is presently disjointed, incohesive, and visuall unappealing. 2/8/2018 10:27 AM 15 Thank you for all you do 2/6/2018 1:11 PM 16 some properties need violations to promote clean up 2/6/2018 12:49 PM 17 No 2/6/2018 12:09 PM 18 Lighted crosswalks for Stuart park areas much needed 2/6/2018 12:02 PM 19 senior citizens paying so much for water 2/6/2018 11:49 AM 20 The issue with having to buy our water from the city of pocatello. If chubbuck is going to keep growing this must be addressed. 2/6/2018 11:18 AM 21 rather complete 2/6/2018 11:05 AM 22 good survey 2/6/2018 10:47 AM 23 Either heed the land use board or do away with it.2/6/2018 10:39 AM 24 Repaint street lines.2/6/2018 10:07 AM 25 no 2/4/2018 2:26 PM 26 Community gardens are wonderful things. Could we find a place for one?2/1/2018 10:08 AM 27 Yes- what does the future look like for our outdoor activities like hunting, hiking, gun range use, etc. 1/30/2018 11:36 AM 28 let the city grow 1/30/2018 10:40 AM 140 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 29 Community recreation facilities 1/30/2018 10:26 AM 30 No 1/28/2018 2:50 PM 31 It seemed pretty thorough. I can't think of anything at the moment.1/27/2018 5:05 PM 32 Why is water billing so high 1/26/2018 9:21 PM 33 The roads in older neighborhoods really needs addressed. The newer neighborhoods have been chipsealed while older one are in desperate need of improvement. The Stuart area was a great improvement and the Cotant area will also be nice once it is all done. However, the area between Cole and Dorian definitely needs done as I am sure other older areas are. They aren't in the plan to be redone in the next few years, even though they need done. I have heard from a former councilman that this is because the city needs to focus it's attention on the Siphon project. Please don't forget the other areas of town that need repair all the while investing in a project that may turn out to be Hoku 2.0. 1/26/2018 2:17 PM 34 City codes School access/choice Cost of services This focused on a lot of fluffy feel good questions 1/26/2018 12:56 PM 35 No 1/25/2018 11:34 PM 36 No 1/25/2018 4:49 PM 37 Environmental issues. I miss the hummingbirds and dragonflies. We need more trees. Aquaphor/ground water contaminated. If we are losing this wildlife there is something very wrong. 1/25/2018 11:14 AM 38 Public Education 1/25/2018 10:53 AM 39 No!1/25/2018 10:53 AM 40 Surevy is too long, you need to condense to get honest thoughtful answers 1/25/2018 10:47 AM 41 No 1/25/2018 10:32 AM 42 No 1/24/2018 11:42 PM 43 public transportation 1/24/2018 9:49 PM 44 keeping costs down 1/24/2018 7:21 PM 45 I personally need clear communication On this interchange . It will have a huge impact on my family and our future 1/24/2018 1:06 AM 46 No.1/24/2018 12:05 AM 47 No 1/23/2018 10:03 PM 48 no 1/23/2018 4:03 PM 49 no 1/22/2018 11:43 PM 50 I believe the survey covered everything.1/22/2018 10:15 PM 51 No 1/22/2018 10:07 PM 52 no 1/21/2018 9:00 PM 53 no 1/21/2018 8:53 PM 54 How about a high school in chubbuck, where the growth is occurring?1/20/2018 7:09 PM 55 No 1/19/2018 6:50 PM 56 Zoning regulations for High Schools 1/18/2018 10:48 PM 57 None 1/18/2018 8:02 PM 58 no 1/18/2018 11:10 AM 59 No 1/16/2018 2:37 PM 60 No 1/16/2018 2:26 PM 61 nope 1/16/2018 2:24 PM 62 Soccer 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 141 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 63 no 1/16/2018 12:44 PM 64 I think that the survey addressed everything that it needed to address 1/16/2018 12:43 PM 65 no 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 66 everything this survey was a complete and utter waste of my time it was the dumbest thing ever 1/16/2018 12:40 PM 67 no 1/16/2018 12:37 PM 68 no 1/16/2018 12:36 PM 69 Lower property tax 1/16/2018 12:34 PM 70 no 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 71 no 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 72 Everyone wants an Aeropostale!!1/16/2018 11:23 AM 73 no 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 74 CHICK- FIL-A 1/16/2018 11:18 AM 75 some of the laws are un-necessary 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 76 no 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 77 no.1/16/2018 10:14 AM 78 no 1/16/2018 10:12 AM 79 we need to stop killing things 1/16/2018 10:06 AM 80 No 1/16/2018 10:04 AM 81 Education 1/15/2018 7:13 PM 82 no 1/15/2018 6:44 PM 83 no 1/15/2018 6:13 PM 84 Aside from well wishing, the Chubbuck news letter should contain information on projects planned for, and underway. Lot of talk about siphon interchange but we see nothing being done. Why? 1/14/2018 9:35 PM 85 No 1/14/2018 9:43 AM 86 Too high of property taxes.1/13/2018 9:33 AM 87 No 1/12/2018 1:07 PM 88 no 1/12/2018 11:48 AM 89 I think it is important to get input from all generations to make growth and development plans that will make our community a place everyone can be proud of. 1/11/2018 11:26 PM 90 NEW POLICE DEPARTMENT PLEASE 1/11/2018 8:57 PM 91 Internet Service. Having an N/A option for choices that don't apply to people (example - rate K-12 education - maybe some people don't have kids. Asking about transportation - maybe some people don't drive). As for contact information on Question 30 if someone wants to volunteer - or mention volunteering in question 40 when you ask for email address. 1/11/2018 11:17 AM 92 Future land uses and development patterns 1/10/2018 4:05 PM 93 No 1/10/2018 10:25 AM 94 n/a 1/10/2018 9:38 AM 95 What city service are available and what has been used by a resident 1/10/2018 4:38 AM 96 i think we need to keep manufacturing outside of town due to pollution etc. and have more regulation on developing natural land. i hate to see houses go on top of hills and ruin the skyline. 1/10/2018 12:59 AM 97 No 1/9/2018 10:26 PM 98 school boundary issues--the need for a middle school and high school in our area 1/9/2018 2:16 PM 99 No.1/9/2018 9:47 AM 142 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 100 Don't prwad too wide develop in them go wider 1/7/2018 10:47 PM 101 It is time for everyone to shoulder the burden for recycling - I am tired of paying for the "choice" to do the right thing while my neighbors have no obligation. Good community stewards shouldn't be punished economically. BTW - You don't have an "NA" choice for questions where the respondent is less informed. 1/6/2018 1:11 PM 102 Thanks for the opportunity to express opinions. It's part of what makes Chubbuck great. You can't go through a survey like this without realizing how fortunate you are to live in a great city, run by people who are genuinely trying to do a great job. Many thanks to all of you! 1/5/2018 1:15 PM 103 Survey is too long. You need to ask people what about where they live makes it difficult or dangerous or unhealthy. What the city of Chubbuck can do to improve all our lives. 1/4/2018 3:42 PM 104 no 1/4/2018 2:36 PM 105 Need for additional schools to meet population growth.1/4/2018 2:01 PM 106 see #36.1/3/2018 5:40 PM 107 This survey touched on a lot of great starting points.1/3/2018 3:53 PM 108 Our water bills are too high. Pocatello is lower. I would encourage you to try and reduce the water bills. 1/3/2018 3:09 PM 109 Listen to residents instead of developers 1/3/2018 2:09 PM 110 The arts 1/3/2018 3:07 AM 111 no 1/2/2018 10:44 PM 112 No 1/2/2018 9:38 PM 113 Status quo is acceptable too.1/2/2018 8:55 PM 114 Keeping the costs down for service for, taxes 1/2/2018 6:58 PM 115 the building of a high school, middle school in chubbuck as well as establishing it's own school district. 1/2/2018 6:15 PM 116 Walking access to Portneuf Wellness Complex 1/2/2018 5:07 PM 117 Nope 1/2/2018 3:42 PM 118 You need more officers on at night. Not safe to rely on poky and the county for help 1/2/2018 12:34 PM 119 No 1/2/2018 11:32 AM 120 I think an integrated bike/walking route or path connecting the city parks and wild areas out side of town would be really nice and not cost much to do. 1/2/2018 10:31 AM 121 No.1/2/2018 10:16 AM 122 High school, the boundary situation. Chubbuck is NOT meant to be downtown. Kids attending poky high and Irving goes against everything chubbuck is...not that highland and Hawthorne are so much better, but it's time chubbuck had a school that represented it's amazing kids. 1/2/2018 10:12 AM 123 no, very comprehensive 1/2/2018 8:13 AM 124 Lowering the speed limit on roads lie Philbin and Siphon. There is a lot of growth in those areas right now, with homes and schools, but speed limits haven't been adjusted to compensate for that. 12/31/2017 8:52 PM 125 Great survey 12/31/2017 9:51 AM 126 Snow removal, teen recreation, drug/alcohol issues 12/30/2017 9:50 PM 127 How to let our opinions and feelings be heard when we have a non legal concern 12/30/2017 4:22 PM 128 We need better quality water 12/30/2017 10:07 AM 129 No 12/30/2017 9:46 AM 130 Already stated above 12/30/2017 1:33 AM 131 Are we confident in the people in our City Offices?12/29/2017 12:54 PM 132 High speed fiber internet that's adorable and available.12/28/2017 9:46 PM 143 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 133 How horrible the code enforcement officer is and how he targets certain citizens and does not address other issues 12/28/2017 9:10 PM 134 Please provide a better way to "opt-in" to the Chubbuck newsletter or city news. Some don't use Facebook and others just want it sent in an email every month instead of the water bill. 12/28/2017 8:28 PM 135 No 12/28/2017 8:12 PM 136 Overall lack of affordable housing options for working class families 12/28/2017 1:16 PM 137 no 12/28/2017 11:37 AM 138 Make sure new stores have enough parking or it will not bring in people from other towns and people here wouldn’t shop because of the hassle 12/28/2017 10:02 AM 139 How do you plan on paying for the growth that is needed 12/28/2017 9:00 AM 140 Nope 12/28/2017 1:03 AM 141 A high school 12/28/2017 12:40 AM 142 Internet speed and options.12/27/2017 10:45 PM 143 Nope 12/27/2017 9:06 PM 144 Being able to afford the upkeep. Building shiny and new is great but I want to make sure fiscally we can afford it once the grants are gone. That is a huge challenge for us without raising taxes. 12/27/2017 6:07 PM 145 No 12/27/2017 3:19 PM 146 no 12/27/2017 2:57 PM 147 No comment 12/27/2017 2:45 PM 148 I absolutely love the chubbuck children’s library. I also hope they create more low cost activities for children under 5 12/27/2017 2:24 PM 149 Keep it small 12/27/2017 1:35 PM 150 Just be fair to all, children and seniors are important groups.12/27/2017 1:11 PM 151 No.12/27/2017 12:47 PM 152 Does the city have room to grow? We seem to be getting close to the reservation....12/27/2017 12:02 PM 153 No 12/27/2017 11:39 AM 154 Chubbuck needs it’s own high school 12/27/2017 11:32 AM 155 No 12/27/2017 10:59 AM 156 .12/27/2017 10:55 AM 157 No 12/27/2017 9:58 AM 158 Nope 12/27/2017 9:50 AM 159 no 12/27/2017 9:25 AM 144 / 148 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan City of Chubbuck Strategic Plan 15 | P a g e Appendix No. 2 Questionnaire Responses: Non-Chubbuck Residents Only 0.00%0 0.00%0 75.36%52 13.04%9 8.70%6 1.45%1 0.00%0 0.00%0 1.45%1 0.00%0 Q1 Where is your home or primary residence? Answered: 69 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 69 Minimum 3.00 Maximum 9.00 Median 3.00 Mean 3.43 Standard Deviation 0.97 #OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY)DATE There are no responses. Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Inside the City of Chubbuck boundaries (1) Outside of the City of Chubbuck, but I utilize at least one City of Chubbuck utility service (2) City of Pocatello (3) Unincorporated Bannock County (4) Fort Hall Indian Reservation (5) City of Inkom (6) City of McCammon (7) Power County (including all cities) (8) Bingham County (including all cities) (9) Other (please specify) (10) BASIC STATISTICS 1 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 4.35%3 2.90%2 1.45%1 1.45%1 5.80%4 5.80%4 78.26%54 Q2 Using the map below, in which general area of the City do you live? Answered: 69 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 69 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 7.00 Median 7.00 Mean 6.32 Standard Deviation 1.57 Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Area #1- The area of the city that is north of I-86, west of Hawthorne Road, and south of W Chubbuck Road (1) Area #2- The area of the city that is north of W Chubbuck Road, west of Hawthorne Road, and South of Siphon Road (2) Area #3- The area of the city that is north of W Quinn Road, between the railroad tracks and Hawthorne Road, and south of W and E Chubbuck Road (3) Area #4- The area of the city that is north of W and E Chubbuck Road, between the railroad tracks and Hawthorne Road, and south of Siphon Road (4) Area #5- The area of the city that is north of Siphon Road (5) Area #6- The area of the city that is east of the railroad tracks (6) I do not live within the City of Chubbuck's boundaries (7) BASIC STATISTICS 2 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q3 What word or phrase best reflects what "Chubbuck" means to you? Answered: 68 Skipped: 1 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Home Hometown 2/6/2018 10:15 PM 2 great/nice nice 2/6/2018 1:21 PM 3 A city/town city 2/2/2018 11:15 AM 4 A city/town a city 2/1/2018 2:26 PM 5 Average mediocre 2/1/2018 1:21 PM 6 Pocatello/Suburb City connected to Pocatello 1/31/2018 10:53 PM 7 Growing/ developing Growth 1/26/2018 10:35 AM 8 A city/town Another city 1/25/2018 9:26 AM 9 great/nice Great 1/25/2018 7:14 AM 10 A city/town Nearest local town 1/25/2018 7:02 AM 11 Growing/ developing Growth 1/25/2018 12:37 AM 12 A city/town City 1/23/2018 11:01 PM 13 Other- Positive Cheaper taxes 1/23/2018 7:16 PM 14 Other- Positive Well planned 1/23/2018 11:52 AM 15 Other- Positive Hope for the future.1/20/2018 11:14 AM 16 Other- Positive part of where i grew up 1/19/2018 11:51 AM 17 great/nice Great place.1/18/2018 11:36 PM 18 Boring boring 1/16/2018 2:44 PM 19 Pocatello/Suburb neighbor to pocatello 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 20 Pocatello/Suburb The city close to Pocatello 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 21 A city/town city 1/16/2018 2:41 PM 22 Messy dirty 1/16/2018 2:41 PM 23 Boring barron and empty, nothing to do 1/16/2018 2:39 PM 24 Other- Positive fun 1/16/2018 2:35 PM 25 Other Brother 1/16/2018 2:25 PM 26 Home Home 1/16/2018 1:24 PM 27 Average better than Blackfoot but boring compared to Idaho Falls 1/16/2018 1:05 PM 28 Other- Neutral distance 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 29 Messy confussion 1/16/2018 12:57 PM 30 Average decent 1/16/2018 12:52 PM 31 Boring boring 1/16/2018 12:46 PM 32 Small small 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 33 Growing/ developing new 1/16/2018 12:39 PM 34 Home home 1/16/2018 12:29 PM 35 great/nice nice 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 3 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 36 great/nice good place 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 37 Home Chubbuck is my home 1/16/2018 11:21 AM 38 Other chubbuck 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 39 Other chick fil a 1/16/2018 11:15 AM 40 Other- Negative i think of chubby people 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 41 Home Home 1/16/2018 11:06 AM 42 A city/town The other town 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 43 Pocatello/Suburb Not pocatello 1/16/2018 9:56 AM 44 A city/town city 1/16/2018 9:54 AM 45 A city/town a city that people live in 1/16/2018 9:53 AM 46 Other- Positive A busy, but fun place to hang around 1/16/2018 9:51 AM 47 Community Neighborly 1/16/2018 9:50 AM 48 Average alright 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 49 Pocatello/Suburb Kind of Pocatello, but not.1/16/2018 9:45 AM 50 Community Good community 1/13/2018 11:49 AM 51 Growing/ developing New 1/12/2018 6:55 PM 52 Pocatello/Suburb extension of Pocatello 1/12/2018 3:23 PM 53 Growing/ developing Growing 1/11/2018 6:38 PM 54 Other- Positive Low rent 1/9/2018 11:50 PM 55 Community Community 1/9/2018 9:46 PM 56 Other ?1/9/2018 10:48 AM 57 Growing/ developing poised for growth 1/4/2018 10:37 AM 58 Messy Trashy 1/2/2018 2:08 PM 59 Community Neighboor 1/2/2018 11:24 AM 60 Small Small and cozy 1/2/2018 10:27 AM 61 Peaceful/Friendly Friendly 1/2/2018 10:10 AM 62 Other- Negative Parasite 1/2/2018 9:29 AM 63 busy Busy 1/2/2018 8:31 AM 64 Other- Positive Smart 12/29/2017 9:27 PM 65 busy Chaotic 12/28/2017 9:04 PM 66 Pocatello/Suburb A residential area for people who still consider themselves residents of Pocatello. 12/27/2017 12:40 PM 67 A city/town Choose Chubbuck 12/27/2017 11:31 AM 68 Other- Neutral Independance 12/19/2017 5:31 PM 4 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q4 Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Chubbuck: Answered: 69 Skipped: 0 1.45% 1 4.35% 3 31.88% 22 44.93% 31 17.39% 12 69 1.52% 1 6.06% 4 24.24% 16 45.45% 30 22.73% 15 66 2.90% 2 5.80% 4 31.88% 22 40.58% 28 18.84% 13 69 2.94% 2 10.29% 7 35.29% 24 32.35% 22 19.12% 13 68 10.14% 7 18.84% 13 43.48% 30 18.84% 13 8.70% 6 69 7.25% 5 7.25% 5 36.23% 25 34.78% 24 14.49% 10 69 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.72 0.85 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.82 0.90 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.67 0.94 Chubbuck as a place to live Your neighborhood... Chubbuck as a place to rai... Chubbuck as a place to work Chubbuck as a place to visit Chubbuck as a place to retire 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1)POOR (2)AVERAGE (3)GOOD (4)EXCELLENT (5)TOTAL Chubbuck as a place to live Your neighborhood as a place to live Chubbuck as a place to raise children Chubbuck as a place to work Chubbuck as a place to visit Chubbuck as a place to retire MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Chubbuck as a place to live Your neighborhood as a place to live Chubbuck as a place to raise children 5 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.54 1.01 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.97 1.06 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.42 1.06 Chubbuck as a place to work Chubbuck as a place to visit Chubbuck as a place to retire 6 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q5 Please rate each of the following characteristics about living in Chubbuck, generally: Answered: 68 Skipped: 1 0.00% 0 4.41% 3 29.41% 20 55.88% 38 10.29% 7 68 1.47% 1 11.76% 8 39.71% 27 36.76% 25 10.29% 7 68 1.47% 1 11.76% 8 39.71% 27 42.65% 29 4.41% 3 68 2.94% 2 16.18% 11 36.76% 25 33.82% 23 10.29% 7 68 1.49% 1 14.93% 10 35.82% 24 38.81% 26 8.96% 6 67 3.03% 2 13.64% 9 36.36% 24 42.42% 28 4.55% 3 66 1.47% 1 11.76% 8 45.59% 31 30.88% 21 10.29% 7 68 Overall safety in Chubbuck Overall ease of... Quality of the natural... Overall built environment... Health and wellness... Overall opportunitie... Overall opportunitie... Overall economic hea... Sense of community General reputation o... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL Overall safety in Chubbuck Overall ease of transportation within Chubbuck Quality of the natural environment within Chubbuck Overall built environment within Chubbuck (including overall design, parks, transportation systems, buildings) Health and wellness opportunities Overall opportunities for education Overall opportunities for employment 7 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.47% 1 8.82% 6 39.71% 27 42.65% 29 7.35% 5 68 1.49% 1 8.96% 6 31.34% 21 44.78% 30 13.43% 9 67 4.48% 3 10.45% 7 31.34% 21 43.28% 29 10.45% 7 67 BASIC STATISTICS 2.00 5.00 4.00 3.72 0.70 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.43 0.88 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.37 0.80 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.32 0.96 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.39 0.90 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.32 0.87 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.37 0.87 1.00 5.00 3.50 3.46 0.81 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.60 0.88 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.45 0.97 Overall economic health of Chubbbuck Sense of community General reputation of Chubbuck MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Overall safety in Chubbuck Overall ease of transportation within Chubbuck Quality of the natural environment within Chubbuck Overall built environment within Chubbuck (including overall design, parks, transportation systems, buildings) Health and wellness opportunities Overall opportunities for education Overall opportunities for employment Overall economic health of Chubbbuck Sense of community General reputation of Chubbuck 8 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q6 Please rate each of the following activities provided to citizens within Chubbuck as they relate to Chubbuck as a whole: Answered: 68 Skipped: 1 5.88% 4 20.59% 14 41.18% 28 25.00% 17 7.35% 5 68 3.07 1.47% 1 4.41% 3 57.35% 39 27.94% 19 8.82% 6 68 3.38 2.99% 2 11.94% 8 47.76% 32 29.85% 20 7.46% 5 67 3.27 4.41% 3 14.71% 10 36.76% 25 33.82% 23 10.29% 7 68 3.31 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.07 0.99 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.38 0.77 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.27 0.87 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.31 0.99 Opportunities to attend... Opportunities to volunteer Opportunities to participa... Opportunities to participa... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Opportunities to attend cultural, art, or musical activities Opportunities to volunteer Opportunities to participate in community matters Opportunities to participate in social events and activities MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Opportunities to attend cultural, art, or musical activities Opportunities to volunteer Opportunities to participate in community matters Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 9 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q7 In the last 12 months, have you or other household members done any of these activities: Answered: 69 Skipped: 0 11.59% 8 31.88% 22 24.64% 17 31.88% 22 69 10.14% 7 50.72% 35 23.19% 16 15.94% 11 69 28.99% 20 27.54% 19 28.99% 20 14.49% 10 69 40.30% 27 26.87% 18 11.94% 8 20.90% 14 67 47.06% 32 29.41% 20 8.82% 6 14.71% 10 68 52.94% 36 29.41% 20 13.24% 9 4.41% 3 68 38.24% 26 35.29% 24 17.65% 12 8.82% 6 68 Talked or visited with... Visited a neighborhood... Done a favor for a neighbor Carpooled with other adults... Walked or biked instea... Volunteered your time to... Used Chubbuck recreation... Participated in a club Used public transportati... Attended a City-sponsor... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 NOT AT ALL (1) ONCE A MONTH OF LESS (2) 2 TO 4 TIMES A MONTH (3) 2 TIMES A WEEK OR MORE (4) TOTAL Talked or visited with your immediate neighbor Visited a neighborhood park or city park Done a favor for a neighbor Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving Walked or biked instead of driving Volunteered your time to some group/activity in Chubbuck Used Chubbuck recreation facilities or their services? 10 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 71.64% 48 13.43% 9 7.46% 5 7.46% 5 67 88.24% 60 4.41% 3 4.41% 3 2.94% 2 68 49.25% 33 40.30% 27 7.46% 5 2.99% 2 67 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 4.00 3.00 2.77 1.02 1.00 4.00 2.00 2.45 0.88 1.00 4.00 2.00 2.29 1.04 1.00 4.00 2.00 2.13 1.16 1.00 4.00 2.00 1.91 1.07 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.69 0.86 1.00 4.00 2.00 1.97 0.95 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.51 0.92 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.22 0.66 1.00 4.00 2.00 1.64 0.75 Participated in a club Used public transportation instead of driving Attended a City-sponsored event MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Talked or visited with your immediate neighbor Visited a neighborhood park or city park Done a favor for a neighbor Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving Walked or biked instead of driving Volunteered your time to some group/activity in Chubbuck Used Chubbuck recreation facilities or their services? Participated in a club Used public transportation instead of driving Attended a City-sponsored event 11 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q8 Please rate each of the following aspects that contribute to Chubbuck's community atmosphere as they relate to Chubbuck as a whole. Answered: 68 Skipped: 1 13.24% 9 16.18% 11 42.65% 29 27.94% 19 0.00% 0 68 8.82% 6 16.18% 11 32.35% 22 36.76% 25 5.88% 4 68 5.88% 4 8.82% 6 47.06% 32 32.35% 22 5.88% 4 68 2.94% 2 20.59% 14 44.12% 30 29.41% 20 2.94% 2 68 4.48% 3 10.45% 7 44.78% 30 29.85% 20 10.45% 7 67 10.29% 7 10.29% 7 38.24% 26 33.82% 23 7.35% 5 68 5.88% 4 7.35% 5 45.59% 31 36.76% 25 4.41% 3 68 2.94% 2 11.76% 8 38.24% 26 39.71% 27 7.35% 5 68 Vibrant downtown/... Public places where people... Cleanliness Condition of neighborhood... Condition of major streets Openness and acceptance Neighborliness Overall Appearance 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5)TOTAL Vibrant downtown/ commercial area Public places where people want to spend time Cleanliness Condition of neighborhood streets Condition of major streets Openness and acceptance Neighborliness Overall Appearance 12 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 4.00 3.00 2.85 0.97 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.15 1.05 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.24 0.91 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.09 0.85 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.31 0.95 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.18 1.06 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.26 0.88 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.37 0.89 MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Vibrant downtown/ commercial area Public places where people want to spend time Cleanliness Condition of neighborhood streets Condition of major streets Openness and acceptance Neighborliness Overall Appearance 13 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q9 Please rate each of the following aspects of Chubbuck health and education as they relate to Chubbuck as a whole. Answered: 67 Skipped: 2 2.99% 2 11.94% 8 49.25% 33 29.85% 20 5.97% 4 67 0.00% 0 11.94% 8 44.78% 30 35.82% 24 7.46% 5 67 5.97% 4 19.40% 13 50.75% 34 19.40% 13 4.48% 3 67 2.99% 2 8.96% 6 59.70% 40 25.37% 17 2.99% 2 67 3.03% 2 18.18% 12 33.33% 22 34.85% 23 10.61% 7 66 1.49% 1 11.94% 8 37.31% 25 37.31% 25 11.94% 8 67 2.99% 2 7.46% 5 43.28% 29 32.84% 22 13.43% 9 67 4.55% 3 15.15% 10 54.55% 36 19.70% 13 6.06% 4 66 BASIC STATISTICS K-12 education Availability of preventat... Availability of affordabl... Availability of affordabl... Air quality Fitness opportunitie... Availability of affordabl... Adult educational... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL K-12 education Availability of preventative health services Availability of affordable quality health care Availability of affordable quality child care/ preschool Air quality Fitness opportunities (exercise classes, paths, trails) Availability of affordable quality food Adult educational opportunities MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION 14 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.24 0.85 2.00 5.00 3.00 3.39 0.79 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.97 0.90 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.16 0.75 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.32 0.99 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.46 0.90 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.46 0.92 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.08 0.88 K-12 education Availability of preventative health services Availability of affordable quality health care Availability of affordable quality child care/ preschool Air quality Fitness opportunities (exercise classes, paths, trails) Availability of affordable quality food Adult educational opportunities 15 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q10 Please rate each of the following aspects of the City's navigation as they relate to Chubbuck as a whole. Answered: 69 Skipped: 0 2.90% 2 5.80% 4 42.03% 29 42.03% 29 7.25% 5 69 3.45 7.35% 5 13.24% 9 52.94% 36 23.53% 16 2.94% 2 68 3.01 10.45% 7 11.94% 8 56.72% 38 19.40% 13 1.49% 1 67 2.90 2.90% 2 17.39% 12 47.83% 33 24.64% 17 7.25% 5 69 3.16 8.70% 6 14.49% 10 42.03% 29 33.33% 23 1.45% 1 69 3.04 7.25% 5 21.74% 15 33.33% 23 24.64% 17 13.04% 9 69 3.14 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.45 0.83 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.01 0.88 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.90 0.88 Ease of travel by car in... Ease of travel by bicycle i... Ease of travel by public... Ease of walking in... Traffic flow on major... Availability of paths and... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Ease of travel by car in Chubbuck Ease of travel by bicycle in Chubbuck Ease of travel by public transportation in Chubbuck Ease of walking in Chubbuck Traffic flow on major streets Availability of paths and walking trails MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Ease of travel by car in Chubbuck Ease of travel by bicycle in Chubbuck Ease of travel by public transportation in Chubbuck 16 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.16 0.89 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.04 0.94 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.14 1.12 Ease of walking in Chubbuck Traffic flow on major streets Availability of paths and walking trails 17 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q11 How likely or unlikely are you to do each of the following: Answered: 69 Skipped: 0 13.04% 9 28.99% 20 42.03% 29 15.94% 11 69 2.61 22.73% 15 21.21% 14 39.39% 26 16.67% 11 66 2.50 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 4.00 3.00 2.61 0.90 1.00 4.00 3.00 2.50 1.02 Recommend living in... Remain in Chubbuck for... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY UNLIKELY (1) UNLIKELY (2) LIKELY (3) VERY LIKELY (4) TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Recommend living in Chubbuck to someone who asks Remain in Chubbuck for the next five (5) years MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Recommend living in Chubbuck to someone who asks Remain in Chubbuck for the next five (5) years 18 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q12 Please rate each of the following aspects pertaining to economic prosperity and development within Chubbuck as they relate to Chubbuck as a whole. Answered: 68 Skipped: 1 17.65% 12 23.53% 16 32.35% 22 23.53% 16 2.94% 2 68 1.47% 1 19.12% 13 48.53% 33 27.94% 19 2.94% 2 68 2.94% 2 13.24% 9 48.53% 33 29.41% 20 5.88% 4 68 4.41% 3 5.88% 4 42.65% 29 36.76% 25 10.29% 7 68 4.41% 3 10.29% 7 38.24% 26 38.24% 26 8.82% 6 68 4.41% 3 8.82% 6 51.47% 35 30.88% 21 4.41% 3 68 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.71 1.10 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.12 0.80 Shopping opportunities Employment opportunities Variety of housing options Cost of living in Chubbuck Overall quality of n... Overall quality of... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL Shopping opportunities Employment opportunities Variety of housing options Cost of living in Chubbuck Overall quality of new development Overall quality of business and service establishments MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Shopping opportunities Employment opportunities 19 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.22 0.85 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.43 0.91 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.37 0.94 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.22 0.84 Variety of housing options Cost of living in Chubbuck Overall quality of new development Overall quality of business and service establishments 20 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q13 Please rate the quality of each of the following government services in Chubbuck: Answered: 66 Skipped: 3 Economic development Street cleaning Code enforcement Land use/planning... Traffic signal timing Sidewalk maintenance Street repair Electric service Drinking water Emergency preparedness Crime prevention Storm drainage Utility billing Animal control Natural areas preservation Chubbuck open space Traffic enforcement Ambulance/medic al emergency 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 6.06% 4 4.55% 3 43.94% 29 40.91% 27 4.55% 3 66 3.03% 2 13.64% 9 37.88% 25 39.39% 26 6.06% 4 66 3.03% 2 7.58% 5 51.52% 34 28.79% 19 9.09% 6 66 4.62% 3 10.77% 7 44.62% 29 33.85% 22 6.15% 4 65 9.09% 6 13.64% 9 36.36% 24 33.33% 22 7.58% 5 66 3.03% 2 16.67% 11 34.85% 23 42.42% 28 3.03% 2 66 6.06% 4 15.15% 10 40.91% 27 34.85% 23 3.03% 2 66 3.03% 2 3.03% 2 48.48% 32 39.39% 26 6.06% 4 66 3.03% 2 7.58% 5 53.03% 35 28.79% 19 7.58% 5 66 3.03% 2 7.58% 5 46.97% 31 37.88% 25 4.55% 3 66 6.06% 4 9.09% 6 37.88% 25 37.88% 25 9.09% 6 66 4.55% 3 12.12% 8 40.91% 27 36.36% 24 6.06% 4 66 4.55% 3 10.61% 7 50.00% 33 28.79% 19 6.06% 4 66 4.55% 3 10.61% 7 45.45% 30 33.33% 22 6.06% 4 66 4.55% 3 16.67% 11 46.97% 31 24.24% 16 7.58% 5 66 Fire prevention/edu Recycling Garbage collection City-sponsored special-events Recreation programs/cla... Building department 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1)POOR (2)AVERAGE (3)GOOD (4)EXCELLENT (5)TOTAL Economic development Street cleaning Code enforcement Land use/planning, & zoning Traffic signal timing Sidewalk maintenance Street repair Electric service Drinking water Emergency preparedness Crime prevention Storm drainage Utility billing Animal control Natural areas preservation 22 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 4.55% 3 19.70% 13 40.91% 27 28.79% 19 6.06% 4 66 3.03% 2 10.61% 7 40.91% 27 33.33% 22 12.12% 8 66 6.06% 4 3.03% 2 42.42% 28 36.36% 24 12.12% 8 66 6.06% 4 4.55% 3 45.45% 30 31.82% 21 12.12% 8 66 6.06% 4 13.64% 9 40.91% 27 33.33% 22 6.06% 4 66 3.03% 2 9.09% 6 37.88% 25 40.91% 27 9.09% 6 66 4.55% 3 13.64% 9 48.48% 32 25.76% 17 7.58% 5 66 6.06% 4 15.15% 10 50.00% 33 21.21% 14 7.58% 5 66 4.55% 3 6.06% 4 59.09% 39 25.76% 17 4.55% 3 66 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.33 0.88 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.32 0.89 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.33 0.86 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.26 0.90 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.17 1.05 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.26 0.88 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.14 0.92 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.42 0.78 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.30 0.83 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.33 0.80 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.35 0.98 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.27 0.91 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.21 0.88 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.26 0.89 Chubbuck open space Traffic enforcement Ambulance/medical emergency Fire prevention/edu Recycling Garbage collection City-sponsored special-events Recreation programs/classes Building department MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Economic development Street cleaning Code enforcement Land use/planning, & zoning Traffic signal timing Sidewalk maintenance Street repair Electric service Drinking water Emergency preparedness Crime prevention Storm drainage Utility billing Animal control 23 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.14 0.94 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.12 0.95 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.41 0.94 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.45 0.96 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.39 0.97 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.20 0.96 1.00 5.00 3.50 3.44 0.89 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.18 0.92 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.09 0.95 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.20 0.80 Natural areas preservation Chubbuck open space Traffic enforcement Ambulance/medical emergency Fire prevention/edu Recycling Garbage collection City-sponsored special-events Recreation programs/classes Building department 24 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q14 Please rate the quality of Chubbuck government performance in the following areas: Answered: 66 Skipped: 3 7.69% 5 4.62% 3 33.85% 22 40.00% 26 13.85% 9 65 6.25% 4 9.38% 6 43.75% 28 35.94% 23 4.69% 3 64 4.55% 3 13.64% 9 36.36% 24 34.85% 23 10.61% 7 66 10.61% 7 7.58% 5 27.27% 18 46.97% 31 7.58% 5 66 4.55% 3 7.58% 5 43.94% 29 34.85% 23 9.09% 6 66 10.61% 7 6.06% 4 36.36% 24 39.39% 26 7.58% 5 66 7.58% 5 7.58% 5 36.36% 24 37.88% 25 10.61% 7 66 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.48 1.04 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.23 0.91 Overall direction th... Value of Chubbuck... The job of welcoming... Being honest Generally acting in th... Treating all residents... Overall confidence i... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL Overall direction that Chubbuck is taking Value of Chubbuck services for the taxes paid The job of welcoming citizen involvement Being honest Generally acting in the best interest of the community Treating all residents fairly Overall confidence in Chubbuck government MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Overall direction that Chubbuck is taking Value of Chubbuck services for the taxes paid 25 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.33 0.99 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.33 1.08 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.36 0.92 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.27 1.05 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.36 1.02 The job of welcoming citizen involvement Being honest Generally acting in the best interest of the community Treating all residents fairly Overall confidence in Chubbuck government 26 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q15 Please rate the following aspects of the City of Chubbuck communications: Answered: 67 Skipped: 2 5.97% 4 11.94% 8 52.24% 35 23.88% 16 5.97% 4 67 4.55% 3 15.15% 10 43.94% 29 28.79% 19 7.58% 5 66 1.52% 1 9.09% 6 45.45% 30 34.85% 23 9.09% 6 66 3.03% 2 16.67% 11 51.52% 34 27.27% 18 1.52% 1 66 7.69% 5 7.69% 5 46.15% 30 24.62% 16 13.85% 9 65 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.12 0.91 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.20 0.94 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.41 0.83 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.08 0.78 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.29 1.05 The availability... Quality of the City's website City efforts to keep... City efforts to engage... City efforts to engage... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL The availability of information about City programs and services Quality of the City's website City efforts to keep residents informed about local issues City efforts to engage residents about environmental and sustainable practices City efforts to engage residents on social media sites MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION The availability of information about City programs and services Quality of the City's website City efforts to keep residents informed about local issues City efforts to engage residents about environmental and sustainable practices City efforts to engage residents on social media sites 27 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q16 Thinking of your most recent experience with the City of Chubbuck, please rate your impression of the following categories of customer performance. Answered: 66 Skipped: 3 1.52% 1 6.06% 4 48.48% 32 34.85% 23 9.09% 6 66 3.17% 2 6.35% 4 47.62% 30 30.16% 19 12.70% 8 63 1.54% 1 7.69% 5 43.08% 28 33.85% 22 13.85% 9 65 0.00% 0 9.38% 6 43.75% 28 34.38% 22 12.50% 8 64 1.56% 1 7.81% 5 43.75% 28 39.06% 25 7.81% 5 64 3.08% 2 6.15% 4 49.23% 32 30.77% 20 10.77% 7 65 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.44 0.80 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.43 0.90 Availability of City staf... Length of time you waited o... Courtesy and helpfulness ... Competence and knowledge of... Timeliness of your request... Ease of locating... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL Availability of City staff (hours of operation) Length of time you waited on hold, in line, or to submit a request Courtesy and helpfulness of City staff Competence and knowledge of City staff Timeliness of your request's resolution Ease of locating contact information MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Availability of City staff (hours of operation) Length of time you waited on hold, in line, or to submit a request 28 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.51 0.88 2.00 5.00 3.00 3.50 0.83 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.44 0.81 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.40 0.87 Courtesy and helpfulness of City staff Competence and knowledge of City staff Timeliness of your request's resolution Ease of locating contact information 29 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q17 Generally, how would you rate the perfomance of the City of Chubbuck in providing these services: Answered: 68 Skipped: 1 4.41% 3 11.76% 8 41.18% 28 39.71% 27 2.94% 2 68 1.52% 1 9.09% 6 45.45% 30 39.39% 26 4.55% 3 66 0.00% 0 2.99% 2 52.24% 35 38.81% 26 5.97% 4 67 1.49% 1 4.48% 3 31.34% 21 50.75% 34 11.94% 8 67 2.94% 2 7.35% 5 39.71% 27 35.29% 24 14.71% 10 68 1.54% 1 9.23% 6 46.15% 30 35.38% 23 7.69% 5 65 1.54% 1 3.08% 2 36.92% 24 44.62% 29 13.85% 9 65 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.25 0.86 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.36 0.77 Overall maintenance ... Overall effectivenes... Quality of water/sewer... Quality of local police... Quality of City parks a... Overall quality of... Overall quality of t... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 VERY POOR (1) POOR (2) AVERAGE (3) GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) TOTAL Overall maintenance of the City streets Overall effectiveness of City government communication Quality of water/sewer utility services Quality of local police protection Quality of City parks and recreation facilities Overall quality of customer service from the City Overall quality of the fire services MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Overall maintenance of the City streets Overall effectiveness of City government communication 30 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 2.00 5.00 3.00 3.48 0.65 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.67 0.80 1.00 5.00 3.50 3.51 0.93 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.38 0.82 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.66 0.81 Quality of water/sewer utility services Quality of local police protection Quality of City parks and recreation facilities Overall quality of customer service from the City Overall quality of the fire services 31 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q18 Please indicate how much of a source, if at all, you consider each of the following formats for obtaining information about the City of Chubbuck government and its activities, events, and services: Answered: 67 Skipped: 2 19.40% 13 43.28% 29 37.31% 25 67 23.88% 16 43.28% 29 32.84% 22 67 38.81% 26 41.79% 28 19.40% 13 67 City website City Facebook page Mayor's newsletter Idaho State Journal Local TV news Local radio Local blogs Your homeowner/... Public meetings Public buildings... City staff City Council Word of mouth 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 NOT A SOURCE (1)MINOR SOURCE (2)MAJOR SOURCE (3)TOTAL City website City Facebook page Mayor's newsletter 32 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 20.90% 14 28.36% 19 50.75% 34 67 16.42% 11 34.33% 23 49.25% 33 67 27.27% 18 37.88% 25 34.85% 23 66 55.22% 37 34.33% 23 10.45% 7 67 48.48% 32 37.88% 25 13.64% 9 66 29.85% 20 47.76% 32 22.39% 15 67 23.88% 16 52.24% 35 23.88% 16 67 34.33% 23 38.81% 26 26.87% 18 67 26.87% 18 43.28% 29 29.85% 20 67 13.43% 9 43.28% 29 43.28% 29 67 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.18 0.73 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.09 0.75 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.81 0.74 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.30 0.79 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.33 0.74 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.08 0.78 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.55 0.68 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.65 0.71 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.93 0.72 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 0.69 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.93 0.78 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.03 0.75 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.30 0.69 Idaho State Journal Local TV news Local radio Local blogs Your homeowner/ neighborhood association Public meetings Public buildings (brochures, posters, signs) City staff City Council Word of mouth MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION City website City Facebook page Mayor's newsletter Idaho State Journal Local TV news Local radio Local blogs Your homeowner/ neighborhood association Public meetings Public buildings (brochures, posters, signs) City staff City Council Word of mouth 33 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q19 What would be the ideal type of business/industry that you would like to see located in the City of Chubbuck? Rank in order of importance ("1" indicates most desired business/industry; "5" indicates least desirable). Answered: 67 Skipped: 2 11.11% 6 20.37% 11 12.96% 7 16.67% 9 38.89% 21 54 3.52 38.60% 22 21.05% 12 14.04% 8 19.30% 11 7.02% 4 57 2.35 25.42% 15 30.51% 18 30.51% 18 5.08% 3 8.47% 5 59 2.41 7.02% 4 5.26% 3 31.58% 18 36.84% 21 19.30% 11 57 3.56 18.33% 11 28.33% 17 16.67% 10 21.67% 13 15.00% 9 60 2.87 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.52 1.45 1.00 5.00 2.00 2.35 1.34 1.00 5.00 2.00 2.41 1.17 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.56 1.08 Manufacturing (general) High-tech industries... Retail Industry (e.... Service industries... Recreation-base d industries 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 - MOST DESIRED (1) 2 (2)3 (3)4 (4)5 - LEAST DESIRED (5) TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Manufacturing (general) High-tech industries (e.g. software development, certain advanced fields of manufacturing) Retail Industry (e.g. shopping) Service industries (e.g. hotels/motels, restaurants) Recreation-based industries MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Manufacturing (general) High-tech industries (e.g. software development, certain advanced fields of manufacturing) Retail Industry (e.g. shopping) Service industries (e.g. hotels/motels, restaurants) 34 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.87 1.35 Recreation-based industries 35 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q20 Economic development within the City of Chubbuck should focus on: Answered: 67 Skipped: 2 7.46% 5 0.00% 0 28.36% 19 44.78% 30 19.40% 13 67 2.99% 2 7.46% 5 32.84% 22 41.79% 28 14.93% 10 67 4.55% 3 6.06% 4 27.27% 18 42.42% 28 19.70% 13 66 2.99% 2 1.49% 1 28.36% 19 47.76% 32 19.40% 13 67 4.48% 3 1.49% 1 26.87% 18 37.31% 25 29.85% 20 67 1.49% 1 2.99% 2 20.90% 14 46.27% 31 28.36% 19 67 5.97% 4 11.94% 8 40.30% 27 28.36% 19 13.43% 9 67 BASIC STATISTICS 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.69 1.03 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.58 0.93 Community enhancement Retention & expansion of... Attracting new manufacturin... Retention & expansion of... Attracting new retail/servi... Improving the Yellowstone... Tourism advertising 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 STRONGLY DISAGREE (1) DISAGREE (2) NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE (3) AGREE (4) STRONGLY AGREE (5) TOTAL Community enhancement Retention & expansion of existing manufacturing and industrial businesses Attracting new manufacturing industrial jobs Retention & expansion of existing retail/service businesses Attracting new retail/service businesses Improving the Yellowstone Highway area Tourism advertising MINIMUM MAXIMUM MEDIAN MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Community enhancement Retention & expansion of existing manufacturing and industrial businesses 36 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.67 1.01 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.79 0.87 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.87 1.01 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.97 0.86 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.31 1.04 Attracting new manufacturing industrial jobs Retention & expansion of existing retail/service businesses Attracting new retail/service businesses Improving the Yellowstone Highway area Tourism advertising 37 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q21 What does Chubbuck's future "city center" look like to you? Answered: 64 Skipped: 5 #RESPONSES DATE 1 A pool, a venue for events, a place to play sports. Shopping. And food.2/6/2018 10:15 PM 2 good 2/6/2018 1:21 PM 3 busy 2/2/2018 11:15 AM 4 busy 2/1/2018 2:26 PM 5 clean 2/1/2018 1:21 PM 6 It looks like a lot of newer restaurants and shops 1/31/2018 10:53 PM 7 Shopping 1/26/2018 10:35 AM 8 Safe, clean, upbeat, happy 1/25/2018 7:14 AM 9 Not aware what that is 1/25/2018 7:02 AM 10 Have not seen or heard of this 1/25/2018 12:37 AM 11 Party 1/23/2018 11:01 PM 12 It doesn’t have to have one.1/23/2018 7:16 PM 13 An expanded park and explore area. Where you can shop, participate in activities, visit parks, and enjoy the fruits of the local residents. 1/23/2018 11:52 AM 14 Much like it does now, but perhaps a face lift on some of the older buildings.1/20/2018 11:14 AM 15 clean, organized, gives a good first impression to visitors 1/19/2018 11:51 AM 16 Inviting-not a fenced in lot of community vehicles.1/18/2018 11:36 PM 17 trash 1/16/2018 2:44 PM 18 everyone's home who does not currently live by me.1/16/2018 2:43 PM 19 A place people will want to visit 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 20 clean, safe, entertaining, attractive 1/16/2018 2:41 PM 21 less barron and empty, clean, and more to do:)1/16/2018 2:39 PM 22 more fun thingd 1/16/2018 2:35 PM 23 Good but could be better.1/16/2018 1:24 PM 24 station park in Farmington or city creek mall in Salt Lake 1/16/2018 1:05 PM 25 It will be a safe place for kids and teens to not be judged no matter what they say, do, or feels.1/16/2018 12:58 PM 26 it will be a safe place for kids and teens to not be judge unfairly.1/16/2018 12:57 PM 27 a shopping mall strip with food courts, clothing stores, ect.1/16/2018 12:52 PM 28 I don't know 1/16/2018 12:46 PM 29 nice 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 30 grand 1/16/2018 12:39 PM 31 crowded 1/16/2018 12:29 PM 32 the same 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 33 im not exactly sure 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 34 Full of trees and grass 1/16/2018 11:21 AM 38 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 35 i dont know 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 36 chick fil a inside of a target 1/16/2018 11:15 AM 37 very popular with a google building and a hell of a good mall 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 38 I'm not sure 1/16/2018 11:06 AM 39 High tech business and environmental 1/16/2018 10:08 AM 40 Actual stores i want to shop at as a female, a nicer looking mall with better stores, less ghetto, good places to eat like chic fil a. good places to shop. 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 41 sick 1/16/2018 9:56 AM 42 bright 1/16/2018 9:54 AM 43 good and its growing 1/16/2018 9:53 AM 44 Open, friendly, and fun 1/16/2018 9:51 AM 45 new 1/16/2018 9:50 AM 46 big 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 47 Modernized building 1/16/2018 9:45 AM 48 shopping, dancing fountains, nice restaurants 1/13/2018 11:49 AM 49 A fun and interactive place 1/12/2018 6:55 PM 50 busy 1/12/2018 3:23 PM 51 Modernized 1/11/2018 6:38 PM 52 Green, inviting, multifaceted 1/9/2018 11:50 PM 53 ?1/9/2018 9:46 PM 54 Clean, efficient, attractive 1/4/2018 10:37 AM 55 Something that doesn’t look like a dog pound 1/2/2018 2:08 PM 56 Shopping centers restaurants and a large fitness healthy center with swimming pool 1/2/2018 11:24 AM 57 Average it could appear better 1/2/2018 10:10 AM 58 Needs to be better defined and more welcoming to new and existing residents and visitors.1/2/2018 9:29 AM 59 Like the villiage in meridian idaho 1/2/2018 8:31 AM 60 I don't know. Pocatello won't bring anything in, chubbuck is the only one not afraid to grow. So capitalize on it. Chubbuck is a nice little town. Bring in shopping so we don't always have to drive to idaho falls and support their economy. 12/29/2017 9:27 PM 61 A City Center. A large Community Center/Park /with a Year Round Activity center for Families. Not just summer. ALL YEAR ROUND. 12/28/2017 9:04 PM 62 walmart 12/27/2017 12:40 PM 63 New and Improved 12/27/2017 11:31 AM 64 Shopping area with restaurants. Walking and Bike paths. Medical center (Hospital).12/19/2017 5:31 PM 39 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q22 What does Chubbuck's future "Main Street" look like to you? Answered: 66 Skipped: 3 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Shopping. Specialty shops. Food vendors. Parking.2/6/2018 10:15 PM 2 good 2/6/2018 1:21 PM 3 crowded 2/2/2018 11:15 AM 4 popular 2/1/2018 2:26 PM 5 rustic 2/1/2018 1:21 PM 6 A lot like Yellowstone highway but more up to date 1/31/2018 10:53 PM 7 Updated 1/26/2018 10:35 AM 8 B 1/25/2018 9:26 AM 9 Bullock street should not have access to Yellowstone. Too many daily crashes 1/25/2018 7:14 AM 10 Hopefully less crowded, better flow of traffic and/or better alternative routes 1/25/2018 7:02 AM 11 Have no seen or heard of this future plan 1/25/2018 12:37 AM 12 Food and good stuff 1/23/2018 11:01 PM 13 Again I’m not sure it’s needed. Focus on bringing jobs and quality stores. I like your library and dplash Park...they are not on a Main Street. 1/23/2018 7:16 PM 14 A thoroughfare with easy access to all of the local business without stopping the main flow through town. 1/23/2018 11:52 AM 15 Shopping/retail/food opportunities and the ability to walk it with ease.1/20/2018 11:14 AM 16 people walking around, enjoying themselves FARMERS MARKETS 1/19/2018 11:51 AM 17 Clean. Well kept.1/18/2018 11:36 PM 18 still boring 1/16/2018 2:44 PM 19 good 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 20 A good looking street 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 21 clean, safe, entertaining, poppin'1/16/2018 2:41 PM 22 well, by the way we look and are moving now, the same 1/16/2018 2:39 PM 23 fun things 1/16/2018 2:35 PM 24 Really busy.1/16/2018 1:24 PM 25 vibrant with our historic buildings in tack 1/16/2018 1:05 PM 26 It will be very busy and have lots of businesses near it.1/16/2018 12:58 PM 27 I dont know 1/16/2018 12:57 PM 28 food court strip 1/16/2018 12:52 PM 29 ok I guess 1/16/2018 12:46 PM 30 bright 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 31 yellowstone 1/16/2018 12:39 PM 32 crowded 1/16/2018 12:29 PM 33 many restraunts 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 34 full of businesses 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 40 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 35 Restaurants and clothing shops on the side of the road 1/16/2018 11:21 AM 36 good 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 37 3 chick fil a's and an olive garden 1/16/2018 11:15 AM 38 well its cemented and properly painted 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 39 "Future"?1/16/2018 11:06 AM 40 More open spaced 1/16/2018 10:08 AM 41 not cute 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 42 perfection 1/16/2018 9:56 AM 43 dull 1/16/2018 9:54 AM 44 good 1/16/2018 9:53 AM 45 Busy, but easy flow of traffic 1/16/2018 9:51 AM 46 more space 1/16/2018 9:50 AM 47 wide 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 48 Large 1/16/2018 9:45 AM 49 updated 1/13/2018 11:49 AM 50 loaded with interesting things 1/12/2018 6:55 PM 51 busy 1/12/2018 3:23 PM 52 Shopping 1/11/2018 6:38 PM 53 Clean, calm, roomy 1/9/2018 11:50 PM 54 Less congested 1/9/2018 9:46 PM 55 No "dead buildings", two lanes on each side with a 3-5 foot divider in the middle that might have shrubbery, trees, decorative rock or street lights. 1/4/2018 10:37 AM 56 Lots of trees. Clean 1/2/2018 2:08 PM 57 Yellowstone 1/2/2018 11:24 AM 58 Like Snake River Landing in Idaho Falls. Small shops with open areas and walking paths 1/2/2018 10:27 AM 59 some parts need cleaned up and old vacant buildings need removed.1/2/2018 10:10 AM 60 More big retail and less run down Mom and Pop retail.1/2/2018 9:29 AM 61 Like lots of mom and pop stores 1/2/2018 8:31 AM 62 Quaint places that are inviting and that aren't star bucks. Easier traffic flow around the walmart and iccu intersection would make it all a lot easier to access. 12/29/2017 9:27 PM 63 A Main Street, Not major hwy. As described above.12/28/2017 9:04 PM 64 Yellowstone 12/27/2017 12:40 PM 65 New and Improved 12/27/2017 11:31 AM 66 Well lit, with shopping and eating 12/19/2017 5:31 PM 41 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 75.38%49 47.69%31 53.85%35 53.85%35 69.23%45 64.62%42 Q23 Concepts to be incorporated into Chubbuck's development Answered: 65 Skipped: 4 Total Respondents: 65 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 6.00 Median 4.00 Mean 3.51 Standard Deviation 1.79 Economic growth and... Sense of community Public health Environmental sustainability Activities and entertainment Recreation 0 10 20 30 40 50 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Economic growth and opportunity (1) Sense of community (2) Public health (3) Environmental sustainability (4) Activities and entertainment (5) Recreation (6) BASIC STATISTICS 42 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q24 What do you like most about Chubbuck?: Answered: 65 Skipped: 4 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Cotent park 2/6/2018 10:15 PM 2 lots of places to eat 2/2/2018 11:15 AM 3 safety 2/1/2018 2:26 PM 4 It's not too big or too small.2/1/2018 1:21 PM 5 It’s people 1/31/2018 10:53 PM 6 Parks amd growth 1/26/2018 10:35 AM 7 Hi 1/25/2018 9:26 AM 8 Safety 1/25/2018 7:14 AM 9 Relative smaller population, fun community events, law enforcement 1/25/2018 7:02 AM 10 Larger flat lots 1/25/2018 12:37 AM 11 Restaurants 1/23/2018 11:01 PM 12 Library and splash park and fact it’s spread out and house taxes are less than pocatello.1/23/2018 7:16 PM 13 The small town feel with development of existing facilities 1/23/2018 11:52 AM 14 Progressive, forward thinking instead of the stagnation we see in Pocatello.1/20/2018 11:14 AM 15 the people 1/19/2018 11:51 AM 16 Sense of community.1/18/2018 11:36 PM 17 Walmart 1/16/2018 2:44 PM 18 my cousins 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 19 Deleta 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 20 the movie theater 1/16/2018 2:41 PM 21 easy access to old town pocatello 1/16/2018 2:39 PM 22 the fun things 1/16/2018 2:35 PM 23 Food 1/16/2018 1:24 PM 24 decent amount of food 1/16/2018 1:05 PM 25 soccer :-)1/16/2018 12:58 PM 26 Its not as big as back home 1/16/2018 12:57 PM 27 the food courts 1/16/2018 12:52 PM 28 The air quality is ok I guess.1/16/2018 12:46 PM 29 it is small 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 30 fast transportation 1/16/2018 12:39 PM 31 its my home 1/16/2018 12:29 PM 32 all the restraunts 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 33 the good housing 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 34 Population 1/16/2018 11:21 AM 35 nothing 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 43 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 36 burger king 1/16/2018 11:15 AM 37 the small size 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 38 It's calm 1/16/2018 11:06 AM 39 makes money 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 40 Close to my home 1/16/2018 9:56 AM 41 school 1/16/2018 9:54 AM 42 shopping 1/16/2018 9:53 AM 43 The atmosphere 1/16/2018 9:51 AM 44 the people 1/16/2018 9:50 AM 45 nothing 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 46 It is close to where I live? IDK 1/16/2018 9:45 AM 47 The parks that are available 1/13/2018 11:49 AM 48 All of the fun and entertaining places that pocatello doesn't have 1/12/2018 6:55 PM 49 Everything 1/12/2018 3:23 PM 50 Friendly people 1/11/2018 6:38 PM 51 I don't live there.1/9/2018 11:50 PM 52 Small town 1/9/2018 9:46 PM 53 I like most that I live in the county just outside of city limits.1/9/2018 10:48 AM 54 It seems like it is on the cusp of explosive growth. I am both excited and concerned.1/4/2018 10:37 AM 55 The way it looks in the rear view mirror 1/2/2018 2:08 PM 56 That it’s not pocatello 1/2/2018 11:24 AM 57 The small town feel even through growth of the city 1/2/2018 10:27 AM 58 small community and some areas appear better kept 1/2/2018 10:10 AM 59 Small town feel.1/2/2018 9:29 AM 60 How its a great mix of old and new 1/2/2018 8:31 AM 61 The mayor 12/29/2017 9:27 PM 62 Smiths 12/28/2017 9:04 PM 63 People who live there 12/27/2017 12:40 PM 64 The People 12/27/2017 11:31 AM 65 The concept of being its own city and not a suburb of Pocatello.12/19/2017 5:31 PM 44 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 100.00%65 90.77%59 87.69%57 Q25 List three (3) aspects that you would change to make Chubbuck a better place to live: Answered: 65 Skipped: 4 #1 DATE 1 More places to play/practice organized sports 2/6/2018 10:15 PM 2 better mall 2/2/2018 11:15 AM 3 roads 2/1/2018 2:26 PM 4 More retail 2/1/2018 1:21 PM 5 More stores 1/31/2018 10:53 PM 6 Update the roads Philbin, Hawthorne E Chubbuck 1/26/2018 10:35 AM 7 No 1/25/2018 9:26 AM 8 More police officers 1/25/2018 7:14 AM 9 YELLOWSTONE FLOW!1/25/2018 7:02 AM 10 Bike lanes 1/25/2018 12:37 AM 11 More shopping 1/23/2018 11:01 PM 12 Cheaper utilities.1/23/2018 7:16 PM 13 Greater access to high paying jobs 1/23/2018 11:52 AM 14 Lower W/S/G Rates 1/20/2018 11:14 AM 15 better education 1/19/2018 11:51 AM 16 Provide sustainable business incentives.1/18/2018 11:36 PM 17 better mall 1/16/2018 2:44 PM 18 nothing 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 19 Cleaner looking place 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 20 cleanliness 1/16/2018 2:41 PM 21 safety 1/16/2018 2:39 PM 22 more stuff to do 1/16/2018 2:35 PM 23 Better Gas Deals 1/16/2018 1:24 PM 24 H&M 1/16/2018 1:05 PM 25 The people 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 26 The people 1/16/2018 12:57 PM 27 more places for family to have fun 1/16/2018 12:52 PM 28 Recreation oppourtunties 1/16/2018 12:46 PM 29 chick fil a 1/16/2018 12:41 PM ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 1 2 3 45 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 30 Chick fil a 1/16/2018 12:39 PM 31 more entertainment 1/16/2018 12:29 PM 32 needs footlocker 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 33 more stores 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 34 More stores 1/16/2018 11:21 AM 35 roads 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 36 better roads 1/16/2018 11:15 AM 37 take out the hawthorne animal hospital replace with barns 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 38 Amusement park 1/16/2018 11:06 AM 39 High Pay Jobs 1/16/2018 10:08 AM 40 better places to shop 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 41 entertainment 1/16/2018 9:54 AM 42 crime rate 1/16/2018 9:53 AM 43 Street cleanliness 1/16/2018 9:51 AM 44 more concerts and such 1/16/2018 9:50 AM 45 i 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 46 More tech industries 1/16/2018 9:45 AM 47 more parks 1/13/2018 11:49 AM 48 traffic 1/12/2018 6:55 PM 49 diversity 1/12/2018 3:23 PM 50 More places to shop 1/11/2018 6:38 PM 51 Pedestrian friendly 1/9/2018 11:50 PM 52 Fix traffic 1/9/2018 9:46 PM 53 Improve traffic flow on Yellowstone.1/9/2018 10:48 AM 54 Fix the charter school intersection/road 1/4/2018 10:37 AM 55 Clean it up 1/2/2018 2:08 PM 56 Places to shop 1/2/2018 11:24 AM 57 Better shopping (barnes and noble, old navy, target, etc)1/2/2018 10:27 AM 58 we need a pool with slides and other water activities. something to draw people to chubbuck 1/2/2018 10:10 AM 59 Easier access across I86.1/2/2018 9:29 AM 60 More jobs 1/2/2018 8:31 AM 61 The way the water bills are done. The prices for water is outrageous.12/29/2017 9:27 PM 62 Signage 12/28/2017 9:04 PM 63 Merge with Pocatello to become a larger city and attract more business/industry 12/27/2017 12:40 PM 64 Shopping 12/27/2017 11:31 AM 65 Own hospital and EMS 12/19/2017 5:31 PM #2 DATE 1 A Highschool in Chubbuck 2/6/2018 10:15 PM 2 more recreational opportunities 2/2/2018 11:15 AM 3 better shopping 2/1/2018 2:26 PM 4 Higher Paying Jobs 2/1/2018 1:21 PM 46 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 5 Easier to understand traffic signals and roundabouts 1/31/2018 10:53 PM 6 Better N Yellowstone 1/26/2018 10:35 AM 7 Th 1/25/2018 9:26 AM 8 Less parks 1/25/2018 7:14 AM 9 Reduction of trailer parks/low income housing 1/25/2018 7:02 AM 10 Clean up Yellowstone 1/25/2018 12:37 AM 11 More stuff to do inside in winter 1/23/2018 11:01 PM 12 More jobs 1/23/2018 7:16 PM 13 Community focused development 1/23/2018 11:52 AM 14 More community involvement/awareness in government.1/20/2018 11:14 AM 15 more unified community 1/19/2018 11:51 AM 16 Open-source government.1/18/2018 11:36 PM 17 more shopping stores 1/16/2018 2:44 PM 18 nothing 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 19 Safer 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 20 more to do 1/16/2018 2:41 PM 21 cleanliness 1/16/2018 2:39 PM 22 Food like vegetables are cheap 1/16/2018 1:24 PM 23 Forever 21 1/16/2018 1:05 PM 24 The envoirment 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 25 The qua zine availability 1/16/2018 12:57 PM 26 recreation centers 1/16/2018 12:52 PM 27 Activities and entertainment 1/16/2018 12:46 PM 28 big mall 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 29 more shopping stores 1/16/2018 12:39 PM 30 more better restraunts 1/16/2018 12:29 PM 31 chick fil a 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 32 more shopping stores 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 33 Better economic growth 1/16/2018 11:21 AM 34 more restaraunts 1/16/2018 11:15 AM 35 better food choices 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 36 Olive Garden 1/16/2018 11:06 AM 37 Better Education 1/16/2018 10:08 AM 38 chic fil a 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 39 better food 1/16/2018 9:54 AM 40 streets 1/16/2018 9:53 AM 41 Variety of houses to live in 1/16/2018 9:51 AM 42 dont 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 43 More restaurants 1/16/2018 9:45 AM 44 more shopping 1/13/2018 11:49 AM 45 cleanliness 1/12/2018 6:55 PM 47 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 46 less church 1/12/2018 3:23 PM 47 More to do 1/11/2018 6:38 PM 48 Bike friendly 1/9/2018 11:50 PM 49 Shopping 1/9/2018 9:46 PM 50 Arrest the drunk indians 1/2/2018 2:08 PM 51 Walkways bike paths to get outside 1/2/2018 11:24 AM 52 Comprehensive bike lanes on major roads 1/2/2018 10:27 AM 53 It appears everything to the east meaning roads and land is well taken care of. The older parts of Chubbuck, area four could change the appears if they were kept up as well. 1/2/2018 10:10 AM 54 Get rid of farm animals.1/2/2018 9:29 AM 55 Affordable housing 1/2/2018 8:31 AM 56 Slow the pace of traffic 12/28/2017 9:04 PM 57 Involve the university - show some ISU pride/support 12/27/2017 12:40 PM 58 Better Paying Jobs 12/27/2017 11:31 AM 59 More grocery stores 12/19/2017 5:31 PM #3 DATE 1 A pool.2/6/2018 10:15 PM 2 better traffic system 2/2/2018 11:15 AM 3 more food choices 2/1/2018 2:26 PM 4 Environmental Awareness 2/1/2018 1:21 PM 5 Wider streets maybe 1/31/2018 10:53 PM 6 Good paying jobs 1/26/2018 10:35 AM 7 Ing 1/25/2018 9:26 AM 8 Sustainable growth 1/25/2018 7:14 AM 9 Full time fire/EMS, expansion of police force 1/25/2018 7:02 AM 10 A large park 1/25/2018 12:37 AM 11 More big companies 1/23/2018 11:01 PM 12 A big retail store 1/23/2018 7:16 PM 13 Personal fiscal education 1/23/2018 11:52 AM 14 Become even more environmentally friendly.1/20/2018 11:14 AM 15 better crime response 1/19/2018 11:51 AM 16 Hear the people.1/18/2018 11:36 PM 17 more places for teens to go 1/16/2018 2:44 PM 18 nothing 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 19 An actual community 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 20 safety 1/16/2018 2:41 PM 21 overall health 1/16/2018 2:39 PM 22 Food like fast food is expensive 1/16/2018 1:24 PM 23 Victoria Secret 1/16/2018 1:05 PM 24 The food 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 25 Environmental care 1/16/2018 12:57 PM 48 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 26 more family event centers 1/16/2018 12:52 PM 27 Better jobs 1/16/2018 12:46 PM 28 a big park like the wellness center 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 29 more main streets 1/16/2018 12:39 PM 30 better neiberhoods 1/16/2018 12:29 PM 31 footlocker 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 32 more food business 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 33 More job opportunities 1/16/2018 11:21 AM 34 less people 1/16/2018 11:15 AM 35 bigger mall 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 36 Better water park 1/16/2018 11:06 AM 37 More Jobs available 1/16/2018 10:08 AM 38 more community events like the one they do on the 4th of july 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 39 lower taxes 1/16/2018 9:54 AM 40 heath prices 1/16/2018 9:53 AM 41 Recreational place open to public 1/16/2018 9:51 AM 42 know 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 43 Living there 1/16/2018 9:45 AM 44 Mall 1/12/2018 6:55 PM 45 Better education opportunities 1/11/2018 6:38 PM 46 More inviting streetscapes 1/9/2018 11:50 PM 47 P 1/9/2018 9:46 PM 48 Stop Indians from stealing cars 1/2/2018 2:08 PM 49 Rec center 1/2/2018 11:24 AM 50 Scheduled recurring events, how Pocatello has a farmers market or revive at five 1/2/2018 10:27 AM 51 We need another big business like ICCU to come in and take over the Knudsen area. It's a perfect place. 1/2/2018 10:10 AM 52 Fix the Yellowstone/Walmart traffic problems.1/2/2018 9:29 AM 53 More arts and community classes 1/2/2018 8:31 AM 54 More Eye Appeal 12/28/2017 9:04 PM 55 Keep doing things to think outside of the box and beautify the community 12/27/2017 12:40 PM 56 Road Congestion 12/27/2017 11:31 AM 57 Large city events 12/19/2017 5:31 PM 49 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q26 What should the City do to make it a better place to shop? Answered: 65 Skipped: 4 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Target 2/6/2018 10:15 PM 2 get better more appealing stores 2/2/2018 11:15 AM 3 get better stores 2/1/2018 2:26 PM 4 Get more high paying jobs.2/1/2018 1:21 PM 5 Invite retailers to come 1/31/2018 10:53 PM 6 Have better jobs so people can support what we have.1/26/2018 10:35 AM 7 I 1/25/2018 9:26 AM 8 Unk 1/25/2018 7:14 AM 9 Traffic flow, access 1/25/2018 7:02 AM 10 Outlet mall 1/25/2018 12:37 AM 11 Get a real mall 1/23/2018 11:01 PM 12 Bring in another big retail store like target..1/23/2018 7:16 PM 13 Promote locals to design and develop business opportunities 1/23/2018 11:52 AM 14 Maybe attract a couple more big name stores for initial draw, but I would like to see more locally owned businesses within walking distance of them. 1/20/2018 11:14 AM 15 help retain existing businesses 1/19/2018 11:51 AM 16 Encourage a complimentary diversity of goods and services.1/18/2018 11:36 PM 17 ATTRACT MORE PEOPLE TO THE MALL 1/16/2018 2:44 PM 18 no idea, because I've never shopped there 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 19 Improve the mall and add shops that people want 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 20 improve the mall, and get more stores 1/16/2018 2:41 PM 21 add more stores that will actually suceed 1/16/2018 2:39 PM 22 more places to shop 1/16/2018 2:35 PM 23 Make some items cheaper 1/16/2018 1:24 PM 24 more clothing stores 1/16/2018 1:05 PM 25 Add more stores, like Hot Topic 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 26 I dont know 1/16/2018 12:57 PM 27 add more clothing stores 1/16/2018 12:52 PM 28 Attract better stores 1/16/2018 12:46 PM 29 get stores people like 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 30 add more popular shopping places 1/16/2018 12:39 PM 31 more of a variety 1/16/2018 12:29 PM 32 add footlocker 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 33 get better stores 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 34 Make our mall better 1/16/2018 11:21 AM 50 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 35 idk 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 36 chick fil a and target 1/16/2018 11:15 AM 37 Expand the mall 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 38 Bring in higher class stores?1/16/2018 11:06 AM 39 Variety of stores 1/16/2018 10:08 AM 40 fix our mall, they have about 3 clothing stores. everyone goes to idaho falls to shop for a reason. stop adding games and game stores our mall is ugly and im not going to shop there for school clothes because i have two options. 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 41 more stores 1/16/2018 9:56 AM 42 idk 1/16/2018 9:54 AM 43 lower prices and more places 1/16/2018 9:53 AM 44 Focus on expanding/ adding to the mall and get other shopping businesses to open up here 1/16/2018 9:51 AM 45 better mall 1/16/2018 9:50 AM 46 nothing 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 47 Attract more stores 1/16/2018 9:45 AM 48 bring in more shops 1/13/2018 11:49 AM 49 Put more name brand stores in it 1/12/2018 6:55 PM 50 more store and less restaurants 1/12/2018 3:23 PM 51 Less food places and more clothing and recreation 1/11/2018 6:38 PM 52 Better traffic flow 1/9/2018 11:50 PM 53 Seek new business 1/9/2018 9:46 PM 54 Add better stores to the mall. Provide incentives for businesses to stay instead of closing up shop.1/9/2018 10:48 AM 55 My wife wants a Target. I don't see the big deal, and I hate their commercials, but apparently a lot of her friends like that store. 1/4/2018 10:37 AM 56 Get rid of the drunk Indians 1/2/2018 2:08 PM 57 Bring in stores like target and Kohl’s and old navy 1/2/2018 11:24 AM 58 Encourage businesses to remodel/update, especially the mall. Encourage businesses to remain in Chubbuck. 1/2/2018 10:27 AM 59 build upon what we have and of course fill up the mall it seams empty.1/2/2018 10:10 AM 60 Encourage big box stores.1/2/2018 9:29 AM 61 Bringing more jobs 1/2/2018 8:31 AM 62 Get more clothing stores.12/29/2017 9:27 PM 63 Work with Pocatello to accomplish this in NorthGate 12/27/2017 12:40 PM 64 Accessibility 12/27/2017 11:31 AM 65 More grocery stores 12/19/2017 5:31 PM 51 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q27 What is the biggest issue facing the future growth and development of Chubbuck? Answered: 63 Skipped: 6 #RESPONSES DATE 1 jobs Not enough skilled contract labors to meet the building demands. Construction companies need people willing to do the manual labor. 2/6/2018 10:15 PM 2 the highschool boundaries 2/2/2018 11:15 AM 3 where will it go 2/1/2018 2:26 PM 4 We are cheap.2/1/2018 1:21 PM 5 Higher costs of living 1/31/2018 10:53 PM 6 Roads 1/26/2018 10:35 AM 7 Traffic flow 1/25/2018 9:26 AM 8 Your police department doesn’t have enough staffing to keep up 1/25/2018 7:14 AM 9 Traffic flow 1/25/2018 7:02 AM 10 Elected officials 1/25/2018 12:37 AM 11 Shopping and no big companies 1/23/2018 11:01 PM 12 Mot sure...it seems poised for growth...it has land, its by interstate and a big airport.1/23/2018 7:16 PM 13 The poor remaining poor 1/23/2018 11:52 AM 14 Living in Pocatello's shadow.1/20/2018 11:14 AM 15 businesses failing 1/19/2018 11:51 AM 16 Infrastructure 1/18/2018 11:36 PM 17 SHOPPING 1/16/2018 2:44 PM 18 no idea 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 19 Having high schoolers who don't know anything to fill out this survey 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 20 the drugs 1/16/2018 2:41 PM 21 mormons 1/16/2018 2:39 PM 22 i dont know 1/16/2018 2:35 PM 23 Obesity 1/16/2018 1:24 PM 24 There is not enough places to shop so everyone goes out of town/state to shop 1/16/2018 1:05 PM 25 The people judge too much 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 26 The people 1/16/2018 12:57 PM 27 not enough grocery stores 1/16/2018 12:52 PM 28 Nobody wants to come here.1/16/2018 12:46 PM 29 size 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 30 traffic 1/16/2018 12:39 PM 31 not enough stuff 1/16/2018 12:29 PM 32 has no chick fil a 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 33 dont have any where to shop 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 52 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 34 Businesses cant stay open 1/16/2018 11:21 AM 35 hoes 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 36 chick fil a 1/16/2018 11:15 AM 37 economics 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 38 The people 1/16/2018 11:06 AM 39 Change in community 1/16/2018 10:08 AM 40 there is like 4 things to do 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 41 i like being on the outskirts 1/16/2018 9:56 AM 42 pocatello 1/16/2018 9:54 AM 43 more people are going to come 1/16/2018 9:53 AM 44 Finances 1/16/2018 9:51 AM 45 not enough people 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 46 People not living there.1/16/2018 9:45 AM 47 limited in space to go 1/13/2018 11:49 AM 48 space 1/12/2018 6:55 PM 49 lack of high school in Chubbuck 1/12/2018 3:23 PM 50 Time 1/11/2018 6:38 PM 51 Water 1/9/2018 11:50 PM 52 ?1/9/2018 9:46 PM 53 The traffic flow at rush hour is terrible on Yellowstone. I avoid this area like the plague at peak travel times (going to work, lunch time, getting off work). 1/9/2018 10:48 AM 54 I think we need better access to the freeway, to draw traffic in.1/4/2018 10:37 AM 55 Too many drunk Indians 1/2/2018 2:08 PM 56 I don’t know 1/2/2018 11:24 AM 57 Not sure on this one but, worry about the water system with the growth coming to us 1/2/2018 10:10 AM 58 Traffic.1/2/2018 9:29 AM 59 There's no where for college students to work when they graduate so they move away.1/2/2018 8:31 AM 60 Pocatello might get jealous.12/29/2017 9:27 PM 61 Area mindset of "change is horrible"12/27/2017 12:40 PM 62 Better Paying Jobs 12/27/2017 11:31 AM 63 Getting landlocked by Pocatello and the Reservation 12/19/2017 5:31 PM 53 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q28 What do you see as the biggest challenge for senior citizens in the City of Chubbuck? Answered: 62 Skipped: 7 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Property values increasing and raising their taxes 2/6/2018 10:15 PM 2 its busy 2/2/2018 11:15 AM 3 transportation 2/1/2018 2:26 PM 4 Lack of entertainment.2/1/2018 1:21 PM 5 Being forgotten 1/31/2018 10:53 PM 6 Activities 1/26/2018 10:35 AM 7 I 1/25/2018 9:26 AM 8 Scams 1/25/2018 7:14 AM 9 ??1/25/2018 7:02 AM 10 Not sure 1/25/2018 12:37 AM 11 Don’t know 1/23/2018 11:01 PM 12 Don’t know 1/23/2018 7:16 PM 13 The lack of planning as the needs of services are reduce due to a reduced elderly population 1/23/2018 11:52 AM 14 Lack of accessibility to public transportation.1/20/2018 11:14 AM 15 affording health care 1/19/2018 11:51 AM 16 Public transportation.1/18/2018 11:36 PM 17 IDK 1/16/2018 2:44 PM 18 there aren't enough hot tubs for them to enjoy 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 19 Not getting the help they need 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 20 death 1/16/2018 2:41 PM 21 healthcare 1/16/2018 2:39 PM 22 Weather and Power Outage so it would cut off the heat so they would get cold.1/16/2018 1:24 PM 23 I dont know 1/16/2018 1:05 PM 24 kidz 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 25 children 1/16/2018 12:57 PM 26 more citizen homes 1/16/2018 12:52 PM 27 The youth.1/16/2018 12:46 PM 28 driving around 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 29 traffic 1/16/2018 12:39 PM 30 not very fun at some times 1/16/2018 12:29 PM 31 not sure 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 32 transportation 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 33 Idk 1/16/2018 11:21 AM 34 sluts 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 54 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 35 no one to talk to 1/16/2018 11:15 AM 36 traffic 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 37 I'm not sure I don't know their aspects to things 1/16/2018 11:06 AM 38 finding something to do 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 39 traffic 1/16/2018 9:56 AM 40 idk 1/16/2018 9:54 AM 41 nothing for old folks to do here in winter 1/16/2018 9:53 AM 42 Finding a place to retire 1/16/2018 9:51 AM 43 getting around 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 44 IDK. I'm not a senior citizen.1/16/2018 9:45 AM 45 distance to the hospital 1/13/2018 11:49 AM 46 getting around 1/12/2018 6:55 PM 47 transportation 1/12/2018 3:23 PM 48 Not much for them to do 1/11/2018 6:38 PM 49 Access to medical facilities 1/9/2018 11:50 PM 50 Services 1/9/2018 9:46 PM 51 Traveling in the winter and keeping their driveways clear of ice and snow.1/4/2018 10:37 AM 52 Drunk Indians 1/2/2018 2:08 PM 53 No where to go for recreation or exercise 1/2/2018 11:24 AM 54 Lack of socialization and community involvment 1/2/2018 10:27 AM 55 roads 1/2/2018 10:10 AM 56 Transportation.1/2/2018 9:29 AM 57 Is there a senior center? If not, there should be!1/2/2018 8:31 AM 58 None that I have noticed.12/29/2017 9:27 PM 59 Nothing for Seniors 12/28/2017 9:04 PM 60 Their kids move away 12/27/2017 12:40 PM 61 Not having easier Access to A Senior Center 12/27/2017 11:31 AM 62 Healthcare and transportation 12/19/2017 5:31 PM 55 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q29 What do you see as the biggest challenge for youth in the City of Chubbuck? Answered: 63 Skipped: 6 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Where am I going to go to school. Highland? Poky? Hawthorne? Irving? Alameda? Chubbuck High??? 2/6/2018 10:15 PM 2 not much to do 2/2/2018 11:15 AM 3 im not sure 2/1/2018 2:26 PM 4 The mall is super lame.2/1/2018 1:21 PM 5 Staying committed to school and away from vaping 1/31/2018 10:53 PM 6 Affordable activities 1/26/2018 10:35 AM 7 Sports 1/25/2018 9:26 AM 8 Unk 1/25/2018 7:14 AM 9 Crime and access to undesirable criminals 1/25/2018 7:02 AM 10 Being able to travel alone safely 1/25/2018 12:37 AM 11 Places to hangout inside during winter 1/23/2018 11:01 PM 12 Maybe having their own high school makes sense 1/23/2018 7:16 PM 13 Becoming educated and finding a job with that education 1/23/2018 11:52 AM 14 Grew up in Chubbuck. Buggest challenge was (and still seems to be) walking on Yellowstone north of city hall.Other than that, it was great as a kid. 1/20/2018 11:14 AM 15 getting a good education 1/19/2018 11:51 AM 16 Larceny 1/18/2018 11:36 PM 17 DRUGS 1/16/2018 2:44 PM 18 no idea 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 19 Drugs 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 20 boredom 1/16/2018 2:41 PM 21 boredom 1/16/2018 2:39 PM 22 Fast food Deals being so good as this will increase obesity 1/16/2018 1:24 PM 23 there is not enough places to shop 1/16/2018 1:05 PM 24 acceptance 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 25 Adults 1/16/2018 12:57 PM 26 more sports centers 1/16/2018 12:52 PM 27 The senior citizens.1/16/2018 12:46 PM 28 a lot of people 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 29 not being able to get around quickly 1/16/2018 12:39 PM 30 not very fun at some times 1/16/2018 12:29 PM 31 hard to gain recognition in sports 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 32 shopping stores 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 56 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 33 Drugs 1/16/2018 11:21 AM 34 drugs 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 35 not very mny job opportunitys 1/16/2018 11:15 AM 36 traffic 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 37 Not enough fun things to do around here 1/16/2018 11:06 AM 38 finding something to do 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 39 those that havnt driven might be overwhellemed 1/16/2018 9:56 AM 40 school 1/16/2018 9:54 AM 41 there arent any really fun places 1/16/2018 9:53 AM 42 Having opportunities to be opened up to them 1/16/2018 9:51 AM 43 nothing 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 44 I don't live in Chubbuck, so I don't know.1/16/2018 9:45 AM 45 not sure 1/13/2018 11:49 AM 46 interacting with each other 1/12/2018 6:55 PM 47 lack of jobs 1/12/2018 3:23 PM 48 Not much to do 1/11/2018 6:38 PM 49 Retention 1/9/2018 11:50 PM 50 Activities 1/9/2018 9:46 PM 51 The biggest challenge is being able to receive a high quality education from public school.1/9/2018 10:48 AM 52 Pornography, addiction to video games, lack of face to face interaction with their peers 1/4/2018 10:37 AM 53 Drunk Indians 1/2/2018 2:08 PM 54 Same as old people 1/2/2018 11:24 AM 55 Lack of affordable activities and after school programs 1/2/2018 10:27 AM 56 They need more activities available to them.1/2/2018 10:10 AM 57 Transportation.1/2/2018 9:29 AM 58 Not sure!1/2/2018 8:31 AM 59 Nothing for the young people to do besides get in trouble.12/29/2017 9:27 PM 60 Schools 12/28/2017 9:04 PM 61 Apparently, attending Poky for High School 12/27/2017 12:40 PM 62 Activities 12/27/2017 11:31 AM 63 Recreational activities and programs 12/19/2017 5:31 PM 57 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 66.67%42 36.51%23 Q30 Would you be willing to volunteer in order to assist the City of Chubbuck with the fulfillment of its strategic goals? Answered: 63 Skipped: 6 Total Respondents: 63 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 2.00 Median 1.00 Mean 1.35 Standard Deviation 0.48 #YES DATE 1 My opinion and helping to gather information from other citizens 2/6/2018 10:15 PM 2 I don’t think they are going to be needing my help, I’m still in high school 1/31/2018 10:53 PM 3 In person 1/25/2018 7:14 AM 4 Wish there was a volunteer officer reserve program 1/25/2018 7:02 AM 5 On low level 1/23/2018 11:01 PM 6 I am a utility designer with a background in utility coordination for multiple transportation projects in central Texas. I can offer time and an insight on varying traffic, city beautification, and utility projects. I also have a desire to promote work education and skill development to those in need. 1/23/2018 11:52 AM 7 However I can. If I see a call for help and are able, I will do my best to try and assist.1/20/2018 11:14 AM 8 whatever a high schooler is allowed to do 1/19/2018 11:51 AM 9 Committee, professional development, youth and employment mentoring.1/18/2018 11:36 PM 10 yes, because service is important 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 11 All ways, lets make this city lit 1/16/2018 2:41 PM 12 oke 1/16/2018 2:39 PM 13 cleaning up the place 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 14 maybe 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 15 To a certain extent 1/16/2018 11:06 AM No Yes 0 10 20 30 40 50 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES No (1) Yes (2) BASIC STATISTICS 58 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 1.45%1 4.35%3 4.35%3 18.84%13 0.00%0 71.01%49 Q31 How many years have you lived in Chubbuck? Answered: 69 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 69 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 6.00 Median 6.00 Mean 5.25 Standard Deviation 1.28 Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Less than 2 years (1) 2 to 5 years (2) 6 to 10 years (3) 11 to 20 years (4) more than 20 years (5) I do not live within the City of Chubbuck (6) BASIC STATISTICS 60 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 47.83%33 10.14%7 2.90%2 18.84%13 10.14%7 2.90%2 4.35%3 2.90%2 Q32 What is your age? Answered: 69 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 69 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 8.00 Median 2.00 Mean 2.74 Standard Deviation 2.05 Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 0-17 (1) 18-24 (2) 25-34 (3) 35-44 (4) 45-54 (5) 55-64 (6) 65-74 (7) 75 or older (8) BASIC STATISTICS 61 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 26.09%18 1.45%1 65.22%45 7.25%5 Q33 Do you work inside the City of Chubbuck city limits? Answered: 69 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 69 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 4.00 Median 3.00 Mean 2.54 Standard Deviation 0.96 Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes, outside of the home (1) Yes, from home (2) No (3) I do not know (4) BASIC STATISTICS 62 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 55.07%38 5.80%4 26.09%18 5.80%4 7.25%5 Q34 Do you own or rent your current residence? For the purpose of the survey, you own your house even if you have an outstanding debt that you owe on your mortgage loan. Answered: 69 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 69 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 5.00 Median 1.00 Mean 2.04 Standard Deviation 1.30 Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Own (1) Rent (2) Living with relatives (3) Other (4) Unsure (5) BASIC STATISTICS 63 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 78.26%54 8.70%6 4.35%3 8.70%6 Q35 Which best describes the building in which you live? Answered: 69 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 69 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 4.00 Median 1.00 Mean 1.43 Standard Deviation 0.92 Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Single-family home detached from any other houses (1) Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apartment, condominium) (2) Manufactured/Mobile home (3) Other (4) BASIC STATISTICS 64 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q36 Please provide any other input that you may have to help Chubbuck plan for the future. Answered: 51 Skipped: 18 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Provide the school board with ideas of where they could build Chubbuck High as well as a new middle school and two new elementary schools that would be a place that the city could build infrastructure to. Such as an adjacent park or rec center. 2/6/2018 10:15 PM 2 good luck 2/2/2018 11:15 AM 3 I do not have any input.2/1/2018 2:26 PM 4 none 2/1/2018 1:21 PM 5 Keep doing good things, remember the people before the money 1/31/2018 10:53 PM 6 Philbin Rd needs the speed redused and a school light at Conner Academy like the light you have on Chubbuck Rd. That road also need to be widened if students will be going to poky from the growing Chubbuck area. Hawthorn is also very busy. These roads are going to need expansions with new growth. 1/26/2018 10:35 AM 7 I 1/25/2018 9:26 AM 8 Police services must grow 1/25/2018 7:14 AM 9 None at this time 1/25/2018 12:37 AM 10 Get more stuff to do 1/23/2018 11:01 PM 11 The city's infrastructure (roads, telecom, water, wastewater, natural gas, etc) are on par for a town in this area, but will require restructuring in order to handle much growth or to promote growth. 1/23/2018 11:52 AM 12 Work with Pocatello, but not under their wing. Seems like Chubbuck has been quite successful recently and I would hate to see that progress lose momentum. 1/20/2018 11:14 AM 13 Promote kindness and equality.1/18/2018 11:36 PM 14 shopping and not just places to do drugs 1/16/2018 2:44 PM 15 set up a dip n' dots shack 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 16 Have adults fill out this survey not high schoolers 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 17 have high school students or younger people help, and use their input 1/16/2018 2:41 PM 18 please try harder in making our future better. i have a six year old sister for f's sake and she's never able to go out and do things because of the emptiness of this town. i am honestly worried for her future because of the town's state. she's going to be one of the old, ugly people because she is unable to go out and have fun and make friends, much like how i was able to when i lived in OREGON!!!!! 1/16/2018 2:39 PM 19 to be better 1/16/2018 2:35 PM 20 more places to shop/eat 1/16/2018 1:05 PM 21 Please make people nicer 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 22 nope 1/16/2018 12:57 PM 23 clothing stores,1/16/2018 12:52 PM 24 Chubbuck needs to step up its game.1/16/2018 12:46 PM 25 layout things well 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 26 chick fil a 1/16/2018 12:39 PM 27 idk 1/16/2018 12:29 PM 65 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 28 add foot locker 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 29 get more stores 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 30 More businesses 1/16/2018 11:21 AM 31 strip clubs evrywhere 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 32 chick fil a or target 1/16/2018 11:15 AM 33 stuff 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 34 Listen to the people 1/16/2018 11:06 AM 35 add good stores 1/16/2018 9:57 AM 36 if we get the temple we need another off ramp to the left of the freeway facing south 1/16/2018 9:56 AM 37 fire bad teachers 1/16/2018 9:54 AM 38 To not get carried away with building 1/16/2018 9:53 AM 39 Get people to live there.1/16/2018 9:45 AM 40 I think Chubbuck is a great place.1/13/2018 11:49 AM 41 plan for a new high school or build onto Highland 1/12/2018 3:23 PM 42 Get rid of the drunk Indians 1/2/2018 2:08 PM 43 No 1/2/2018 11:24 AM 44 It would be great to have a streamlined way for the community to give immediate feedback, similar to how Salt Lake has SLC Mobile 1/2/2018 10:27 AM 45 Merge with Pocatello.1/2/2018 9:29 AM 46 Bring more jobs, affordable housing and community classes 1/2/2018 8:31 AM 47 Slow down on restaurants, get some of the vacant buildings either knocked down or filled. Bring real jobs to the communities. You guys are the only ones not afraid of change. I love mayor bald, but Pocatello will not grow any more. It would be nice to find work that's not fast food or food period. Call centers aren't all that either. Bring in real opportunities for the people of chubbuck and Pocatello. Maybe poky will get jealous and get on board with some expanding in the job market. 12/29/2017 9:27 PM 48 Too chaotic on Yellowstone ave. Chubbuck could develop a Year Round Activity center for families year round which could include a center for Seniors. 12/28/2017 9:04 PM 49 N/A 12/27/2017 12:40 PM 50 Better Paying Jobs, and career advancement 12/27/2017 11:31 AM 51 Do exactly that, plan for the future funding needs and infrastructure of the city 12/19/2017 5:31 PM 66 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 52.17%36 7.25%5 7.25%5 8.70%6 5.80%4 13.04%9 5.80%4 Q37 What is the highest level of education that you have completed? Answered: 69 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 69 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 7.00 Median 1.00 Mean 2.71 Standard Deviation 2.12 Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Less than four years of high school (1) High school graduate (2) Post-High School Certificate/Vocational Training (3) Some college (4) Associate's Degree (5) Bachelor's Degree (6) Graduate Degree (Masters or Doctorate) (7) BASIC STATISTICS 67 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 5.80%4 7.25%5 0.00%0 17.39%12 0.00%0 8.70%6 10.14%7 2.90%2 27.54%19 20.29%14 Q38 Which of the following best describes your employment? Answered: 69 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 69 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 10.00 Median 8.00 Mean 6.87 Standard Deviation 2.91 Weighted Average 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Business owner (1) Self-employed (Non-Farm) (2) Self-employed (Farm) (3) Government employee (4) Not-for-profit Employee (5) Private Sector (6) Not employed but seeking employment (7) Retired (8) Other (9) Choose not to answer (10) BASIC STATISTICS 68 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan Q39 Is there anything that you believe this survey did not address but which you believe should be addressed through the strategic planning process? Answered: 47 Skipped: 22 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Just future locations for future public buildings ie schools, parks, pools, fields,2/6/2018 10:15 PM 2 nope 2/2/2018 11:15 AM 3 Not that I can think of.2/1/2018 1:21 PM 4 Not that I can think of 1/31/2018 10:53 PM 5 No 1/25/2018 9:26 AM 6 Safety, protection 1/25/2018 7:14 AM 7 What areas of town is your biggest priority for change/clean up/renovate 1/25/2018 12:37 AM 8 What to do in winter inside chubbuck has nothing besides the movies 1/23/2018 11:01 PM 9 The expansion of the north gate community and its impact on the economic future of the area. Particularly the opening phase of construction and the transition to having a new group of diverse people in the community. Also, the economic stress that it will create on the existing businesses. 1/23/2018 11:52 AM 10 No.1/18/2018 11:36 PM 11 n o 1/16/2018 2:44 PM 12 nope, it was well made 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 13 Drugs 1/16/2018 2:43 PM 14 drug awareness and sex ed in the schools 1/16/2018 2:41 PM 15 putting sex ed in the school system and teaching children about mental disorders instead of having them turn to drugs and sex for self help and being scared of actually confronting someone about how they're feeling 1/16/2018 2:39 PM 16 i dont tknow 1/16/2018 2:35 PM 17 No 1/16/2018 1:24 PM 18 I don't koiw 1/16/2018 1:05 PM 19 soccer 1/16/2018 12:58 PM 20 nothing 1/16/2018 12:57 PM 21 no 1/16/2018 12:52 PM 22 No it was long enough!1/16/2018 12:46 PM 23 how to attract people to chubbuck 1/16/2018 12:41 PM 24 no 1/16/2018 12:39 PM 25 no 1/16/2018 12:29 PM 26 needs footlocker 1/16/2018 11:25 AM 27 no 1/16/2018 11:22 AM 28 No 1/16/2018 11:21 AM 29 the problwm with meth 1/16/2018 11:17 AM 30 chick fil a we need at least 1 1/16/2018 11:15 AM 69 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan 31 no 1/16/2018 11:10 AM 32 No 1/16/2018 11:06 AM 33 all good 1/16/2018 9:56 AM 34 not to brake up familys 1/16/2018 9:54 AM 35 nope 1/16/2018 9:53 AM 36 no 1/16/2018 9:47 AM 37 No.1/16/2018 9:45 AM 38 no 1/13/2018 11:49 AM 39 no 1/12/2018 3:23 PM 40 I think there should be a high school in Chubbuck to prepare for future growth of the population. A lot of people move into an area of Pocatello/Chubbuck based on the schools. The traffic to Highland is horrible, and I don't think that D25's boundary changes are going to do Chubbuck any favors. 1/4/2018 10:37 AM 41 Drunk Indians and Indian gangs.1/2/2018 2:08 PM 42 No 1/2/2018 11:24 AM 43 Nope!1/2/2018 8:31 AM 44 Not that I can think of. I commend what your city is doing. Keep it up. Just slow down on the food. Bring in real jobs. Please!!! 12/29/2017 9:27 PM 45 -12/27/2017 12:40 PM 46 Community Involvement 12/27/2017 11:31 AM 47 No 12/19/2017 5:31 PM 70 / 71 City of Chubbuck's Questionnaire for a Strategic Plan