HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 09 1985 CM39 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 9, 1985 Minutes of regular council meeting held in the city municipal building, April 9, 1985. Present: Mayor John 0. Cotant, Jr., Councilmembers Becky A. Hopkins, Leroy s. Quick, Thomas S. Nield, Steven M. England, Attorney B. Lynn Winmill, Engineer Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin. Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Cotant. INVOCATION was given by Bishop Dean Groesbeck, 48th Ward, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor Cotant asked for corrections and additions to the minutes of March 26, 1984, After discussion Councilman Quick moved to approve the minutes of March 26, 1985, with the following addition to Annexation Ordinance, S.K.S. Development: "and Engineer Smart presents his recommendations on the annexation fee" Councilman Nield seconded. All councilmembers present voted in favor of motion. PUBLIC HEARING - Proposal by Kent J. Parrish, President of Land Investments, Inc., for a Land Use District change on land east of the Hiline Canal between Chubhuck Road and I-86 Interstate in the Wz, NIS , Section 11, T6S, R34 E.B.M., Bannock County, located on the southeast corner of Chubbuck and Hiline Road. Land east of Buffalo Road to be zoned Limited Residential (R-1), land west of Buffalo Road to be zoned General Residential (R-2). Property is presently zoned Agricultural (A)• Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open. Mayor Cotant asked if there was anyone present in opposition to the proposal. Carol Johnson, 723 Bedford, stated the value of the residents homes in the area is their main concern. Mrs. Johnson stated that predominate occupancy of the neighborhood is important to the value of the home. Mrs. Johnson stated that the view and the noise in the area will effect the marketability of the homes in the area. Mrs. Johnson expressed concern about the General Residential (R-2) zoning being moved up the hill to the east in the future. Gloria Anderson, 743 Bedford, expressed concern duplexes and multi -family units being built in the (R-2) zone. Irene Diers, 703 Moran, expressed concern that there is not restrictions on the subdivision. Mayor Cotant asked who was in favor of the proposal. Kent Parrish, President of Land Investments, Inc., 249 Parrish Drive, stated he had been before the Land Use and Development Commission and they suggested that the road be changed to come down through the canal to line with Rlue6ird Drive,which they did. He stated the Land Use development Commission was concerned with the canal easement. Mr. Parrish stated that the oriainal request, two or three years ago was (R-2) and it was turned down at that time with the understanding 41 PUBLIC HEARING - Kent Parrish, President of Land Investments - (Cont.) that if Land Investments would have applied for (R-1) above Buffalo Road that, the area below would be better served as (R-2). Mr. Parrish stated that he felt that Land Investments, Inc. had complied with all the recommendations and suggestions of the Land Use Development and Commission. Mr. Parrish stated that every lot on the preliminary plat is large enough for (R-1) zoning. Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing closed. Mayor Cotant asked Mr. Parrish if there was any reason Land Investments, Inc. would not have restrictive covenants for the subdivision. Mr. Parrish stated he did not feel any reason to have restrictive covenants. He stated the City has zoning, required setbacks, side yards and rear yards, etc. Mayor Cotant asked Mr. Parrish if it would be possible to designate where a duplex, multi -family home, etc. would be built at this time. niscussion about having a certain percentage of duplexes, multi -family, etc. in a subdivision. Councilwoman Hopkins stated that Land Investments, Inc. had made the changes that the Land Use nevelopment Commission had suggested: 1) Canal Easement 2) Fencing of canal. 3) Cash in liew of park. 4) Chanqed the entrance from Chubbuck Road to Hiline Road. Councilwoman Hopkins stated Land Investments, Inc. would have the individual lot owner put the fence up. Councilman Nield stated he felt that the developer should put the fence up for safety and uniformity reasons. Attorney Winmill stated that any proposed use that is not specifically mentioned in the ordinance shall be allowed only on the issuance of a conditional use permit only. Councilman Nield moved to approve the request of rezone from Agricultural (A) to (R-1) of those properties on the plat that is before the council; for all of Block 1, except for lots 27, 28, 29, Lots l through 23 of Block 2 and Lots 27, 28 of Block l will be designated as (R-2). The council expressed its interpertation of the Land Use Ordinance as requiring a conditional use permit as a condition to the issuace of a building permit for a duplex in an (R-1) zone; for a duplex Pr n tvp of %ti-fami1v �(welling in anNi@fd2)y�pneEn5?�ncd;lyes Quick seconded, of alT vote, dick, yes; opkins; yes, MORATORIUM - Discussion about imposing a moratorium throughout the City of Chuhhuck in any (R-1) or (R-2) designated area on the issuance of any conditional use permits or building permits for the construction of duplex or multi -family dwellinq where the construction of such a duplex or multi -family dwellinq would result in more than 25 percent of the total useable area of a particular subdivision being devoted to such duplexes or multi -family dwellings. Councilman Quick moved to declare a moratorium throughout the City of Chubbuck in any (R-1) or (R-2) designated area on the issuance of any conditional use permits or building permits for the construction of duplex or multi -family dwellinq where the construction of such a duplex or multi -family dwelling would result in more than 25 percent of the total useable area of a particular subdivision being devoted to such duplexes or multi -family dwellings. It is further expressed I 43 PUBLIC HEARING - Kent Parrish, President of Land Investments - (Cont.) that the moratorium would only last for a period of 6 months, during which time the Land Use Development & Commission is directed to study and prepare a recommendation and if deemed appropriate an ordinance to impose a percentage limitation on duplexes and multi -family dwellings in (R-1) and (R-2) dwellings throughout the City. Councilwoman Hopkins seconded. All councilmembers voted in favor of motion. PRELIMINARY PLAT - City Council to review a preliminary plat for Hiline Heights Subdivision, same description as Land Use District change. "layor Cotant suggested that there should he discussion about relocating park, exchanging property or requiring park in the subdivision in liew of money. Considerable discussion about location of a park in Hiline Heights Subdivision. Engineer Smart stated 8/10ths. of acre is required for park ground at Hiline Heights Subdivision, Councilman Quick made motion to table the preliminary plat until a final determination is made on dedication of park land and a determination is made on who will be responsible to install a fence along the canal bank. These items will be on the April 23, 1985 Council Meeting. Councilwoman Hopkins seconded. All councilmembers voted in favor of motion. AL STAPP - SEEKING PERMISSION TO OBTAIN A BUILDING PERMIT PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF SUBDIVISION PLAT - Engineer Smart stated Mr. Stapp has bought Don's Chubbuck Tire property and has contracted with a contractor to build a building on this property. Mr. Al Stapp is requesting a building permit prior to completion of platting. Councilman England made motion to authorize issuance of a building permit subject to application and acquisition of approval of the preliminary plat before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Councilman Nield seconded. poll Call Vote: Hopkins, no; Quick, no; Nield, yes; England, yes; Cotant, yes. BUSINESS LICENSE - Kim Williams, 755 Canal Road, appied for business license to sell fertilizer at the corner of Yellowstone Ave. R, Chubbuck Road. (Southwest corner). Councilman England moved to approve a business license to sell fertilizer at the southwest corner of Yellowstone Ave. °, Chubbuck Road to Kim Williams, 755 Canal. Councilman Nield seconded. All councilmembers voted in favor of motion. FINANCIAL STATEMENT for month of March, 1985 presented to Mayor Cotant and Council. ORDINANCE VIOLATION - Dwain Kinghorn was present and reported the area behind his house on Charley Frasure's property, has not been cleared,and is worse than it -- was before Dwain had left last year. Dwain stated that he had a promise last year that the area would be cleaned up and an enclosure made to hide the junked cars. Dwain stated nothing has been done, if anything, it was a larger mess. 45 ORDINANCE VIOLATION - Dwain Kinghorn. (Cont.) After discussion it was decided that Attorney Winmill and Officer Ray Sandusky would meet and take necessary steps to get the area cleaned up. GENERAL DISCUSSION 1) Kermit Morrison stated he was representing the Chubbuck Merchant Assn. tonight. He stated the Merchants would like to run a promotion in conjunction with Chubbuck Days. Kermit said the Merchant Assn. would like to have a parade in conjunction with Chubbuck Day Parade for children. Chubbuck Days is the first weekend in August. 2) Kermit Morrison gave a report on how the Little League Program is progressing: The first games are May 13. Tryouts are the 22 and 23rd. of April. The Northwest Regional Tournaments will be in Chubbuck again this year. Registrations are the week of the 8th through the 12th of April. 3) Mobile Home Sales Site Agreement, 4674 Yellowstone Ave - Attorney Winmill passed to Mayor Cotant and Council a copy of an aqreement that had been prepared. Attorney Winmill stated that Mr. Green and Mr, Kress were not able to attend the meeting tonight. It was decided address on the April 23, 1935 Council Meeting. CLAIMS - Computer print-out and handcheck claims have been presented to Mayor Cotant and Council. After discussion Councilman Quick moved to approve computer print-out and handcheck claims as presented. Councilwoman Hopkins seconded. All councilmembers voted in favor of motion. At 11:46 p.m., Councilman England moved, Councilwoman Hopkins seconded, with full council approval to adjourn the meeting. ohn 0. otant, Playor Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk